Итоговая работа для 6 класса
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Итоговая работа для 6 класса неспециализированной школы составлена в формате ГИА. Работа содержит разделы: "Аудирование ( задание true/false/not stated), "Чтение" (задание на установление соответствия и задание true/false/not stated), "Грамматика и лексика".
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Итоговый тест по английскому языку для 6 класса
ГБОУ лицея 470 Калининского района
Задание 1.
Вы услышите рассказ об истории Йорка. Выберите вариант ответа 1, 2 или 3. Вы услышите запись дважды.
1.York was the capital of England.
1) True 2) False 3) Not said
2. York is more than two thousand years old.
1) True 2) False 3) Not said
3.The name of the city comes from the viking name.
1) True 2) False 3) Not said
4. York Minster was built in the centre of the city.
1) True 2) False 3) Not said
5. The first Lord Mayor was given to the city in the fourteenth century.
1) True 2) False 3) Not said
6. The main industries in the city are tourism and chocolate shops.
1) True 2) False 3) Not said
Задание 1. Прочитайте текст и установите соответствие между заголовками и частями текста. Один заголовок лишний.
A. A room for official and family occasions.
B. Special room for children.
C. A holiday home
D. A private place.
E. House and gardens
- Osborne House is located on the Isle of Wight, overlooking the sea. A beautiful Italian-style stately home, it was holiday home of Queen Victoria and her family.
- Osborne House has been kept almost exactly as it was when Queen Victoria lived and died there. The rooms are full of the Queens personal possessions, including pictures and books. Visitors can also see how the Royal Family spent their leisure time. In the grounds there is a Swiss cottage designed as a playhouse for the royal children, as well as beautiful gardens open to public.
- One of the jewels of Osborne House is the Durbar Room. The beautifully decorated walls and ceiling were made by Indian craftsmen. This room was where Victoria entertained heads of state, but it was also where her children used to perform plays for their parents.
- Queen Victoria saw Osborne House as her home, and its privacy was an escape from the formal atmosphere of Buckingham Palace. Today it stands as a memorial to Britain's much-loved and longest reigning queen.
Задание 2. Прочитайте текст об увлечениях в Британии и Америке. Выберите правильный вариант ответа А, В или С.
The most popular sport in Britain is football. Every large city has its own professional football team. Rugby is a fast, rough sport that is also very popular in Britain. The English play both rugby and football in the winter. In the summer they enjoy playing cricket.
British children are encouraged to take up a sport or a hobby in their free time. Popular indoor activities include collecting things such as model cars, coins, stamps or stickers of football players or pop stars. Other pastimes include birdwatching and train spotting.
Popular free-time activities for many British people are going to the cinema, theatre or a restaurant or watching TV or playing computer games.
In the USA the most popular sports are American football and baseball.
Americans play football in the winter months. Families attend games together or watch national games on TV. The annual championship called the “Superbow” is a national event. Baseball, on the other hand, is a summer sport. It is also the national sport of America.
American children collect things like the British. Baseball cards are popular collector's items as comics.
Other popular free-time activities are the same as for Britain such as being a member of a club or society, going to the cinema, eating out, visiting parks or museums, watching TV and surfing the net.
1.Most British people like football.
1) True 2) False 3) Not said
2.Baseball is a winter sport.
1) True 2) False 3) Not said
3.Girls play American football.
1) True 2) False 3) Not said
4.Children collect things as a hobby.
1) True 2) False 3) Not said
5. Both British and American like having meal at a cafe or a restaurant.
1) True 2) False 3) Not said
Грамматика и лексика
Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски пропущенными словами.
He …..........(1) a musician. He …..............(2) the piano. He …..............(3) a lot of awards. He ….........(4) in France last year. At the moment, he …...........(5) his friends in Spain. Tom and Jerry …........(6) friends. They …...............(7) in different cities and they often …...........(8) letters to each other. Tom …..............(9) the first letter three years ago. Since then they …...............(10) about thirty letters. | (1) BE (2) PLAY (3) WIN (4) WORK (5) VISIT (6) BE (7) LIVE (8) WRITE (9) SEND (10) WRITE |
Задание 2. Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк так, чтобы они лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски пропущенными словами.
I went to the cinema yesterday but the film was ….........(11). I was …..........................(12). He didn't buy the jeans because they were too …..................(13). She was afraid of test but she passed it ….....................(14). Many people like parachuting because it is so …......................(15) | (11) BORE (12) DISAPPOINTMENT (13) EXPENSE (14) SUCCESS (15) EXCITEMENT |
Задание 3. Прочитайте предложения и выберите наиболее подходящее слово
16.I have lost my keys. I looked for them …., but haven't found.
A) somewhere B) everywhere C) nothing
17.He took his coat....... because he was hot.
A) off B) on C) at
18.They get ….. well.
A) up B) on C) back
19.Come... and take a seat, please.
A) on B) out C) in
20.Does your brother do.....?
A) the washing-up B) the dishes C) the dishing
21.I hate doing the...., especially cleaning the windows.
A) homework B) lessons C) housework
22.He will come ...home in two hours.
A) in B) to C) back
23.Do you know how …..it is from London to Manchester?
A) much B) long C) far
24.I think they'll …..... over a thousand pounds for the charity.
A) rise B) raise C) take
25.Jack can't speak French. …..... can I.
A) So B) Either C) Neither
Задание 1
1-2, 2-1, 3-1, 4-3, 5-1, 6-2
Задание 1
1С 2E 3A 4D
Задание 2
1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-1, 5-1
Грамматика и лексика
Задание 1
- is
- plays
- has won
- worked
- is visiting
- are
- live
- write
- sent
- have written
Задание 2
Задание 3
16B 17A 18B 19C 20A 21C 22C 23C 24B 25C
Good morning and welcome to York. I'm Lisa and I'm your tour guide today. First I'm going to tell you a bit about the history of York. York is sometimes called the capital of the north of England. For centuries York was the biggest and most important city after London... and it's one of the most historic cities in Britain with over two thousand years of history...
In AD 71 the Romans came to York and built a fort and it became an important military centre.
The next important date is 866 when the Vikings came from Scandinavia and captured the city. They gave it a new Viking name – Yorvik. York, our name for the city today, comes from the Viking name.
By 1220, the city was an important place and the people began to build York Minster – the great cathedral which you can see over there. Impressive, isn't it? It took 250 years to finish it! At this time (1220) they built the city walls and the castle too. You can see part of the wall here next to our bus and part of the castle over there on that hill on the left.
York continued to be important. In 1389 the city was given its first Lord Mayor, and in 1446 the city built its first guildhall.
In the twentieth and twenty-first centuries York continues to be an important city. Now, in 2003, its main industries are tourism and chocolate factories. You can visit a chocolate factory, see how chocolate is made and try the chocolate!
Список использованной литературы:
- New Millennium English. Книга для учителя 6 кл. Текст для аудирования , стр.66 + кассета
- Е.А. Фоменко, И.Б. Долгопольская, Английский язык. Тексты для чтения. Стр.128,131
- British Bulldog
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