Тест по теме "Sport and games"
тест по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Аристова Ольга Николаевна

Тест по теме "Спорт " учебник Grammar and Vocabulary изд. Macmillan


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         Revision test. Unit 4.

Complete using the correct words.

  1. The boxers perform on the boxing ______.
  2. There is a basketball ______ near our school.
  3. Golf is played on the golf _______.
  4. The runners are running 100 meters on the ______.
  5. The football  ______ is usually  covered with grass.
  6. Our team ________the match yesterday. Our players _______ three goals and the other team was ______.
  7. My father catches fish with a fishing_____.
  8. Can I borrow your tennis______?
  9. Hockey is played with hockey ______.
  10. I want to buy a new cricket______.

      B. Complete using the correct words

  1. The________blew the whistle and the football match began.
  2. The play was so boring that we went away during the_______.
  3. Most people prefer films which have a happy_______.
  4. Would you like a _____ of cards?
  5. We play rugby in winter, football in spring and we do _______ and swimming in summer.
  6. I do hairdo to my friends. I’ve never thought of becoming a __________ hairdresser.
  7. Coventry City ________3-3 with Sunderland in the match last Saturday.
  8. ________who watched yesterday’s TV programme enjoyed it very much.
  9. All the __________ were standing at the starting line.
  10. Our team was winning up to the _______ but then we lost to the other team.  


C. Rewrite the sentences using phrasal verbs.

  1. I don’t know how you can stand getting up so early.  put
  2. I’ve finally started doing my morning exercises. Round
  3. What did you do at the weekend?  Get
  4. I’m not so keen on skiing now I’ve discovered snowboarding. Gone

I’ve________since I discovered snowboarding.

  1. Why do you continue to have riding lessons if you can’t afford them? On
  2. We can’t delay the match any longer. Put

D .Write one word in each gap

  1. Tina didn’t want to join____ with the other kids in the playground.
  2. Look___! There’s a car coming!
  3. At last little Johnny has _______to washing his hands before meals!
  4. I am thinking of taking___skiing as a hobby.
  5. Nick was knocked_____ of the competition after breaking the rules.
  6. Our teacher decided to bring the parents’ meeting_____ to this Friday instead of having it in

week’s time.

  1. Rebecca had to pull____ of the race when she sprained her ankle.
  2. Melissa doesn’t ____ in for adventure sports.


  1. Why don’t you ____ a go? It’s not difficult!
  2. Charles is not good at climbing as he is afraid of ______.
  3. There’s little _____of my winning the competition.
  4. Michael is mad_____ hard rock.
  5. I ____my best at the exam and got a five.
  6. It’s____ time you studied hard.
  7. My granny______a lot of pleasure from gardening.
  8. ______your time – don’t rush.
  9. Each player takes it_______turn to throw the ball.
  10. Time_______so quickly when you are having fun.  

F. Word formation.

  1. My___________of English is not very good. Know
  2. Ellie used to_________for hours to learn to juggle properly. Practice
  3. He described himself as a____________ person.   Compete
  4. The gold, silver and bronze ________took their places on the podium. Medal
  5. The swimming pool is closed at the moment as they are carrying out some essential.  Maintain
  6. ____________, our school team lost the game. Fortune
  7. If you want to go in for mountain skiing you’ll have to buy special_______. Equip
  8. Playing badminton is a very__________way to keep fit. Enjoy

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