Урок английского языка по теме «Почему люди занимаются спортом».
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Урок английского языка по теме «Почему люди занимаются спортом?».
( К УМК для 7 класса “Enjoy English”. авторы Биболетова М.З.,Трубанева Н.Н.).
Цель урока: Совершенствование навыков чтения и устной речи по теме «Спорт».
Задачи урока :
Образовательные : формирование речевых умений через использование интерактивных методов обучения (« мозговой штурм», синквейн) ; активизировать лексику по изученной теме;
Развивающие: совершенствование навыков чтения с извлечением необходимой информации;
Совершенствование монологической и диалогической речи;
Развитие логического и аналитического мышления ,памяти;
Развивать у обучающихся способность к догадке, осуществлять репродуктивные и продуктивные речевые действия; развивать навыки аудирования;
Воспитательные: воспитание активности в решении коммуникативных и познавательно- поисковых задач, направлять деятельность на воспитание культуры здорового образа жизни.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок английского языка по теме «Почему люди занимаются спортом».
( К УМК для 7 класса “Enjoy English”. авторы Биболетова М.З.,Трубанева Н.Н.).
Цель урока: Совершенствование навыков чтения и устной речи по теме «Спорт».
Задачи урока :
Образовательные : формирование речевых умений через использование интерактивных методов обучения( « мозговой штурм», синквейн) ;
активизировать лексику по изученной теме;
Развивающие: совершенствование навыков чтения с извлечением необходимой информации;
Совершенствование монологической и диалогической речи;
Развитие логического и аналитического мышления ,памяти;
Развивать у обучающихся способность к догадке, осуществлять репродуктивные и продуктивные речевые действия; развивать навыки аудирования;
Воспитательные: воспитание активности в решении коммуникативных и познавательно- поисковых задач, направлять деятельность на воспитание культуры здорового образа жизни.
Оборудование: раздаточный материал , компьютерная презентация, ПК, мультимедийный проектор.
Ход урока.
I.Вводно-мотивационный этап урока.
1. Организационный момент урока. Введение в языковую среду.
T: Good morning! Nice to meet you .How are you? I hope you are fine. Today we are going to continue working at the topic “Sport”.
2.Речевая зарядка.
a) T: tell me, please what does the word “Sport” mean to you? (Метод « Мозговой штурм»)
P: Sport means: health, keeping fit, a hobby, strength, self- discipline, strong will, energy, a lot of injuries, exciting activity, courage ,character, victory, skills, champions, competitions, medals ,peace, friends.
b) Look at the pictures and the sports. What countries are these sports associated with?
P1: Football is associated with Great Britain.
P2: ice-skating ( Norway)
P3: horse-riding ( GB)
P4: boxing (GB)
P5: figure-skating (Russia) and tennis (GB).
P6: baseball ( the USA) and chess (Russia)
P7: ice-hockey (Canada, Finland) and skiing (Finland)
P8: cycling (Greece) and basketball (The USA, Germany)
c) T: you certainly know that there are sports and there are games. Look at the screen and say which of them are sports and which of them are games.
d) Which of them can you call summer / winter sports and games ?
Which of them are indoor and outdoor sports and games?
Which sports or games can you call the most dangerous (beautiful, interesting to watch, useful for health)?
e)T: Now match the sports and the places. (at the screen).
f) T: Well done! Now you should find the word which is out of the line. (at the screen)
a) running, jumping, athletics, windsurfing, walking, cross country running
b) football, basketball, gymnastics, rugby, baseball, handball
c) water skiing, surfing, windsurfing, diving, horse riding, water-polo.
P1: athletics- because all the rest have the ending –ing.
P2: gymnastics- because it is a sport while all the rest are games.
P3: it is the word horse-riding because all the words except this one are done in the water.
II. Основной этап урока (операционно - познавательный).
1.T: Now I’ll give you small sheets of paper with the names of different kinds of sport.
Read them and try to describe your sport without naming it. Let your classmates guess what sport it is.
1).A round ball is used in this game. Two teams of eleven players kick it. They are not allowed to handle the ball. (Football).
2).To keep fit they travel by bicycle every weekend. They have visited a lot of places. It’s their favourite hobby. (cycling)
3). It’s very popular with women. You can do it in a sport centre with music or just follow classes shown on TV. (aerobics).
4). You can play this game at home or in the gym. You need a partner, a table, a small ball a net and two small bats.(table tennis)
5).It’s the cheapest but very healthy form of sports. Nothing is needed. You get up in the morning and travel on foot enjoying the countryside.(walking/hiking)
6).It’s called the sport of kings. Few people do this sport, most of them watch it or try to win some money. (horse riding)
2. T: Why do people go in for sport?
P1: It makes our body flexible, strong.
P2: It helps us to be active, strong, to keep fit.
P3: It teaches us to be disciplined, to win and to loose, to work in a team.
3.T: Good of you. As you know all sportsmen take part in different sports competitions, they try to set records. What is the main dream of all sportsmen?
P1: to receive a gold medal.
P2: to take part in the Olympic games.
T: The Olympic Games are the world’s number one sport event. For thousands of athletes they mean a chance to win gold and glory – but that’s not all the games stand for. They are also an important symbol for billions of people around the globe – a symbol of hope, peace and friendly co-operation between nations.
What Olympic symbols do you know?
P: the Olympic flag, the Olympic flame, the Olympic rings.
T: What do the Olympic rings symbolize?
P: Every ring stands for one of the 5 continents.(Antarctica is excluded and North and South America are considered as one continent.) The connection of the rings symbolizes the connection of the continents during the Games and the ideal of peace and brotherhood of the whole planet.
T: Do you know what are the symbols of the Sochi Olympic games?
P: There are 3 of them: the leopard, the white bear and the hare.
T: And what are the symbols of the next “Paralympics?”
P: They are the ray and the snowflake.
T: Read the Olympic motto. It’s in Latin. What does it mean? P: It means: faster, higher, stronger.
What are the Olympic awards?
P1: The Olympic awards are medals. The 1st place winner gets a gold medal, the 2nd place winner receives a silver medal and the 3rd place winner receives a bronze medal.
3. T: That’s right. Now we are going to work with some texts of ex.10, p.102-103 Work in groups of 4 .Each group will work with one of the texts. Read the text and answer the question “Why does each of the children do sports”?
P1: Paul plays football because he thinks that football is great and exciting.
P2: Danny does surfing because the ocean, waves, sunny weather and his surfboard makes him happy. He enjoys catching and riding a wave.
P3: Steve is fond of hockey because he’s from Quebec, home of the Montreal Canadians, the most successful professional hockey team.
P4: Natasha loves to do figure skating because she likes ice, music, dance. She compares it with a fairy-tale.
T: Well-done! Now prove that Paul isn’t just a football fan, but a good sportsman.
Danny is a brave boy.
Steve is an experienced fan.
Natasha loves figure skating.
P1: Paul is a good sportsman because he has won the Player of the Year award. He has also been on TV and on the Chelsea football programme.
P2: Danny is a brave boy because we think that surfing is a very dangerous sport.
P3: We can say that Steve is an experienced fan because he has loved hockey since he was three years old and he knows everything about hockey, teams and players.
P4: Natasha loves figure skating because she travels to Moscow and back each week in order to train .
T: Now read the texts once more and circle the number of the sentence that gives the right information about the teenagers.
P1: a) it’s sentence number 2.
P2: b) it’s number 1.
P3:c) It’s number 1.
P4: d) it is number 3.
T: Right you are. Now you are to do ex.11, p.103. Here are 4 extracts .Look them through and decide which of them is taken from your text.
P1 It’s number 2.
P2: it’s number3.
P3: it’s number 4.
P4: it’s number 1.
T: OK .Mark the places in the texts where they could fit in.
Listen and check if you were right.
T: and now let’s talk about you. What sports do you prefer and why?
4.Make up a dialogue.(3 pairs) All the rest work with the proverbs.(Match the parts of the proverbs)
P1: What is your favourite sport?
P2: My favourite sport is figure skating.
P1: Are you good at it yourself?
P2: No , I’m just a fan.
P1: Why do you like it?
P2: I enjoy doing sports with music.
III. Заключительный этап урока. Рефлексия.
T: Our task now is to summarize everything we know about sport.(синквейн). Обучающиеся работают в группах, затем идет представление синквейна перед классом.
1.What are we talking today about?
P: Sport.
2. T: Think of 2 adjectives characterizing sport.
P: Exciting , popular
3.T: think of 3 verbs
P: to compete, to keep fit, to practise
4.T: Make up a sentence, describing sport.
P: Sport makes people strong and healthy.
5.T: Think of a synonym of the word “sport”
P: Physical culture.(training)
Итоги урока. Выставление отметок. Домашнее задание: упр.7,8 стр.97 (AB)
Приложение 1.(образцы диалогов)
Приложение 2 (пословицы)
A healthy mind in a healthy body.
Health is better than wealth (здоровье -наибольшее богатство).
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. (Кто рано ложится и рано встает, здоровье, богатство и ум бережет).
After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.(После обеда отдохни, после ужина милю пройди).
The best of the sport is to do the deed and say nothing.( Наилучшее занятие – делать дело молча).
In sports and journeys men are known.(Люди познаются в спорте и туризме)
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