урок Jigsaw reading
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

 Кристина Николаевна Тупикова

Урок по учебнику Биболетовой для 8 класса "Enjoy English" на тему "Environmental problems"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Jigsaw Reading.

Тема: Why throw away? Why not recycle.

Задачи:  1. Прочитать текст «Why throw away so much&» и « Packaging»;

                2. выделить особенности и характеристики экологических проблем;

                3. Расспросить собеседника об особенностях проблемы мусора;

                4. Заполнить таблицу и рассказать о проблеме и способах её решения.


Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся


Good morning.

What date/day is it today?

What is the weather like today?

Who is away today?

Look at the pictures and guess what we are going to talk about.

Yes, today we are going to discuss the environmental problems.

Tell me , please, what ecological problems you know.



УУД- прогнозирование

(environmental problems, pollution)

Air pollution, water pollution, rubbish

Phonetic exercise

Let’s pronounce the following words. Try to find out what environmental problem we’ll discuss today.

[r] – bury, rubbish, throw away, recycle, recyclable, protect, wrapping

[p] – paper, pet food, pollution, to be packed with, packaging, disposing

[k] – can, domestic, container, cause, countryside, cut, suffocate

[s] – stuff, useful, waste, instead

T – P1 – P2 – P3 ….

УУД – прогнозирование

(waste, litter, rubbish, trash)


Now, yes, we’re going to read about rubbish.

  1. Look at the blackboard. What words are associated with the word rubbish.  


Litter          drink can   wrapping    drop

  1. Look at your cards there are some words /phrases from the text and their definitions, try to translate these words :
  1. To throw away – to get rid of –
  2. A can – a metal container in which food and drink is sold –
  3. Stuff – material –
  4. Burn – to be on fire –
  5. Recycle – reuse –
  6. Recyclable – able to be recycled –
  7. Domestic – used in the home, connecting with the home or family,
  8. Disposing – utilize –
  9. Cause – to be the reason of something - 

Brainstorming activity, на доске таблица, учащиеся добавляют свои ассоциации

Pair work, умение пользоваться словарем.

УУД- подведение под понятие.




Open your books on page 51 look at the ex 40. There are 2 texts. Read their titles. You’ll be divided in two groups. The first group is reading the text “Why throw away so much? ” The second group is reading the text “ Packaging”.

Look through the texts:

a) Which group can finish the sentences:

1. Every year a person throws away about 70 …. …, 34 cans of … … and about 70 … cans

2.Every year in Britain each person produces about 57 kilos of …….

3. Paper, glass, metal and plastic can cause ….

4.Making ….. causes pollution.

5. We can also burn or ….  a lot of rubbish.

6. ……. of all this plastic is an expensive problem.

7. Rubbish can kill or hurt farm ….

b) Find the words or word combinations  with the similar meanings in your texts:

litter –

to get rid of –

to make –

the packaging –

to damage –

c) Find the words or word combinations  with the opposite meanings in your texts:

to look worse




d) Answer the questions about your text:

1. What do people throw every year and how much?

2. Which problems can rubbish cause?

3. What else should people do with rubbish?

e) Ask the same  questions to your partner about his to fill in the table

Every year people throw away

The rubbish can cause

People should

УУД- работа с текстом.

Работа в группах

Фронтальный опрос

Food cans, pet food, drink

Plastic wastes








to throw away

to produce


to hurt

to look better




поиск информации

P1→P2; P2→P1

УУД- умение работать с таблицами


*Now, you are going to retell about your partner’s text, using the table.

Фронтальный опрос

УУД-умение строить речевое высказывание.

Home assignment

Answer questions in ex. 43 on p. 51

Task 1

1)        To throw away – to get rid of –

2)        A can – a metal container in which food and drink is sold –

3)        Stuff – material –

4)        Burn – to be on fire –

5)        Recycle – reuse –

6)        Recyclable – able to be recycled –

7)        Domestic – used in the home, connecting with the home or family,

8)        Disposing – utilize –

9)        Cause – to be the reason of something –

Task 2

 Answer the questions about your text:

  1. What do people throw every year and how much?
  1.  Every year people throw ……..
  1. Which problems can rubbish cause?

 - Rubbish can cause …..

3. What else should people do with rubbish?

- People should ……………….

Task 3

Every year people throw away

The rubbish can cause

People should

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