Элективный курс "Письменное общение на английском языке"
элективный курс по английскому языку по теме
Элективный курс для старшеклассников "Письменное общение на английском языке" с пояснительной запиской и подобранным материалом.
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Пояснительная записка.
В практике обучения английскому языку письмо используется не только как средство, но и как цель обучения, т.е. овладение принципами построения письменного высказывания на английском языке, выработка соответствующих умений и навыков свободно и правильно выражать мысли на английском языке в письменной форме. Однако очень часто в имеющихся УМК специальные упражнения для развития навыков письменной речи занимают незначительное место. В связи с этим данная программа дополнительного образования дает учащимся возможность довести до совершенства свои навыки в написании официальных и неофициальных писем (в том числе и электронных), резюме, сочинений и заполнении анкет.
Актуальность данного курса заключается в том, что он направлен на формирование у учащихся коммуникативной компетенции в речевой деятельности так, чтобы они уверенно и успешно достигали целей в реальных жизненных условиях с помощью письменной речи на иностранном языке.
Так как в настоящее время у будущих выпускников школы при трудоустройстве, путешествии, работе/учебе за рубежом возникает необходимость практически пользоваться иноязычным письмом как способом обучения, познания и творчества большое значение приобрел именно навык письменного общения.
Отличительной чертой данной программы является использование большой части теоретического материала об особенностях и структуре оформления открыток, писем личного и официального характера, резюме, анкет и сочинений. Особый акцент в программе сделан на использование компьютерных технологий, что является очевидным признаком соответствия современным требованиям к организации учебного процесса. В рамках данной программы будут также рассмотрены правила пунктуации английского языка, соответствия русских и английских букв при передаче на письме русских слов английскими буквами, поскольку в базовом учебном плане этим темам не уделено достаточно внимания, и они представляют сложность для учащихся из-за ряда особенностей.
В соответствии с этим, целью прохождения настоящей программы является создание условий для формирования коммуникативной письменной компетенции обучающихся.
В ходе ее достижения решаются задачи:
1) ознакомить учащихся с соответствиями русских и английских букв при передаче на письме русских слов английскими буквами, пунктуацией английского предложения;
2) познакомить с требованиями, предъявляемыми к правильному оформлению открыток, писем, резюме, анкет и сочинений;
2) сформировать умения и навыки общения в письменной форме;
- развитие речемыслительной деятельности учащихся;
- привитие интереса к ведению переписки с зарубежными сверстниками;
- развитие творческих способностей учеников, позволяющие им реализовать свои интересы, выходящие за рамки содержания школьного образования.
- воспитание культуры письменного общения на английском языке;
- воспитание осознанного мотивированного отношения к изучению иностранного языка;
- воспитание толерантности по отношению к своим сверстникам за рубежом;
- воспитание потребности в практическом использовании английского языка.
Данная программа предназначена для учащихся, изучающих английский язык в 9 классе, и имеющих основные понятия по правописанию и грамматике английского языка, а также может быть частично использована в 8 классе.
В структуре изучаемой программы выделяются следующие основные разделы:
1. «Введение в курс»;
2. «Формы переписки с зарубежными сверстниками»;
3. «Другие формы письменной речи».
Программа «Переписка с зарубежными сверстниками» общим объемом 34 часа (1 час в неделю) изучается в течение 1 года.
Программа предусматривает проведение традиционных уроков, чтение установочных лекций проведение практических занятий, семинара и зачетов в конце каждого раздела.
При изучении курса для обучаемых предусмотрены большие возможности для самостоятельной работы по написанию и оформлению открытки, писем, резюме, сочинений, составлению и заполнению анкет различной направленности.
- формы работы: коллективные, индивидуальные, практикумы;
- методы: анализ, словесно-наглядный, объяснительно-иллюстративный, репродуктивный, частично-поисковый;
- средства: наглядные средства обучения на печатной основе и технические средства обучения (компьютер и Интернет).
В результате прохождения программного материала обучающийся имеет представление о:
1. стилях английского языка (Formal & Informal);
2. пунктуации в английском предложении.
- группы слов, которые необходимо писать с большой буквы в английском языке;
- соответствия русских и английских букв при передаче на письме русских слов английскими буквами;
- основные нормы письменного этикета, принятые в стране изучаемого языка.
- заполнять анкеты и формуляры;
- писать поздравления, личные письма, резюме и сочинения;
- расспрашивать адресата о его жизни и делах, сообщать то же о себе;
- выражать благодарность, просьбу, употребляя формулы речевого этикета, принятые в стране изучаемого языка.
- навыками чтения (различных его видов) и письменной речи на иностранном языке;
- навыками обобщения изученного материала;
- навыками самостоятельной работы.
Контрольные (зачетные и др.) требования сводятся к следующему:
- Первый блок курса заканчивается семинаром по теоретической части;
- Второй и третий блок заканчиваются зачетами. Обязательным условием допуска ученика к зачету является выполнение всех практических заданий и представление своих работ.
Содержание программы.
№ раздела, тем | Название раздела, тем | Теория Основные теоретические понятия | Практика Примерное содержание деятельности | Оборудование, оснащение | Место проведения занятия |
I. | Введение в курс. | ||||
1. | Стили английского языка (Formal & Informal). | Понятие «литературного стиля»; отличительные черты официального и нейтрального стилей; места употребления. | Работа с текстами, составление текстов в определенном стиле. | Информа ция на бумажном носителе. | Учеб ный класс. |
2. | Прописные буквы. | Понятие «прописной буквы»; группы слов, которые необходимо писать с большой буквы в английском языке. | Выполнение упражнений; работа с текстами; работа над произношением английских названий. | Информа ция на бумажном носителе. | Учеб ный класс. |
3. | Соответствия русских и английских букв при передаче на письме русских слов английскими буквами. | Соответствия русских и английских букв при передаче на письме русских слов английскими буквами. | Выполнение упражнений. | Информа ция на бумажном носителе. | Учеб ный класс. |
4. | Пунктуацияв английском предложении. | Особенности пунктуации в английском предложении. | Выполнение упражнений; работа с текстами. | Информа ция на бумажном носителе. | Учеб ный класс. |
5. | Особенности оформление адреса на английском языке. Устойчивые фразы и выражения при оформлении письменной речи. | Написание адреса на английском языке, разбор фраз и устойчивых выражений при оформлении письменной речи. | Выполнение упражнений; работа с текстами; составление письма. | Информа ция на бумажном носителе. | Учеб ный класс. |
6. | Семинар. | Выполнение заданий; фронтальный опрос. | Учеб ный класс. | ||
II. | Формы переписки с зарубежными сверстниками. | ||||
1. | Написание открытки. | Оформление и подписание открытки. | Работа над образцами, оформление собственной открытки. | Информа ция на бумажном носителе. | Учеб ный класс. |
2. | Практическое занятие. | Оформление собственной открытки (компьютерный вариант). | Компьютер. | Компьютерный класс | |
3. | Письмо личного характера. | Особенности и структура оформления письма личного характера. | Работа над образцами, написание письма личного характера. | Информа ция на бумажном носителе. | Учеб ный класс. |
4. | Письмо официального характера. | Особенности и структура оформления письма официального характера. | Работа над образцами, написание письма официального характера. | Информа ция на бумажном носителе. | Учеб ный класс. |
5. | Практическое занятие. | Написание письма личного или официального характера, согласно выбранному заданию. | Учеб ный класс. | ||
6. | Электронное письмо. | Особенности и структура оформления электронного письма. | Работа над образцами, написание электронного письма. | Информа ция на бумажном носителе. | Учеб ный класс. |
7. | Практическое занятие. | Написание электронного письма (компьютерный вариант), обмен электронными письмами. | Компьютер. | Компьютерный класс | |
8. | Зачет. | Выполнение заданий; фронтальный опрос. | Компьютер. | Компьютерный класс | |
III. | Другие формы письменной речи. | ||||
1. | Анкета. | Особенности и структура оформления анкеты. | Работа с образцами, заполнение анкет. | Информа ция на бумажном носителе. | Учеб ный класс. |
2. | Резюме. | Особенности и структура оформления резюме. | Работа с образцами, написание резюме | Информа ция на бумажном носителе. | Учеб ный класс. |
3. | Практическое занятие. | Заполнение анкет, написание резюме (компьютерный вариант). | Компьютер. | Компьютерный класс | |
4. | Сочинение. | Особенности и структура оформления сочинения; виды сочинений. | Работа с образцами, написание сочинения. | Информа ция на бумажном носителе. | Учеб ный класс. |
5. | Зачет. | Выполнение теста. | Информа ция на бумажном носителе. | Учеб ный класс. |
Учебно-тематический план.
№ раздела, тем | Название раздела, тем | Количество часов | ||
всего | теоретических | практических | ||
I. | Введение в курс. | 12 | 6 | 6 |
1. | Стили английского языка (Formal & Informal). | 3 | 1 | 2 |
2. | Прописные буквы. | 2 | 1 | 1 |
3. | Соответствия русских и английских букв при передаче на письме русских слов английскими буквами. | 1 | 1 | - |
4. | Пунктуация в английском предложении. | 3 | 1 | 2 |
5. | Особенности оформление адреса на английском языке. Устойчивые фразы и выражения при оформлении письменной речи. | 2 | 1 | 1 |
6. | Семинар. | 1 | 1 | - |
II. | Формы переписки с зарубежными сверстниками. | 16 | 5 | 11 |
1. | Написание открытки. | 2 | 1 | 1 |
2. | Практическое занятие. | 1 | 1 | |
3. | Письмо личного характера. | 3 | 1 | 2 |
4. | Письмо официального характера. | 3 | 1 | 2 |
5. | Практическое занятие. | 1 | 1 | |
6. | Электронное письмо. | 4 | 2 | 2 |
7. | Практическое занятие. | 1 | 1 | |
8. | Зачет. | 1 | 1 | |
III. | Другие формы письменной речи. | 6 | 3 | 3 |
1. | Анкета. | 1 | 1 | |
2. | Резюме. | 1 | 1 | |
3. | Практическое занятие. | 1 | 1 | |
4. | Сочинение. | 2 | 1 | 1 |
5. | Зачет. | 1 | 1 | |
Всего | 34 | 14 | 20 |
Методическое обеспечение дополнительной образовательной программы.
Занятие 1 - 3. Стили английского языка (Formal & Informal)
One of the most important considerations in good writing is to determine the different writing style that is required before you commence. This is largely dictated by the target audience and the type of publication you are writing for. Two main styles of writing exist – informal and formal – and it is essential that you possess thorough knowledge of both.
Informal versus Formal
Writing for an audience will involve either a formal or informal style of writing. You need to consider who the target audience is and what type of publication you are writing for in order to determine the writing style that is appropriate. In terms of the target audience, are you writing for friends and family; for a room full of academic colleagues and lecturers; or perhaps for a board of directors?
Formal writing is less personal and more objective than informal writing. Formal writing is almost always targeted at an audience that has existing knowledge on a topic. Whether it is an academic paper or a business report, the key is to know how much existing knowledge those who are to read the publication possess.
In formal writing, it is important that you steer clear of slang and colorful words that you’d normally find in a creative writing publication. These types of words, however, are fine in an informal setting.
In informal writing, particularly online content, it is acceptable – and sometimes essential – to use short sentences.
In formal settings, complexity in writing is not only fine but is often required.
Formal styles dictate that writing should most often be done in the third person; whereas in informal writing, it is acceptable to use first person.
In formal writing, it is generally necessary to remain objective and not be seen as emotive. Instead of using an active voice, formal writing sometimes requires that the passive voice be used. For example, don’t write ‘we are concerned that’, instead write ‘there has been concern that’.
Although business and academic writing – two main styles of formal writing – may seem similar, there are distinct differences.
Perhaps one of the major divergences between these two writing styles is that often academic writing takes place to convey findings, results, and conclusions to other academics. Most often, the publication is an invitation to other academics to critically analyze or debate the findings. It is to invite deliberation and advance the field.
In business, however, writing is often straight to the point: here are the facts and this is what we need to do. It makes for a more ‘to the point’ style of writing.
Business writing needs to be attractive and enticing. It has to be in a format where information can be conveyed quickly. There is often much white space; headings and subheadings; bullet points; graphs; and pictures. Academic writing, on the other hand, more often than not steers clear of most of this. These will be used but only to a minimum.
It can be difficult to know what is right and what is wrong when writing for different audiences. This is particularly the case when you are constantly writing for different audiences that require different writing styles.
Formal Style
(from Swales, John M and Feak, Christine B. Academic Writing for Graduate Students, Second Edition. 2004. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor)
I. Level of vocabulary
1. Choose single verbs rather than phrasal or prepositional verbs for more formal style;
Example: According to some biologists, coming up with clear proof of the decreasing number of frogs has been difficult.
According to some biologists, offering clear proof of the decreasing number of frogs has been difficult.
2. There is always more than one way to express an idea: always choose a more formal alternative.
Example: Crash test dummies are really important for automotive crash tests.
Crash test dummies are an integral part of automotive crash tests.
I. Level of grammar
1. Avoid contractions.
Example: Export figures won’t improve until the economy is stronger. Export figures will not improve until the economy is stronger.
2. Use the more appropriate negative form:
Not … any = no
Example: The analysis didn’t yield any new results.
The analysis yielded no new results.
Not … much = little
Example: The government didn’t allocate much funding for the program.
The government allocated little funding for the program.
Not … many = few
Example: This problem doesn’t have many viable solutions.
This problem has few viable solutions.
3. Limit the use of ‘run-on’ expression: and so forth, etc.
Example: These semiconductors can be used in robots, CD players, etc.
These semiconductors can be used in robots, CD players, and other electronic devices.
4. Avoid addressing the reader as you (except if you are writing a textbook or instructions).
Example: You can see the results in Table 1.
The results can be seen in Table 1.
5. Avoid direct questions.
Example: What can be done to lower costs?
We now need to consider how costs can be lowered.
6. Place adverbs within the verb.
Example: Actually, very little is known about the general nature and prevalence of scientific dishonesty.
Very little is actually known about the general nature and prevalence of scientific dishonesty.
Example: This model was developed by Krugman (1979) originally.
This model was originally developed by Krugman (1979).
7. Use split infinitive where necessary.
Example: We need to meet the needs of those enrolled in the program adequately.
We need to adequately meet the needs of those enrolled in the program.
Example: Neural networks have the ability to classify new patterns correctly.
Neural networks have the ability to correctly classify new patterns.
8. Aim for an efficient use of words.
Example: It may be difficult to make a decision about the method that we should use.
Choosing the proper method may be difficult.
Language and Style.
In any language, different styles of expression are appropriate in different situations. We can go from the formal to the informal, the written to the spoken, from technical language (or jargon) to slang.
There are no "rules" as such; nevertheless, there are plenty of features which distinguish formal styles from informal styles. Here are some of them.
Principles of English written style:
Note: these are principles: they are by no means to be considered as "rules".
- a) The more formal a document is, the more it will use inanimate nouns as subjects of a sentence.
- b) The more formal language is, the more it is likely to use passive structures.
- c) The more formal language is, the more verbal nouns it will use.
- d) The more formal a document is, the more words of Latin origin it will use.
- a) The more informal or spontaneous language is, the more it will use humans as the subjects of sentences.
- b) The more informal a text is, the less it will use passive structures,
- c) The more informal a text is, the more it will use verb structures (where a choice is possible) instead of verbal nouns.
- b) The more informal or spoken a text is, the more words of Germanic origin it will use.
Here are some examples; in each case, the same idea is expressed using three different levels of formality: look at the different changes that occur, as we move from a formal style to an informal one
- The inclement climatic conditions obliged the President to return earlier than scheduled.
The president was obliged to return earlier than planned due to poor weather conditions.
The president had to go back sooner than planned because the weather was so bad. - Please await instructions before dispatching items.
Please wait for instructions before sending items off.
Don't send anything off until you're told to do so. - Essential measures should be undertaken at the earliest opportunity.
One should undertake any necessary measures at the earliest opportunity.
You should do whatever you have to as soon as you can.
From Written to spoken styles.
Written and spoken versions of a language use different styles, different registers. To talk in "written English" may be no more appropriate than to write using a "spoken" variety of English. Generally speaking, written English is always more formal than spoken English. nevertheless, there are informal forms of written English (notably in fiction and in the popular press), and formal styles of spoken English, in particular "discourse", or prepared speech.
In the following examples, the same message is expressed in five different styles, from an extremely formal written style, to the very informal spoken style. Note in particular how the colour coded word groups evolve. (The information expressed in the following examples is necessarily quite technical, as formal jargon levels of expression are totally inappropriate for non technical communication).
- Jargon, very formal. This is the style of language used in official reports, technical studies, etc. It is exclusively a style of written English, full of verbal nouns,technical words and passives.
Consequent to the appreciation in the exchange value of Sterling against other currencies, necessary fiscal measures were introduced by the government in order to reduce the likelihood of an import-led consumer spending surge.
- Written, formal, clear. This is clear, written English, as found in the press or in documents aimed at ordinary educated readers.
After the international value of Sterling rose, the government was obliged to take fiscal measures to reduce the likelihood of a surge in consumer spending led by cheaper imports.
- Written style for the general public, discourse, scripted radio or TV news style.
As the value of Sterling increased compared to other currencies, the government was forced to take tax measures to head off a rapid increase in consumer spending spurred on by cheaper imports.
- Formal spoken style - radio, seminar, talk.
As Sterling's international value went up, the government had to take tax measures to head off a consumer spending boom spurred on by cheaper imports.
- Relaxed, informal spoken style: discussion. There is plenty of use of prepositional verbs.
All actions are now expressed through verbs, not verbal nouns
As Sterling went up in value, the government had to put up taxes to stop consumers splashing out on too many cheap imports.
- relaxed, simplified, chat, very informal spoken style;
Note the addition of repetition and fillers.
And you see, Sterling went up and up in value, so as a result, the government had to go round putting up taxes, you see, to stop everyone going out and splashing out, spending all their cash on cheap imports.
When it comes to writing in English, there are two main styles of writing - formal and informal. Consider these two examples:
Example 1:
This is to inform you that your book has been rejected by our publishing company as it was not up to the required standard. In case you would like us to reconsider it, we would suggest that you go over it and make some necessary changes.
Example 2:
You know that book I wrote? Well, the publishing company rejected it. They thought it was awful. But hey, I did the best I could, and I think it was great. I'm not gonna redo it the way they said I should.
The difference between the two is obvious. The first one is formal, and the second is informal. But what is it that makes them formal and informal?
It is the style of writing, or the way we use words to say what we want to say. Different situations call for different ways of putting words together. The way we write in academic and scientific settings differs greatly from the way we write to a friend or close one. The tone, vocabulary, and syntax, all change as the occasion changes. This difference in the styles of writing is the difference between formality and informality, or the difference between formal and informal writing.
Following is a list of some of the main differences between informal and formal writing:
Informal: May use colloquial words/expressions (kids, guy, awesome, a lot, etc.)
Formal: Avoid using colloquial words/expressions (substitute with children, man/boy, wonderful, many, etc.)
Informal: May use contractions (can't, won't, shouldn't, etc.).
Formal: Avoid contractions (write out full words - cannot, will not, should not, etc.).
Informal: May use first, second, or third person.
Formal: Write in third person (except in business letters where first person may be used).
Informal: May use clichés (loads of, conspicuous by absence, etc.)
Formal: Avoid clichés (use many, was absent, etc.)
Informal: May address readers using second person pronouns (you, your, etc)
Formal: Avoid addressing readers using second person pronouns (use one, one's, the reader, the reader's, etc.)
Informal: May use abbreviated words (photo, TV, etc)
Formal: Avoid using abbreviated words (use full versions - like photograph, television, etc.)
Informal: May use imperative voice (e.g. Remember....)
Formal: Avoid imperative voice (use Please refer to.....)
Informal: May use active voice (e.g. We have notice that.....)
Formal: Use passive voice (e.g. It has been noticed that....)
Informal: May use short and simple sentences.
Formal: Longer and more complex sentences are preferred (short simple sentences reflects poorly on the writer)
Informal: Difficulty of subject may be acknowledged and empathy shown to the reader.
Formal: State your points confidently and offer your argument firm support.
These are just some of the differences between formal and informal writing. The main thing to remember is that both are correct, it is just a matter of tone and setting. Formal English is used mainly in academic writing and business communications, whereas Informal English is casual and is appropriate when communicating with friends and other close ones. Choose the style of writing keeping in mind what you are writing and to whom. But whichever style you write in - formal or informal - be sure to keep it consistent, do not mix the two.
Writing in a formal style
Essays are formal entities, and the language we use should reflect that. The style of an academic essay should be appropriate and consistent. This is very different from an informal piece of writing.
When we speak, or write informally, we often use multi-word verbs but this is not appropriate in formal writing. Here are some examples of multi-word verbs:
call up call off give in catch on turn up set up find out live down bring up look up take in (deceive) | call on (visit) look at go into (a problem) come by (a book) ask for believe in care for deal with long for object to part with |
One of the differences between some of these verbs is that some of them can have an item inserted before the preposition:
he ran down the man - he ran the man down
he took on the challenge - he took the challenge on
the fire set back their plans - the fire set their plans back
In contrast, other verbs cannot have an item inserted before the preposition.
ask for a number ? ask a number for
believe in a theory ? believe a theory in
part with a lot of money ? part a lot of money with
Multi-word verbs are very common in spoken English as they are less formal than single verbs. In contrast, single verbs can sometimes sound quite pompous in everyday speech. Compare:
I asked for another appointment.
I requested another appointment.
Now compare these pairs of verbs:
Informal | More formal |
He checked up on his accountant. They put up with their neighbours. She caught on very quickly. She made up for it with an early night. He went down with a fever. The cost of living went up. | He investigated his accountant. They tolerated their neighbours. She understood very quickly. She compensated for it with an early night. He contracted a fever. The cost of living increased. |
In formal writing, we use single verbs. This is an important element in achieving the correct style in academic writing. An essay with good ideas might well be marked down if the style is inappropriately informal.
Use the verbs below to complete the sentences. Remember to change the verb into the correct tense.
postpone establish fluctuate investigate reduce
deceive maintain acquire
- The research team tried to find out the truth.
- The project managed to get hold of a new scanner.
- His discovery enabled school heads to cut down on the time lost between classes.
- When the team looked looking into the problem, they found that it was much more complex than they had first thought.
- The levels go up and down as a result of the pressure changes.
- The government put off a decision until they had heard the report.
- The inspector was taken in by the apparent calm in the building.
- The solicitor made out that his client was unfairly accused.
Notes on the Task
- The research team tried to establish the truth.
- The project managed to acquire a new scanner.
- His discovery enabled school heads to reduce the time lost between classes.
- When the team looked investigated the problem, they found that it was much more complex than they had first thought.
- The levels fluctuate as a result of the pressure changes.
- The government postponed a decision until they had heard the report.
- The inspector was deceived by the apparent calm in the building.
- The solicitor maintained that his client was unfairly accused.
Replace the informal verbs in italics with more formal verbs.
- The business was built up over a number of years.
- Smith (1991) found out that the bank had surprising rules when it came to new customers.
- Their request for further funding was turned down.
- The situation was made worse by the high levels of lead in the sample.
- They have been asked to come up with a solution to the problem.
- The research team forget to check the acid levels.
- The team said that there figures were accurate.
- Dr Liu will meet with a lot of opposition when she makes her proposal.
Notes on the Task
- The business was developed over a number of years.
- Smith (1991) established that the bank had surprising rules when it came to new customers.
- Their request for further funding was rejected.
- The situation was exacerbated / intensified by the high levels of lead in the sample.
- They have been asked to propose a solution to the problem.
- The research team neglected to check the acid levels.
- The team suggested that their figures were accurate.
- Dr Liu will face a lot of opposition when she makes her proposal.
The sentences below are grammatically accurate but the style is inappropriate. Re-write these sentences in a more academic style making any changes you need to.
- The planners reviewed the report and said that it was great.
- It's obvious that the work environment is going to get a lot worse.
- The Chinese economy would like to look after itself, but it's also affected by things that happen outside the country.
- Their historical approach to economics is just not the right way to go about it.
- Personally, I think that economic stability depends upon social cohesion.
- The research team said that their techniques were ok but needed to be further refined.
- It was clear that the team had done a lot and were satisfied with what they'd done.
- They worked together on the project for 10 years.
Notes on the Task
- The planners reviewed the report and said that it was very satisfactory.
- There is evidence to suggest that the work environment is going to deteriorate.
- The Chinese economy would like to be self-sufficient, but it's also affected by external factors.
- Their historical approach to economics is inappropriate.
- Some writers maintain that economic stability depends upon social cohesion.
- The research team said that their techniques were satisfactory but needed to be further refined.
- It was clear that the team had completed a significant amount of work and were satisfied with their achievements.
- They collaborated on the project for 10 years.
Using single word verbs instead of multi-word verbs is not the only way to achieve a more academic style. Here are some further points that you may find useful.
- In academic writing, you often find that actions, processes and events are written in the form of a noun. This produces a more formal style. For example:
The compound was discovered …. à The discovery of the compound was….
They invaded the island and ….. à The invasion of the island was …..
He achieved his goal and …... à The achievement of his goal was…….
- Avoid addressing the reader with the general you. This is informal and inappropriate. Look at this example:
As soon as you start to look carefully at children's home, you frequently find evidence of abuse.
The sentence can be rephrased in different ways to avoid the use of you.
Evidence of child abuse becomes apparent once careful investigative work is carried out.
Careful investigation frequently leads to the discovery of child abuse.
- Do not use contractions in essays. They are inappropriate in academic work. For example:
can't won't shouldn't haven't hasn't couldn't
- State meaning very clearly. The reader can read the essay but not the mind of the writer so do not use etc and expressions like and so on. Use clear explanations and to make a coherent argument. The use of expressions like etc suggests a woolly and rather careless mind that cannot really be bothered to complete a sentence or an idea.
The invasion of the island resulted in misery, starvation, destitution etc.
- Make sure every sentence makes sense. It is helpful to ask a friend or relative to read your draft essay to ensure that it is clear. Avoid ambiguous or confusing sentences. This proposal creates a way for raising awareness in the UK of effective approaches to combat poverty practiced by overseas partners. We can take a guess at what the writer is trying to say, but there is no doubt that the sentence is unclear.
- Do not overstate the argument that is being made in the essay by using expressions like this:
It is obvious that...
It is clear that...
The evidence proves...
Anybody can clearly see that...
Always comment upon your own conclusions in a quietly confident manner, without attempting to claim too much. If a writer tries to claim that the study proves something, you might find a later researcher taking great pleasure in disproving the findings! Instead, use a less strident and a more detached academic tone. This is called hedging. Subsequent research may suggest other theories or produce results that conflict with your own, but by describing your findings as we have done below, your work can be seen as a further step in the academic road rather than a barrier that other people can knock down.
The data reflect the fact that ... (note: the word data is strictly speaking plural but often used as an uncountable or mass noun)
These findings support this writer's view that...
The results suggest that...
The chart supports the theory that...
- Avoid the use of expressions such as I think/I believe unless your own views have been specifically asked for, and use expression like these:
It is believed...
Many researchers have noted...
Some writers have stated..
The research suggests...
The evidence indicates...
- Use link words and expressions (however, nevertheless, as a result, in contrast, despite this) as well as link words like firstly, secondly ………… finally quite regularly throughout your writing as these help to guide the reader
- The passive form is often avoided in other written texts but you will probably use more examples of the passive form in academic writing as these tend to sound more detached and formal.
Active: They often found evidence of child abuse in rural areas.
Passive: Evidence of child abuse was often found in rural areas.
Active: The researchers have proposed a variety of solutions.
Passive: A variety of solutions have been proposed.
Writing in a formal style: practice
Exercise 1. Multi-word verbs: Consider this passage and then re-write it making
changes where necessary
Coal is expected to continue to account for almost 27% of the world's energy needs. However, awareness of pressures on the environment is building up and people have caught on to the need to achieve sustainable development in energy resources. The way in which the resource is extracted, transported and used is now seen as critical.
A wide range of pollution control devices and practices have been set up at most modern mines and significant resources are spent on coming up with new ways to rehabilitate mined land. In addition, programmes are currently being dreamed up which will be able to lead to efficiencies and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases during coal consumption. Such measures are helping coal to keep up its status as a major supplier of the world's energy needs.
The coal industry has been got at by its critics as a significant contributor to greenhouse warming. However, the greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon involving the global surface temperature going up due to the presence of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Without the greenhouse effect, the Earth's average temperature would be 33-35 degrees Celsius lower. Life on Earth, as we know it today, would not be possible. Nevertheless, despite its historic value, greenhouse warming and rising temperatures are issues that the world's population need to urgently deal with.
Coal is expected to continue to account for almost 27% of the world's energy needs. However, awareness of pressures on the environment is growing and people are now aware of the need to achieve sustainable development in energy resources. The way in which the resource is extracted, transported and used is now seen as critical.
A wide range of pollution control devices and practices have been installed at most modern mines and significant resources are spent on establishing new ways to rehabilitate mined land. In addition, programmes are currently being devised which will be able to lead to efficiencies and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases during coal consumption. Such measures are helping coal to maintain its status as a major supplier of the world's energy needs.
The coal industry has been criticized by its critics as a significant contributor to greenhouse warming. However, the greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon involving the global surface temperature rising due to the presence of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Without the greenhouse effect, the Earth's average temperature would be 33-35 degrees Celsius lower. Life on Earth, as we know it today, would not be possible. Nevertheless, despite its historic value, greenhouse warming and rising temperatures are issues that the world's population needs to urgently address
Exercise 2. There are a variety of other factors that also characterize formal academic writing. Have a look at these sentences and underline those elements that reflect an informal style and would need to be changed in an academic essay,
1. As soon as you start to look carefully at social service provision in the community, you frequently find evidence of abuse.
2. The advisory panel set up by the government couldn't establish the cause of the disaster and in the end no blame was attached to the actions of the pilot.
3. The invasion of the island resulted in misery, starvation, destitution etc for large numbers of the people in the area and in addition the ruling party was unwilling to ask for aid.
4. This proposal creates a way for raising awareness in the UK of effective approaches to combat poverty practiced by overseas partners.
5. The evidence produced at the enquiry was very damaging for the Prime Minister and anyone could see that he felt uncomfortable.
6. 1 believe that without clear leadership from the United Nations, we are likely to find ourselves in a similar position next year.
7. It is obvious that the decline of fish stocks in the North Sea will ultimately result in significant environmental damage in that area.
8. They found evidence of a fight when they studied the ancient body and they wrote a report which reflected their findings.
9. The results of the government study were great because they enabled the university to fund the new department.
10. It is certain that the new financial regulations will lead to a significant growth in output.
11. The research proves that drinking high levels of vitamin C may help to ward off colds in the winter.
12. The research was rigorous. But the way the results were used was poor. Few financial managers were trained in the new techniques. Little progress was made despite the hard work of the specialists.
1. As soon as you start to look carefully at social service provision in the community, you frequently find evidence of abuse. (generalized use of you)
2. The advisory panel set up by the government couldn't establish the cause of the disaster and in the end no blame was attached to the actions of the pilot. (use of contractions like couldn't, can't, isn't)
3. The invasion of the island resulted in misery, starvation, destitution etc for large numbers of the people in the area and in addition the ruling party was unwilling to ask for aid. (use of etc/and so on/ and so forth)
4. This proposal creates a way for raising awareness in the UK of effective approaches to combat poverty practiced by overseas partners. (meaning totally unclear)
5. The evidence produced at the enquiry was very damaging for the Prime Minister and anyone could see that he felt uncomfortable. (avoid use of expressions like anyone could see)
6. 1 believe that without clear leadership from the United Nations, we are likely to find ourselves in a similar position next year. (use of I / we / ourselves)
7. It is obvious that the decline of fish stocks in the North Sea will ultimately result in significant environmental damage in that area. (avoid use of expressions like it’s obvious)
8. They found evidence of a fight when they studied the ancient body and they wrote a report which reflected their findings. (the passive voice would be more appropriate)
9. The results of the government study were great because they enabled the university to fund the new department. (inappropriately informal language like great)
10. It is certain that the new financial regulations will lead to a significant growth in output. (it is certain is too strong)
11. The research proves that drinking high levels of vitamin C may help to ward off colds in the winter. (proves)
12. The research was rigorous. But the way the results were used was poor. Few financial managers were trained in the new techniques. Little progress was made despite the hard work of the specialists. (short sentences and no linking expressions)
Exercise 3. Rewrite this passage in a suitably academic style. When you have finished refer to the feedback. Your re-written passage does not need to be identical of course, but it should reflect an academic style.
The island was discovered in 1734 when a storm blew Sir Peter Newsbury off course and he stumbled upon this bit of land which no-one knew anything about before. Some excavations which have been carried out within the last ten years show us that members of the crew built houses to live in, and got through the very cold winter. Analysis of the soil in and around these buildings proves that the people liked to eat fish and fruit that they picked from the trees. However, despite the food that they had, it's obvious that their life was quite difficult because of the rocks and open ground and so on. People carrying out research have found debris from the ship close to the buildings. They have come up with a number of explanations for the smashing up of the ship but once you look at the waves you can see how dangerous the waters are in this area and there are lots of rocks and reefs and things like that.
Notes on the Task
The discovery of the island was made in 1734 when Sir Peter Newsbury was blown off course and chanced upon the undiscovered island. Excavations carried out within the last ten years indicate that crew members built houses to live in, and succeeded in living through the very cold winter. Analysis of the soil in and around these buildings suggests that the crew survived by eating fish as well as fruit that they picked from the trees. However, despite the availability of food, the evidence indicates that their life was difficult because of the rocky and exposed landscape. Researchers have discovered debris from the ship close to the buildings. They have proposed a number of explanations for the wreck of the ship but coastal tide patterns indicate that the sea is dangerous in this area and there are many submerged reefs.
Занятие 4-5. Прописные буквы. Capital letters.
English uses capital letters to point out important words. This is the one element of English grammar that always follows its rules. There are no lists of exceptions to memorize. That makes it easier for people who are learning English. All they need to do is:
- learn the rules, and
- follow the rules.
You will see many examples in your everyday life of the rules being violated by advertisers, by graffiti artists and by internet users. That does not, however, change the rules. It is important to write English correctly on applications, in resumes, in business letters and in other formal situations if you want the reader to have a high opinion of you.
Rule 1: All sentences begin with a capital letter.
a. This is my house. (statement)
b. Are you going to school? (question)
3. Watch out for the truck! (exclamation)
Rule 2: The proper name, the name of a specific person or thing, begins with a capital letter. All other important words in the name must also start with a capital letter. Words that do not need to be written with a capital letter unless they are the first word of the name are a, an, and, the, of, to, by, etc. (Following each proper name are one or more common names of the same type of person or thing which do not need a capital letter.)
a. Henry David Thoreau (a man, a writer)
b. Empire State Building (a building, a monument)
c. Grand Canyon (a canyon, a geographical wonder)
d. Atlantic Ocean (an ocean, a body of water)
e. Metropolitan Museum of Art (a museum, an institute)
f. Ford Explorer (an automobile, a sport utility vehicle)
g. Harvard University (a college, a university)
h. Union of South Africa (a country, a union)
i. Saudi Arabia (a country, a kingdom)
j. Saturday (a day, the weekend)
k. September (a month)
l. Memorial Day (a holiday, a special occasion)
Rule 3: Titles of books, songs, stories, works of art, magazine articles, tests, and other written materials must begin with a capital letter. Every other important word of the title must also begin with a capital letter. Words that do not need a capital letter unless they are the first word of the title are a, an, and, of, to, the, etc.
a. Winnie the Pooh
b. To Kill a Mockingbird
c. The Merchant of Venice
d. The Star-spangled Banner
e. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
f. The New York Times
g. How to Win Friends and Influence People
h. The Carolina Test of Student Ability
Rule 4: The letter I, when used as a pronoun referring to yourself must always be written as a capital letter.
a. I am not happy.
b. Am I the first person here?
c. Tell me what I have to do.
Rule 5: The first word of a direct quotation must begin with a capital letter.
a. "Who's been sleeping in my bed?" Pappa Bear cried.
b. The president said, "Ask not what your country can do for you."
c. The teacher asked, "Can you answer this question?"
Rule 6: Titles of people when used with their names or in place of their names must begin with a capital letter.
a. My boss is Mister Smith.
b. "Look out, Mister! You're in the way."
c. The members of the church waited for Reverend Jones.
d. The captain yelled at Sergeant Harris.
e. The sergeant replied, "Yes, sir, Captain. I understand."
f. My favorite queen is Queen Elizabeth of England.
Some other cases:
- Every line of poetry begins with a capital; "Breathes there a man with soul so dead?"
- The headings of essays and chapters should be wholly in capitals; as, CHAPTER VIII - RULES FOR USE OF CAPITALS.
- Such words as river, sea, mountain, etc., when used generally are common, not proper nouns, and require no capital. But when such are used with an adjective or adjunct to specify a particular object they become proper names, and therefore require a capital; as, "Mississippi River, North Sea, Alleghany Mountains," etc. In like manner the cardinal points north, south, east and west, when they are used to distinguish regions of a country are capitals; as, "The North fought against the South." When a proper name is compounded with another word, the part which is not a proper name begins with a capital if it precedes, but with a small letter if it follows, the hyphen; as "Post-homeric," "Sunday-school."
- Words derived from proper names require a Capital; as, "American, Irish, Christian, Americanize, Christianize."
In this connection the names of political parties, religious sects and schools of thought begin with capitals; as, "Republican, Democrat, Whig, Catholic, Presbyterian, Rationalists, Free Thinkers."
- The titles of honorable, state and political offices begin with a capital; as, "President, Chairman, Governor, Alderman."
- The abbreviations of learned titles and college degrees call for capitals; as, "LL.D., M.A., B.S.," etc. Also the seats of learning conferring such degrees as, "Harvard University, Manhattan College," etc.
- When such relative words as father, mother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, etc., precede a proper name, they are written and printed with capitals; as, Father Abraham, Mother Eddy, Brother John, Sister Jane, Uncle Jacob, Aunt Eliza. Father, when used to denote the early Christian writer, is begun with a capital; "Augustine was one of the learned Fathers of the Church."
- Words of very special importance, especially those which stand out as the names of leading events in history, have capitals; as, "The Revolution, The Civil War, The Middle Ages, The Age of Iron," etc.
- Terms which refer to great events in the history of the race require capitals; "The Flood, Magna Charta, Declaration of Independence."
In general, abbreviations (short forms of whole words usually made by using the first letter or letters of the whole word with a period at the end to show the word is not complete) follow the same rules for capital letters as complete words do: if the whole word would begin with a capital, then so would the abbreviation.
a. My boss is Mr. Smith.
b. The members of the church waited for Rev. Jones.
c. The captain yelled at Sgt. Harris.
d. I work for American Telephone and Telegraph. (I work for A.T.&T.).
Certain factors have made the situation much more confusing. The United States has adopted a two-letter code for all of the states. Pennsylvania used to be abbreviated as Penna. or Pa. Now it is PA . California used to be Cal. or Calif., but now it is CA. Advertisers add or take away capital letters whenever they feel like it in a attempt to make their ads more effective. The internet with its domain names and e-mail addresses adding or deleting capital letters according to the requirements of a variety of computer software protocols has also thrown away the traditional grammar rules.
But in spite of all these factors, the rules of correct writing remain the same. Follow them and you will be seen as an intelligent, well-educated person by whoever reads what you write. (Unless you write stupid things correctly.)
Exercise: Re-write these sentences on the lines and put capital letters where they belong.
1. the mayor of san juan, mayor ortega, decided to retire sunday, july 16. |
2. my friend, tom wilson, bought a new honda accord last week in san francisco. |
3. yesterday, i finished reading lord of the rings. |
4. the president of general motors was interviewed in the july issue of newsweek. |
5. david johnson drove his chevy blazer off the delaware memorial bridge last friday. |
6. when i opened the new york times, i read that lieutenant martin bailey had accused his commanding officer, colonel dunlap, of selling secret information to a north korean agent. |
7. alan attended a lecture by professor c. r. klein on his treatise, "chemical properties of popular diet foods." |
8. mary yelled to her little brother, "shut the door! it's freezing in here." |
Answers to Exercise: Following are only the words that should have been written with a capital letter.
1. The, San Juan, Mayor Ortega, Sunday, July
2. My, Tom Wilson, Honda Accord, San Francisco
3. Yesterday, I, Lord, Rings
4. The, General Motors, July, Newsweek
5. David Johnson, Chevy Blazer, Delaware Memorial Bridge, Friday
6. When, I, New York Times, I, Lieutenant Martin Bailey, Colonel Dunlap, North Korean
7. Alan, Professor C. R. Klein, "Chemical Properties, Popular Diet Foods
8. Mary, Shut, It's
Занятие 6. Соответствия русских и английских букв при передаче на письме русских слов английскими буквами.
Русская буква | Английская буква |
А | a |
Б | b |
В | v |
Г | g |
Д | d |
Е | e |
Ё | yo, e, ye |
Ж | zh |
З | z |
И | i |
Й | y, j |
К | k |
Л | l |
М | m |
Н | n |
О | o |
П | p |
Р | r |
С | s |
Т | t |
У | ou |
Ф | f, ph |
Х | kh |
Ц | ts |
Ч | ch |
Ш | sh |
Щ | shch |
Ь | - |
Ы | y |
Ъ | - |
Э | ee |
Ю | yu |
Я | ya |
В качестве практических упражнений учащиеся могут написать фамилии и имена своих родственников, друзей, известных людей или названия различных достопримечательностей, городов, улиц родного города и др.
Занятие 7-9. Пунктуация в английском предложении.
Full stop(.), question mark (?) and exclamation mark (!)
A sentence ends with one of these punctuation marks.
Full stop: It’s cold today. The office was closed.
Question mark: Who’s that? Did you see the show?
Exclamation mark: Oh, no! I don’t believe it!
In the US a full stop is called a “period”.
Semi-colon (;)
We can use a semi-colon between two separate statements which are linked in meaning.
Melanie is a very kind person; she visits David in hospital every day.
Colon (:)
We can use a colon before an explanation or before a list.
Vicky felt nervous: she hated the dark.
There wasn’t much in the fridge: a couple of sausages, some butter, half a bottle of milk.
Dash (-)
A dash is rather informal. It is sometimes used instead of a colon or a semi-colon.
I’m having a great time – there’s lots to do here.
Vicky felt nervous - she hated the dark.
Comma (,)
We often use a comma when we link two statements with and, but or or.
Daniel was tired, and his feet were hurting. It’s a really good camera, but I can’t afford it.
Note the two subjects in each sentence: Daniel … his feet and It’s … I. when there is only one subject, we don’t use a comma.
Daniel sat down and took his shoes off.
We can also use a comma when a sentence has a linking word like when or although.
When the office is busy, Sarah has to work late.
Sometimes a comma can separate off an adverb or a phrase.
Sarah, unfortunately, has to work late. On busy days, Sarah has to work late.
The rules about commas are not very exact. In general, commas are more likely around longer phrases. With a short phrase there is often no comma.
On busy days Sarah has to work late. Sometimes she has to work late.
It is less usual to separate off something at the end of the sentence.
Sarah has to work late when the office is busy. She stayed late to get the work done.
We do not usually put a comma before to expressing purpose.
We also use commas in a list of more than two. The last two are linked by and, often without a comma.
I went out with Rachel, Vicky, Emma and Matthew.
Quotation marks (“”)
We put direct speech in quotation marks.
Laura said, “You haven’t put those shelves up yet”. “I haven’t had time”, replied Tom.
We normally use a comma to separate the direct speech from the rest of the sentence.
The comma comes before the quotation mark. Quotation marks are also called “quotes” or “inverted commas”.
We can put quotation marks around titles.
Do you watch that American comedy series called “Roseanne”?
We often use quotation marks when we mention a word or phrase.
What does “punctuation” mean? Rap music is also called “hip hop”.
Hyphen (-)
We sometimes use hyphen in these structures.
Compound noun: eating ice-cream
Compound expression before a noun: an oven-ready meal
Noun formed from a phrasal verb: ready for take-off
Noun + -ing form: interested in rock-climbing
Before the last word of a compound number: a hundred and twenty-six people
After some prefixes: anti-aircraft guns
The rules about hyphens are not very exact. For example, you may see a compound noun written as phonecard, phone-card or phone card. Hyphens are not very frequent in British English, and they are used even less in American English. If you are unsure, it is usually safer to write two separate words.
Apostrophe (’)
Look at these examples.
Today we’re going for a drive in the country. Everyone is looking at Nick’s car.
We use an apostrophe in short forms, where there is a missing letter, e.g. we’re (we are). We also use an apostrophe with s to form the possessive of a noun, e.g. Nick’s car.
Punctuation - The general use of commas
Although the use of commas might appear to be a small matter, in the context of a formal piece of writing they take on greater importance than normal. In this section we will look at the rules for their use.
1. We can use them to separate two independent clauses that are joined by words like and, but, or, nor, so etc.
The climb was hard and tiring, but the women were determined to get to the top.
The men packed up their bags and their tools, and the timber was put away.
- The weather was bitterly cold. The woman's car had broken down. She was far from a town.
- The storm was severe. He didn't expect to survive. Somehow he managed to survive.
- It was a long walk to the next village. It was wet and cold. They hoped to arrive before dark.
2. We use commas to separate a dependent clause (introduced by words like as, because, since, when, after, while etc.) from a main clause.
As it was still raining, the game was postponed. (dependent clause followed by main clause)
After retiring, he started to write his autobiography. (dependent clause followed by main clause)
- She was exhausted. Her husband carried her rucksack.
- She graduated in August. She's been living and working in Geneva.
- She had a headache. She stopped work for a while.
3. Commas are used before an afterthought, or after an introductory word or phrase.
She held her tongue that time, thankfully.
However, many writers (Smith 2001; Jones 2005) questioned this view.
- Before I had time to think he had come back.
- Nevertheless I'm confident that we'll do better next year.
- Despite the lack of positive evidence this approach has been proposed by several academics (Hughes 2003; Lucas 2006).
4. They are used to enclose an extra, inessential element that interrupts the flow of the sentence.
My brother was, in some ways, the cause of his own problems.
She was, as far as I could see, the most talented artist amongst them.
- The car or rather the remains of the car rested at the foot of the cliff.
- The shaky boxer once so fast and strong shuffled along the corridor.
- The results based on this evidence strongly support Liu’s theory.
5. They are used where we use an appositive phrase (i.e. an appropriate phrase) or add further information about an individual or an object.
The fastest driver, Jim Clarke, was first to pass the chequered flag.
John Stone, a living legend, was reduced to begging in the streets.
- Ms Green the chairperson of the board refused to countenance the idea.
- The winning ticket holder a poet from Ashdon used the money to buy a new computer.
- The data collected by Ashworth the foremost expert in this area did not support the theory put forward by the research study.
6. To separate elements in a list.
The refugee group was composed of people from Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Russia.
- He lives in Paris shops in London and holidays in Spain.
- It takes a long time to plan draft rewrite revise and finally to present a good essay.
- The research study collected the data analysed using the chi-squared formula and applied it universally.
7. After time phrases
At 2 o'clock, I got up and left.
At exactly midnight, she left the dance.
By 2006, the evidence was overwhelming.
By the time of his retirement, he had established an unchallenged reputation in this area.
8. To balance contrasting phrases
She might change her car, but never the colour.
He might look, but he won't be able to touch.
The analysis was carefully conducted, but the result was the same.
The same data was re-entered and analysed in a variety of different ways in the hope of finding a contrast but the results were the same.
9. In direct speech
"It's very cold," she exclaimed.
"I'll always love you," he said.
The crowd waved their fists and cried, "No surrender!"
The candidate stood up and said, "Ladies and gentlemen! I'm asking for
your support!"
10. To avoid ambiguity.
As well as the hammering, rain was also falling noisily.
Outside, the car park was full.
I'm sick, and tired of reading this book.
I'm hot, and bothered about what to do with the children.
11. To show that words have been left out:
Cooked food is preferred by the majority; fresh food, by a minority.
Car travel is the preferred option; train and bus, the main alternatives.
Abstinence is encouraged; drunkenness, abhorred.
A hat is accepted; a full headscarf, preferred.
Commas with essential and non-essential clauses
With essential and non-essential clauses it is important to know whether to use commas or not because their use or avoidance will change the meaning of the sentence.
Essential clauses are necessary to identify the person or thing that is being described. They are essential to understanding the sentence. They restrict the meaning to that specific person/thing. For example:
Mr brother who lives in Australia came to see us last week. (I have 5 brothers)
The man who saved my son's life is a retired teacher.
The clauses in italics are essential to the understanding of the sentences. If they are removed, the sentences lose their meaning. These clauses often start with who, which or that. We do not use commas with clauses of this kind.
Non-essential clauses are not essential to the understanding of the sentence since they merely supply some additional information. They can be omitted from the sentence without changing the basic meaning. For example:
My sister, who lives in China, came to stay yesterday. (I've only one sister.)
The woman, who was dressed in a bright red coat, came running up to us.
Clauses like this often start with who or which but never that. When we use clauses of this type, we must enclose them with commas.
Try reading aloud the four examples given above. What do you notice? You might have noticed that where we place commas (with non-essential clauses), we also place a pause in our speech.
Exercise. Look at these sentences and decide which ones contain non-essential clauses and need pairs of commas.
- The man whom I had never met before offered to lend me his car.
- Mrs. Smith who is a retired teacher does voluntary work at the centre.
- People who speak Kiswahili are eligible to apply for this job.
- Linda who speaks Kiswahili should apply for the job.
- Carmen who missed the class yesterday had to explain her absence to the teacher.
- All the students who missed the class were given extra homework.
- The scientist who lectured at the university yesterday predicted another early breakthrough.
- Dr. Robbins who lectured at the university last night warned of an ecological disaster.
- Rice which is grown in many countries is a staple food throughout much of the world.
- The canals which lie between Manchester and London are becoming a very popular means of transport.
Where the information in the clause is essential to understanding, we do not place commas within the sentence. Where the sentence contains some interesting but not essential information, we include the commas.
- The man, whom I had never met before, offered to lend me his car.
- Mrs. Smith, who is a retired teacher, does voluntary work at the centre.
- People who speak Kiswahili are eligible to apply for this job.
- Linda, who speaks Kiswahili, should apply for the job.
- Carmen, who missed the class yesterday, had to explain her absence to the teacher.
- All the students who missed the class were given extra homework. (If every one of the students had missed the class, we would have placed commas around who missed the class.)
- The scientist who lectured at the university yesterday predicted another early breakthrough.
- Dr. Robbins, who lectured at the university last night, warned of an ecological disaster.
- Rice, which is grown in many countries, is a staple food throughout much of the world.
- The canals which lie between Manchester and London are becoming a very popular means of transport. (In other words, we want to specify precisely what canals we are referring to. Whether we include commas or not depends on the meaning we want to convey. If we have already been talking about these canals and you simply want to specify more clearly where they are, we would place commas around which lie between Manchester and London.)
Now practice the general use of commas. Do you think that any of these sentences require additional commas?
- I tried to creep quietly down the stairs but despite my efforts they heard me and took me back.
- Because of the continuing fighting the UN was unable to continue the relief mission.
- Tony Blair the main speaker made the last speech.
- My brother who is a dentist enjoys watching soap operas. (I've one brother.)
- My brother who is a dentist enjoys watching soap operas. (I have 4 brothers)
- She's a lovely dancer but a lousy skater.
- His latest film Noting Hill has been very successful.
- Finally after much hesitation he came to the point.
- Underneath the garage was on fire.
- However subsequent research studies were unable to replicate the same results.
- The project which involved a range of departments from different universities was funded by an EU research grant.
- Domestic violence and especially violence against women can be a problem in all cultures however it has been particularly difficult to conduct research into this issue in the Muslim community for this study.
Notes on the Task
- I tried to creep quietly down the stairs but, despite my efforts, they heard me and took me back.
- Because of the continuing fighting, the UN was unable to continue the relief mission.
- Tony Blair, the main speaker, made the last speech.
- My brother, who is a dentist, enjoys watching soap operas. (I've one brother.)
- My brother who is a dentist enjoys watching soap operas. (I have 4 brothers)
- She's a lovely dancer, but a lousy skater.
- His latest film, Noting Hill, has been very successful.
- Finally, after much hesitation, he came to the point.
- Underneath, the garage was on fire.
- However, subsequent research studies were unable to replicate the same results.
- The project, which involved a range of departments from different universities, was funded by an EU research grant.
- Domestic violence, and especially violence against women, can be a problem in all cultures. However, it has been particularly difficult to conduct research into this issue in the Muslim community for this study.
Semi-colons and colons
A semi-colon [;] is a bit like a 'soft' full stop; wherever you can place a semi-colon, you can also place a full-stop. The writer may decide to use a semi-colon when there is an extra piece of related information to give to the reader which is closely related to the sentence before, and which the writer feels does not really require a sentence of its own. It is, in other words, used to join two parts of a sentence that could otherwise be left as two sentences.
It is very important to note that a semi-colon can never be replaced by a comma but this is often an error that writers make. In the two following examples, we could not use a comma:
I looked long and hard for the right material; nothing else would do.
The whole team was looking exhausted; Maria was clearly showing the strain.
A semi-colon can also be used for complicated lists, in collaboration with commas. For example:
The research study explored a number of geographical areas: the southern parts of Wales, Scotland and Ireland; the northerly tip of the Hebrides; the most north-western tip of France.
A colon [:] is used to introduce a list, just as in the sentence above.
There are a number of possible solutions: medical, herbal or alternative.
The research team visited several sites: Larkness, Coaster and Ariemes.
A note on the use of however.
The word however is commonly used in academic writing and it is important to remember how it is used.
At the start of a sentence, it is normally followed by a comma.
However, Johansen’s later research was more productive.
When the word however appears in the middle of a sentence to introduce a contrast, it must follow a semi-colon and it must be followed by a comma.
The data suggest that foreign direct investment can have a significant affect on local industry; however, further research will be needed to confirm this finding.
The pattern of canals across the country provided a cheap and effective way to transport heavy goods for a hundred years; however, the development of a railway network would change all that.
Exercise. Put in the punctuation marks where necessary.
This is Mr Smith a teacher He teaches English French and German He is not a young man but he is not old He is about 44 or 45 years old He is a good-looking man tall rather thin with dark hair just beginning to grow grey He is always very well dressed but quietly in good taste He speaks quietly and pleasantly
His desk is in the middle of the room Pens pencils and paper are on the desk The telephone is on the left and a tray for letters is on the right Just behind the telephone there is a reading-lamp It is almost 11 o’clock by the clock on the wall but Mr Smith is still working He works very late sometimes till 2 or 3 o’clock in the morning but generally he goes to bed at 12 o’clock Students come to him every day but Saturday and Sunday
Занятие 10-11. Особенности оформление адреса на английском языке.
Устойчивые фразы и выражения при оформлении письменной речи.
При написании адреса необходимо придерживаться следующих правил.
- адрес пишется в следующем порядке:
- номер дома, название улицы
- город
- страна
Допускается указывать адрес в кратком виде, например:
Если это письмо, под адресом, пропустив строку, необходимо написать дату:
June 7th, 2008
7 June 2008
или менее официально:
Фразы и выражения при оформлении письменной речи.
Thanks (a lot) for your (last) letter.
Your last letter was a real surprise.
I was glad to get your letter.
It was great to hear from you! /It was great to hear that …/ I was happy to hear…
Sorry I haven’t written for so long but …/ Sorry I haven’t been in touch for so long.
I’m sorry I haven’t answered earlier but I was really busy with my school.
I’m glad you passed your History test!
Sounds like you had a great time in London!
Great news about your …!
Well, I’d better go now as I have to do my homework.
Anyway, I have to go now because my Mum asked me to help her with the washing up.
I’ve got to go now! It’s time for my favourite TV show.
Write (back) soon!
Take care and keep in touch!
Drop me a letter when you can!
Hope to hear from you soon!
I can’t wait to hear from you!
Lot’s of love,
All my love,
All the best,
Best wishes,
With best wishes,
I am writing in response to your advertisement, which appeared in …
I am writing with regard to your advertisement, which I saw …
I am particularly interested in the position of … because/as
I wish to gain experience of/in …
I wish to extend my experience …
I am a seventeen-year-old student at …
I hold/have a qualification in …
I am generally considered to be outgoing/sociable/hardworking/etc.
I have some experience of this work because …
Although I have no direct experience, I have …
I wonder if you could tell me …
I would be grateful if you could inform me …
If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me
I am available for interview at any time/at your convenience.
I would be glad to attend an interview.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
Yours faithfully
Выражение мнения:
- I agree/ disagree...
- In my opinion, ... / From my point of view, ... / As far as I'm concerned, ...
- I believe that... / It seems to me that...
- I am in favour of... / I am against the idea of...
- According to ...
- Some people say that ...
- It is said/believed that ...
- There is no doubt that ...
- It cannot be denied that ...
- It goes without saying that ....
• We must admit that ...
Организация точки зрения:
- admittedly
- although
- … and finally
- at any rate
- consequently
- hence, therefore
- however
- in addition
- in conclusion
- in fact
- in the first place
- in the second place
- moreover
- nevertheless
- not only …, but also …
- on the contrary
- on the face of it
- on the one hand … on the other hand …
- the most important thing …
Представление аргументов:
- The main argument in favour/against is...
- First of all, I would like to consider...
- The first thing (I would like to consider) to be considered is...
- To begin with,.../To start with, ...
- Apart from that...
- Despite the fact that .../In spite of the fact that ...
- On the one hand, .../On the other hand, ...
- Besides, .../ In addition, ...
- What is more,... /Moreover, .../More than that, ...
- What matters most in this case is...
- Finally, ...
- However, .../..., though
- ...although... / ... even though ...
- Nevertheless, ...
Выражение причинно-следственной связи:
- for this reason
- therefore/that is why
- thus
- smth happened
- because of
- as a result of
- owing to/due to
• as a consequence of
- for example
- for instance
- such as
- like
- To sum up, ....
- To conclude, I would argue that ...
- On this basis, I can conclude that...
- In conclusion, I would like to stress that...
- All in all, I believe that...
Как практическое занятие можно попросить учащихся написать вариант своего письма с использованием изученных фраз и выражений. В последствие на примере этого письма они найдут и исправят ошибки, получив информацию о правильном оформлении и написании подобных писем.
Занятие 12. Семинар.
Для проведения семинара по теоретической части необходимо составить вопросы для фронтального опроса. Возможно выполнение практических заданий типа «Исправь ошибки».
Занятие 13-14. Написание открытки.
открытки могут быть отправлены по разным причинам:
- рассказать об отдыхе или путешествии,
- сообщить о деталях какого-либо происшествия,
- сообщить новый адрес или номер телефона,
- послать новость о друзьях или семье,
- спросить о друзьях или семье,
- послать приветствие или поздравление (на Новый год, день рождения и т.д.),
- напомнить о себе.
One of the last things you hear from your friends or neighbours as you go away on holiday is "Send us a postcard!"
How to Write a Postcard Text.
1.You may begin and end in any way you like because postcards are informal and personal.
2. There is not much space in a postcard. So you usually mention just a few things and use shortened sentence forms.
3.You don't have to follow strict rules of punctuation. For example, you may use dashes ( - ) instead of full stops or commas to separate ideas.
4. To emphasize words or expressions in a postcard you can use: capital letters, underlining, exclamation marks.
5. In postcards you often use descriptive words to show you like something or someone (e.g. wonderful, great, beautiful, exciting, fabulous or bad, miser able, unfriendly and so on).
Holiday postcards have three main characteristics. They're short, positive (even if it's raining) and predictable in their content.
Buy a postcard from a souvenir shop. It could have a picture of the place you're at on it.
Write the information as follows:
Write the recipient's name and address on the lines on the right hand side of the postcard. Don't forget to include the country - you might not have to do this at home, but you do if you're abroad.
The left hand side of the postcard is for your message. Start by writing "Dear ... (the name of the person you're writing to)."
Leave a line and state where you are and what it's like, for example : "I'm in Paris, it's great."
Write a sentence about what you're doing right now, for example: "I'm writing this postcard to you while I'm waiting for the double-decker tour bus."
Write a sentence about your accommodation, like: "The hotel is lovely, it has a big fountain outside and there's a beautiful view from our window."
Then include a description of something you did on one of the days that you enjoyed, such as : "Yesterday we went on a boat trip across the river, I loved finding out about all the different sights in the city."
Write a comment about something particularly good, bad or funny about the holiday, like : "I tried frog's legs but they were horrible, they tasted like cardboard!"
Finish off by writing : "Wish you were here," or "See you on Friday," or any other ending you want to write and then sign off with: "Love (your name) xxx"
Your postcard should now be in the same format as this:
We're in Paris, it's great. The hotel is lovely, it has a big fountain outside and there's a beautiful view from our window. Yesterday we went on a boat trip across the river. I loved finding out about all the different sights in the city. I tried frogs' legs but they were horrible, they tasted like cardboard!
Wish you were here. Love (your name) xxx
Stick a stamp onto the top right corner of the postcard and send it. You could receive a postcard from that person next time they go on holiday!
Include lots of details but keep it short and sweet.
Make sure you know the person's address before you start writing the message or you could waste a lot of time.
Be sure to include the main events.
Don't tell them everything you are doing at once!
Postcards are not put in envelopes, so don't write anything you wouldn't want the postman to read!
If you do that, your postcard might be in the trash can or sent back to you!
Things You'll Need
Money to buy a postcard and stamp.
A pen.
The recipient's address.
Things to remember
- Use the present continuous to describe what you're doing.
- Your postcard can be as short as you like.
- Even if you're having a terrible time, don't complain in your postcard. Use an exclamation mark to show you don't mind that your holiday isn't perfect.
"As usual, it's tipping down with rain in our wonderful British summer!"
Wishes for Birthday.
May this year be your best ever.
I hope all your birthday dreams and wishes come true.
Not just a year older, but a year better.
Here's to another year of experience.
A simple celebration, a gathering of friends; here is wishing you great happiness, a joy that never ends.
A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip.
Happy birthday, may this day always be a special one to remember.
May the best of your past be the worst of your future.
Hope your birthday blossoms into lots of dreams come true!
I hope that for every candle on your cake you get a wonderful surprise.
May today be filled with sunshine and smiles, laughter and love.
Happy Birthday and many happy returns of the day.
Wishes for Easter
Oh! what a beautiful morning!
I've just dropped in to say.
I hope you have a beautiful,
And wonderful Easter Day!
Flowers are blooming everywhere,
Bird songs are in the air.
Spring is unfolding her treasures,
And wants us all to share.
Easter gives hope for tomorrow,
As after the winter comes Spring.
Our hearts can be filled with gladness
As hearts rejoice and sing.
Wishes for New Year’s Day
A merry Christmas to everybody! A happy New Year to the world! (Charles Dickens)
Then sing, young hearts that are full of cheer,
With never a thought of sorrow;
The old goes out, but the glad young year
Comes merrily in tomorrow (Emily Miller)
Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each New Year find you a
better man.(Benjamin Franklin)
A happy New Year! Grant that I
May bring no tear to any eye
When this New Year in time shall end
Let it be said I've played the friend,
Have lived and loved and labored here,
And made of it a happy year. (Edgar A. Guest)
We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called "Opportunity" and its first chapter is New Year's Day. (Edith Lovejoy Pierce)
Resolve to make at least one person happy every day, and then in ten years you may have made three thousand, six hundred and fifty persons happy, or brightened a small town by your contribution to the fund of general enjoyment. (Sydney Smith)
Your Merry Christmas may depend on what others do for you. But your Happy New Year depends on what you do for others. (Anonymous)
Funny New Year Wishes
May your hair, your teeth, your face-lift, your abs and your stocks not fall; and may your blood pressure, your triglycerides, your cholesterol, your white blood count and your mortgage interest not rise.
May what you see in the mirror delight you, and what others see in you delight them. May someone love you enough to forgive your faults, be blind to your blemishes, and tell the world about your virtues?
May New Year's Eve find you seated around the table, together with your beloved family and cherished friends. May you find the food better, the environment quieter, the cost much cheaper, and the pleasure much more fulfilling than anything else you might ordinarily do that night.
Here are My Wishes for You...
H ours of happy times with friends and family
A bundant time for relaxation
P rosperity
P lenty of love when you need it the most
Y outhful excitement at lifes simple pleasures
N ights of restful slumber (you know - dont' worry be happy)
E verything you need
W ishing you love and light
Y ears and years of good health
E njoyment and mirth
A angels to watch over you
R embrances of a happy years!
Wishes for Christmas
May the miracle of Christmas fill your heart with warmth and love?
Christmas is the time of giving and sharing.
It is the time of loving and forgiving.
Merry Christmas to Everyone!
Merry Christmas.
I hope that your Christmas would be
enjoyable and may the essence of Christmas
remains always with you.
Take care
Let us keep Christmas beautiful
Without a thought of greed
That it might live forevermore
To fill our every need..
The snow gently falls,
and touches the heart,
white as a dove,
Merry christmas with love.
Each Christmas finds me longing
For Christmases now past
And I am back in childhood
As long as memories last.
I have a list of folks I know, all written in a book
And every year when Christmas comes, I go and take a look
And that is when I realize that these names are a part
Not of the book they are written in, but really of my heart.
Somehow, not only for Christmas
But all the long year through
The joy that you give to others
Is the joy that comes back to you.
Let the spirit of love
gently fill our hearts and homes.
In this loveliest of seasons
may you find many reasons for happiness.
To a joyful present
and a well remembered past
Best wishes for Happy Holidays
and a magnificent New Year.
May the Christmas season
fill your home with joy
your heart with love
and your life with laughter.
May your Christmas sparkle with moments of love, laughter and goodwill,
And may the year ahead be full of contentment and joy.
Have a Merry Christmas.
Exercise 1: write а holiday postcard to any of your classmates.
Exercise 2: write the answer on your friend’s postcard.
Exercise 3: write a postcard with greetings on any holiday you want.
Занятие 15. Практическое занятие.
Данное занятие предусматривает использование компьютера, Интернета.
Используя различные программы (Power Point, Paint, Word) учащиеся создают и подписывают свои открытки. Отличным завершением занятия будет (если есть возможность) просмотр работ при помощи мультимедиапроектора. Обучающиеся могут работать в парах или группах.
Занятие 16-18. Письмо личного характера.
Many times you find yourself overcome by a strong urge to communicate. However, whether such an urge actually gets translated into a heartfelt letter or not remains a matter of conjecture owing largely to the fading practices of yore. For example, when was the last time you wrote a personal letter, from the heart, with soul and passion, with affection and joy, brimming with emotion? When was the last time you actually either seriously managed to put pen down on paper to jot down your deepest feelings and fondest thoughts or make it a point to click away furiously at your keyboard so that modern technology could transport those sentiments instantly by e-mail across to those whom they were meant for before you could say Jack Robinson? Let us try to recapture in brief the simple pleasure of writing personal letters.
Personal Letter Writing Tips
Writing a personal letter, or writing letters of most kind for that matter, except those of an official nature, has almost become a forgotten human pursuit, a lost art at best! Writing a good personal letter is not rocket science. On the contrary, it is more about the little everyday things of life that matter like a day at the college or at a new job, or your child’s first day at school, or a congratulatory letter to a relative on his/her latest accomplishment. Almost all of personal letter writing seems to have one feature in common: a shared personal bond between the writer and its recipient!
Set One Day Aside For Personal Letter Writing
Since personal letters are rarely of a pressing nature, it is imperative for those interested to specially set aside at least one day every week or fortnight as per one’s need, for the exclusive activity of writing personal letters, be they of the postal or the e-mail variety. As it is, most of us would not have to write more than two responses every week in the current scenario of busy lives and few precious relationships. And if we do not discipline ourselves into such a routine, nothing may ever compel us enough to make such a dedicated effort for all its worth.
Keep Making Notes
Carry a small notepad handy with you almost always and everywhere you go, so that you can catch a fleeting thought or feeling that will make your personal letter special. Always jot down important points you don’t want to miss mentioning in your personal letter/s, because sweet or touching memories can come flooding with little or no warning .
Avoid Form Letters As Far As Possible
Neither circumstances nor common sense allows us to write to everyone personally on certain important occasions, barring a select few. So if you must write a form letter, take extra care to make it sound universally personalized, with care taken to appropriately address it to each of its recipients, in a hand-written kind of print.
Keep It Current And Reasonably Detailed
Keep the personal letter current, pleasant, and genuine and it will automatically exude warmth. A good personal letter need not be long. Delve into little details to show a sense of closeness and attachment. Make sincere enquiries regarding health and well-being, and be sure to answer questions asked in their letters to the best of your capacity, asking some of your own along the way.
Be Informal yet Thoughtful
Starting the letter off with the usual ‘Dear’ address is as good a way to begin as any, if the relationship with the recipient allows for that. The important thing is to greet the person as you would in person. Use a well-chosen letter writing paper, and write legibly and lucidly. One thing that may never change and is therefore going to remain almost eternally important is the date of the letter! Never forget to date the letter, as it bears a stamp of nostalgic references when re-read much later. If need be, enclose photographs and/or cards, and if it is children you are writing to, make special mention about upcoming or recently celebrated birthdays, school matters, vacation activities and the like. Also, take that extra effort to enclose easy to send knick-knacks like stickers or bookmarks that thrills kids no end.
Letters Of Praise Or Sympathy
If it is a congratulatory letter or a letter of encouragement, it must be particularly accurate in the details about the event or challenge mentioned. Maintain an encouraging tone and share words of inspiration or wisdom. In the case of a condolence letter, devote a few lines exclusively to the person you are condoling, and use a soothing tone throughout to convey your support. Personal letters dealing with a sensitive topic may or may not be closed on a light note depending on the magnitude of seriousness of the subject and the nature of the relationship with the recipient.
Writing personal letters can be a fun and fulfilling exercise if we remember to make it sound as normal and friendly as our rapport with its recipient, by including the usual elements of humor, advice, sympathy, or praise, as the occasion demands.
Tips for Writing Great Personal Letters
Even though personal letters are not as formal as business letters, they contain the same elements: heading, salutation, body, closing and signature.
Reread any recent letters you received from the person to whom you are writing. This will help you answer the person's questions and include items of interest to the reader.
Use vivid sensory impressions. Also include figures of speech, such as similes and metaphors.
Dialogue makes your writing more specific and interesting, too.
Never assume that your reader knows everyone in your life. Identify all unfamiliar people and places you mention.
Check your grammar and usage carefully. Even though your letter is informal, you want to get it right and prevent misunderstandings.
Reread for errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and logic.
Make your letter easy to read by typing or writing clearly.
Try to end your letter on a positive note. Avoid lame endings like, ‘Well, that's all I have to say’ or ‘It's late so I'll end this letter.’
Personal Letter Writing Tips
Letters to friends and close relations should be written in an easy, conversational style. A personal letter should have the same tone as a friendly chat. And as a general rule they should be unpremeditated and spontaneous compositions.
In a personal letter we can touch on many subjects just like we do during casual conversations. We may also discuss these subjects in any order we like. Note that the use of colloquial expressions which would be totally out of place in a formal letter is also permissible in personal letters. But this does not mean that personal letters should be written in a careless and slovenly manner. In fact, it must be remembered that however friendly your tone may be, we are all bound by the rules of spelling, grammar and punctuation. Note that grammatical and spelling errors will instantly get you stamped as uneducated.
Forms of address
In friendly letters to friends and relatives, the proper form of address is the name (without title) of the person to whom you are writing. You may prefix the name by such qualifying terms as Dear, My Dear, Dearest etc.
Examples are:
My dear Mummy
Dear Charles
Dearest sister
The forms of subscription are varied. In letters to close friends and relatives you may write: ‘Yours affectionately’, ‘Your affectionate son/daughter/sister/brother’, ‘Your loving son/friend’ etc. In informal letters written to your superiors or teachers, you may use subscriptions such as ‘Sincerely’ or ‘Truly’. The subscription could be Sincerely yours, Yours, or Yours affectionately. Many people also write ‘love’, ‘see you’ or ‘cheers’. Note that ‘love’ is not usually used in letters written by a man to another man.
Before the subscription some people use expressions such as ‘regards’, ‘kind regards’ or ‘with best wishes’.
Not that ‘sincerely’ should not be used in letters which begin with the formal Dear Sir, after which the proper form of subscription is ‘faithfully’ or ‘truly’.
Your letter should be interesting to your reader. Don’t devote the whole space to yourself. Write about people your reader is interested in. You may also want to write about the things that are of common interest to you and your reader. The purpose of writing a personal letter is to make the reader feel happy so show genuine interest in him/her. If you have a particular purpose in writing the letter – say, to convey a message – state it clearly so that it would not be obscured by the other details in the letter.
Sample Personal Letters
M 1014, Sector 17
MG Road, Mumbai
October 10, 2009
Dear Alice,
Many thanks for your letter which arrived this morning. We are thinking of visiting you one of these days. By the by, how is Tom? You said nothing about him. Isn’t he studying well?
Convey my regards to everybody at home.
See you soon, I hope.
Thanks again
23 Lenskaya Street
Moscow Russia
September 15th, 2009
Dear Steve,
Thanks a lot for your letter. I’m glad your sister got married. How are you getting on with her husband? Is he a student? What kind of music does he enjoy?
In your letter you asked me about the reading habits in my family. Well, my father often reads newspaper and magazines. He thinks that it is the only way to be in the know of everything. And my mother is keen on reading romances and modern novels. However, she wouldn’t mind reading about the life of well-known people.
As for me, I enjoy reading detective stories because they have interesting story lines and unusual endings. I am particularly captivated by characters who conduct investigations.
Actually, I’d better go now as I’ve got loads of homework to do tonight. Write soon!
All the best,
Task 1. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Mary who writes
... It was great to hear that you went to Italy during your spring holidays. I have always wanted to visit this wonderful country. Did you enjoy your journey? What places of interest did you visit? What impressed you most of all? Did you like your hotel? As for me, I am awfully tired because we’ve got too many tests at school. Can't wait for the summer break... |
Write a letter to Mary. In your letter
- tell her about your journey to Italy
- ask 3 questions about her plans for the summer Write 100-140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing
Notes for the task.
Sample version.
3/9 В. Polyankaya Street
14 September 2009
Dear Mary,
Thanks a lot for your letter. I hope you passed all your tests!
First of all, let me tell you about my one-week package holiday to Rome. Everything was OK, but we didn't like our hotel. It was too noisy and the food was awful. We even had a stomachache and consulted a doctor. However, all the excursions were extremely interesting. We visited the Vatican and were impressed by the famous St. Peter's Cathedral. I also enjoyed the Colosseum and other sights of Rome. All in all, we enjoyed our holiday.
And what about you? What are your plans for the summer? Will you come to visit us? Russia is a unique country and I'll show you lots of interesting things. If you make up your mind, let me know what cities you would like to visit.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Lots of love,
Task 2. This is part of a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend.
...Do you often have arguments with your parents? I do. My mother thinks that I spend too much time hanging around with my friends. Do you often meet your friends? What do you usually do together? And what do you do when you disagree with your parents about how you spend your free time? Write back soon. Love, Ann |
Write back to Ann. In your letter
- answer her questions
- ask 3 questions about her relations with her younger sister Write 100-140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
Notes for the task.
Sample version.
10 Lenina Street
Dear Ann,
Thanks for your letter. I'm glad you passed your History test!
I'm sorry you don't get on well with your parents. As for me, I have practically no problems with mine, although we do quarrel sometimes because I spend too much time playing computer games. In this case I try to talk to them and find the way out. Unfortunately, I can meet my friends only at weekends and we usually play football together. It's our favourite game.
And how do you get on with your sister? Do you play together? Do you help her with her homework? I wish I had a sister or a brother!
Anyway, keep smiling whatever happens! I'd better go now as I've got loads of homework to do (as always).
Write back soon!
Lots of love,
Занятие 19-21. Письмо официального характера.
Существует множество причин для написания официальных писем. Тем не менее, можно выделить несколько основных видов деловой переписки:
- письмо о приеме на работу/курсы
- письмо-запрос
- письмо-жалоба
Одним из наиболее важных является письмо о приеме на работу с приложенным к нему резюме.
Письма о приеме на работу пишутся непосредственно работодателю. Их основная цель — создать первое впечатление о вас, поэтому письмо следует писать таким образом, чтобы оно запоминалось при чтении. Большинство писем о приеме на работу пишутся в ответ на публикацию о вакансиях. Тем не менее, в письме необходимо указывать должность, на которую вы претендуете. Ведь в организации может быть несколько различных вакансий.
При написании делового письма необходимо придерживаться следующих правил.
- Используйте формальный стиль письма, а именно:
- не употребляйте сокращенные формы, такие как
don’t или can’t; - не ставьте скобки и восклицательные знаки — это свойственно неформальному стилю письма;
- не начинайте предложения со слов and, but или also. В разговорном языке вы можете их использовать, но
избегайте этого в формальном сочинении; - не употребляйте вводные слова, характерные для неформального стиля (well, you know и т.д.);
- избегайте слишком простых предложений. Объединяйте простые предложения в сложные, используя
логические средства связи.
- В начале письма в правом верхнем углу указывается адрес пишущего в следующем порядке:
- номер дома, название улицы
- город и почтовый индекс
- страна
- ваш e-mail или номер телефона (факультативно)
Под адресом, пропустив строку, необходимо написать дату письма:
June 7th, 2009
7 June 2009
или менее официально:
Если нужно указать адрес работодателя, его необходимо написать слева после даты письма, в следующем порядке:
имя и фамилия получателя (если указаны в объявлении);
его должность (факультативный параметр);
наименование компании;
номер дома, улица;
город и почтовый индекс;
страна (если письмо направляется в другую страну)
После адреса необходимо пропустить строку.
Письмо начинается с официального обращения:
Dear Sir,
Dear Madam,
Dear Sir/Madam,
если в объявлении не указана фамилия работодателя или
Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms Smith, если в объявлении указана фамилия работодателя.
После обращения обязательно ставится запятая!
- Разделите текст своего письма на несколько логических абзацев. Абзацы могут отделяться пустой строкой.
- В первом абзаце следует объяснить причину, по которой вы пишете письмо, а также указать, где и когда вы увидели объявление о приеме на работу. Можно использовать следующие фразы-клише:
I am writing in response to your advertisement, which appeared in …
I am writing with regard to your advertisement, which I saw …
Вы также можете написать, почему вас интересует эта должность:
I am particularly interested in the position of … because/as
I wish to gain experience of/in …
I wish to extend my experience …
2. Основная часть письма (2—3 абзаца). В ней вы должны дать краткое описание своего образования и профессионального опыта, уделяя особое внимание тем качествам, которые наилучшим образом отвечают требованиям к кандидату на эту должность:
I am a seventeen-year-old student at …
I hold/have a qualification in …
I am generally considered to be outgoing/sociable/hardworking/etc.
I have some experience of this work because …
Although I have no direct experience, I have …
Не забудьте задать интересующие вас вопросы, например, о режиме работы или об оплате труда:
I wonder if you could tell me …
I would be grateful if you could inform me …
3. В последнем абзаце вы можете указать, что прилагаете свое резюме, и выразить готовность предоставить дополнительную информацию:
If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me
Вам следует также сообщить, когда можете прийти на интервью:
I am available for interview at any time/at your convenience.
I would be glad to attend an interview.
- В конце письма на отдельной строке упоминается о дальнейших контактах:
I look forward to hearing from you.
- На следующей строке указывается завершающая фраза:
Если письмо начинается словами: Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms Smith, то оно должно заканчиваться выражением: Yours sincerely (Искренне Ваш).
Если вступительное обращение имеет вид: Dear Sir/ Madam, то завершающая фраза будет: Yours faithfully (С уважением).
Под завершающей фразой указывается имя и фамилия автора. Например:
Andrew Smirnov
Kate Ivanova
Таким образом, письмо о приеме на работу имеет следующий вид:
Адрес пишущего (указывается в правом верхнем углу) | ||
Дата написания письма (указывается под адресом) | ||
Адрес работодателя | ||
Обращение, | ||
В начале письма автор обычно а) объясняет причину написания письма; б) указывает, где и когда он видел объявление; в) объясняет, почему он заинтересован в этой работе | ||
Основная часть письма (2—3 абзаца). В ней автор дает краткое описание своего образования и профессионального опыта. Не забудьте задать интересующие вас вопросы. | ||
В последнем параграфе автор обычно а) выражает готовность предоставить дополнительную информацию; б) сообщает, когда может прийти на интервью. | ||
Упоминание о желательности дальнейших контактов (фраза-клише). | ||
Завершающая фраза, | ||
Имя и фамилия автора |
Business Letter Writing Tips
Business letters should be brief and to the point. As we all know, business people are always busy. They will not have enough time to read long, winding letters. Unlike personal letters, business letters are written in a more formal style. Certain polite expressions such as those given below are commonly used in business letters:
‘I shall be obliged if you will send me …’
‘Please dispatch the —– at your earliest convenience’
There are also certain phrases of business jargon that should be avoided.
Examples are: ‘Dispatch the same at once’.
Expressions of this kind are commonly used in business letters, but note that they are not good English. In many cases it is also possible to convey the meaning in simple, everyday English.
Avoid abbreviations as far as possible.
For instance, write advertisement, and not advt. Write examination, and not exam.
Also avoid the tendency to omit the subjects I and we.
Write ‘We have received’ instead of ‘Have received’
Directions for shipping (by rail, air, post etc.) should be given. Also clearly state the manner in which the payment will be made.
While ordering goods, give clear and exact descriptions of the articles in the letter. It is also a good idea to provide an itemized list of the articles wanted with the quality and quantity clearly specified.
In replying to business letters always quote the number of reference if there is any and the date of the letter you are answering. For example, ‘In reply to your letter no. 304/p, dated January 5th, 1010, I would like to say’
Why do we need an opening line in a business letter or formal email?
- to make reference to previous correspondence
- to say how you found the recipient's name/address
- to say why you are writing to the recipient.
10 Good Opening Lines:
With reference to your letter of 8 June, I ...
I am writing to enquire about ...
After having seen your advertisement in ... , I would like ...
After having received your address from ... , I ...
I received your address from ... and would like ...
We/I recently wrote to you about ...
Thank you for your letter of 8 May.
Thank you for your letter regarding ...
Thank you for your letter/e-mail about ...
In reply to your letter of 8 May, ...
Closing lines
Why do we need a closing line in a business letter or email?
- to make a reference to a future event
- to repeat an apology
- to offer help
10 Good Closing Lines:
If you require any further information, feel free to contact me.
I look forward to your reply.
I look forward to hearing from you.
I look forward to seeing you.
Please advise as necessary.
We look forward to a successful working relationship in the future.
Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Once again, I apologise for any inconvenience.
We hope that we may continue to rely on your valued custom.
I would appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.
When 'Yours faithfully' and when 'Yours sincerely' in a business letter?
When the recipient's name is unknown to you:
Dear Sir ... Yours faithfully
Dear Madam ... Yours faithfully
Dear Sir or Madam ... Yours faithfully
When you know the recipient's name:
Dear Mr Hanson ... Yours sincerely
Dear Mrs Hanson ... Yours sincerely
Dear Miss Hanson ... Yours sincerely
Dear Ms Hanson ... Yours sincerely
When addressing a good friend or colleague:
Dear Jack ... Best wishes/Best regards
Addressing whole departments:
Dear Sirs ... Yours faithfully
Образец письма о приеме на работу
A British company, which has its branch office in Moscow, is looking for a new staff at the moment. You saw the following advertisement in The Moscow News.
NEEDED FILM EXTRAS Young people are needed to work in a new drama series being filmed on location. GOOD PAY No experience required, but you must have a good knowledge of English. Contact: David Cranston, Director, Teendrama Productions, 5 Nagornaya Street, Moscow 285115 |
23-8 Lenina Street
Moscow 115123
e-mail aratova@mail.ru
10 September 2009
Mr David Cranston
Teendrama Productions
5 Nagornaya Street
Moscow 285115
Dear Mr Cranston,
I am writing in response to your advertisement, which appeared in The Moscow News yesterday. I am very interested in this job because my ambition is to become an actress.
I am a sixteen-year-old student at a comprehensive school in Moscow. I am quite tall, of slim build, with shoulder-length wavy dark hair. I am generally considered to be outgoing and sociable.
I speak fluent English and I have passed the FCE examination with an A.
I would be grateful if you could inform me how much the wage would be per hour, and how many hours a day I would be expected to work.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am available for interview at any time.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Anna Ratova
Образец письма-запроса информации.
You have read the following advertisement in The International Student and made notes about some additional information you would like to know.
WSDC World School Debating Championship Athens 2009 Calling school debating clubs everywhere!!! WSDC is a truly global competition for high school debaters. Can you beat the best young speakers in the world? Join the debate on: Is global warming going to get better or worse? For further information write to: The World Schools Debating Championships Ltd, Dartmouth House, 37 Charles Street, London W1J 5ED, United Kingdom |
Flat 147
21 Selezneva Street
Moscow 224563
10 April 2009
The World Schools Debating Championships Ltd
Dartmouth House
37 Charles Street
London W1J 5ED
Dear Sir/Madam,
I saw your advertisement for the International Youth Conference Debate on global warming in The International Student and I am writing for more information. I am a member of the school Debating Club and we are all keen to take part in the event, but require further details.
First of all, could you tell us whether there is an age limit for the participants? Our team consists of seven students aged between fourteen and eighteen. We would like to know if it is possible for all of us to participate and whether we have to be accompanied by a teacher.
We would be grateful if you could inform us about the deadline for the application as well as the exact dates of the debate so that we can make the necessary travel arrangements. Could you please send us an information pack, including application forms and any other useful information about the Conference?
Finally, we would appreciate any information concerning accommodation in the area where the competition is going to take place.
I look forward to receiving your answer.
Yours faithfully,
Alexander Shuvalov
Образец письма-жалобы.
You bought an exercise bike after reading the following advertisement in a magazine but contrary to all expectations you are not satisfied with it.
Lose at least a kilo a week using the Life Core Fitness 900UB Upright Bike!!! Contact: U.S. Fitness Products Ltd, 5912 Oleander Dr., Wilmington, NC 28403 |
12—27 Sedova Street,
Moscow 145313
25 June 2009
US Fitness Products Ltd
5912 Oleander Dr.
Wilmington, NC 28403
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to you about a Life Core Fitness 900UB Upright Bike which I bought from US Fitness Products (Moscow) on 20th November for $800. I enclose copies of the guarantee and receipt.
To begin with, this bike is extremely badly made. The speedometer stopped working after a week. Besides, the heart rate control system must also have broken since its readings were not correct. Finally, the pedals broke just as I was cycling at full speed.
Moreover, in your advertisement you claim that people will lose at least a kilo a week by using this bike for only half an hour every day. However, I have been using it for a month but seem to have lost no weight at all.
When I took the exercise bike back to the shop, not only did the manager refuse to refund my money, but said that he would not repair the bike either.
I’d like you to refund my money as soon as possible. Unless I get full satisfaction within the next three weeks, I will have to take legal action.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Sergey Bobrov
Task 1. You have seen the following advertisement in The
Moscow News.
BURGER KING are looking for new TEAM MEMBERS We are looking for Team Members who are motivated, friendly and ready to provide excellent guest service! Applicants should be prepared to work in a team and on a part-time or possibly casual basis. Previous experience would be an advantage. Apply for the job now! Tell us more about you and why you think you would make a great addition to our winning team. If your letter is chosen, we will invite you to an interview to discuss your application further. Send your letters of application to Burger King Corporation, 5 Leninsky Avenue, Moscow 115645 |
Write a letter to answer the advertisement. In your letter
- explain why you decided to write
- describe your education and experience
- ask about the pay and the time required to do this work. Write 100-140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
Notes for the task.
Sample version.
35 - 11 Leninsky Avenue
Moscow 115645
20 May 2008
Burger King Corporation
5 Leninsky Avenue
Moscow 115645
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to apply for the job of team member that was advertised in last Sunday's edition of The Moscow News.
I am a second-year student at the College of Trade and Management. In the future, I want to run my own restaurant so I would like to gain the first-hand experience of working in an organization that has western roots. I have already had some experience of working for McDonalds Restaurant so I know how to work in a team.
I would be obliged if you could inform me how much the wage would be per hour, and how many hours a day I would be expected to work.
I enclose my CV and would be grateful for the opportunity of an interview.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Vadim Egorov
Task 2. You have read the following advertisement in The Russia Journal and made notes about some additional information you would like to know.
Write to us now for more information: Greenpeace Canonbury Villas, London N12PN, UK |
Write a letter to answer the advertisement.
In your letter
- explain why you decided to write
- provide relevant information about yourself
- ask questions to find out more about the organization.
Write 180-200 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
Task 3. You have seen the interview with a local businessman in The Moscow Times.
Mr Peter Shirokov, a local businessman says, “The local council has done a lot in our area. They’ve done a very good job |
Write a letter to the editor of the newspaper. In your letter
- ехplain why you decided to write
- explain the reasons for your disagreement
Write 180-200 words.
Task 4. You have seen the following advertisement in The St Petersburg Times.
SPARTA ADVENTURES International SumoLimer Camp Group leaders wanted Athens, Attica, Greece 1-14 July/ 15-30 July/ 1-15 August
• Do you think you would make a good leader? The job: to be responsible for a group of 15 children The salary: 100 euro per week and free food and accommodation |
Write a letter to answer the advertisement. In your letter
- describe your qualifications and experience
- explain why you would make a good leader
- ask about the accommodation and the period of work.
Write 100-140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
Task 5. You have seen the following advertisement in The St Petersburg Times.
New! Holiday in Greenwich. Take a boat trip down the River Thames to Greenwich in east London. It offers art, culture and eating out, together with unique shops, picturesque park and busy market.
Write to us now for more information: Greenwich attractions, London N12PN, UK |
Write a letter to answer the advertisement.
In your letter
- explain why you decided to write
- ask questions to find out more information.
Write 180-200 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
Занятие 22. Практическое занятие.
К этому занятию учащиеся готовят объявления (можно воспользоваться объявлениями из газет, но на языке). Обменявшись объявлениями, они пишет по заданию соответствующие письмо (о приеме на работу/курсы, запрос, жалобу). В конце занятия следует прослушать (просмотреть при помощи мультимедиапроектора, если есть возможность написать письма при помощи Word) и обсудить ошибки.
Занятие 23-26. Электронное письмо.
В деловом мире электронная почта является инструментом бизнеса, и относиться к ней нужно с такой же внимательностью, как и к любой другой форме делового общения.
Невежество или несоблюдение правил сетевого этикета вредит репутации в той же степени, что и плохие манеры за столом или невежественное поведение во время деловых встреч.
Правильное составление письма.
Пожалуйста, помните: тот факт, что вы никогда не увидитесь с тем, с кем имеете дело в Интернете, не дает вам права быть невежливым. И еще: то, что вы можете «говорить» с людьми при помощи электронной почты, сидя в пижаме, не подразумевает, что ваши сообщения могут выглядеть столь же небрежно, как и вы. Если вы просите дать вам информацию, говорите «пожалуйста». Если кто-то делает что-то полезное для вас или отвечает на ваш вопрос, говорите «спасибо».
Как любое хорошее письмо, ваше сообщение должно быть ясным и четким. Придерживайтесь коротких предложений. Не повторяйтесь.
Редактирование вашего сообщения.
Редактируйте себя. Просмотрите свое сообщение, по крайней мере, один раз холодным и критическим взглядом. Ищите опечатки и грамматические ошибки. Разбейте чрезмерно длинные предложения.
Если у вас есть доступ к системе проверки орфографии, используйте ее вне зависимости то того, насколько грамотной вы себя считаете. Если у вас нет доступа к такой системе, пользуйтесь словарем.
Хороший внешний вид.
Представьте, что ваше сообщение напечатано и вывешено на доске объявлений. Оно будет смотреться лучше, если выполнено аккуратно, и это благоприятно скажется на вашем имидже.
Печатайте сообщение через один межстрочный интервал и оставляйте пустую строку между абзацами.
Короче говоря, аккуратность и опрятность – это признаки чувства собственного достоинства и уважение к тем, кто увидит ваше сообщение.
Оформление электронного письма.
Во многих компаниях существует единый корпоративный стандарт оформления электронных писем, включающих в себя структуру самого письма, правила обращения к клиенту, реквизиты подписи (ФИО, должность, рабочие телефоны, адрес электронной почти и ссылку на сайт компании). Кроме того, в этом стандарте может быть прописан запрет на использование смайлов, не относящихся к деловой сфере.
Структура письма.
В общем виде структуру делового электронного письма можно представить в следующем виде:
1. Шапка в корпоративном стиле.
2. Приветствие
3. Содержание, цель обращения
4. Прощание
5. Личная подпись с указанием контактов.
6. Ссылка на сайт компании.
7. Логотип, если это необходимо.
При оформлении электронного письма в обязательном порядке должны быть заполнены поля:
Тема (Subject).
Кому (To)
Важность письма, при необходимости.
При отправке электронных сообщений в поле Кому вводится e-mail адрес получателя. Иногда есть необходимость отправить письмо с одним текстом нескольким получателям, тогда их адреса можно ввести через запятые.
Ответ по электронной почте.
Всякий раз, когда есть возможность, отвечайте немедленно. Если вы не можете сразу же написать полный ответ, отправьте краткое сообщение, в котором объясните задержку и укажите срок, когда стоит ожидать более полного ответа.
Если вам нужно быстро получить ответ, напишите об этом в своем сообщении: «Информация, которую я прошу, мне бы очень помогла во время завтрашнего заседания».
Если вы хотите переслать чье-то сообщение по электронной почте еще кому-то, свяжитесь сначала с автором.
Тема сообщения.
Используйте строку «тема»: это полено для тех, кто получает сообщение, и может оказаться полезным даже для вас, автора. Выбор правильной темы может помочь вам сосредоточиться на сути вашего сообщения.
Старайтесь излагать тему сообщения настолько кратко, насколько это возможно. Считайте это скорее названием, чем основной мыслью.
Люди, ежедневно получающие большое количество электронной почты, используют строку темы сообщения для сортировки и расположения почты по приоритетам. Таким образом, тема сообщения может стать заголовком, говоря: «Прочитай меня первым».
Слова вежливости.
«Электронное» общение также предполагает вежливость. Применяйте все известные формы приветствий. А под конец письма, перед подписью, подставьте: «с уважением», «всего доброго». Если ваш контакт в конце недели - пожелайте «приятных выходных».
Ваша подпись на электронном письме.
Подпись должна содержать только ваши имя и фамилию плюс контактную информацию.
В зависимости от того, кому вы пишите, с какой целью, электронные письма также можно разделить на личные и официальные. Все правила при написании электронных личных и официальных писем сохраняются.
«.» - в конце повествовательного предложения.
«?» - в конце вопросительного предложения.
«!» - в конце восклицательного предложения.
«;» - между двумя отдельными высказываниями, связанные по смыслу.
«:» - перед объяснением или перечислением.
«,» - ставится перед and, but, or; перед when, although; может отделять наречие или фразу в длинных предложениях. Используется в перечислении (больше двух), последние два соединяются and без запятой.
«”» - выделение прямой речи, значения слов.
«’» - апостроф используется в сокращенных формах и выражении притяжательного падежа.
Заглавные буквы.
- в начале предложения,
- местоимение I,
- имена собственные,
- названия книг, фильмов и т.д.,
- дни недели,
- названия месяцев,
- названия праздников,
- названия исторических событий,
- названия национальностей,
- сокращения.
Смайлики ( Smileys ).
При обычном общении на собеседников не только и не столько воздействуют слова, сколько голос, интонации, мимика, жесты. В этом минус общения через электронную почту – она лишает возможности обмениваться эмоциями. Но всё же удалось частично преодолеть этот недостаток. В настоящее время в виртуальном общении, в том числе и через электронную почту, широко используются так называемые "смайлики" (графическое изображение ваших чувств) – рожицы, составленные из точек, запятых, дефисов и других символов. Они способны хоть как-то эмоционально окрашивать тексты. Использование смайликов делает переписку более живой – автор передает не только свои мысли, но и чувства. Вот наиболее распространенные смайлики:
Есть очень много смайликов для обозначения как эмоций, так и состояний человека или его внешности. Классические смайлы:
1. :-) улыбающийся
2. :-))) смеющийся
3. :-D радостно смеющийся
4. :-| задумчивый, нейтральный
5. :-( грустный
6. :-/ недовольный или озадаченный
7. :-0 удивлённый (рот открыт)
Иногда символ носа «-» не печатают для простоты набора. Например, печатают просто :) или :(. В последнее время часто двоеточие заменяется знаком равно, например, =) вместо :). «Нос» обычно в таких случаях не ставится. Также в чатах часто встречается употребление только открывающих или закрывающих скобок. Например, )))) или (((((. Количество знаков при этом соответствует уровню радости или огорчения.
Но не стоит увлекаться смайлами при составление делового письма, в противном случае вы можете приобрести репутацию несерьезного человека.
| Теперь в любой день Hа сколько я знаю До свидания Мы должны пройти через это еще? Система доски объявлений Между прочим Увидимся (до свидания) Увидимся позже (до свидания) Черт бы меня побрал, если я знаю это! (я не знаю) Заполни бланк Для чего это годно Для Вашей информации Я хотел бы, чтобы Я это сказал Я вижу (понимаю) По моему скромному мнению Другими словами Позже Громко смеясь О, я вижу (понимаю) С другой стороны Точка зрения Теперь действительно скоро Бесплатных завтраков не бывает К лучшему из моих знаний Поговорим позже |
При работе над официальным письмом сокращения неуместны.
Writing sensible email messages
(Merlin Mann | Sep 19 2005 )
As we’ve seen before, getting your inbound email under control will give you a huge productivity boost, but what about all the emails you send? If you want to be a good email citizen and ensure the kind of results you’re looking for, you’ll need to craft messages that are concise and easy to deal with.
First: Understand why you’re writing
Before you type anything into a new message, have explicit answers for two questions:
- Why am I writing this?
- What exactly do I want the result of this message to be?
If you can’t succinctly state these answers, you might want to hold off on sending your message until you can. People get dozens, hundreds, even thousands of emails each day, so it’s only natural for them to gravitate toward the messages that are well thought-out and that clearly respect their time and attention. Careless emails do not invite careful responses.
Think through your email from the recipient’s point of view, and make sure you’ve done everything you can to try and help yourself before contacting someone else. If it’s a valuable message, treat it that way, and put in the time to making your words count.
Get what you need
Although the possible topics and content of messages are theoretically endless, I’d propose that there are really just three basic types of business email.
- Providing information - “Larry Tate will be in the office Monday at 10.”
- Requesting information - “Where did you put the ‘Larry Tate’ file?”
- Requesting action - “Will you call Larry Tate’s admin to confirm our meeting on Monday?”
It should be clear to your recipient which type of email yours is; don’t bury the lede. Get the details and context packed into that first sentence or two whenever you can. Don’t be afraid to write an actual “topic sentence” that clarifies a) what this is about, and b) what response or action you require of the recipient.
«Since the Larry Tate meeting on Monday has been moved from the Whale Room, could you please make sure the Fishbowl has been reserved and that the caterer has been notified of the location change? Please IM me today by 5pm Pacific Time to verify.”
This isn’t the place to practice your stand-up act. Keep it pithy, and assume that no one will ever read more than the first sentence of anything you write. Making that first sentence strong and clear is easily the best way to interest your recipient in the second sentence and beyond.
Write a great Subject line
You can make it even easier for your recipient to immediately understand why you’ve sent them an email and to quickly determine what kind of response or action it requires. Compose a great “Subject:” line that hits the high points or summarizes the thrust of the message. Avoid “Hi,” “One more thing…,” or “FYI,” in favor of typing a short summary of the most important points in the message:
- Lunch resched to Friday @ 1pm
- Reminder: Monday is "St. Bono’s Day"–no classes
- REQ: Resend Larry Tate zip file?
- HELP: Can you defrag my C drive?
- Thanks for the new liver–works great!
In fact, if you’re relating just a single fact or asking one question in your email, consider using just the subject line to relate your message. As I’ve mentioned before, in some organizations, such emails are identified by adding (EOM)—for end of message—at the end of the Subject line. This lets recipients see that the whole message is right there in the subject without clicking to the view the (non-existent) body. This is highly appreciated by people who receive a large volume of mail, since it lets them do a quick triage on your message without needing to conduct a full examination.
Sadly, good email subjects have become something of a lost art, especially among more recent additions to the Interweb. It’s a pity, because you’re far more likely to get a favorable response from a busy person when they can quickly grok your message.
Brevity is the soul of…getting a response
It’s completely depressing to check your email at 4:55 in the afternoon to discover a gothic novel of a message waiting for you, spilling down your screen the distance of 2 or 3 scrolling pages. It’s certainly not the kind of thing that excites the desire to engage and respond. I mean just look at all that!
So, although—in typical Merlin fashion—I have only anecdotal evidence and hunches to prove this point, I’d wager that there’s one visual trick most likely to improve your message’s success: fit it onto one screen with no scrolling. There’s a reason those web ads placed “above the fold” cost a lot more than the ones stuck down at the bottom; it’s the only part of the page that you’re virtually assured that anyone will see.
Whenever you can, try to distill your beautiful epistle down to just one or two points about a given topic, and then whittle that down to the point where there’s plenty of white space left underneath your closing. Got more to say? Put it in separate emails with—again—excellent Subject lines, and a descriptive, concise opener.
What’s the action here?
If your message includes any kind of request—whether for a meeting, a progress update, a pony ride, or what have you—put that request near the top of the message and clearly state when you will need it. Do not, under any circumstances, assume that your overwhelmed recipient will take the time to sift through your purple prose for clues about what they’re supposed to be doing for you.
Depending on the style of your team and the volume of mail they create, you might even consider adding functional text headers to the top of the body outlining the exact nature of the message.
This email is: [ ] actionable [x] fyi [ ] social
Response needed: [ ] yes [x] up to you [ ] no
Time-sensitive: [ ] immediate [ ] soon [x] none
Sure, it’s geeky, but how many minutes have you wasted panning through a sloppy “project update” email only to completely miss the changed deadline or work request buried in the penultimate paragraph?
Remove the guesswork from your messages by thinking of them like friendly, civil work orders; you must not be afraid to ask for what you want, especially if you have any desire to actually have the recipient give it to you.
More good ideas
- Make it easy to quote - Power email users will quote and respond to specific sections or sentences of your message. You can facilitate this by keeping your paragraphs short, making them easy to slice and dice.
- Don’t chuck the ball - Emails to a thread are like comments at a meeting; think of both like your time possessing the basketball. Don’t just chuck at the net every chance you get. Hang back and watch for how you can be most useful. Minimize noise.
- A reminder never hurts - If you’re following-up or responding to an email that’s more than a few days old, provide context right at the opening. For example, "You wrote in February asking to be notified when the new asthma inhalers are in stock; here’s a link to the items we’ve now made available on our site…."
- Never mix, never worry - Unless your team really prefers to work that way, do not mix topics, projects, or domains of life in a given email. Inform everyone of Baby Tyler’s adorable antics in a different message than the one with the downsizing rumors and budget warnings.
- No thanks - I’m not married to this one, but I know a lot of people who swear by it. In more informal settings and in high-volume mail environments, it’s not necessary to respond with a “Thanks” email whenever someone does what you asked. Save your gratitude for the next time you pass in the hall; a one-word “Thanks” email can be crufty and unnecessary. On the other hand, don’t hesitate to thank someone for their time if they’ve truly done you a proper.
- RTFM - If you’re asking for help, make sure you’ve exhausted all the documentation and non-human resources you have at your disposal. When you do ask for help, be sure to quickly cover the solutions you’ve already tried and what the results were.
- Skip the overture - If you’re writing to a busy person with an actual question or request, resist the desire to swoon for 2,000 characters. Either write a fan letter or a useful email, but mixing them can seem tacky and disingenuous. Just go ahead and ask Gary Gygax for his autograph already.
Example 1: Formal
I read on your web site that you offer Music CD copying for large quantities of CDs. I'd like to inquire about the procedures involved in these services. Are the files transferred online, or are the titles sent by CD to you by standard mail? How long does it usually take to produce approximately 500 copies? Are there any discounts on such a large quantity?
Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. I look forward to your response.
Jack Finley
Sales Manager, Young Talent Inc.
(709) 567 - 3498
Example 2: Informal
At 16.22 01/07/2002 +0000, you wrote:
> I hear you're working on the Smith account. If you need any information don't hesitate to get in > contact with me.
Hi Tom,
Listen, we've been working on the Smith account and I was wondering if you could give me a hand? I need some inside information on recent developments over there. Do you think you could pass on any information you might have?
Peter Thompsen
Account Manager, Tri-State Accounting
(698) 345 - 7843
Important Points to Remember
- Email is much less formal than a written letter. Emails are usually short and concise.
- If you are writing to someone you don't know, a simple "Hello" is adequate. Using a salutation such as "Dear Mr Smith," is too formal.
- When writing to someone you know well, feel free to write as if you are speaking to the person.
- Use abbreviated verb forms (He's, We're, He'd, etc.)
- Include a telephone number to the signature of the email. This will give the recipient the chance to telephone if necessary.
- It is not necessary to include your email address as the recipient can just reply to the email.
- When replying eliminate all the information that is not necessary. Only leave the sections of text that are related to your reply. This will save your reader time when reading your email.
Практическим заданием для данного блока занятий будет – написание различных электронных писем. Можно использовать различные объявления с сайтов Интернета.
Занятие 27. Практическое занятие.
Цель занятия – обмен учащимися электронными письмами в сети Интернет по определенной или свободной тематике.
Занятие 28. Зачет.
Для зачета составляются задания по темам блока, целесообразнее данное занятие провести в компьютерном классе.
Занятие 29. Анкета.
Анкеты заполняются печатными или полупечатными буквами, учитывая следующие правила:
- Полное имя (Full name) – сначала пишется имя, потом фамилия. Отчество (Paronimic/Middle name) можно не указывать, если оно не выделено в отдельную графу:
Olga (Sergeevna) Kovaleva
Имя (First Name) – указывается только имя (без отчества).
Фамилия (Surname) – указывается фамилия.
- Домашний адрес (Home address/Address) – указывается в принятом в Великобритании порядке: номер квартиры, корпуса, дома, улица, город (почтовый индекс факультативно), страна:
Flat 15 Block 1
Prohodchicov Street
Moscow 129347
Слова Flat, Block, Street, Avenue, Ulitsa, Prospect пишутся с заглавной буквы. Можно использовать общепринятые сокращения, которые пишутся с заглавной буквы: Fl, Apt, St, Av, Ul, Pr.
- Гражданство (Nationality) - английское слово «Nationality» соответствует русскому «гражданство» и не предполагает указания вашей этнической принадлежности:
Russian Federation
- Религия (Religion) — название религии пишется с заглавной буквы.
- Дата рождения (Date of birth) —может быть написана словами или цифрами. Названия месяцев пишутся с заглавной буквы. В зависимости от задания может использоваться британский или американский вариант.
British: 24 May 2009 American: May 24, 2009
24/05/2005 05/24/2009
24.05.2009 05.24.2009
- Место рождения (Place of birth) — географические названия пишутся с заглавной буквы. Возможна разная степень детализации, но соблюдается общий принцип в порядке написания от меньшего к большему:
город, страна;
деревня, область, страна:
- St. Petersburg, Russia
- Fokino Village, Bryansk Region, Russia
- Пол (Sex) — женский — female; мужской — male.
Очень часто в анкетах указаны варианты (m/f или M/F) с просьбой выбрать нужный вариант: delete (вычеркните ненужное), circle (обведите нужное), underline (подчеркните нужное).
- Школа (School) — слова School/Gymnasium/Lyceum используются факультативно и пишутся с заглавной буквы. Знак «номер» может быть №, No или #:
School #1099 или #1099 Gymnasium №1577 или No 1577
- Школьные предметы (School subjects) — названия языков всегда пишутся с заглавной буквы:
French/English/German названия отдельных предметов — как с заглавной, так и с прописной буквы:
History или history Chemistry или chemistry
- Интересы и увлечения (Hobbies and interests)
При ответе на этот пункт используются существительные и герундий:
History, photography, cooking, travelling
- Подпись (Signature) — в конце анкеты часто требуется подпись.
Образец заполнения анкеты.
Занятие 30. Резюме.
Резюме является кратким изложением данных о вашем образовании и профессиональном опыте и включает, в том числе, краткие биографические справки. Объем резюме не должен превышать одной страницы.
Как правило, в резюме содержится следующая информация:
1. Личные данные (фамилия, имя, отчество, постоянный адрес проживания, контактный и домашний телефоны, дата рождения, возраст, семейное положение, сведения о детях и т.д.).
- Цель поиска работы (очень кратко).
- Сведение о полученном образовании (в обратном хронологическом порядке): названия и адреса средних школ, даты посещения, полученная квалификация в средних учебных заведения; названия и адреса колледжей и университетов, даты учебы и полученная квалификация).
- Сведения о дополнительном образовании (в обратном хронологическом порядке): названия курсов и их продолжительности даты посещения и полученная квалификация.
- Информация о ваших умениях и навыках: уровень владения иностранными языками, наличие водительских прав, навыки работы на компьютере, скорость машинописи и т.п.
- Данные об опыте работы (в обратном хронологическом порядке): даты работы в каждой должности, название фирмы, должность, краткое описание обязанностей, достигнутые успехи за время работы в данной должности, причина увольнения и т. п.
- Информация о личных интересах: игра на музыкальных инструментах, чтение определенного жанра книг, увлечение искусством, увлечение конкретным видом спорта и т.п.
- Наличие рекомендательных писем: имена в полной форме и адреса людей, которые согласились дать вам рекомендации; если по требованию потенциального работодателя могут быть представлены рекомендательные письма, на это следует указать отдельно, сделав следующую пометку: References are available on request.
При составлении резюме желательно использовать следующие фразы: I developed; I created; I devised; I controlled; I initiated; I negotiated.
Образец составления резюме.
Name: | Anna Veresova |
Address: | Apt. 23, 27 Kosygin Avenue, St. Petersburg 195298 Russia |
Tel.: | +7(812) 521 5940 |
Date of birth: | 15 July 1989 |
Age: | 20 |
Marital status: | Single |
Nationality: | Russian |
Objective To secure a part-time position that offers a variety of tasks, in which to use my secretarial skills and knowledge of foreign languages. | |
Education | |
Dates: | 2007-2008 |
College: | College of Economics, St. Petersburg |
Qualifications: | Secretarial Courses; Shorthand Grade 2; Typing Grade 3. |
Dates: | 1996-2007 |
School: | School #164; St. Petersburg, 195273, Russia |
Qualifications: | General Certificate of Secondary* Education |
Employment | |
Dates: | 2008 - to present |
Company: | Philip Wilson Publisher Ltd. |
Position: | Secretary to the Sales Manager. |
Responsibilities | Taking shorthand; typing and maintaining diaries, office support, etc. |
Other Skills & Occupations I have a clean driver's license and a good knowledge of Spanish and French. My personal interests include classical literature reading, independent travel, modern jazz and swimming. | |
References References are available on request. |
Writing a resume in English can be very different than in your native tongue. The following how to outlines a standard resume format.
- First, take notes on your work experience - both paid and unpaid, full time and part time. Write down your responsibilities, job title and company information. Include everything!
- Take notes on your education. Include degree or certificates, major or course emphasis, school names and courses relevant to career objectives.
- Take notes on other accomplishments. Include membership in organizations, military service and any other special accomplishments.
- From the notes, choose which skills are transferable (skills that are similar) to the job you are applying for - these are the most important points for your resume.
- Begin resume by writing your full name, address, telephone number, fax and email at the top of the resume.
- Write an objective. The objective is a short sentence describing what type of work you hope to obtain.
- Begin work experience with your most recent job. Include the company specifics and your responsibilities - focus on the skills you have identified as transferable.
- Continue to list all of your work experience job by job progressing backwards in time. Remember to focus on skills that are transferable.
- Summarize your education, including important facts (degree type, specific courses studied) that are applicable to the job you are applying for.
- Include other relevant information such as languages spoken, computer programming knowledge etc. under the heading: Additional Skills
- Finish with the phrase: REFERENCES Available upon request
- Your entire resume should ideally not be any longer than one page. If you have had a number of years of experience specific to the job you are applying for, two pages are also acceptable.
- Spacing: ADDRESS (center of page in bold) OBJECTIVE double space EXPERIENCE double space EDUCATION double space ADDITIONAL SKILLS double space REFERENCES. Left align everything except name/address.
- Use dynamic action verbs such as: accomplished, collaborated, encouraged, established, facilitated, founded, managed, etc.
- Do NOT use the subject 'I', use tenses in the past. Except for your present job. Example: Conducted routine inspections of on site equipment.
Занятие 31. Практическое занятие.
Task 1. Imagine you are going to attend a sports weekend. Fill in the application form below, giving details about yourself.
SPORTS WEEKEND APPLICATION FORM Name____________________________________Mr/Mrs/Miss (please delete) Address________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tel No_____________________________________________________________ Nationality _________________________________________________________ Date of birth (day, month, year) ________________________________________ Where do you usually play sports?_______________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What sports equipment do you need to borrow? ____________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is your best sport? How long have you been playing/doing it? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Could you help to organize a sport? Which sports could you help with? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature _____________________________ |
Task 2. You are going to take part in an international exchange programme. The programme organizers asked you to fill in the following form.
PERSONAL PROFILE EXCHANGE PROGRAMME PARTICIPANTS PERSONAL INFORMATION FIRST NAME (1) ______________________________________ SURNAME (2) ________________________________________ ADDRESS (3) _______________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH (4)____________________________________ PLACE OF BIRTH (5) __________________________________ SEX (MALE/FEMALE) (6) ______________________________ AGE (7)______________________________________________ SCHOOL ATTENDED (8) ______________________________ FOREIGN LANGUAGE (9) ______________________________ FAVOURITE SUBJECT(S) AT SCHOOL (10) _______________ ______________________________________________________ SIGNATURE (11) ______________________________________ DATE (12) ___________________________________________ |
Task 3. Imagine that you have a club and make up your own application form for visitors, for people who want to work in your club.
Task 4. Exchange your forms and fill in them.
Task 5. Write the resume.
Name: | |
Address: | |
Tel.: | |
E-mail: | |
Place of birth: | |
Date of birth: | |
Age: | |
Marital Status: | |
Nationality: | |
Education | |
Professional Experience | |
Computer skills | |
Language Proficiency | |
Awards | |
Hobbies |
Task 6. Imagine that you have a company and make up a resume with points which are important for your employees.
Task 7. Exchange your resumes and fill in them.
Занятие 32-33. Сочинение.
Сочинение с элементами рассуждения.
При написании сочинения с элементами рассуждения необходимо придерживаться следующих основных правил.
- Используйте формальный стиль письма, а именно:
- не используйте сокращенные формы, такие как don’t
или саn't, - не используйте скобки и восклицательные знаки —
это свойственно неформальному стилю письма; - не начинайте предложения со слов and, but или also;
в разговорном языке вы можете их использовать, но
избегайте этого в формальном сочинении; - не употребляйте вводные слова, характерные для неформального стиля (well, you know и т.д.);
- избегайте слишком простых предложений; объединяйте их в сложные, используя логические средства связи.
- Разделите текст сочинения на смысловые абзацы.
- В первом абзаце сформулируйте проблему, которую вы
будете обсуждать, однако не повторяйте тему сочинения слово в слово. Представьте, что ваш читатель не
знает, о чем пойдет речь, и попытайтесь объяснить
ему проблему другими словами.
2. Выделите положительные и отрицательные аспекты
проблемы, подумайте о разумных аргументах в поддержку обеих точек зрения. Помните, что вы должны выразить не только свою точку зрения, но и мнение ваших потенциальных оппонентов. Постарайтесь соблюсти баланс между абзацами.
- Используйте слова-связки, чтобы помочь читателю проследить за логикой ваших рассуждений. Помните, что вводные слова выделяются запятыми.
- В заключительном параграфе сделайте обобщающий вывод по проблеме, которую вы обсуждали. Это покажет, что вы рассматриваете свое сочинение как единое целое. Вы можете также окончательно сформулировать свое мнение или предложить пути решения данной проблемы.
- Убедитесь, что объем сочинения составляет 200—250 слов.
- Еще раз перечитайте свое сочинение: проверьте грамматику, орфографию и пунктуацию.
Сочинение с подтверждением точки зрения.
При написании сочинения с подтверждением точки зрения необходимо придерживаться следующих основных правил.
- Используйте формальный стиль письма, а именно:
- не используйте сокращенные формы, такие как don’t или саn't,
- не используйте скобки и восклицательные знаки — это свойственно неформальному стилю письма;
- не начинайте предложения со слов and, but или also; в разговорном языке вы можете их использовать, но избегайте этого в формальном сочинении;
- не употребляйте вводные слова, характерные для не формального стиля (well, you know и т.д.);
- избегайте слишком простых предложений; объединяйте их в сложные, используя логические средства связи.
- Разделите текст сочинения на смысловые абзацы.
- В первом абзаце сформулируйте проблему, которую вы
будете обсуждать, однако не повторяйте тему сочинения слово в слово. Представьте, что ваш читатель не
знает, о чем пойдет речь, и попытайтесь объяснить
ему проблему другими словами. - Выделите основные аргументы, в поддержку своего мнения. Подумайте о разумных аргументах и помните, что вы должны не только выразить свою точку зрения, но и подтвердить ее так, чтобы читающий поддержал ваше мнение.
- Используйте слова-связки, чтобы помочь читателю проследить за логикой ваших рассуждений. Помните, что вводные слова выделяются запятыми.
- В заключительном абзаце сделайте обобщающий вывод по проблеме, о которой вы писали. Это покажет, что вы рассматриваете свое сочинение как единое целое. Вы можете также окончательно сформулировать свое мнение или предложить пути решения вопроса, который вы рассматривали.
Полезные слова и фразы, которые можно использовать в сочинении
Выражение мнения:
- I agree/ disagree...
- In my opinion, ... / From my point of view, ... / As far as I'm concerned, ...
- I believe that... / It seems to me that...
- I am in favour of... / I am against the idea of...
- According to ...
- Some people say that ...
- It is said/believed that ...
- There is no doubt that ...
- It cannot be denied that ...
- It goes without saying that ....
• We must admit that ...
Организация точки зрения:
- admittedly
- although
- … and finally
- at any rate
- consequently
- hence, therefore
- however
- in addition
- in conclusion
- in fact
- in the first place
- in the second place
- moreover
- nevertheless
- not only …, but also …
- on the contrary
- on the face of it
- on the one hand … on the other hand …
- the most important thing …
Представление аргументов:
- The main argument in favour/against is...
- First of all, I would like to consider...
- The first thing (I would like to consider) to be considered is...
- To begin with,.../To start with, ...
- Apart from that...
- Despite the fact that .../In spite of the fact that ...
- On the one hand, .../On the other hand, ...
- Besides, .../ In addition, ...
- What is more,... /Moreover, .../More than that, ...
- What matters most in this case is...
- Finally, ...
- However, .../..., though
- ...although... / ... even though ...
- Nevertheless, ...
Выражение причинно-следственной связи:
- for this reason
- therefore/that is why
- thus
- smth happened
- because of
- as a result of
- owing to/due to
• as a consequence of
- for example
- for instance
- such as
- like
- To sum up, ....
- To conclude, I would argue that ...
- On this basis, I can conclude that...
- In conclusion, I would like to stress that...
- All in all, I believe that...
Образец письма – рассуждения.
Comment on the following statement.
Education is compulsory, school is not.
What can you say for and against home education?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
- make an introduction
- give arguments “for”
- give arguments “against”
- draw a conclusion based on the given arguments
Education is compulsory, school is not.
In most countries children can be educated at home by their parents and home schooling is becoming more and more popular. However, this way of education has both advantages and disadvantages.
On the one hand, home education is ideal for children who suffer from 'school phobia' or do not fit in with the school environment. They are unhappy and often play truant. On the contrary, when children are educated at home, they study in an atmosphere of love and understanding. Moreover, this way of education will perfectly suit gifted pupils, who are bored by the traditional school lessons. In this case, parents can make studying more fascinating by choosing an individual curriculum. Finally, home educated children have more flexible schedule and can study at their own pace.
On the other hand, parents are usually not qualified enough to teach their children therefore they may not receive an appropriate level of education. What is more, home education is very challenging for students as they have to work harder without a direct help of a qualified teacher. In addition, children lack the opportunity to exchange ideas with their peers, which restricts their intellectual development. They may also miss their friends as they meet only in the evenings.
To conclude, I think although the idea of home education is becoming more popular, it might not suit every child and every Parent. As for me, I would rather choose school education because it makes me more organized and provides profound knowledge in all subjects.
Образец письма – подтверждения своей точки зрения.
Comment on the following statement.
Wristbands – jewellery or smth else?
What can you say?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
- make an introduction
- give 3 arguments in favour of your opinion
- draw a conclusion based on the given arguments
Bands сan not be banned.
Last week, the head of my school banned wristbands. Wearing jewellery is not allowed at school and the head thinks that wristbands are jewellery. I strongly believe that she is wrong. There is no doubt, the bands are not fashion accessories, they are making a statement.
The first thing I would like to consider is that a few weeks ago, I watched a documentary about poverty in Africa. I wanted to help, so I decided to buy some white wristbands for me and my friends. All the money from the white bands is helping to end world poverty.
In addition, the yellow LIVESTRONG bands were the first bands. People have bought more than 50 million of them since 2005. I definitely think that buying wristbands is a good thing because it raises money for charity. In my opinion, it is something we can all do to help.
Moreover I am going to buy a blue band next because I really agree with the anti-bulling messages on them. A lot of bulling happens at school. As far as I’m concerned, the head should allow us to wear blue wristbands when we are at school.
In conclusion I would like to stress that wristbands can be as means of ourselves expression at all. They are made of plastic and cheap, but they are important for our peace of mind.
Сочинение с элементами рассуждения.
Read the texts bellow. Say the main idea of them. (учащимся данные тексты могут быть предъявлены в печатном виде или при работе с компьютером по приведенным ниже ссылкам)
“The "generation gap" between parents and their children really refers to a lack of, or poor communication. It is worth noting that the generation gap doesn't always apply to all families. There are many families in which communication remains consistent and positive.
Most often I think it comes down to the parents and the children having different opinions and values, which by itself is not necessarily a problem. The problem arises when one feels it is necessary to make the other person(s) wrong because of their opinions, beliefs, behavior, etc…
If people can get past this obstacle and refrain from having to be "right" or make the other person "wrong" then communication can remain positive and bring the family closer. The willingness to allow others to have their point of view without making it a contest or a reason for arguing is what will make the biggest difference. “
“Youth is a very important period in the life of man. This is the time when a person discovers the world and tries to determine the place in the universe. Young people face lots of problems which are very important for them and do not differ much from those that once their parents had to deal with. At the same time every generation is unique. It differs from the one that preceded it in its experience, ideals and a system of values.
The adults always say that the young are not what they were. These words are repeated from generation to generation. To some extent they are true, because every new generation grows up quicker, enjoys more freedom. It is better educated and benefits from the results of the technological progress of the time.
Young people of today do not directly accept the standards of their parents who believe that they are right because they are older. The adults don't want their values to be questioned. The young on the other hand can not accept the values of their "fathers". All these differences generate a generation gap when the young and adult do not understand one another. As a rule the adults, dissatisfied with their own lives, teach the young how to live. Unfortunately, the adults apply old standards to the new way of life. They can not leave behind their "good old days". This burden is very heavy. They think that the world is going down hill. They gloomily look ahead unable to understand the optimism of their children who want to pave their own way in life. The majority of the young people do not want to live in the past. They have their own ideals. They want to make their own mistakes rather than to listen to the warnings of the adults and repeat the mistakes of the older generation. They want to overcome their own difficulties without looking back. However, the life of the young is frequently determined by the adults. I think that parents will never understand their children. And children, in their turn, shock their parents with their dress, language, behaviour. The existence of sub-culture which is specific for every generation is a form of protest of the young people against the values of the adults. Thus, informal groups such as Hippies, Rockers, Bikers, Skinheads, Punks, Goths, and Acid House appeared as a kind of protest against the values and lifestyles of the older people.
Traditionally, young people were looking at their elders for guidance. Today the situation is different. Sometimes the young people share information and experience with their parents. I think that it is not bad, especially when the adults really try to understand what is going on in the lives of their children. Moreover, young people grow up so quickly that they almost do not have time to enjoy their childhood.
Another problem that young people face today concerns their relationship with their friends. As far as friendship is concerned, I think that a person can and should have a lot of friends. Не/she can be on good terms with the classmates. But at the same time there can be only two or three real friends. I believe that real friends will never betray each other. They will always understand and help each other. I agree that tolerance is the pledge of friendship. It is wonderful if a school friend will remain your friend for the rest of your life. But in this case everything depends on the person.”
Task. Сomment on the following statement.
Some people believe that modern teenagers are really awful. However, most teenagers think that they are criticized for no reason.
What is your opinion? Do you agree that teens are really so bad?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
- make an introduction
- give arguments “for”
- give arguments “against”
- draw a conclusion based on the given arguments
It is often believed that today's teenagers are much worse than they used to be in the past. However, are they really as bad as they are thought to be?
To my mind, teenagers are criticized for no reason. To start with, nowadays more teenagers leave school with good qualifications and go to universities than ever before. There are millions of young people who achieve great things and become successful. In addition, lots of teens do household chores, look after their younger siblings or have part-time jobs. More than that, a growing number of teenagers take part in different sports competitions and win medals.
Many adults criticize teens for having bad habits like drinking or smoking. They also believe that modern teenagers are cruel and aggressive. I do not think it is fair that all teenagers are being labeled as problem. Not everyone who is a teenager drinks and gets involved in fights. Very few of them think it is clever to go out and start fighting. Of course, there are some rebellious teenage subcultures, but they are opposed to the materialism in the society. In fact, most teens think about changing the world to the best.
To sum up, the main reason for such unjust attitude to teenagers is the generation gap. It is difficult for adults to admit that teenagers have the right to have their own fashion, music and habits. Of course not all teens are ideal, but by and large they are no worse than their parents.
Сочинение с подтверждением точки зрения.
Read the texts bellow. Say the main idea of them. (учащимся данные тексты могут быть предъявлены в печатном виде или при работе с компьютером по приведенным ниже ссылкам)
Подробный материал для чтения и обсуждения о СМИ можно просмотреть по ссылке http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass _media
Television in Our Lives.
Television is the result of technological advance and one of the numerous things that makes our lives easier and better. But there are two sides of the coin, so there are two polar opinions on this subject.
The first one is that television is doing irreparable harm to us. Advocates of "doing without" always say that television hasn't been with us all the time, but we are already beginning to forget what the world was like without it. Before we admitted the one-eyed monster into our homes, we never found it difficult to occupy our spare time. For instance, we used to have hobbies, we used to entertain our friends and be entertained by them, and we used to go outside for our amusements to theatres, restaurants and sporting events. We even used to read books. But now all our free time is regulated by the "goggle box". We rush home or gulp down our meals to be in time for this or that programme. Little by little we are turning into the slaves of TV set and we are becoming utterly dependent on the two most primitive media of communication: pictures and the spoken word.
And opponents of the first opinion think that television is a unifying force in the world and a splendid medium of communication. It's the cheapest source of information and entertainment. Nobody imposes television on you. If you don't like it, just don't buy a set - or switch it off, besides there is a considerable variety of programmes on TV and you can select what you want to see. If you boast that you don't watch TV, it's like boasting that you don't read books. Our world changes too quickly and we must be in the know of all the things that are happening around us. Television is the best way to do it.
As to me I am not keen on television and it doesn't take a great part in my life because of the lack of spare time. Usually I spend at most half an hour in front of TV - just to watch the news. If I have a little free time I prefer to listen to music, to read a book or just to meet my friends, and if I want to watch a film I prefer to go to the cinema. Only when I'm dog-tired and when I don't want to move a hand, I jump on the sofa and stare at the TV set. And on these rare occasions I prefer to watch entertaining shows, the so called comic serial films, like "Alf'. Then from time to time I watch teenage films about life of my coevals with the same problems as mine or just documentary films about nature and animals' life.
The problem of necessity of television is the same as the problem of what we need from the technological revolution. The latter can bring us many blessings that is why people are often bamboozled into believing that they need this and that technical innovation. But we ought to make a choice. Unless we make an intelligent choice of what we want, the disadvantages will outweigh the advantages. And as to me I am for television because in my opinion it's a perfect way to keep in step with our changing world.”
Task. Сomment on the following statement.
Television is the result of technological advance and one of the numerous things that makes our lives easier and better. But there are two sides of the coin, so there are two polar opinions on this subject.
What is your opinion? Prove your point of view.
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
- make an introduction
- give arguments in favour of your point of view
- draw a conclusion based on the given arguments
Television viewing is by far the most popular leisure pastime. On the whole, teens like watching different programmes such as serials, sports programmes and even news, just because tastes differ. From my point of view, television does more harm than good.
The main argument against is that all channels in Russia show adverts. Advertising messages are usually included into films and serials, and people do not like them very much because they find advertisements silly and boring. As for me, I do not take advertising seriously because adverts show life unrealistically and give untrue information. Besides, in adverts all people seem to be happy consumers, all kids seem to be healthy and well off. But this is not true at all. What is more, I find it very annoying when a film stops at the most interesting moment. Nevertheless, I believe there should be commercials on TV, because television companies get most of their money from advertising. In addition, advertisement help people choose the best products and get the best value for their money.
However, not everything shown on TV is made in good taste. There are programmes which contain a lot of violence. According to researchers, there is a direct link between violence on TV and the horrifying new crimes among the young. Many young people imprisoned for committing violent crimes report having imitated crime techniques watched on TV. Another thing I would like to complain about is the amount of smoking in the films that are shown on TV. Smoking is often shown as a very “cool” thing to do, making young people much more to copy what they see and take up smoking themselves.
Some people say that television is a terrible waste of time. Of course, there are TV addicts who watch TV for hours without choosing programmes. They spend time in front of television which they could spend talking to their friends and family. If you watch TV too much your brain slips into the passive state and you forget about your duties.
Finally I would like to say that people should learn how to make the best use of it.
Занятие 34. Зачет.
Для проведения зачета необходимо составить тест по содержанию изученного материала.
Для учителя:
- Дидактические материалы. Английский язык. “Развитие навыков повседневной и академической письменной речи”. М.: Дрофа, 2004.
- Музланова Е.С.Английский язык: Экспресс-репетитор для подготовки к ЕГЭ: «Письмо». – М.: АСТ:Астрель, 2009.
- Кисунько Е., Музланова Е. С. Бизнес-курс английского языка. – М.: ЮНВЕС, - 2001.
- Селсдон Э. “ Как писать письма по-английски”. М.: Астрель, 2004г.
- John Eastwood. Oxford Practice Grammar. – Oxford University Press, 2006.
Для учащихся:
1. Дидактические материалы. Английский язык. “Развитие навыков повседневной и академической письменной речи”. М.: Дрофа, 2004.
Ресурсы Интернет:
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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