Презентация "Санкт-Петербург. Достопримечательности Санкт-Петербурга"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку
Презентация предназначена для студентов 1, 2 курсов всех специальностей при изучении данной темы.
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Подписи к слайдам:
Names St Petersburg – Санкт-Петербург Peter the Great – Пётр Великий (Пётр I) The Neva River – р. Нева The Hermitage Palace – Эрмитаж The Winter Palace – Зимний дворец Petrograd – Петроград The Russian Museum – Русский музей St Isaac’s Cathedral – Исакиевский собор The Peter-and-Paul Fortress – Петропавловская крепость The Admiralty - Адмиралтейство
Sights of Saint Petersburg The Peter and Paul Fortress
3) Make up sentences from the words: 1. to the Apostles Peter and Paul, dedicated, this church, was 2. a small island, decided, Peter I, a new fortress, to build, on 3. in 1724, the Mint, founded, was 4. the member, political, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, of the Petrashevsky, was, society 5. into, closed, Peter, the entrance, the Neva, for, Sweden
Assignments : 1) Agree or disagree : 1. The Winter Palace was the biggest and most elegant building in St. Petersburg in the 16th century . 2. The word Hermitage means “the new house ”. 3. 725 Dutch and Flemish paintings were bought in Madrid for the Winter Palace in 1964 . 4. It was only in 1658 when members of the elite were admitted to the museum on special invitations cards . 5. The collections of the Hermitage are exhibited in three buildings.
Monument to Peter I
1) Agree or disagree: 1. The granite block for the pedestal was found in Novgorod. 2. The monument to Peter I was inaugurated in 1882. 3. It was very difficult to deliver the 1,200 – ton monolith to St. Petersburg. 4. It took about 5 years to transport the rock to the city. 5. Etienne Falconet worked at this monument for 30 years.
2) Choose the correct item: 1. Peter I was …… here not as a military leader but as a legislator, benefactor of his people. found, placed, presented 2. One of the generals …… for sculptor. posed, worked, created 3. It was very difficult to …… the 1,600 – ton monolith to St. Petersburg. survey, deliver, raise 4. Falconet’s pupil Marie Collot ….. the head of the rider. created, moulded, copied 5. It …… about 2 years to transport the rock to the city. w as , found, took
1) Agree or disagree: 1. Paul I was murdered in the Hermitage. 2. The Mikhaylovsky Castle was erected in 1900. 3. The castle was sanctified on the 8 th of October in 1800. 4. Empress Elisabeth Petrovna didn’t like to live in the Summer Garden. 5. The Summer Palace of Elisabeth Petrovna was made of stone.
2) Choose the correct item: 1. Paul I was …… in his castle by his close associates at night on the 12 th of March in 1801. born, murdered, buried 2. A few years later the Central Engineering College was ….. in the castle. erected , created, housed 3. The Mikhaylovsky Castle was …… by the architect Vasily Bashenov with the assistance of Vincenzo Brenna in 1797 – 1800. erected, rebuilt, pull down 4. The Summer Palace of Elisabeth Petrovna was …… of wood. surrounded, made, situated 5. After the murder the Mikhaylovsky Castle was …… to the Commissariat Department. created, built, given
3) Make up sentences from the words: 1. in 1797 – 1800, erected, by the architects, the Mikhaylovsky Castle, was, Vasily Bashenov, Vincenzo Brenna, and. 2. sanctified, in 1800, the castle, was, of November, on the 8 th . 3. was, in 1801, in his new castle, Paul I, murdered. 4. with trenches, was, with drawbridges, the castle, surrounded. 5. in the Summer Palace, Paul I, of Elisabeth Petrovna, spent, his childhood.
The Kazan Cathedral
2) Choose the correct item: 1. Now services are …… in the cathedral. built, created, held 2. The Kazan Cathedral was ….. in honour of the icon of the Kazan Virgin. took, consecrated, preserved 3. The cathedral …… Nevsky Prospect with its northern facade. is, was, overlooks 4. The Kazan Virgin ……. The Patroness of the defenders of the Motherland against enemies. was, will be, made 5. Two monuments were …… in front of the cathedral in 1837. built, installed, created
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