Учебная тема Seven Wonders of the World (разработка урока по теме)
видеоурок (английский язык, 11 класс) по теме
Урок посвящен развитию навыков устной речи по теме " Семь чудес света",развитию навыков выполнения заданий в формате ЕГЭ, повторению и закрепленияю грамматической темы "Условные предложения"
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What does the word “wonder“ mean? Wonder is a feeling of strangeness, surprise, etc. usually combined with admiration, that is produced by something unusually fine or beautiful, or by something unexpected or new to one’s experience; Wonder is something that causes this feeling especially a wonderfully made object; Wonder is a wonderful person, especially one who is able to do things that need great skills, cleverness or effort.
New Seven Wonders O f The World Read the text and complete it with the phrases below. Leading state-owned Been narrowed to And remove from the voting Included on the new list In alphabetical order By free and paid votes Because of its status of New Seven Wonders Of The World The New Seven Wonders Of The World was an international project aimed at a revision of the Seven Wonders Of The World, and organized by a Swiss- based, non-profit corporation called New Open World Corporation (NOWC).The selection was made 1.______ , through telephone or online . The first vote was free to registered members and additional votes could be purchased through a payment to NOWC. History According to NOWC, Swiss businessman Bernard Weber launched the project in September,1999. By November 24, 2005, 177 monuments were up for consideration . To be 2.______ , the wonders had to be man-made, complete before 2000, and in an “acceptable” state of preservation. On January 1, 2006, the NOWC said the list had 3.______ 21 sites later reduced to 20 following complaints from Egypt.
Criticism From Egypt Some people in Egypt thought that it was not fair to put the Great Pyramid of Giza on the list 4.______ the only surviving monument of the original Ancient Wonders. “This is probably a conspiracy against Egypt , its civilization and monuments” , wrote a 5.______ daily. After the complaints from Egypt, the pyramid was given special status of an Honorary Candidate 6._____ . Results Among the 21 finalists were such candidates as the Acropolis of Athens in Athens, Greece, the Statue of Liberty in Ney York City, Stonehenge in the UK, and the Kremlin, Red Square, as well as Saint Basil’s Cathedral in Moskow , Russia. Winners The final list of winners was announced on July 7, 2007 (07.07.07), in Lisbon, Portugal. Here is the list of winners 7._____ .
Chichen Itza (Yucatan, Mexico) Christ the Redeemer (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) Great Wall (China) Machu Picchu (Cuzco, Peru) Petra (Jordan) Roman Colosseum (Rome, Italy) Taj Mahal (Agra, India) Great Pyramid of Giza (Cairo, Egypt)
Translate new words and word- combinations To aim at… To launch the project Non- profit corporation To be up for consideration To make the selection through “acceptable” state of To be narrowed to preservation State- owned complaints To remove from voting To put on the list By free and paid votes The only surviving monument To purchase through a payment to Conspiracy against
Match the words in two columns. 1. Aim a) To buy 2. To be narrowed b) To start , to begin 3. To purchase c) Goal, target, purpose 4. To launch d) To be restricted
Write the derivatives Selection- select, selector Consideration- Acceptable- Preservation- Complaints- Surviving- Final-
Match the words in the columns to form phrases and make up sentences with them 1. Non – profit a) War 2. Acceptable b) Artefacts 3. Surviving c) Solution 4. Launch d) Organization 5. By free e) The list 6. To put on f) Vote
WRITE AT LEAST THREE COLLOCATION WITH THE GIVEN WORDS Non- profit State- owned To launch The only surviving
Vocabulary and grammar revised
Speak on the New Seven Wonders of the world project.write : If you like the idea generally; What you feel about the project being commercial; What you think about the complaints of Egypt If you support the final choice of winners
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