Инсценировка сказки The Silly Chicken
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Инсценировка сказки The Silly Chicken для начальных классов
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Инсценировка сказки
по английскому языку
«Silly Chicken»
Characters/The Cock, the Frog, the Hen, the Cat, Chicken Little, their son, the Rat, the Dog, the Bird.
{Chicken Little stands between the Cock and the Hen. The Hen has a wing on his head.)
Hen. Look, Father, how nice our little son is! {Chicken Little raises his head proudly) Sonny, my dear sonny, say:
"How do you do" to your father!
Chicken Little. How do you do, daddy!
Cock. How clever our son is!
Hen. Now, my darling, make a pretty bow! {Chicken Little makes a bow.)
Cock. Oh, my dear sonny, you are strong, you can do everything! (Chicken Little raises his head higher and sticks
out his chest.)
Hen. Now I must go and get some crumbs and seeds for you, my dear little sonny-boy!
Cock. And I must go and cry "cock-a-doodle-doo".
Hen. My dear son, you may play here, in the yard!
Chicken Little. Yes, mummy! Good-bye, daddy! (the cock and hen go away.)
Chicken Little (walks up and down). I am clever, I strong, I can do everything! I am clever, I am strong, I can do
everything! (The Frog jumps up to him!)
Frog. Croak, croak! Hello, Chicken Little!
Chicken Little. Hello, Frog! Look at me! I am clever, ] am strong, I can do everything. Mammy says so, daddy
says so.
Frog. Can you jump? Look! (He jumps across the stage.)
Chicken Little. Of course, I can! I can do everything! Mummy and daddy say so! (He begins to jump, falls down
and cries.) mummy, mummy! Oh, my leg!
Hen. I am here! Oh, my poor little chicken! (She bandages his leg.) Now, now, here are some crumbs for you!
(Chicken Little eats them up.) my poor little darling! (She goes away.) (The Cat comes on the stage. Chicken Little crosses
the stage. It cannot walk well.)
Cat. Miaow! Hello, Chicken Little! Are you ill?
Chicken Little. Hello, Cat. I am not ill. I am strong. I am clever, I can do everything. Mummy and daddy say so.
Cat. And can you say "miaow"?
Chicken Little. I can do everything! Listen: peep, peep, peep!
Cat. But that is not "miaow", it is "peep, peep"! And can you catch rats?
Chicken Little. Oh, yes. Yes, I can! I can do everything! (The Rat appears.)
Rat. Hello, hello, Chicken Little, can you catch me? Chicken Little, catch me, catch me!
(The Rat runs, Chicken Little runs after it, then the Rat looks round, turns and runs after Chicken Little. It bites him on
the head.)
Chicken Little (cries) (The Hen runs up to him.)
Hen. Oh, my dear, oh, my poor little sonny-boy! Don't cry! (She bandages his head.) Here are some seeds for you!
(Chicken Little eats them up.) My poor little child! Are you well now? Yes, you are, 1 see you are. You can eat seeds. (She
goes away. The Dog comes to the yard.)
Dog: Good morning, Chicken Little! How are you?
Chicken Little. Hello, Dog. I am O'K. I am strong. I am clever, I can do everything. Mummy and daddy say so.
Dog: You can do everything?! And can you bite me then?
Chicken Little. Of course, I can! I can do everything! Mummy and daddy say so! Look! (He begins to bite the
Dog: But you didn't bite me! Look, how I can bite! (he bites the chicken and runs away)
Chicken Little. Oh mummy, oh daddy! Oh, my hand!
Cock: I am here! Oh, my poor little chicken! (he bandages his hand.) Here are some crumbs for you! (Chicken
Little eats them up.) my poor little darling! (he goes away. The Birdflies into the yard.)
Bird. Hello, Chicken Little!
Chicken Little. Hello, Bird! Look at me! I am clever, ] am strong, I can do everything. Mammy says so, daddy
says so.
Bird. Can you fly? Look! (He flies round the yard)
Chicken Little. Of course, I can! I can do everything! Mummy and daddy say so! (He begins to fly, falls down and
cries.) mummy, mummy! Oh, my leg!
Hen. Oh, my dear, oh, my poor little sonny-boy! Don't cry! (She bandages his leg) Here are some seeds for you!
(Chicken Little eats them up.) My poor little child! Are you well now? Yes, you are. You can eat seeds. (She goes away.
The Frog, the cat and the Rat, the Dog, the Bird come up to Chicken Little.)
Dog. Do you think he is clever?
Frog. I don't think he is clever.
Bird. Do you think he is strong?
Rat. I don't think he is strong.
Cat. What can he do? He can do nothing.
Chicken Little (stamps his foot). But I am clever, I am strong,I can do everything! Mummy and daddy say so!
Frog. But it is not true!
С at. No, it is hot true!
Rat. You must learn and learn.
Frog. Then you will be clever.
Cat. Then you will be strong.
Rat. Then you will be able to do everything.
Frog, Cat, Rat (together). But now you are only a silly little chicken! Good-bye.
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