Что мы знаем о кино.
методическая разработка (английский язык, 10 класс) по теме

Титова Светлана Ивановна

Урок английского языка

По теме «Что вы знаете о кино?»

Учебник “English 10-11” авторы: В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа и другие.



1. Образовательные:

  •  Знакомство с историей возникновения кинематографа.
  •  Знакомство  с историей Голливуда.


2.  Воспитательные:

  •  Воспитание чувства сопричастности к мировой истории.


3. Развивающие:

  •  Развитие способности анализу, синтезу, классификации, систематизации,  и к догадке.
  •  Развитие способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия.


4. Учебные:

  •  Формирование лексических навыков чтения и устной речи.
  •  Развитие умения читать и понимать иноязычную речь  с извлечением конкретной информации.


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Microsoft Office document icon urok_angliyskogo_yazyka.doc53.5 КБ

Подписи к слайдам:

МОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №2 с углублённым изучением отдельных предметов» пгт Камские Поляны Нижнекамский район Республики Татарстан
Титова Светлана Ивановна
Учитель английского языка
Урок английского языка
По теме «Что вы знаете о кино?»
Учебник «English 10-11»Авторы Кузовлев В.П., Лапа Н.М., Перегудова Э.Ш.
«What Helps You to Enjoy Yourselves?»
Unit 6
Задачи урока:
Образовательные: Знакомство с историей возникновения кинематографа. Знакомство с историей Голливуда.2. Воспитательные: Воспитание чувства сопричастности к мировой истории.3. Развивающие: Развитие способности анализу, синтезу, классификации, систематизации, и к догадке. Развитие способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия.4. Учебные: Формирование лексических навыков чтения и устной речи. Развитие умения читать и понимать иноязычную речь с извлечением конкретной информации.
Оборудование урока
КомпьютерМагнитофонКассеты с аудиозаписямиПостеры по теме Раздаточный материал
Организационный момент
How are you?
Warm –up - activities
Actor Actress Character Music Part Photography Plot Scene Special effects
What did you do yesterday?
Did you watch TV yesterday?
Do you watch TV every day?
What do you know about cinema?
Answer the questions
Do you know who made the first film?
What was it about?
Аудирование с извлечением конкретной информации Listening for specific information
Listen to the information and fill the table.
What was it about?
The name of the film
Lumiere Brothers
Train came towards the camera
Film projector and monitor picture camera
«Arrival of the Train»
The story about the first film
1. Inventors of the first film are………
2. They invented…………
3. The first film was made in ……….
4. The name of the film was…….
5. In that film………..

Do you want to watch the first film?
Чтение с извлечением конкретной информации Reading for specific information
What do you know about Hollywood?
Write a list of questions which you would like to ask about Hollywood
Read the text p. 178 -179 in the books
Which of your questions does the text help to answer? What new information have you learnt about Hollywood?
Fill the table, please.

New information
I have known
Warner Bros
20th Century FOX
other workers
black and white
Анализ, синтез, систематизация Classifying the information
Fill the word web using the information from the text
Who made the first film in Hollywood? When did the first studio appear in Hollywood? What famous actors worked in Hollywood? What was the first color film? What are the biggest film companies in Hollywood? Why did Hollywood get the name of the factory of dreams?
Answer the questions.
Слушаем и говорим Listening and speaking
Hollywood is the Home of legendary film studios
Do you know the stories of the studios’ labels?
When Walt Disney visited Germany castle in the early 1950’s he was fascinated by it. He had bought that castle. He wanted to pull it down and to remove it to America.But Germans were against. Disney liked that castle very much; it produced the great impressions on him. He made up his mind to use the castle as a house for the Sleeping Beauty based on the fairy tale of the same title. Since that time this castle had become Disney Company’s label.
Walt Disney Studio
First the lady with the fire in here hand appeared in this studio in 1924. For 80 years many ladies insisted to be the proto-type of it. At the beginning the emblem was black-and- white. Under the letters the lady was in Cleopatra’s tunic, draped with stripped American flag. Later the stripes disappeared. Since 1982 when Coca Cola Company had given money to the studio, the lady is looking like a bottle with this drink.
The official history of the company began in 1912. But only in 1935 it was called Paramount Pictures. By that time the label with the mountain under the stars in the form of the horseshoes was known all over the world. The author was William Hotkinson. During the 90th history the label was changing: the mountain became sharper, clouds appeared above it. The model is the mount Ben Lohmond in the state Utah. In 2002 the label changed, because the company had bought another company. What company is it?
What genres do you know?
Film Genres
Vocabulary and speaking
Gangster film
Special agent film
Film about criminals
Women's film that moves one tears
Drama of light and amusing character typically with a happy end
Film that inspires horror and fear
Film consisting of musical numbers and dialogue that develop the plot of an underlying story
Film of serious or solemn kind with a sad end
Film that makes one experience a sudden sharp feeling of excitement
Film about spies, detectives
Historical film
Epic film
War film
Popular-science film
Animated cartoon
Feature film
Full length film in a cinema programmer
Cinema film of recent events
Film made by photographing a series of drawings
Film depicting historic events of the past on a grand scale
Film of popular science events
Film dealing with real events in history
Film showing some aspect of human and social activity
Film about war
Vocabulary and speaking
Each person has a preference for this or that type of films.
What films do you like watching?What kind of films don’t you like?When can we say the film is worth seeing?Can you explain what films you like best and why?
Summing up
Fill the Control Card
I took part in…..
Warm –up - activities
Listening for specific information
Reading for specific information
Classifying the information
Listening and speaking
Vocabulary and speaking
Результаты урока
Home task
Домашнее задание даётся с учётом полученной оценки на уроке«5»- презентация по теме «История появления кинематографа»«4»- сообщение по теме «Что я знаю о кино»«3» - пересказать текст «Голливуд»

Предварительный просмотр:

Урок английского языка

По теме «Что вы знаете о кино?»

Учебник “English 10-11” авторы: В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа и другие.


1. Образовательные: 

  1.  Знакомство с историей возникновения кинематографа.
  2.  Знакомство  с историей Голливуда.


2.  Воспитательные: 

  1.  Воспитание чувства сопричастности к мировой истории.

3. Развивающие:

  1.  Развитие способности анализу, синтезу, классификации, систематизации,  и к догадке.
  2.  Развитие способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия.

4. Учебные:

  1.  Формирование лексических навыков чтения и устной речи.
  2.  Развитие умения читать и понимать иноязычную речь  с извлечением конкретной информации.

Учебные пособия:



Кассеты с записями        

Постеры по теме “кино”

Раздаточный материал

Ход урока

1.Организационный момент.

How are you?                     I’m in the pink

How is your life?                    Life is going its usual way

How are you getting on?         I’m first rate

2. Речевая зарядка

 There some words on the blackboard.









Special effects

T: Look at the list of words and say which words are similar in Russian?

Students read through the words with the class and name those are similar in Russian.

T: Make up as many word combinations with these words as you can.

This task can be arrange as a contest between two or three groups.

T: Answer my questions

What did you do yesterday? (I watched TV)

Did you watch TV yesterday?

Do you watch TV every day?

What do you know about cinema?

T: Cinema plays an important role in the life of any society. It is an available popular form of art. Lots of people find going to the cinema one of the best ways of spending their leisure time.

3. Аудирование с извлечением конкретной информации

T: Do you know who made the first film?  What was it about?

Students make suggestions. Then they listen to the  cassette .

(Звучит аудиозапись, если нет кассеты, то можно прочитать текст на стр.330)

T: Listen to the information and check if you are right.

Look at the blackboard, here is the table, let’s fill it.




The name of the film

What was it about?

Lumiere     Вrothers

Film project and monitor picture camera


“Arrival of the Train”

Train came towards  the camera

T: Now tell me, please, the story about the first film

Students tell the story using the tips on the blackboard.

4. Чтение с извлечением конкретной информации

T: The development of the cinematography brought to life the world cinema empire called Hollywood.

What do you know about Hollywood?

What would you like to know about it?

Write a list of questions which you would like to ask about Hollywood.

Before reading the text, students say what they know about Hollywood.  Then the students write a list of the questions which they would like to ask about Hollywood.

T: Open your books p.178-179 Read the text, please, and say which of your questions the text helps to abswer.


Which of your questions does the text help to answer?

What new information have you learnt about Hollywood?

Fill the table, please


I have known

New information



5. Развитие способности к анализу, синтезу, классификации и систематизации.

T: Look at the ex.5) p. 179 in your books

Fill the word web using the information from the text.

6. Совершенствование речевых навыков.

As you know Hollywood is the centre of the US film industry. Home of legendary film studios such as Walt Disney Studio,        Columbia,        Paramount.

Do you know the labels some of these studios?

Would you like to know?

Look at the blackboard and read the stories about some studios and their labels.

Walt Disney Studio

When Walt Disney visited Germany castle in the early 1950’s he was fascinated by it. He had bought that castle. He wanted it pull it down and to remove it to America. But Germans were against. Disney liked that castle very much; it produced the great impressions on him. He made up his mind to use the castle as a house for the Sleeping Beauty based on the fairy tale of the same title. Since that time this castle became Disney Company’s label.


First the lady with the fire in here hand appeared in this studio in 1924. For 80 years many ladies insisted to be the proto-type of it. At the beginning the emblem was black-and- white. Under the letters the lady was in Cleopatra’s tunic, draped with stripped American flag. Later the stripes disappeared. Since 1982 when Coca Cola Company gave money to the studio, the lady is looking like a bottle with this drink.


The official history of the company began in 1912. But only in 1935 it was called Paramount Pictures. By that time the label with the mountain under the stars in the form of the horseshoes was known all over the world. The author was William Hotkinson. During the 90th history the label was changing: the mountain became sharper, clouds appeared above it. The model is the mount Ben Lohmond in the state Utah. In 2002 the label changed, because the company had bought another company. What company is it?

(более подробную информацию о студиях можно получить из газеты Телесемь от 6-12 декабря 2004года)

Film making industry developed rapidly and the number of film’s genres grew constantly.

What genres do you know?

Look here and guess what genres they are.

How do you know?

(можно показать отрывки из фильмов любых жанров)

Cartoons- are very entertaining and funny. They can educate people, make you believe and care.

Comedies- may take you out of dull mood and make you feel alive again.

Action-really stuffed with fights. They held people’s interest from beginning to end.

Horror- keeps in uncertainty up to the end. The story is mysterious. It keeps audience in suspense.

7. Совершенствование лексических и грамматических навыков говорения

Each person has a preference for this or that type of films.

Open the Activity Book p. 78 ex. 4.

What films do you like to watch?

8. Развитие навыков монологической речи

Look! Here are some posters; they are devoted to the films you like.

(Реклама фильмов, приготовленная учениками к уроку)

When can we say the film is worth seeing?

9. Развитие навыков диалогической речи

Can you explain what films you like best and why?

What kind of films don’t you like?

10. Fill the Control Card

11.  Итоги

What makes people go to the cinema over and over again?

12. Оценки.

13. Домашнее задание с учётом полученной оценки на уроке

«5»- презентация по теме «История появления кинематографа»

«4»- сообщение по теме «Что я знаю о кино»

«3» - пересказать текст «Голливуд»


По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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"Кино, кино, кино...!"

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"Кино, кино, кино...!"

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