Конспект урока. Тема: School uniform and dress code: for and against.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме
Урок в 10 классе. На уроке используется технология интерактивного обучения, позволяющая создать комфортные условия обучения, при которых ученик чувствует свою успешность, свою интеллектуальную состоятельность, так как тема близка и интересна ученикам.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Тема: « Школьная форма и дресс-код: за и против» (School uniform and dress code: for and against)
10 класс
Цели и задачи урока
I.Социокультурная компетенция:
Совершенствование умений строить своё речевое поведение соответственно теме и ситуации общения.
II. Лингвистическая компетенция:
Овладение новыми языковыми средствами – лексикой. А также единицами речевого этикета по теме «Мода. Стиль. Одежда», умение отбирать материал для обсуждения темы, выстраивать целостную концепцию взглядов и позиций.
III.Речевая компетенция:
Развитие речевых умений и навыков: умение вести диалог и спонтанную дискуссию; умение высказывать и аргументировать свою точку зрения; умение выделять необходимые факты при слушании и просмотре, устанавливать связи, заполнять пробелы.
IV.Компенсаторные умения:
Развитие умения использовать толкования, определения. Эквивалентные замены для уточнения значения высказываний и аргументов по теме.
V. Учебно-познавательные умения:
Развитие умения группировать и систематизировать новый материал.
VI.Развитие умения работать в сотрудничестве.
Образовательные технологии, используемые на уроке
- технология интерактивного общения «Дебаты»;
- информационно-коммуникационные – презентация « The history of school uniform in Russia»
Формы работы
- индивидуальная
- групповая
- фронтальная
- работа в парах
Формы взаимодействия:
- учитель - ученик
- ученик - ученик
- группа – группа
Методические пособия
Базовый учебник « Английский язык 10 класс» Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.
Дополнительный материал: компьютерная презентация, раздаточный материал, аудиозапись к пособию «Avenues Upper Intermediate».
Ход урока
- Warm-up.
- Today we are going to talk about styles in clothes and dressing. Perhaps it’s not a global problem but it means a lot, especially for teens who are rather concerned about their appearance. Tell me please:
- Do you wear the same sorts of clothes as your friends?
- Are clothes important for you?
- Do you mind what other people think of your clothes?
- Do you think you should take into consideration other’s opinion about your clothes?
So we’ve got different opinions.
- Look at Task 1 in your papers.
Listen to five people talking about their attitudes to clothes they wear. Write the number of each speaker (1-5) in the correct gap. There is one gap you don’t need to use.
This speaker:
- feels his/her interest in clothing is natural a…..3
- is fond of wearing pale clothes b…. –
- realizes he/she dresses like the people around him/her c…..1
- explains why he/she has so many clothes d…..5
- doesn’t mind what people think of his/her clothes e…..4
- respects other peoples’ attitudes to clothes f…..2
- Now read the ideas, expressed by three people. Think whose opinion is the closest to your point of view.
- So, clothes are important to you?
Jill. Personally, yes. But you have to think about other people too. If people invite you to the party, they expect you to come properly dressed.
- How do you feel if people whisper to another and point?
Tim. I really don’t care. I’m comfortable with the way I am. If I see someone talking about me, I usually ignore it.
- At school, for instance, did you have to wear uniform?
Marta. Yes. I hated it.
So, we’ve got three points of view. Respect other peoples’ opinion. Follow dress code. Be what you are. Wear what you want. School uniform is terrible.
- Let’s try to investigate the history of the subject “School uniform”. Watch the presentation, listen to the information and answer the questions in Task 2.
- Why school uniform at the beginning of the XX century was worn only by children from wealthy families?
- What was the difference between classical gymnasium uniform for girls and its soviet variant?
- What were the other necessary attributes of school uniform in the Soviet Union?
- When the school uniform was abolished and when it was introduced again?
- What type of dress code have we got in our school?
- We’ve organized a poll among the senior grades of our students aged 14-17. These are the results.
- School uniform is OK- 16%
Arguments – it disciplines and makes students look neat and clean. They don’t have problems with choosing clothes in the morning.
- School uniform is no good – 49%
Arguments – we don’t have to look all the same. As school is an official place and not a disco we should be smart and elegant.
- Dress code, to say nothing about uniform, is dull – 25%
Arguments – we should be allowed to wear what we want. Of course we should respect other people’s opinions in public places. That means we won’t wear scruffy, baggy and too trendy clothes. Bare bodies and showing underwear also are unsuitable for school. Besides, attributes of youth subcultures, such as Goths and emos should be worn only in informal situations.
- Anarchists – 10 % no restrictions at all.
Arguments – I’d like to be what I am. I want to express myself through clothes and some regulations here is a violation of human rights.
What group do you belong to?
7. I’d like you to split into two groups. The first one will stand for the necessity of dress code perhaps not only at schools but an official places as well. Think of your arguments defending and proving your point of view. You’ve got two minutes for thinking and one minute for expressing your position. The second group will defend the position of anarchists – I’m what I wear and no one should put me under pressure. The expert group will listen and evaluate your opinions and give a balanced consideration. They can also ask you some questions before coming to their final decision.
8. Home task. Many people think that dress code is necessary in public places. However, some people say that it is useless and suppresses our personality.
What can you say for and against dress code?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan
- Introduction (State the problem).
- Arguments “For”
- Arguments “Against”
- Conclusion
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