Презентация "From History of School Uniform in Russia"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
Презентация может быть использована при изучении тема "School"
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A school uniform is a dress people (usually children) wear when they go to school. In some countries, like Netherlands, students can wear anything they like when they go to school.
In other countries, like England, there is a standard dress code at school. This usually means that there is a set of dressing for girls and for boys. The boys and girls must wear school uniforms when they go to schools.
In many countries, such as the United States, some schools require wearing a uniform, and some do not.
Originally, school uniforms were introduced to hide the social differences between students. Some children do like uniforms because they don’t have a choice what to wear.
1834 Russian school form was invented in 1834. The Russian parliament made special law about the form. But this law was only about boys.
1896 1896 In 1896 this law started to include form for girls. In Russian school form could be of different kinds. Poor pupils wore form not only at school because they had no money. School uniform was used also in Emperors Russia in the elite school.
1919 But in 1919 school uniform was canceled and pupils could wear what they wanted
1949 In 1949 everything changed in the USSR. New school form was introduced. There were soldier shirts for boys and brown woolen dresses for girls.
1973 In 1973 form for boys changed. Boys began to wear grey suits.
1985 In 1985-1987 girls began to wear blue skirts and blouses and boys began to wear blue suits.
pros and cons of wearing a school uniform PROS -a uniform disciplines ; -you feel that you belong to a certain group ; -it’s easy to say to which school a child goes to ; -schoolchildren don’t envy each other ; -schoolchildren can concentrate on work . CONS -you can’t express your individuality ; -you have to were the same things every day and it’s boring ; -not every uniform suits you .
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