статья по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
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Учащимся предлагается прочитать текст про традиции и обычаи Шотландии и выполнить задание на поиск в тексте необходимой информации.
Scotland –a place to celebrate.
Scotland is famous for its own culture.Here are some of the ways
visitors to Scotland can join in the fun.
The Highland Games.
Nearly every weekend in the summer the highland games take place in
Scotland.People from all over the world come to watch and take part.
Over three thousand bagpipers and drummers play all day and there is
a wonderful atmosphere.There are highland dancing competitions as well
as evens like throwing the hammer or “tossing the caber”-throwing a large
tree-trunk as far as possible.All the athletes wear traditional skirts called
The Edinburgh Festival.
Edinburgh is famous all over the world for its arts festival.There is an official festival for theatre,opera and classical music,and the ‘Fringe’
Festival where you can see a large variety of plays,films,dance companies
and concerts.Finally,the Military Tattoo (a military parade)is held in Edinburgh
Hogmanay,31 December.
Scotland celebrates Hogmanay,the New Year, with the music of bagpipes,Scotland’s traditional instrument,and dancing in the street through-
out the night.At midnight,there are fireworks and everyone sings “Auld
Lang Syne”,a song by Robert Burns, a famous Scottish poet.Soon after
midnight,Scottish families go ‘first footing’,visiting the houses of friends
and relations to continue the celebrations.
1)The Highland Games are held in winter.
2)Throwing the hammer is a traditional game in Scotland when men
throw a large heavy hammer to each other.
3)Tossing the caber is a game in which runners have to carry a
a pancake in a frying pan,throwing it into the air and catching it again
as they run along.
4) All the athletes wear traditional scarves called kilts.
5)Scotland celebrates the New Year with the music of violins,
Scotland’s traditional instrument, and singing Christmas carols.
6)A bagpipe is a musical instrument played by pressing black and white
keys which cause small hammers to hit wire strings.
7)As soon as the clock strikes midnight,Scottish families go to bed.
8)At midnight Scottish people throw water at each other and wish each
other a happy New Year.
9)In Scotland,people have fireworks on Burn’s Night.
10)Robert Burns is an American poet and Scottish people have
fireworks to celebrate his birthday.
11)The main part of the meal is pizza.
12)Haggis is Scotland’s national dish made from pork,garlic and a lot of
13)The Military Tattoo is a military parade held in front of Buckingham
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