Разработка урока английского языка в 4 классе
план-конспект урока по английскому языку по теме
Form 4 b
Practical aims:
- To develop pupils’ lexical, phonological habits;
- To develop pupils’ skills in speaking, reading, hearing.
Educational aims:
- To develop pupils’ mental abilities.
Cultural aims:
- To extend pupils’ knowledge of the world in which they live.
Equipment: teaching aids and materials, visual materials (pictures, cards), tape recorder, computer, TV screen.
Literature: “Way Ahead. A foundation course in English 3” by M. Bowen, Macmillan, 2010.
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Разработка урока английского языка в 4 классе
Неткачёва Т. А., учитель английского языка школы-гимназии № 17 г. Актобе
Theme: Birthday
Form 4 b
Practical aims:
- To develop pupils’ lexical, phonological habits;
- To develop pupils’ skills in speaking, reading, hearing.
Educational aims:
- To develop pupils’ mental abilities.
Cultural aims:
- To extend pupils’ knowledge of the world in which they live.
Equipment: teaching aids and materials, visual materials (pictures, cards), tape recorder, computer, TV screen.
Literature: “Way Ahead. A foundation course in English 3” by M. Bowen, Macmillan, 2010.
The Procedure of the Lesson
- Org. moment
T: Good morning, pupils! How are you today? What date is it today? What day is it today? What season is it now? Do you like autumn? Why? Look at the screen and guess the theme of the lesson. Can you guess?
T: Yes, we’ll speak about birthdays and revise ordinal numbers and months.
- Phonetic drill
T: Let’s repeat the names of the months. Look at the screen and repeat after me: January. T – Cl
T: What does it mean? Repeat again. T – Cl
T: What is the English for …? Name the months in order, backwards. T – P1, P2
- Oral practice.
T: Look at the Princess. What does she ask? Read together. T – Cl
T: When is your birthday? T – P1, P2
T: Each month has its own number in the year. Let’s repeat the ordinal numerals. How do we make them? Do you remember? Look at the board. Repeat after me. T – Cl
T: Open your books at p 28 ex 1. Read the task. I’ll give you the cards with the month. Come to the blackboard and speak about your month as in example. T – P1, P2
- Speaking
T: Look at the board. Let’s learn two new words. Read the sentences and guess the meaning.
T: Repeat them together: before/ after. T – Cl
T: Let’s play a guessing game (ex 2 p 28). Read the example.
T: Are you tired? Let’s go to the Zoo and see monkeys! Look at the board and repeat the poem after me. T – Cl
There are eight monkeys at the Zoo:
The first monkey is tall,
The second monkey is small,
The third monkey is green,
The fourth monkey is clean,
The fifth monkey is red,
The sixth monkey is sad,
The seventh monkey is old,
The eighth monkey is cold.
T: Now I’ll give some pupils the line from the poem to learn by heart in 1 minute. Now come to the blackboard and recite the poem, please. T – P1, P2, P3…
T: Let’s sing a song. Ex 3 p 28. Read it for yourself and listen to the tape.
There are twelve months in a year.
There are twelve months in a year.
From January to December
There are twelve months in a year.
It’s the fourth month.
It’s the fourth month.
It’s the fourth month in the year.
It’s April!
It’s April!
It’s the fourth month in the year.
T: Sing together. T – Cl
T: Let’s play a game “Fingers”. When is your birthday? It’s in ….
- Writing
T: Look at the board and answer the Princess’s question (“When is your birthday?”) in the written form. T – P1, P2
- Giving home task
T: Pupils, write down your home task, please: wb p 27, pb p 28
- Conclusion
The results of the lesson, marks.
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