достопримечательности Лондона и Санкт-Петербурга
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
урок в 6 классе. Сравнение достопримечательностей Лондона и Санкт-Петербурга
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Предварительный просмотр:
План – конспект открытого урока английского языка
в 6 Б классе
«Достопримечательности Лондона и Санкт-Петербурга»
Дата проведения – 12 октября 2012
Учитель: Ларкина Оксана Алексеевна
Пояснительная записка
Урок составлен в соответствии с календарно-тематическим планированием уроков в 6 классе.
За основу взят УМК под редакцией Биболетовой М.З.2009г., издательство «Титул», рекомендованный Министром образования РФ.
Цели: развитие аналитических способностей, умение делать выводы путем сравнения двух городов (схожесть и различие), происходит повторение и закрепление лексических единиц по теме «Город», совершенствуются речевые умения.
Образовательные: расширение кругозора учащихся, развитие творческого воображения и мышления, формирование межпредметных навыков и умений.
Развивающие: развитие интеллектуальных способностей, формирование готовности к коммуникации и мотивации в изучении иностранного языка, формирование аналитических умений.
Воспитательные: воспитание уважения к культурным ценностям страны изучаемого языка.
Оборудование: карточки с заданиями, наглядный материал (фотографии с видами Лондона и Санкт-Петербурга),
Вид: комбинированный – использование различных видов речевой деятельности. Межпредметные связи: английский язык, история, история и культура Санкт-Петербурга
Hello boys and girls! Glad to see you. Today we’re going to have a travelling. Look at the blackboard & read the poem. THE MORE YOU LIVE, THE MORE YOU TRAVEL,THE MORE YOU TRAVEL, THE MORE YOU SEE, THE MORE YOU SEE, THE MORE YOU LEARN. Do you agree with it?
Well travel around two big famous cities. One of them is our native city Saint Petersburg and the other one is London. What is London?
Are you fond of travelling? What do you need for travelling?
“Scrambled Words” What can you see in the city? Guess the words
Museums square theatre monument palace tower bridge park garden city
We have learnt Participle 1 &2. Translate -participle 1? How does it form? What Russian question is? Translate -participle 2? How does it form? What Russian question is?
Построенный мост, строящийся мост хорошо известная столица путешествующий турист услышанный колокол живущие люди посещенная галерея основанный город увиденная площадь
2. Обсуждение достопримечательностей Лондона и Санкт-Петербурга
You live in ST Petersburg and you study English at school. you have read a lot of about places of interest in London and now you know much about this beautiful city. And how much do you know about St Petersburg?
What places of interest would you like to see there? This task will help you to answer this question.
Name what can you see in London ? In St Petersburg you can see- Palace Square - in London is - Trafalgar Square, Winter Palace - Buckingham Palace, St.Isaak’s Cathedral - St.Paul’s Cathedral, The Neva - The Thames, Volodarskiy Bridge - Westminster Bridge , Alexander Colomn - Nelson Colomn, Summer Garden - Hyde Park
3. Questioner. How much do you know about Saint Petersburg?
- Saint Petersburg is the centre of Russian
- Art and cuture
- Science
- Art, science and industry
- The city was found by
- Peter 1 b. Catherine II c. Nicholas II
- The main street in St Petersburg is
- Veteranov Street b. Nevsky Prospekt c. Moskovsky Prospekt
- The city was found in
- 1700 b. 1703 c. 1712
- The highest building in the city is
- The Peter and Paul Fortress
- The Admiralty
- The Hermitage
- The name of the architect who built the Hermitage is
- B.Rastrelli b. D.Trezzini c. C.Rossi
- The former residence of the Russian tsars is
- The Winter Palace
- The Engineers’ Castle
- The Taurida Palace
- St.Petersburg became the capital of Russia in
- 1712 b. 1725 c. 1825
- The longest river in the city is
- The Moika b. The Neva c. The Fontanka
- The monument to Peter 1 is called
- “Bronze Horseman”
- “Peter the Great”
- “Tsar the Great”
- The emblem of St Petersburg is
- a ship b. a dove c. a star
- The first dwelling building of the city is
- Peter the Great’s Cottage
- Peter and Paul Fortress
- The Admiralty
4. Навыки чтения, умение составления текста из разрозненных кусков.
T. You are good in reading. That’s why I suppose you can make a story using these mixed pieces of texts.
Saint Petersburg
St Petersburg is one of the most fascinating cities in the world. Up to 1918 it was the capital of our country. It was founded in 1703 by Peter the First. The city is situated on the banks of the Neva river. It’s famous for its beautiful palaces, fine buildings, wonderful monuments and bridges. There’re more than 350 bridges in St Petersburg.
It is a big cultural center. There are a lot of places of interest in St Petersburg. They are^ the Winter Palace, the Peter and Paul Fortress, the Bronze Horseman, Palace Square, the Hermitage and other. The Hermitage is famous for its great artistic collections.
The Russian Museum has got a wonderful collection of pictures of Russian and Soviet artists.
There are a lot of theatres, cinemas, libraries and exhibitions in our city. The Mariinsky Opera and the Ballet Theatre, the Tovstonogov Drama Theatre are well-known all over the world.
St Petersburg is a big industrial centre. There are a lot of plants and factories there.
St Petersburg is a port city. Three airports connect it with the other parts of Russia and a lot of foreign countries.
St Petersburg is famous for its white nights at the beginning of summer. A lot of tourists come to see this city.
Fascinating the Winter Palace, the Peter and Paul Fortress, the Bronze Horseman, Palace Square, the Hermitage Opera Ballet
5. Конструирование предложений
We found out that London and SPb have lots in common, but they are different at the same time. You have spent some weeks learning about London. Let`s remember what we know about London, what London is famous for?
T.:. Your task is to complete the sentences.
London is the capital of … (England) More than … million people live in London. (7) The heart of London is … (The City) The political centreе is … (Westminster) … lives in Buckingham Palace.(The Queen of England) One of the greatest and oldest churches is … (St. Paul’s Cathedral) … is in the centre of London. (Trafalgar Square) The most interesting museum is … (The Tower of London) The largest clock is … (Big Ben) London is situated on … (The Thames) … is one of the London’s most famous symbols. (Tower Bridge)
"Discovering Places” Descriptions
1. It’s a clock in the tower and it’s a big bell. You can hear it every hour. 2. You can see it from the river Thames. It is very old and has a long history. In different times it was used as a fortress, a prison and a palace, now it is a museum. It is not just one building. It has several towers, for example, the White Tower and the Bloody tower. 3. It is a symbol of England. The coronation of all British Kings and Queens took place there. Some famous people are also buried. 4. It is a place where the British Government sits. It is situated not far from Westminster Abbey. 5. It is a famous bridge across the Thames. 6. It is the central square of London and it is famous all over the world. 7. It is a palace where the Queen lives when she is in London.
1. It is situated on the bank of the T_ _ _ _s, so you can see it from the river and from the Tower. It is very old and has a long history. It was built in the 11th century. In the past it was used as a fortress, and a state p_ _ _ _ n.
2. It is not just one building. The tall building is the White T_ _ _ r, the oldest part of the Tower of L_ _ _ _n. The B¬_ _ _ _ y Tower is near the river. You do not see blood there today. But the Bloody Tower has a h_ _ _ _ y of blood – the blood of men, women and even children.
6. cоставление схемы и развитие навыков говорения.
7.Подведение итогов
Домашнее задание (подготовить рассказ на основе схемы)
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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