Внеклассное мероприятие по теме "When was the Russian State Library founded?"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
План мероприятия:
1. Приветствие. Орг.момент
2. Введение в урок (погружение)
а) речевая зарядка с использованием вопросов по теме;
3. Углубление в содержание
а) систематизация грамматических навыков по теме Passive Voice в серии языковых упражнений;
б) выступления учащихся по темам
1) What is «a library»?
2) «When did the 1-st library appear?
3) выступление библиотекаря о происхождении первой библиотеки в Древнем Египте
4) What do you know about the 1-st libraries in Russia?
5) When was the Russian Library founded?
6) The British Library in London
7) выступление библиотекаря об умении работать с каталогом
8) видео о библиотеках будущего
4. Заключительная часть. Поведение итогов.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку
в 8 классах на тему:
“История происхождения русской государственной библиотеки”
Данный интегрированный урок был проведён для учащихся 8 классов в форме круглого стола в школьной библиотеке с привлечением библиотекаря школы
- познакомить учащихся с информацией, выходящей за рамки учебного стандарта;
- установить межпредметные связи английского языка с историей и литературой;
- расширить кругозор учащихся по теме;
- способствовать развитию коммуникативных компетенций учащихся, используя электронные ресурсы
- прививать интерес и любовь к чтению на родном и иностранном языках;
- учить бережному отношению к достижениям мировой культуры.
- знакомство с новой лексикой и контроль усвоения изученной лексики по теме
- совершенствование навыка работы с материалами в сети Интернет;
- обеспечение отработки Passive Voice в серии языковых упражнений;
- совершенствование умения составления проектов по теме;
- тренировка навыков устной речи;
- формирование навыков чтения вслух, правильности произношения и интонирования текста
Необходимое оборудование и материалы:
- компьютер, проектор;
- презентации в Microsoft Power Point по теме;
- проекты и доклады учащихся;
- книги на английском языке
Предыдущее домашнее задание:
Подготовить проекты, доклады по теме «Библиотеки»
План мероприятия:
- Приветствие. Орг.момент
- Введение в урок (погружение)
а) речевая зарядка с использованием вопросов по теме;
- Углубление в содержание
а) систематизация грамматических навыков по теме Passive Voice в серии языковых упражнений;
б) выступления учащихся по темам
- What is «a library»?
- «When did the 1-st library appear?
- выступление библиотекаря о происхождении первой библиотеки в Древнем Египте
- What do you know about the 1-st libraries in Russia?
- When was the Russian Library founded?
- The British Library in London
- выступление библиотекаря об умении работать с каталогом
видео о библиотеках будущего
- Заключительная часть. Поведение итогов.
Ход мероприятия
- Приветствие, орг. момент.
Teacher: Good afternoon, dear students and our guests. We glad to see you.
Today we have an unusual lesson, I mean a mixed lesson with our librarian and speakers. We have prepared rather interesting topics for you. So, let`s start.
- Введение в урок (погружение)
1) речевая зарядка с использованием вопросов по теме;
Teacher: – Have you ever heard about mass media? What are they? (newspapers, dictionaries, TV, radio, Internet, magazines, books, reference books, encyclopedias’, etc.) Yes, you are right, thanks. Do you like reading? What do you like to read? (poems, fictions, adventure stories, fairy tales…) And the main question: Where can you borrow these sources of information? (from the libraries). Yes, of course. This is our today`s talk-show. Now tell us about your attitude towards them. (Слайд № 1)
- Углубление в содержание
1) выступление учащегося по теме «Что такое библиотека?» (См. слайды №№ 4-7 + видеоролик)
2) выступление учащегося по теме «Александрийская библиотека» (Слайды №№ 9-15)
3) выступление библиотекаря по теме «Александрийская библиотека» (
4) выступление учащейся по теме «Первые библиотеки на Руси» (Презентация)
5) задания на аудирование по теме «Страдательный залог» (Слайды №№ 17-18)
5) выступление учащейся по теме «Когда образовалась российская гос-ная библиотека?» (Слайды №№16-27)
6) выступление учащегося по теме «Британская библиотека в Лондоне» (Слайды №№ 28-33)
7) выступление библиотекаря об умении работать с каталогами
8) просмотр видеоролика о библиотеках будущего
Mark yourself
Ex. | Good | Sat. | Not so good | |
Speaking | ||||
Reading | ||||
Grammar | ||||
Lexics | ||||
Listening | ||||
In total |
- Заключительная часть Подведение итогов
Teacher: – It was so nice to see you today. I wish you success. You were very active. It is time to finish our lesson. Thank you. The lesson is over. Good bye.
Приложение 1.
Library - is a treasure house of information
The word library comes from the Latin word liber, meaning «a book». This is a place where information in print (books, manuscripts, periodicals and musical scores) and in other forms is collected and arranged to serve people of all ages and interests.
Libraries make an important part of the word culture. A library is often called a treasure house of information because there are books of all kinds in it: reference books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, fiction books written by famous authors.
Libraries can be found in many places. There are libraries in small towns and large cities, and there are libraries in schools, universities, colleges.
Most libraries have a professionally educated staff whose first duty is to help you. Librarians also select and purchase books and other materials, organize materials so that you can easily use them, answer questions about facts, people, events, or advise you how to find the information you need.
Приложение 2.
When was the 1-st library appeared?
Libraries appeared in ancient times in Egypt, Assyria, Greece and Rome. The most famous library of that early day was at Alexandria. It was found by Ptolomy I.
The library contains works on a variety of languages. Even thinks that the world does not exist a single valuable product, copies of which would not be in the Library of Alexandria.
In the store were not only rolls, but the stone and waxed tablets with cuneiform writing and hieroglyphs.
There are many legends about the death of it. Some researchers believe that many of its treasures were lost during the fire, arranged by the soldiers of Julius Caesar in 47 BC during the Alexandrian war.
There is also a version those in times of religious strife Alexandria often clashed on religious grounds: Pagans, Jews and Christians are often in conflict with each other over dogma.
In 391 AD Part of ancient manuscripts, together with the pagan temple Serapeum, added to the rolls, were allegedly destroyed by religious fanatics.
The most popular version of the death of the famous library dates back to the Arab conquest.
Sources indicate that it died in a grand fire during the capture of the city of Alexandria by Ottoman Turks.
Приложение 3.
The first libraries in Russia
There were lines about the first library in Russia during Yaroslav the Wise. (Слайд 2)
The history of the library has a mystery. Kiev have been ruined by the Monglol-Tatars 200 years ago, but there are no witnesses who saw the death of the library. Perhaps it is still kept under the cathedral in Kiev. (Сл.№ 3)
The Great Duke founded the oldest library in St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod, which has survived until nowadays. (Слайд № 4)
The books were written by specially trained copyists or very literate and educated people. (Сл. 5)
Rewriting the book in Russia was considered a very honorable activity. High clerics, monks, princes and princesses invested their free time for such a hobby.
Ancient center of composing the correspondence of the books –is Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. (
With the appearance of the writing paper in Russia in XIV century, the main part of the most valuable and necessary books were copied.
Special Chamber for correspondence called scriptorium.
This is an ancient writer well known to us as Nestor the Chronicler - author of the first history of the Russian State - Tale of Bygone Years.
Scientists are very much value the ancient manuscripts. They organized the expeditions to the ancient monasteries and villages to search the interesting findings.
Such expeditions are called archaeographic and scientists who usually research, study and describe the ancient books are archaeographists.
The first Russian libraries and schools were established in the temples and in the monasteries
The art of rewriting of the books that were required for the new monasteries, churches and libraries was taught in it.
Many books were lost in the fire, which is often accompanied by enemy raids and strife.
The best position were such manuscripts and printed materials that were stored in the stone cathedrals.
Today the old Russian books are stored in archives, museums and libraries. Each of them has its own code. It is easier for scientists to look for the necessary books.
Приложение 4.
Complete the text using the given verbs in the passive voice
Russia`s State Library is in Moscow. It is the largest library in Europe and the 2nd library in the world. It is also Moscow`s 1st public library.
The library … in 1862 and … the Rumyantsev Library. Originally there were books from Count Nicolai Rumyantsev`s book and manuscript collection in the library. These books … by his children. The library grew quickly, and thousands of books … to the library by private collectors.
In 1924 the library … after Lenin and became the country`s national library. At that time the main building of the library … .It took about 20 years to finish it.
In 1992 the library … again and became the Russian State Library.
Nowadays there are thousands of ancient manuscripts and unique documents in the library, which … by thousands of people every day.
Приложение 5.
When was the Russian State library founded?
The Russian State Library is the national library of Russia, located in Moscow.
It is the largest in the country and the third largest in the world for its collection of books (17.5 million).
It was named the V. I. Lenin State Library of the USSR from 1925 until it was renamed in 1992 as the Russian State Library.
The library was founded in 1862, as Moscow's first free public library named The Library of the Moscow Public Museum and Rumyantsev Museum, or The Rumyantsev Library.
He was the diplomat, chancellor, chairman of the State Council and the founder of a remarkable private museum he established in St. Petersburg to serve “for a good education.” Rumyantsev is the founder of the Russian State Library.
Rumyantsev collection was more than 28,000 books, 700 manuscripts, ethnographic and archaeological materials.
Numismatics, mineralogy, painting, sculpture presented in his museum. Among the books stored there - 104 incunabula, a large number of Russian incunabula, the works of scientists XVIII-XIX centuries. Description of adventures which were published in 1800, «The Song of Igor's Campaign», the first two editions of the Encyclopedia of Diderot and d'Alembert.
Приложение 6.
The British Library in London
The British Library is the national library of the United Kingdom. The library is a major research library, holding over 150 million items from many countries, in many languages and in many formats, both print and digital: books, manuscripts, journals, newspapers, magazines, sound and music recordings, videos, play-scripts, patents, databases, maps, stamps, prints, drawings.
The Library's collections include around 14 million books, along with substantial holdings of manuscripts and historical items.
As a legal deposit library, the British Library receives copies of all books produced in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, including a significant proportion of overseas titles distributed in the UK. It also has a programme for content acquisitions.
The British Library adds some three million items every year occupying 11 kilometers (6.8 mi) of new shelf space.
The library was originally a department of the British Museum and from the mid-19th century occupied the famous circular British Museum Reading Room. It became legally separate in 1973, and by 1997 had moved into its new purpose-built building at St Pancras, London.
Приложение 7.
Virtual libraries
All the books are arranged in a library in alphabetical order. Each book has its card where you can find very useful information about the book: the title and the author, the time and place of publication. That`s why it`s useful to consult a library catalogue.
The future of the library Web site as information portal is bleak. But that’s good news. Libraries have grown too dependent on their Web sites as gateways to electronic scholarly content, and have invested too much time trying to fix what is broken.
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