Урок английского языка "Экстремальные виды спорта"
план-конспект урока (английский язык, 10 класс) по теме
Цель урока: Формирование коммуникативной компетенции по теме: научить употреблять изучаемую лексику ,практиковать в неподготовленном аргументированном высказывании; Учебный материал отобран из разных УМК .( О. Л Гроза, О. Б. Дворецкая и др. «New Millennium English». 10 класс, «Титул», 2009, Module 1. (Opportunities intermediate, Russian Edition, Longman) и носит комплексный характер. Используются различные предтекстовые и послетекстовые упражнения, направленные на отработку лексического материала как основу для монологического высказывания.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок английского языка "Экстремальные виды спорта"
Класс: 10
Тип урока: урок совершенствования навыков
Уровень усвоения материала: репродуктивно -продуктивный
Цель урока:
Формирование коммуникативной компетенции по теме: научить употреблять изучаемую лексику ,практиковать в неподготовленном аргументированном высказывании;
Задачи урока:
- практическая: развитие умения аудирования с целью извлечения информации; развитие умения читать с целью извлечения нужной или интересующей информации; формировать речевую деятельность учащихся на базе новой лексики;
- развивающая: развивать память и мыслительную деятельность учащихся, развитие способности к анализу, обобщению, развитие способности к языковой догадке в целях расширения их потенциального лексического запаса, развивать умения аргументировать свою точку зрения, делать вывод, подводить итоги;
- образовательная: расширение кругозора учащихся, развитие универсальных умений, позволяющих совершенствовать учебную деятельность по овладению английским языком;
- воспитательная: формировать нравственный, позитивный режим общения при обмене мнениями, повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка.
Оснащение урока:
- Учебный материал . О. Л Гроза, О. Б. Дворецкая и др. «New Millennium English». 10 класс, «Титул», 2009
- Аудио материал: Extreme Sports –Module 1. (Opportunities intermediate, Russian Edition, Longman)
- Видеоматериал : видеоролики « Best-Extreme-Sports-Video-Ever» и « Рафтинг » [www.savevid.com]
- Раздаточный материал с заданиями:
- text “Extreme Sports”. (ИЯШ, 6/2004, методическая мозаика,стр.2-3)
- Компьютерная презентация урока. (Power Point)
- T.C.O компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран.
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент.
Good morning. Glad to see you here and I’d like to start our lesson with your prediction about the subject of our discussion today. I want you to watch the pictures and say what we’re going to discuss at the lesson.
2. Введение в тему урока, целеполагание. Демонстрация картинок(Cлайд 1)
T: So, what is the subject of our discussion?
Ps: x-treme sports.
T: Can you give the definition to the word “extreme’. Watch the video while thinking it over (Cлайд 1, видеоролик)
Ps: extreme describes activity that is very dangerous.
T: Well, today we’re going to take a look at extreme sports. What exactly are they? How dangerous are they? What makes people risk their lives to do them? (Слайд 2)
3. Речевая разминка. Введение лексики “Виды экстремального спорта” и ее фонетическая отработка.
T: All the pictures show extreme sports. (Слайд 2)
- T: Can you name these sports? Llet’s repeat the names of x-treme sports after me.
- Sky surfing
- Skydiving
- Ice diving
- Ice climbing
- Skiboarding
- Snowboarding
- Bungee jumping
- Base jumping
- Snow rafting
- White-water rafting
- Street luge
- Zorbing
- Think and say what they all have in common.
- Would you agree that all of them are sports? Why? Why not?
- What attracts people to these sports?
4. Введение лексики “Taking risk” и первичное ее закрепление. (Слайд 3-5)
T: What else attracts people to extreme sports, why do they take up doing them? The words from ex. 2c will help you express your ideas. (New Millennium English 10, p.99)
- Ex. 1. In the sentences find the English equivalents to the Russian phrases.
1. He has done a lot of dangerous sports because he likes to go to extremes. | a) рисковать (2) |
2. To take risks for no purpose is not a clever thing. | b) волнение, возбуждение (2) |
3. Ann’s desire to travel around the world becomes stronger and stronger. | c) удовлетворять свое любопытство |
4. He was addicted to heroin. | d) хорошо подумать |
5. Think twice before you do something very dangerous. | e) желание, стремление |
6. I just had to satisfy my curiosity, so I opened the box. | f) рискованный человек /человек, любящий риск |
7. Being an actor or an actress can be rather dangerous, sometimes they have to do different risky things. | g) доходить /дойти до грани возможного (2) |
8. I do sky diving for the thrill and excitement of this sport. | h) пристраститься к … |
9. Personally I am not a risk taker, so white rafting or scuba diving is not for me. |
10. I think moderation in everything is the key and I never take things to the edge. |
- Ex. 2. Express your ideas why people take up doing x-treme sports. (слайд 6 - vocabulary1)
- to go to extreme
- to take things to the edge
- to take risks/to do risky things
- a risk taker
- to be addicted to
- to satisfy one’s curiosity
- thrill/excitement
- to have a desire
- to acquire self-confidence
- to acquire sense of individuality
- to overcome difficulties
- to protest against something
5. Подготовка к аудированию интервью. T: Now I’d like you to listen to a TV programme about some of these sports. But before listening use your background knowledge to try to predict answers to the questions. (Opportunities intermediate, Russian edition, Module 1 “Extreme Sports” ex.2 a, p.14. аудиофайл 4 )
- People do extreme sports in order to feel a) excited b) nervous c) happy
- Extreme sports have become popular in the last a) 5 years b) 10 years c) 20 years
- People usually bungee jump from a) airplanes b) high buildings c) bridges
- In sky surfing people do mid-air a) gymnastics b) dancing c) swimming
- Snowboarding has similarities with a) skiing b) surfing c) canoeing
- Snowrafting is a) quite dangerous b) very dangerous
- For white-water rafting you need a) a big river b) a warm river c) a mountain river
- Ice divers a) swim under the ice
b) walk on the bottom of lakes
c) walk upside down under the ice
7. Аудирование: интервью. Listen to the tape and check your answers for ex.2. While listening, please, have a look at the screen where you’ll see the pictures of sports mentioned in the interview.
(Слайд 7, Приложение 1) Ответы: 1a, 2b, 3c, 4a, 5b, 6b, 7c, 8c.
Listen to two people talking about extreme sports. Complete the table . (Слайд 8.Приложение 2)
Sports | Carol | Jonathan |
likes |
doesn’t like |
would like to try |
wouldn’t like to try |
Ответы: Carol likes bungee jumping; would like to try sky surfing; wouldn’t like to try snow rafting. Jonathan likes skiing/snowboarding; doesn’t like sailing; would like to try ice diving.
9. Развитие навыков поискового чтения (извлечение необходимой информации)
I’d like to enlarge your knowledge about extreme sports. I suggest that you should read the text about other kinds of extreme sports. Before reading pay your attention to the information.
(Слайд 9; Приложение 3) Of which of the sports, A - G are the following true?
- You do not need to have any special skills.
- You need to cooperate with a group of people.
- It was started by inventors of another extreme sport.
- You can hurt yourself whilst to stop.
- You need to be both strong and psychologically prepared.
- It offers reasonably good protection from injury.
- It could get you into trouble with the police.
- You can make your own protection for your feet.
Ответы: 1G, 2 F, 3 E, 4 E, 5 A-G, 6 G, 7 E, 8 E.
10. Аргументированные высказывания.
1. (Слайд 10) What is your attitude towards extreme sports? What is your opinion on taking risks? Discuss it in pairs and then report your ideas to the class. (ex.4b, p 101, New Millennium English 10)
Taking risk is …
- dangerous
- exciting
- useless because
- silly
- People take risks/do risky things because …
- Risky activities can lead people to …
- Some people like being put at risk because …
2. Work in small groups. Comment on the quotation. Share your ideas with the rest of the class. Слайд11 (ex.4c, p 101, New Millennium English 10).
To win without risk is to triumph without glory. (Pierre Corneille)
Example: This means that if you don’t go through danger to achieve something, the success will be less significant.
11. Подведение итогов урока. (Слайд 12)
- Демонстрация видеоролика . X-treme sports are nontraditional sports characterized by high speed, high risk, danger, excitement. Think twice before doing something very dangerous.
- Рефлексия достижения цели. What have you managed to do at the lesson today?
- Домашнее задание. Запись и комментирование домашнего задания. (Слайд13)
Choose any x-treme sport and make a project using a plan.
- History
- Equipment
- Rules
- How risky it is
- Tips for practitioners: special skills, qualities, protection from injury
You may use the following web sites:
- http://www.allextremesports.com
- http://www.xtsports.com
- http://sportspedia.com
- http://dir.yahoo.com/recreation/sports/extreme_sports
Приложение 1
Listening 1
Presenter: … and now we’re going to take a look at extreme sports. What exactly are they? How dangerous are they? What makes people risk their lives to do them? Michelle is going to tell us all about them.
Michelle: Speed, excitement, danger. You can find all these in various extreme sports that have become popular in the last ten years or so. Take bungee jumping. You jump off a bridge, like this one I’m standing on now, and you fall and fall, then, just before you hit the ground or water, an elastic rope pulls you back. No way!
And other extreme sports appear just as crazy. Look at this. In skysurfing you jump out off an airplane and use a board to “surf’ the air, doing gymnastics in mid-air! Amazing, isn’t it? And extreme sports on land can be just as dangerous.
Winter sports have always had an element of danger. I’m into skiing myself and I’ve had a couple of nasty falls. But new winter sports like snowboarding, extreme skiing are much more dangerous. Probably the most dangerous of all the new winter sports is snowrafting. You sit in a rubber boat and sail down a mountain at a great speed – and you can’t control the boat! Crazy, isn’t it?
Of course, water sports have always been fun. In white water rafting you sit in a small inflatable raft and go down a river at great speed. Fast flowing mountain rivers are the best. Then there are sports like ice-canyoning and ice diving for those people who are absolutely crazy. Ice diving is not easy to set up because you need good diving equipment and a frozen lake. First you break the ice and then you get into water. Sounds fun, doesn’t it? And, if that’s not enough, you try to walk upside down on the ice! Mm, I feel cold just watching it …
(Opportunities Intermediate, Russian Edition, Module 1 “Extreme Sports”)
Приложение 2
Listening 2
Interviewer: So tell me, Carol, what sort of extreme sports do you do?
Carol: I like bungee jumping. It’s great, really exciting.
Interviewer: But what makes you do bungee jumping?
Carol: Well, I get nervous, you know. But when I’m jumping, I feel great. It’s like being a bird.
Interviewer: Really? What about other extreme sports?
Carol: Mm, I’d live to try skysurfing, but it’s very expensive, you know.
Interviewer: Right. Are there any sports you wouldn’t try?
Carol: I’m pretty adventurous but even I wouldn’t like to do snowrafting. There’ve been some terrible accidents. I hate doing boring sports like tennis. I’d prefer to stay at home.
Interviewer: Oh, it’s not that bad! Thank you very much, Carol. And now we have another ‘extreme’ sports fan, Jonathan, what extreme sports do you do?
Jonathan: Well, I prefer winter sports. There’s something about snow … I love going skiing. And I quite like snowboarding. It’s really cool.
Interviewer: So, why do you do it?
Jonathan: Well, as I said, I’m a snow fanatic. And I love sports where there’s speed. I can’t stand slow sports, you know, like sailing.
Interviewer: What other sports would you like to try?
Jonathan: I’d quite like to go ice diving – it sounds crazy!
Interviewer: Are there any sports you wouldn’t like to try?
Jonathan: Oh, yeah. I can’t stand heights. I’d hate to do bungee jumping. It looks absolutely terrifying.
Interviewer: It certainly does. Right, Jonathan, thank you very much.
(Opportunities Intermediate, Russian Edition, Module 1 “Extreme Sports”)
Приложение 3
A Skydiving consists of jumping with a parachute out of an airplane for recreation or in competitions. Competitive events include jumping for style, landing with accuracy, and making free-fall formations. Modern skydivers typically free-fall from 3657 m above the ground until 762 m, where they open their parachutes.
B Skiboarding is the art of descending a hill on skiboards. Skiboards are basically a cross between skis and a snowboard. They are about half the length of regular skis (between 80 and 100 cm long), and about twice as wide. The design allows the rider to do everything that skiers and snowboarders do plus go backwards, turn 360’s on the ground, execute one foot turns and perform more tricks than was ever thought possible on normal skis.
C Bungee jumping consists of jumping from a great height while attached to a long piece of elastic that is just short enough to prevent the jumper from hitting the ground.
D Base jumping consists of jumping with a parachute from high places such as buildings or mountains.
E Street luge is the pavement version of ice luge. Both involve lying flat on your back and steering a luge not much bigger than a skateboard with your head just inches off the ground. Complete fearlessness is essential for this sport, as well as a thick piece of rubber, preferably from a car tyre, as footwear. Top lugers can reach speed of 145 km per hour, yet their only way of braking is to use their feet, which often causes painful injuries.
F Ice-climbing As the name suggests, practitioners of this activity climb glaciers with the aid of an ice axe and a great deal of other specialist equipment. As well as all the equipment, incredible physical and mental strength are essential, together with the ability to work closely with other team members in the most dangerous situations.
G Zorbing is the latest adventure experience from New Zealand. It involves rolling around in a ball or zorb three meters in diameter. It requires no more skill than a hamster running in its wheel as centrifugal force keeps the zorbonaut pinned inside the zorb. Although zorbonauts have hurtled downhill at speed of 50 km per hour, the air cushioning inside means they do not risk hurting themselves too seriously.
(ИЯШ, 6/2004, методическая мозаика, стр.2-3)
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct active or passive forms.
The sport of snowboarding is booming and the person responsible for this is Jake Burton. Burton, the antithesis of a hard-nosed businessman, is the president and founder of what is now a multimillion-dollar corporation. "I have the best job in the world," says Burton. "1 ride my board several days a week, the company is making money, the sport is blossoming."
Though Burton 1__________ (often call) the inventor of the snowboard, he 2_________ (refuse) to take credit for anything more than improving on somebody else's idea. He 3_________ (settle), instead, for the label 'snowboard pioneer'.
The first snowboard-like object 4_____________ (produce) by Sherman Poppen who, in 1965,
5_____________ (bolt) two skis together for his children to slide on. Poppen 6 his invention the Snurfer. Jake Burton 7 ___________--(give) a Snurfer when he was 14 years old. 'T 8_________ (always feel) there was an opportunity for it to 9____________ (market) better," he says, "for serious technology to 10____________ (apply) to it, so Snurfing could 11________ (become) a legitimate sport instead of a cheap toy." According to Jake's father, although Jake 12___________(not possess) any innate entrepreneurial spirit, once he had the idea for this board in his head, he 13____________ (put) every bit of his energy into it.
Jake Burton's teenage years 14____________ (marry) by tragedy: his older brother 15_____ (kill) in Vietnam when Burton was 12, and their mother 16__________ (die) of leukemia five years later. "The loss made for two things," says Burton, "real independence and an ability to 17 ________(persevere)." Both 18__________ (bring) into play in December 1977, when, shortly after he 19________ (earn) a degree in economics and 20___________ (leave) a small sum in his grandmother's will, he 21_________ (found) Burton Snowboards. He was 23.
In the beginning Burton 22 ___________(employ) as a barman by night and 23________ (make) snowboard prototypes by day. After constructing more than 100 тmodels, he finally had a board he was pleased with. That hurdle overcome, he had to 24____________ (convince) people to buy the things. One major stumbling block was the fact that snowboards 25________ (ban) at virtually all ski areas.
Finally, after 1983, when restrictions at many ski resorts 26_________ (loosen), snowboard sales 27___________ (climb). Now 95% of the ski areas in the US 28 _____(allow) boarding, as do all ski areas in Europe. An international circuit of snowboard racing and freestyle events 29_________ (start) in 1986, and the sport 30 __________(make) its Olympic debut at the 1998 Winter Games in Nagano, Japan.
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