British Patron Saints’ Days
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Saint George is one of the most famous Saints in Christianity. In the year 303 A.D. the Roman soldier beheaded him by order of the Emperor Diacletian for having opposed the persecution of Christians. Saint George is the Patron Saint of the people of many cities and countries in the world. He patronized infantry and cavalry, peasants and farmers, scouts and butchers. He protects patients with leprosy, plague and syphilis St George‘Day He saved a few villages from the terrible dragon according to the legend, for which he received nationwide respect .
It’s England’s national day. St. George is the Patron Saint of England. His emblem, a red cross on a white background, is the flag of England and a part of the British flag.
St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated on March,17. There are a lot of Legends about St. Patrick in Ireland. St. Patrick built more than 50 cathedrals with a help of three others bishops and united the islanders in one faith. St Patrick’s Day
According to the legend St. Patrick brought the Christianity to the pagan island and drove out all the snakes from it . A parade with songs and dances is arranged in honour of St. Patrick . Irish beer is popular on this day . March,17 is not only a holiday of Irish Saint, but the Irish souls too .
The symbols of this holiday are the shamrock, the leprechaun, the rainbow. The leprechaun is an elf-like creature from Irish folklore. He is lazy, cunning, ill-tempered, greedy. He has a pot of gold well hidden at the end of the rainbow.
St David's Day St. David's Day is celebrated on March, 1 in Wales. Welsh St. David is the Patron Saint of Wales. The first of March is associated with the death of David in 589. The date was declared as a national day in Wales in the XVIII century.
Every year there is a parade on this day. The biggest parade is in Cardiff. It is attended by the soldiers of the Royal Welsh Regiment and ordinary people of Wales. Concerts are held in pubs, clubs and other places.
March 1, became a national holiday in Wales. On this festive day pictures of Saint David with a dove on his shoulder - a symbol of the Holy spirit are hang everywhere. There are numerous of fun activities to play dress up in national costumes and with contests of choral singing in Cardiff.
National Symbols of Wales The national symbols of Wales are a pale yellow daffodil (total Welsh symbol) or the leek (Saint David's personal symbol). Girls sometimes wear traditional Welsh costumes at school. The flag of Saint David, which can often be seen on the streets of Wales has an important role in celebration of this day .
Saint Andrew’s Day (Scotland) is celebrated on the 30th of November. He was one of the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ. Except Scotland, Saint Andrew is the heavenly guardian of Russia and Greece. Andrew was crucified on the diagonal cross, which subsequently became his symbol in Greece . The Church with the relics of Saint Andrew was destroyed in the turbulent time of the reformation, in 1559 . St Andrew’ Day
Severity and persistence of the Scottish character is the best and visual reflected in the emblem of the national flag of Scotland. It is the Thistle. National Emblem of Scotland
Read the story and answer the question: Why is the thistle the emblem of Scotland? The Thistle is the national emblem of Scotland. This is how it came to be chosen as the symbol. In the 9th century the Norsemen landed on the east coast of Scotland with the aim to settle in the country. The Scots assembled to defend their country behind the river Tay , the largest in Scotland. As they arrived late in the evening, tired after a long march, they camped by the river and rested, not expecting the enemy before the next day. The Norsemen however were near. They decided to cross the Tay , take the Scots by surprise and attack them in their sleep. To this end, they took off their shoes so as to make the least noise possible. But one of the Norsemen stepped on a thistle and shrieked loudly. The Scots woke up, and Norsemen were put to flight. For this timely and unexpected help the Scots took the thistle as their national emblem. ________________ thistle – чертополох; Norseman – ( древний) скандинав; shriek - вопить; put to flight – обращать в бегство The Scottish Thistle
The feast of the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches, the day on which the Church glorify God and all the known and unknown Saints is celebrated in November, 1. In medieval England, the festival was known as the «All Sanctify», because it was celebrated in the Hallows evening. Nowadays people dress in colorful costumes of witches and ghosts and go from house to house and shout «Treat or trick!» All Saints’ Day and all Souls’ Day
The first Christian Martyr and archdeacon Stephen (St. Stephen), was one of seven apostles, who was chosen by the Apostle Peter to help the poor and the preaching of Christianity. He accepted a Martyr's death (Stephen was stoned). It is known that one of his torturers was Saul, who became the Apostle Paul later. He was the light and the pillar of Christianity. Saint Stephen’s Day is celebrated on the 26 th of November . St Stephen’s Day
St. Valentine is still one of the most popular saints, to whom, and which today is worshipped all the lovers, presented with gifts and beautiful recognized each other in love. . St Valentine's Day
St Valentine’s Day On the 14 th of February people send Valentine cards and get presents and “valentines” from their sweethearts. A “valentine” is a colorful card with tender love words. It is a kind of a love-token.
Search the 7 names of the Saints K Y H V j M O I P O B P A T R I C K C X A L Z K E T L V I G E O R G E D B L A N D R E W N C Y O T Q W A B E D A V I D U R O Q F F Y N U M U I R X S T E P H E N L
England Scotland Northern Ireland Wales St. Patrick St. George St. David St.Andrew Choose a Patron Saint for each country. http :// Источники
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