Урок игра 4 класс
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему

Бобченко Ольга Валерьевна

Урок-игра по английскому языку в 4 классе. Тема времена года


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Предварительный просмотр:

what? where? when? why?

Цели:  тренировка  произносительных  навыков;  активизация  лексико-грамматического  материала  по  теме  «Времена  года»;  развитие  речевых умений и навыков, умения находить конкретную информацию на основе прочитанного текста.


I. Introduction.

II. Warming-up.

Teacher. Hello, my dear friends! Today we are having a funny, clever game! The game is called “What? Where? When? Why?”. We have 2 teams:

– the first team is “Clever Hares”;

– the second team is “Brave Wolves”.

1. Singing a song.

 Teacher. Do you remember Tiny? When does he like to walk? Let’s sing the song about him. (Можно любую другую песенку выучить или вспомнить с учениками по теме времена года)

In winter it’s snowy, slippery, foggy.

In summer it’s sunny and fine.

In autumn it’s cloudy, windy and rainy.

In spring you may jump up to the sky.

2. Team I.

The questions for “Clever Hares”:

a) What is your favourite season?

b) What can you do in winter?

3. Team II.

The questions for “Brave Wolves”:

a) What is your favourite season?

b) What can you do in summer?

III. Phonetic activities.

Teacher. What poems about your favourite season do you know? Let us see!

“Brave Wolves”

P1. My favourite winter month is December. I’d like to recite a poem about it.

i heard a bird sing

I heard a bird sing

In the dark of December,

A magical thing

And sweet to remember.

“We are nearer to spring,

Than we were in September,”

I heard a bird sing

In the dark of December.

                (By Oliver Herford)

P2. I like February because there are many snowstorms in February. Besides we have a wonderful Russian holiday “Shrovetide”.

Afternoon in February

The day is ending,

The night is descending;

The marsh is frozen,

The river dead.

Through clouds like ashes

The red sun flashes

On village windows

That glimmer red.

                (By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)

Pupils try to pronounce all the words correctly. (Эти стихи они подготовили заранее, можно любые другие стихи)

“Clever Hares”

P3. My favourite month is July. The weather is hot. I have summer holidays. I like summer mornings. They are wonderful.

A summer morning

I saw dawn creep across the sky,

And all the gulls go flying by.

I saw the sea put on its dress

Of blue midsummer loveliness.

I heard the trees begin to stir

Green arms of pine and juniper.

I heard the wind call out and say:

“Get up, my dear, it is today!”

                        (By Rachel Field)

IV. Lexical activities.

1. The task for “Clever Hares”.

Teacher. Name all the winter and spring months, please.

Key: December, January, February, March, April, May.

Teacher. You should write them down on the blackboard.

2. The task for “Brave Wolves”.

Teacher. Translate these words, please: rainy, sunny, snowy, warm, hot, cold. You should translate them very quickly.

Key: Дождливый, солнечный, снежный, теплый, жаркий, холодный.

V. Speaking.

Teacher. Dear “Clever Hares” and “Brave Wolves”, I’d like to know what you will do in winter and in summer.

“Clever Hares”

P1. Our favourite season is summer. As for me I’ll swim in the river and I’ll read a lot of interesting books.

P2. I think I’ll play football with my friends and I’ll go to the zoo in summer.

“Brave Wolves”

P3. Our favourite season is winter. I’ll play hockey after my lessons.

P4. I suppose I’ll ski and skate on Sundays.  

VI. Reading.

Teacher. Let us work with a newspaper. Let’s read the article “Why is it cold in winter and hot in summer?”.

Why is it cold in winter and hot in summer?

The sun is a big star in the middle of the solar system. Our earth travells around the sun in a circle. This circle is called an orbit. The sun heats the earth as it travells around the sun.

When the part of the earth where we live is nearer to the sun, our weather gets hotter, because we are closer to the sun’s hot rays. Then we have summer.

When the part of the earth where we live is very far from the sun, our weather gets colder. Then it is winter.

Hot and cold weather, summer and winter – all of these changes are caused by how far away we are from the sun.

Teacher. You should find the answers to the questions. Why is it cold in winter? Why is it hot in summer?

“Brave Wolves”

P1. Our favourite season is winter. So, I’d like to answer the first question.

When the part of the earth, where we live is very far from the sun, our weather gets colder. And we have winter.

“Clever Hares”

P2. Our favourite season is summer. That’s why I’ll answer the second question.

When the part of the earth, where we live is nearer to the sun, our weather gets hotter, because we are closer to the sun’s hot rays. Then we have summer.

VII. The conclusion of the lesson.

Teacher. Our game is over. Both teams are the winners. Thank you for your excellent work. Good luck to you!

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