Доклад "Формирование экологической компетенции на уроках английского языка
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему
Представлен материал доклада на международных педагогических чтениях 2012 года.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Формирование экологической компетенции на уроках английского языка.
- воспитательная – привлечь внимание к существующим экологическим проблемам;
- развивающая – учить работать в группе; внимательно относиться и выслушивать мнение других;
- учебная –
- практика аудирования, контроль понимания прослушанного;
- активизация лексического материала по теме;
- практиковать учащихся в устной речи по теме, учить высказывать свое мнение;
- контроль навыков диалогической речи по заданной ситуации;
Оснащение урока:
- картинки-иллюстрации к идиомам о погоде;
- аудио диск а с записью текстов для аудирования;
- магнитофон;
- карточки-задания.
Формирование гуманного отношения к окружающему миру и, в частности, воспитание экологической культуры, является неотъемлемой составляющей духовно-нравственного воспитания школьников. Изучая культуру англоязычных стран на уроках иностранного языка, ученики знакомятся с позитивным опытом сохранения и защиты природных богатств и положительными экологическими установками носителей языка.
Экологическое воспитание школьников – это духовно-нравственное воспитание, в основе которого лежит формирование ответственного и гуманного отношения к окружающему миру, активная деятельность по изучению и охране природы своего региона, защите и возобновлению природных богатств.
С юного возраста в детях необходимо целенаправленно воспитывать экологически культурную личность, соблюдающую нормы поведения в природе и в быту.
В любом учебнике по английскому языку обязательно присутствует один или несколько разделов, посвященных проблеме окружающей среды и раскрывающих различные аспекты этой темы в соответствии с возрастом обучающихся и их уровнем владения языком.
Обобщение этих разделов с привлечением ресурсов Интернета, дополнительных учебных пособий на эту тему, а также собственных разработок позволило автору выстроить последовательную систему экологического образования учащихся на уроках английского языка.
Помоги нашей планете (Save our Planet).Ученики изучают международный опыт по созданию юношеских экологических движений и организаций.
7. Ученики, пользуясь знаниями, полученными на уроках географии, биологии, экологии, обществознания, различными пособиями и ресурсами Интернета, планируют изменения в своих привычкахс тем, чтобы наносить как можно меньше вреда окружающей среде и представляют проект «Как стать Зеленым» (Some Tips to be Green).
8. В 9-м классе ученики работают над проектом «Глобальное потепление» (Global Warming) и его составной частью – исследованием «Машины и дороги в нашем регионе» (Cars and Roads in our Region). В этом проекте учащиеся, привлекая знания по биологии и химии, изучают влияние выхлопных газов на здоровье людей, а также планируют мероприятия по снижению загрязнения воздуха, включая более разумное планирование дорог и зеленых зон.
Целью этого методического пособия является формирование у детей экологического сознания, действенного отношения к природе и воспитание экологической культуры.
TASK: read and translate the article
Causes of Light Pollution
We all are aware about air, water and noise pollution but light pollution is an issue that isn't given much attention and we quickly dismiss it as an issue which impacts astronomers. In this article we will learn about the global menace of light pollution and will do some fact-finding on the causes of light pollution.
Light pollution is the excessive light that is created by us. It poses a threat to the eyes, disturbs the ecosystem apart from interfering with astronomical observations. It is high time that we take corrective measures to control it as each year the problem of light pollution is getting worse. We will take a look at the causes of light pollution and know some light pollution facts, but before that let us know the different types of light pollution.
Types of Light Pollution
Light Trespass: Light trespass is caused due to undesirable illumination of an area which causes light to spill to places where it is not required. An example of light trespass can be the illumination caused inside an apartment due to streetlights.
Sky Glow: If you live in an area where the levels of light pollution are relatively high, then you must have noticed an orange 'smog' in the night. This 'smog' is called sky glow and it is caused both due to man-made and natural sources.
Glare: Glare can be defined as the increase in contrast in a given field of view. While driving at night, we have to shield our eyes with our hands as the glare makes it difficult for us to see things clearly. Glare causes discomfort to the eye and can lead to road accidents.
Causes and Effects of Light Pollution
Light pollution is caused by uncontrolled emissions and reflections. The design of most of the light emitting sources allows a significant fraction of light to go up in the sky. Excessive use of light emitting sources also causes significant loss of light energy and increases the production of greenhouse gases. Careless outdoor lighting is also responsible for light pollution. Estimates point out that about one-third of the energy used for outdoor lighting is sent to outer space where it doesn't serve any useful purpose and causes light pollution. The rate at which the urban areas are expanding is contributing to the increase in the levels of light pollution.
The range of new outdoor lighting products has also led to an increase in the light pollution levels. Three decades ago, the outdoor lighting products that were available to the public were limited to incandescent lights, mercury vapor lamps, etc. but today more powerful fixtures are available. These products are more powerful than needed and are poorly shielded causing light to spill in areas where it is not needed.
Continuous exposure to bright light can cause neurological disorders such as insomnia, migraine and depression. It has far reaching effects on nature and animals. It interferes with the biological cycle of nocturnal animals, altering their feeding, migration and reproduction activities. Light pollution confuses birds and animals as can be seen from the way sea turtles turn towards the road instead of the ocean after hatching their eggs on the beach. Light pollution causes waste of energy and puts a strain on the already depleting resources on earth. The streetlights in US alone generate around 2.3 million tons of carbon dioxide in a year.
Preventing Light Pollution
One of the first steps that we need to take to fight light pollution is to ensure that all outdoor lighting equipment are manufactured in such a way that light is only pointing to the areas where it is needed. This will require manufacturers to design the lighting products with proper shielding materials. The government agencies have to also ensure that they install streetlights in such a way that light is not shining horizontally into the eyes of people.
We all will need to do our bit to control light pollution. People are not yet fully aware about this form of pollution and there is a common misconception that light pollution hampers only astronomical observations and therefore, it is an issue for only those associated with astronomy. We all have a part to play in controlling light pollution and it is important that we start educating ourselves, our neighbors and those who are at the helm of the affairs about the severity of this issue before it is too late. We hope that this article would have helped you in getting an insight into the causes of light pollution and the threat that it poses to us.
By Rahul Pandita
Last Updated: 10/7/2011
Environmental pollution - Causes and
consequences of pollution
Post Date: 2008-08-13
We all are aware of environmental pollution. Our planet earth differs from other planets in having an environment. The biosphere in which living beings have their sustenance has oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, argon and water vapour. All these are well balanced to ensure a healthy life in the world. The introduction of contaminants into an environment is called environmental pollution. Due to environmental pollution instability, disorder, harm or discomfort to the physical systems or living organisms are caused. Let us see the types of environmental pollution. The noise, heat, light, water and chemical substances are getting polluted day by day. Due to environmental pollution, the air, water and land are affected. Due to environmental pollution, the drastic changes such as depletion of the ozone layer, global warming and climate change are happening in the world. The release of chemicals and particles from industries and factories cause air pollution. The surface runoff, liquid spills, waste water discharge and leakage into ground water are the main reasons for water pollution. The toxins spilled on the ground causes soil pollution. The reasons for environmental pollution can be seen one by one. Due to urbanisation, forests are destructed. There is more demand for water. Every single day, tons and tons of domestic waste is dumped. If these wastes are not disposed of properly, that will end in environmental pollution. The pall of smoke and the swirling gases cause constant hazards, polluting and contaminating both air and water. Necessary safeguard arrangements should be made against environmental pollution. Many crusaders are vehemently protesting against environmental pollution. Nothing in the world is immune and no life is safe. We can very well notice the abnormal behavior of our seasons. But, it is heartening to find that entire world is aware of the menace and all the countries are ready to fight against environmental pollution. The pesticides and herbicides used by farmers also pollute the land. The industrial activities are contributing for environmental pollution very much. Heaps of mining wastes also contaminate the soil. The environmental pollution is not caused by the fall out from nuclear tests or industries alone. The smoke left by automobiles and other vehicular traffic, the use of synthetic detergents,
nitrogen fertilizers cause environmental pollution. If we fail to restore the ecological balance right now, it would be too late tomorrow. So, everybody should organise their activities in such
a way to drive away the environmental pollution from earth.
Article Source: http://www.saching.com
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Цели урок а : сформировать целостное представление о проблемах экологии, возможных путях их решения . воспитательная – привлечь внимание к существующим экологическим проблемам; развивающая – учить работать в группе; внимательно относиться и выслушивать мнение других; обучающая: практика аудирования , контроль понимания прослушанного; активизация лексического материала по теме; практиковать учащихся в устной речи по теме, учить высказывать свое мнение;
« Pollution of environment » « Air Pollution » « Water Pollution » « Light Pollution »
Environmental pollution is the biggest menace to the human race on this planet today. It means adding impurity to environment. The environment consists of earth, water, air, plants and animals. If we pollute them, then the existence of man and nature will be hampered.
«Air Pollution » THE OLD DAYS Until about 150 years ago, the air was pure and clean-perfect for the people and animals of the Earth to breathe. Technological progress Then people started building . Many factories release sulfates into the air . When the sulfates mix with the clouds, acid rains fall and harm all creatures. TODAY T he air is so polluted in some places that it is not always safe to breathe! This is strong in some places that the air , which should be beautiful blue , actually looks brown
WATER POLLUTION The planet Earth is mostly water. Oceans cover the biggest part of it and rivers, lakes and even water underground. All life on Earth – from the little bug to the biggest whale – depends on this water. But we are not doing a very good job of keeping water clean. In many places the water has become polluted.
Light Pollution Light pollution is the excessive light that is created by us. It poses a threat to the eyes, disturbs the ecosystem apart from interfering with astronomical observations. It is high time that we take corrective measures to control it as each year the problem of light pollution is getting worse.
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