Ролевая игра Saint Valentine's Day
план-конспект урока английского языка (6 класс) по теме
В последнее время не только жители Британии и США, но и России широко отмечают празднование Дня Святого Валентина. Его называют также Днем всех влюбленных. Отмечается он 14 февраля. Ребята заранее подготовили открытки в виде сердечек со своими пожеланиями, разучили стихи, песни, новые слова по теме, познакомились с информацией о празднике. Детям нравится делать «валентинки» для своих друзей, учителей и родителей. Эти «валентинки» сложили в ящик, который затем открыли на празднике и почтальон вручил их.
Конкурс открыток:
Конкурс проводился в двух ключах — юмористическом и серьезном. Учащиеся заранее писали открытки с забавными и серьезными посланиями и подписью "Secretadmirer".
Вместе с подписью давали описание своей внешности или упоминали какую-нибудь характерную черту. Почтальон выдавал открытки адресатам, и те должны были угадать, от кого подучили открытку.
Музыкальное сопровождение — песни «Let me call you Sweetheart», «Cindy», песни группы «Beatles», современные английские песни о любви.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Saint Valentine's Day
Student Today is February the 14th. it is the day when people tell nice things, give presents to their nearest and dearest, speak and sing about love Today is Saint Valentine's Day! Student There are many different stories about the origin of Saint Valentine's Day
Student Родился Валентин в III веке нашей эры в Римской империи в городе Терни. По одним Легендам, он христианин, священник, принявший смерть за веру. Другие легенды более, романтичные. Они повествуют о молодом епископе, покровительствующем влюбленным. Валентин писал восторженные послания, помогал разлученным, дарил цветы юным супругам, благословлял любящие пары.
1. Only love is spoken, here, | 2. Only love is spoken here. |
Only hope and joy and cheer, | There's no doubt nor hate nor fear. |
Only love is spoken, | Only love is spoken, |
love is spoken here! | love is spoken here! |
Treating others like they are your brothers
Is the only way to live.
Always caring, yes, and always sharing, yes,
The secret is to give.
Student Суровый римский император Юлий Клавдий II под страхом смерти запрещал своим легионерам жениться, чтобы воины не отвлекались от ратного дела. Но стрелы Амура все же поражали доблестное войско. И молодой священник Валентин тайком соединял любящие сердца.
Student Но тайное становится явным. Валентин оказался в холодном подземелье тюрьмы в ожидании казни... Начальник тюрьмы, наслышанный о необыкновенных способностях епископа попросил его исцелить слепую дочь. И... О чудо! Красавица, прозрев, с первого взгляда влюбилась в опального священника. Но ни самой девушке, ни ее отцу не удалось умилостивить слуг закона Перед смертью Валентин послал своей возлюбленной записку с подписью «From our Valentine» 14 февраля Валентин был казнен.
Student Two hundred years later, the church made February 14 a special day to remember Saint Valentine Валентин стал покровителем всех влюблённых. (The patron saint of lovers.)
Student : A Song "Уои are my sunshine" .
Student 7 Most European countries and the USA celebrate Saint Valentine's Day. It is celebrated in families It is a good time to show your love to your Mother, Grandmother, little sister, or other relatives and friends
Boy Love, love me do. Girl: Someone to love,
You know I love you, Somebody new.
I'll always be true, Someone to love,
So please, love me do, Someone like you.
Wo-ho, love me do.
Boy: I hope that Valentine's Day
Will bring you lots of fun!
He thinks you're extra-specially nice,
And so does everyone!
Student People write postcards to each other.
As for me, I wrote to my Granny today:
I love your cakes, I love your stew,
But most of all I love YOU!!!
It's a good day for thinking about you
And a good day for telling you, too,
That the best kinds of Valentine wishes
Are coming especially for you!
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
A Valentine especially meant
To bring a warm "Hello"
And tell you
That you're thought about more
often than you know!
Hope your day is wonderful!
Wishing you a heartful of happiness today!
Happy Valentine's day!
God made the world
With a heartful of love,
Then He looked down
From heaven above
And saw that we all need
A helping hand
Someone to share with,
Who'll understand.
He made special people
To see us through
The glad times
And sad times, too;
A person on whom
We can always depend,
Someone we
Can call a friend.
Student You are doing very well! A spirit of love is among us at our party
Student Song
1 | 2. |
Love makes the world go round, | Love makes the world go round, |
Round and around and around, | Round and around and around, |
It makes you feel, | It can't be taught. |
It makes you real, | Bargained or bought |
Love makes the world go round | Love makes the world go round. |
3. | 4. |
Love can really make you feel | Love makes the world go round, |
That you're better person. | Round and around and around, |
And when you're in love, | It makes you feel, |
You really know you are | It makes you real, |
Love makes the world go round |
Roses love sunshine,
Violets love dew;
Angels in heaven
Know I love you.
Let me call you sweetheart,
I'm in love with you.
Let me hear you whisper
That you love me. too.
Keep the lovelight glowing
In your eyes so true.
Let me call you sweetheart,
I'm in love with you.
Take the cards and Form three teams. The first task is to guess the colour. You take it in turns to begin. Ready? This team go first.
The colour of leaves in autumn.
The colour of the sea and the sky.
The colour of ripe cherries.
The colour of grass in spring.
Some bears are ...
The colour of the snow.
The colour of Saint Valentine's Day
Give the Russian equivalents of these proverbs:
A good beginning is half the battle.-Доброе начало полделa откачало. All is well that ends well.-Всё хорошо, что хорошо кончается.
Actions speak louder than words.-He по словам судят, а по делам. Better late than never.- Лучше позже, чем никогда.
East or West home is best.- В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.
Everything is good in its season. Все хорошо в своё время.
Не laughs best who laughs last.- Хорошо смеётся тот, кто смеётся последний.
Write down the poem and correct the mistakes
Roses is red I is like a cabbage
Violets is blue Divided into two;
Sugar are sweet The leaves I gives to others
And so is you. But the heart I gives to you.
Try to guess riddles
The teacher writes on me with chalk My face is black, I can't talk What am I? ( a blackboard) | When I eat, I live; But when I drink, I die What am I? (fire) |
It is white, It is cold. You can skate on it. What is it? (ice) | It can tell you all the day: Time to sleep and time to play. What is it? (a clock) |
What is without hands and feet, Without head or body, but can open the door. What is it? (the wind) | When I eat, I live; But when I drink, I die. What am I? (fire) |
I come with cold and snow, But you like me and know. What is it? (Winter) | I'm black, And red, and blue, I draw a picture For you What am I? (a pencil) |
I don't know The ABC, But I'm writing As you can see. What am I? (a pen) |
All people like to get present. What presents do you like to get?
I like to get flowers. What flowers do you know? New game "What flower is it?"
- -The Earliest Spring Flower (a snowdrop, a primrose)
- -The Flower Of The Christmas Season (a holly)
3.-The Flower Has Small Hard Fruit Which Looks Like A Little Apple (a hawthorn)
4.-June's Flower (a honeysuckle)
5.-A Flower Of Pink. White Or Yellow Petals Around A Yellow Centre (a daisy)
6.-An Emblem Of England (a rose)
7.-The Flower For August (a poppy)
8.-The National Flower Of Japan (a chrysanthemum)
9.-People Use It To Make Beer ( a hop)
10.-The Flowers Look Like Stars (a primrose)
11. The Plant Has Long Leaves, Yellow Or White Flowers And A Sweet Pleasant Smell (a daffodil)
A Game of Antonyms
An antonym for a word is a word that has an opposite meaning. For example, the antonym for сold is hot
Old-young Big-little Short-long
White-black Good-bad Light-dark
Dirty-clean Strong-weak Right-wrong/left
First-last Quickly-slowly
Student 9 There's a knock on the door Please, come in. Oh, it's a postman! POSTMAN I have brought a lot of love letters and funny postcards. Here, look at them Music Dancing - That's all for today. Will be Happy!
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