Задания по аудированию. ЕГЭ.
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме
На данной странице вы найдете материалы для подготовки к заданиям раздела аудирования в формате ЕГЭ. Прежде чем выполнять задания, ознакомьтесь с рекомендациями по выполнению заданий разного уровня.
1. Look at the list of words click on each word to find out its meaning.
List of words: influence, selective, issue, housebound, ruin, blame, inability, average.
2. В1 Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1-6 и утверждениями, данными в списке A-G. Используйте каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Прослушайте запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.
A. TV may have a negative effect on learning.
B. TV should change in the future.
C. TV can teach a lot.
D. TV has many functions.
E. TV can ruin family life.
F. TV should be switched on and off in time.
G. TV can be a good friend.
Говорящий | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Утверждение |
3. Now check your answers by reading the text.
Speaker 1
Ninety-eight per cent of us in Britain have a TV set in our homes and, according to the experts, we rarely turn it off. In fact, the average viewer watches as much as 25 hours a week. Television informs, educates and entertains people. It also influences the way people look at the world and makes them change their views.
Speaker 2
Primary school teachers are complaining of youngsters’ inability to concentrate and their need to be constantly entertained. Some students do their homework in front of the television set. Others rush through their homework so they can watch television. It would seem that too much TV is to blame.
Speaker 3
Watching too much TV can lead to the ‘lodger’ syndrome. Some husbands come home, sit in front of the TV and simply don’t communicate with their families at all. Even when programmes contain nothing negative, it’s not really a good thing for so many families to spend whole evenings glued to the box.
Speaker 4
However, there is another side to the picture. For the lonely, elderly or housebound, television can be a good thing, being a cheap and convenient form of entertainment and a ‘friendly face’ in the house. It can be an ideal way to relax, without necessarily turning you into a TV addict.
Speaker 5
Television doesn’t just entertain, of course. There are times when it can be informative and can provide a source of good family conversation, e. g. TV programmes featuring various cultural, historical, political and artistic issues. For example, The National Geographic documentaries have recently become very popular.
Speaker 6
Informative, useful, entertaining and relaxing — and yes, banal and boring — television is all of these. But if we’re not selective, surely we have only ourselves to blame. TV can be a part of family life, but when it becomes all of it, maybe that’s the time to reach for the ‘off’ switch.
Answers: DAEGCF
1. Look at the pictures and guess what is this radio program going to be about.
2.А1-А7 Вы услышите радиопередачу о звездах современной рок-музыки. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений А1 —А7 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated). Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.
Al. Rock stars' income cannot be compared with income in any other professional category.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated
A2. Some rock stars admit that they earn more than they deserve.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated
A3. Being a good singer is more important than being lucky in show business.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated
А 4. Star fans are not happy when a rock star appears too often on TV and in movies.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated
A5. Rock stars support charity programs in many different ways.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated
A6. Most rock stars end their life in poverty.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated
A7. The stage life of many rock stars is not long.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated
3. Read the text and check your answers.
The Lifestyle of a Rock Star
Interviewer: Around the world young people are spending unbelievable sums of money to listen to rock music. “Forbes Magazine” claims that at least fifty rock stars have incomes of between two million and six million dollars per year. Today we’ll discuss the lifestyle of rock stars with the person who knows all about it, MTV producer Jack Jackson.
Jack Jackson: “It doesn’t make sense,” says Johnny Mathis, one of the older music millionaires, who made a million dollars a year when he was most popular, in the 1950s. “Performers aren’t worth this kind of money. In fact, nobody is.” But the rock stars’ admirers seem to disagree. Those who love rock music spend about two billion dollars a year for records. They pay 150 million to see rock stars in person.
Interviewer: Some observers think the customers are buying more than music.
Jack Jackson: Absolutely. Rock music has a special appeal because no real training is needed to produce it. There is no gulf between the audience and the performer. Every boy and girl in the audience thinks, “I could sing like that.” So rock has become a new kind of religion, a new form of worship. Young people are glad to pay to worship a rock star because it is a way of worshipping themselves.
Interviewer: Luck is a key word for explaining the success of many. In 1972 one of the luckiest was Don McLean, who wrote and sang “American Pie.” Mc Lean earned more than a million dollars from recordings of “American Pie.”
Jack Jackson: Well, records provide only part of a star’s income. Around the world young listeners soon want to see the star in movies, on television, and in person.
Neil Young, who performs in torn blue jeans, sometimes sings to an audience of 10,000, each of whom has paid at least fifteen dollars for a ticket. After paying expenses, Young leaves with about $120,000 in his pocket at the end of an evening.
Interviewer: How do the rock stars use their money? What do they do when the money starts pouring in like water?
Jack Jackson: Most young stars simply throw their money around. England’s Elton John gave someone a $38,000 Rolls-Royce automobile and bought himself a $5,000 pair of eyeglasses that light up and spell E-L-TO-N. He also bought himself two cars, “one for each foot.” In the end, a rock star’s life is unrewarding. After two or three years riches and fame are gone. Left with his memories, and his tax problems, the lonely ex-performer spends his remaining years trying to impress strangers. New stars have arrived to take his place.
Answers: 3 1 2 2 3 3 1
1. А8-А14 Вы услышите интервью, которое школьница берет у своей бабушки для школьной радиогазеты. В заданиях А8—А14 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.
А8. The girl's grandmother goes by the name of Elaine because
1) it is only natural to go by one's first name for a girl.
2) she didn't like her real first name and changed it when she grew up.
3) she wanted to avoid confusion with other female members in the family.
А9. Elaine liked primary school because
1) she could be alone at least on the way to school.
2) her teacher always made her feel special.
3) she could learn more, listening to older kids.
A10. Among Elaine's chores was
1) waxing the floors. i
2) tidying the closets.
3) washing the dishes.
All. When in high school Elaine
1) proved to be a natural dancer.
2) couldn't learn to play basketball.
3) could take athletics with boys.
A12. She got a chance to go to college because
1) her employer helped her to continue her education.
2) she earned enough money working at the creamery and at the cafeteria.
3) she got an academic scholarship.
A13. She majored in
1) economics.
2) home economics education.
3) education.
A14. Elaine had a big family, and remembering her kids growing up
1) she feels sorry she had so many children.
2) she wishes she had more.
3) she believes it was a reward for all her previous problems.
2. Now read the text and think of your 5 questions to grandmother Alaine.
Grandmother Elaine
Interviewer: My grandmother grew up on a farm in Nebraska. I wanted to interview her not only because she has a great story, but also to learn more about her past. I will try to make it a real interview, not just a chat with a grandma. So, my first question: What is your name and birthplace?
Grandmother: I go by Elaine, but my real name is Helen Elaine. I was born April 8, 1933 in Guide Rock, Nebraska on a farm. I had an older sister and two younger brothers.
Interviewer: Why do you go by your middle name?
Grandmother: My mother, my dad’s sister, and my uncle’s wife were all named Helen. Can you imagine the chaos! I chose to be called Elaine so that I wouldn’t be confused during family get-togethers.
Interviewer: What was your school like?
Grandmother: Well, the stories you hear your parents tell were actually true... we walked three miles to school and three miles back! During the summer the walk wasn’t bad, but in winter our feet would freeze! When we got to the one-room schoolhouse, I remember my teacher would always bring me a bucket of warm water to soak my feet. Boy, was I lucky! Since it only had one room, we interacted with the older kids, which was nice because we got to hear them recite.
Interviewer: When you got home, did you have chores to do?
Grandmother: Of course! We all had specific tasks. My sister and I cleaned the dining room, which had hardwood floors like every room in the house. I was always upset because I had to wax the floors on my hands and knees and dust the furniture! My sister, since she was older, only had to dust the shelves. After our chores were done, we sat down as a family to eat. Then, I had to dry the dishes. My father always sent me to my room for bed at 6:30. I was never able to figure out what you would call my room. I guess you could call it a closet!
Interviewer: What was high school like?
Grandmother: Well, we finally had a bus to ride that I caught every morning at seven a.m. In high school there were no athletics for girls. Boys had football, basketball and track. There were school dances, but not quite as fancy as the ones you have. I never really had enough rhythm to dance, but I tried!
Interviewer: Did you ever get to go to college?
Grandmother: My parents never mentioned college to me because we had no money. After high school I worked at the Farmers Union Creamery as a secretary. One day my boss came to see me and told me that I was going to college. I was confused and said, “No, I’m not, we can’t afford it.”
He made the arrangements and drove me to a college 150 miles away. I still do not know where the money came from. My major was home economics education. As a student, I worked at the creamery, and also at the cafeteria at the school.
Interviewer: Did you follow through with your teaching career?
Grandmother: Yes, I was a home economics teacher for 30 years.
Interviewer: After all your struggles, did you build a family?
Grandmother: Yes, I married a nice man and had five lovely kids and I now have nine beautiful grandchildren. I am very proud of my family. There were many funny times when my children were growing up. Once your Uncle Danny told your Aunt Cathy that the cigarette lighter in the car smelled like cherries and she burnt her nose. At the time those moments weren’t as funny as they are now when we look back on them. All of this was worth the problems I struggled with growing up.
3. Now check your answers.
Answers: 3 3 1 2 1 2 3

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