разработка по теме Защита окружающей среды
план-конспект урока (английский язык, 7 класс) по теме
урок к учебнику Афанасьева, Мизеева VI
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Предварительный просмотр:
Северо-Кавказское суворовское военное училище
Старший преподаватель ПМК
английского языка
Тотиева З.М «___»_____________20___г.
ТЕМА: «Экология»
Обсуждена на заседании ПМК
английского языка
Протокол №___
От «___»____________20___г.
Исполнитель: преподаватель Гуссаова З.О.
г. Владикавказ, 2011 г.
Методические рекомендации
Настоящая учебно-методическая разработка предназначена для суворовцев III курса. Она рассчитана на 6 уроков.
Структура данной разработки следующая:
1. устное ознакомление с новым языковым материалом, который тренируется в устных упражнениях, затем в упражнениях учебника, как со зрительной опорой, так и без неё;
2. далее этот материал включается в устную речь, чтение и письмо.
Новый материал охватывает не только новую лексику в рамках изученных тем, не только дополнение к уже пройденным грамматическим ситуациям и явлениям, но и предлагает новую, незнакомую учащимся ситуацию «Экология. Загрязнение окружающей среды. Созидательная и разрушительная деятельность человека».
Весь лексико-грамматический материал дается преимущественно в коммуникативно-направленных упражнениях, как чисто устных, так и со зрительной графической опорой. Упражнения не сложные и должны выполняться в быстром темпе. Явления грамматического порядка повторяются и вводятся на основе оппозиций: Present Simple Active– Present Simple Passive, Past Simple Active – Past Simple Passive, Future Simple Active – Future Simple Passive.
Обучение чтению направлено на поиск нужной информации из печатного текста. Определенные части текста даются в аудиозаписи при подготовке к выразительному чтению.
Вся работа с устной речью нацелена на творческое выполнение предлагаемых заданий. Т.к. письмо рассматривается как средство обучения языку, то учащимся предлагается выполнить ряд упражнений (чаще с переводом), в том числе написать диктант.
Выбор цитаты к данному уроку логически обоснован «Better to give than to take». Поэтому учащимся предлагается проектная работа по теме.
Работа над темой завершается одним или двумя резервными уроками (на усмотрение преподавателя), в которые входит урок дополнительного чтения, построенный на лексико-грамматическом материале, составляющем основу изучаемой учебной ситуации и включающей дополнительную информацию, тематически увязанную с учебной ситуацией. Этот информативный материал весьма интересен и важен с познавательной точки зрения.
Урок 1.
Цели урока:
Учебная: введение и первичное закрепление лексики по теме;
Развивающая: развитие языковой догадки и произносительных навыков;
Воспитательная: привитие бережного отношения к окружающей среде.
Ход урока
I. Вводная часть — 3 минуты:
– доклад дежурного готовности взвода к занятию,
- проверка наличия личного состава, внешний вид.
- объявить тему и цель занятия.
II. Основная часть – 40 минут.
T.: We are going to talk about the influence of humans on our planet. So you need to learn some new words.
- Фонетическая зарядка.
T: First I`d like you to learn the new tongue-twister.
Listen to it and say what sounds are repeated.
№20 Parrot Peter picked a peck of pickled peppers.
T: Now open your books and read it carefully.
- Тренировка языковой догадки.
а) Ex.14,p.60.
T: Read and guess the meaning of the underlined words:
Resources – ресурсы
Test – испытывать, испытание
Ton – тонна
Ozone – озон
Filter – фильтр
Ecology – экология
Ultraviolet radiation – ультрафиолетовая радиация
- Ознакомление с новой лексикой.
T: Write down these words into your vocabularies.
An environment
To pollute
To cause
A shortage
A population
A dump
To dump
To poison
A weapon
To survive
- Фонетическая отработка.
T: Repeat the words.
T: Which of them are nouns (adjectives, verbs)?
Eg. “Destruction” is a noun.
- Первичная активизация в речи.
Ex.15, p.60.
T: Read the words and study the word combinations and sentences to know how to use them.
T: Now close your books and I`ll check how you remember some words.
I`ll read the definition and you name the word.
- To make the water, air, atmosphere dirty and dangerous for people and animals to live in or to use. (to pollute)
- It is used to kill or hurt people in a fight or in war.(weapon)
- Not dangerous.(safe)
- The air, water and land on Earth, which can be harmed by man`s activity. (environment)
- The number of people living in a particular area. (population)
- A place where unwanted waste is taken and left. (dump)
- A thing that can caused death or serious illness if you eat or drink it. (poison)
4.Закрепление новой лексики.
a) Ex.16, p. 62.
T: Name three things that can be safe.
Eg. A safe journey.
b) Ex 18, p. 62.
T: Think of the best way to express the same in Russian.
Nuclear: war, weapon, tests, energy, power
To solve: a mystery, a problem, a riddle, a puzzle
A shortage of: goods, weapon, food, water, workers
Destruction of: hopes, ozone layer, rainforests, seas and rivers
T: Now let`s divide into two teams and each team will make up not less than 5 sentences with some of these combinations.
T: Let`s do some assignment on the blackboard:
Fill in the necessary words:
- My mother`s hobby is … puzzles.
- My brother John always gets into trouble and my father has to solve John`s … all the time.
- Nuclear … are bad for the environment.
- … of the ozone layer is connected with the greenhouse effect.
- Many people in Africa suffer from shortage of … and ….
- Russia is a nuclear ….
Keys: 1. Solving, 2. Problems, 3. Tests, 4.destruction, 5. Food, water,
6. Power.
III. Заключительная часть – 2 минуты:
- напомнить тему и цель занятия, как они были достигнуты;
- отметить лучших и худших суворовцев на занятии, объявить оценки;
- дать задание на самоподготовку:
WB Ex. 1, 2, p.16-17.
Урок 2.
Цели урока:
Учебная: активизация новой лексики в речи;
Развивающая: развитие навыков выразительного чтения и работы с текстом;
Воспитательная: формирование способности к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в паре и группе.
Ход урока
I. Вводная часть — 3 минуты:
– доклад дежурного готовности взвода к занятию,
- проверка наличия личного состава, внешний вид.
- объявить тему и цель занятия.
II. Основная часть – 40 минут.
T: Today you will listen to and read a new poem. Then we are going to read the text and talk about the environment and pollution on our planet.
- Фонетическая зарядка.
T: When the weather is fine and the sun is shining, it is very difficult to make oneself to work, isn`t it?
Richard Le Yalleinne wrote the poem about it. Let`s listen to the poem.
№21, Ex. 19, p. 63.
Look at the footnotes
To flit – порхать
To go sighing – вздыхать
To toss to and fro – раскачивать
I Meant To Do My Work Today1
(by Richard Le Yalleinne)
I meant to do my work today —
But a brown bird sang in the apple tree,
And a butterfly flitted across the field,
And all the leaves were calling me,
And the wind went sighing5 over the land
Tossing the grasses to and fro,6
And a rainbow held out its shining hand –
So what could I do but laugh and go?
T: Why couldn`t the boy work on that day?
- Развитие навыков чтения.
T: Let`s read the poem after the announcer.
T: Which of you can read the poem?
- Активизация новой лексики.
T: Open your books, ex. 20, p. 64. Choose and read aloud the words and word combinations on the topic “The Earth is in Danger”.
an influence, a shower, a rainbow, pollution, misty, nuclear weapons,
a shortage of food, a reptile, a government, a poisoned river, the Statue of Liberty, industrial waste, radiation, heat, a greenhouse, the greenhouse effect, sunlight, acid rain, a rainstorm, an ozone hole,1 coast, health, a population, an environment
- Чтение текста “This Fragile Planet”.
T: Now read the text of Ex. 21, p. 64-66. And explain the title.
P: Our planet is fragile because it is so easy to upset its natural balance. But by killing our planet we actually kill ourselves, and people can`t go on living without their habitat.
- Проверка понимания прочитанного текста.
T: Look through the text again and answer the questions.
Ex. 23, p.66.
1. What does the word environment mean?
2. What are the most serious environmental problems? Which of them are described in the text?
3. What makes the sea waters dangerous nowadays?
4. Why is it dangerous to dump industrial waste in the sea?
5. Why was the Statue of Liberty in New York damaged?
6. Where does air pollution in the cities mostly come from?
7. Why is it not safe to be in direct sunlight in certain places?
8. Why are nuclear power stations dangerous?
- Тренировка навыков чтения вслух.
T: I`d like you to prepare for good reading. Listen to the final part of the text and try to read it in the same manner.
№22, p.65.
T: Read the text sentence by sentence, in chain.
III. Заключительная часть –2 минуты:
- напомнить тему и цель занятия, как они были достигнуты;
- отметить лучших и худших суворовцев на занятии, объявить оценки;
- дать задание на самоподготовку:
1) Ex. 22, p.66 - translate from Russian into English;
2) №22 - test-reading of the text.
Урок 3.
Цели урока:
Учебная: контроль навыков выразительного чтения;
Развивающая: развитие навыков устной речи и перевода по теме;
Воспитательная: воспитание активной жизненной позиции.
Ход урока
I. Вводная часть — 3 минуты:
– доклад дежурного готовности взвода к занятию,
- проверка наличия личного состава, внешний вид.
- объявить тему и цель занятия.
II. Основная часть – 40 минут.
- Проверка задания на самоподготовку.
T: First, I`d like you to look at the board, please. Can you find ten words in the box on the topic? They go across, down and at the angle.
Q | I | S | K | B | T | D | D | U | M | P |
W | O | D | L | N | Y | F | L | B | R | O |
E | P | F | Z | M | U | G | A | N | O | L |
W | A | S | T | E | O | H | Z | M | Z | L |
R | A | F | U | Q | P | J | X | Q | O | U |
E | N | V | I | R | O | N | M | E | N | T |
T | C | G | X | W | V | S | A | F | E | I |
Y | A | H | C | E | A | I | C | W | T | O |
N | U | C | L | E | A | R | V | E | Y | N |
U | S | J | V | R | S | K | V | E | U | I |
D | E | S | T | R | U | C | T | I | O | N |
Keys: environment, pollution, survive, waste, destruction, dump, ozone, cause, nuclear.
T: Let`s check your assignment for self- preparation work.
Ex.22, p.66.
1) жить в условиях города – to live in a town environment
2) решать проблемы окружающей среды – to solve the environmental problems
3) угрожать жизни людей, подвергать жизнь людей опасности –
to endanger people`s lives
4) загрязнение водной среды – water pollution
5) загрязнение воздуха – air pollution
6) разрушение, уничтожение живой природы – destruction of wildlife
7) красота сельского ландшафта – countryside beauty
8) нехватка природных ресурсов – shortage of natural resources
9) пригодная, не опасная для питья (о воде) – safe to drink water
10) использоваться в качестве мусорной свалки – used as a dump
11) проводить испытания ядерного оружия – to test nuclear weapons
12) промышленные и ядерные отходы – industrial and nuclear waste
13) рыба, подвергшаяся радиационному заражению –
“nuclear-poisoned” fish
14) покидать места своего обитания – to leave their habitats
15) сливать (отходы) в близлежащие реки – to pour waste into rivers
16) сильно испортил статую – damaged the Statue badly
17) атомные электростанции – nuclear power stations
18) испортиться, выйти из строя – to go wrong
- Контроль навыков выразительного чтения.
T: №22, listen to the text, then I`ll give you 2 minutes to look through the text.
- Развитие навыков устной речи.
T: I want you to look through the Ex.24, p.67 and find the definitions of some new words.
T: Now work in pairs and get ready to prove the statements of Ex.25, p.67.
Eg: 1. The most serious environmental problems are: water, air and nuclear pollution, noise from cars, buses, planes, destruction of wildlife and countryside beauty, shortage of natural resources and the growth of population.
T: Now you will work in groups. Think and say if you change your own environment for the better or for the worse.
Ex.27, p.68.
- We speak about water shortages. What did you use water for last week? Did you waste1 any? Do you often take hot baths? Do you often wash clothes? How much water do you spend on washing?
2.Water pollution is becoming quite bad. Have you ever thrown anything into a river or a lake? If so,what? Why? Have you ever washed your bicycle in a river or a lake? How dirty did it make the water?
3.People use a lot of washing powder.2 Have you ever done it? Does your family do it? Do you think it does harm to our rivers and seas?
4.Burning makes air pollution worse. Have you ever burnt rubbish or autumn leaves?
5.Most of the pollution in big cities comes from cars. They also make a lot of noise. Has your family got a car? How often do you use it?
6.One of the environmental problems is a shortage of food. People in some countries even suffer from hunger. Does your family buy much food? Do you sometimes throw it away? How much of it do you waste?
- Развитие навыков перевода.
T: Now let`s translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Ex. 31, p. 69 (some of you will do part A, the others part B)
a) 1. Если мы сможем разрешить экологические проблемы, мы спасем землю. 2. Люди будут более здоровыми, если загрязнение воздуха будет остановлено. 3. Если разные страны будут испытывать ядерное оружие, это вызовет радиоактивное загрязнение. 4. Если фабрики будут сливать отходы в реки, вода в них будет отравлена. 5. Мы выживем, если будем защищать природу все вместе.
b) 1. Когда поедешь на юг, постарайся не находиться под прямыми лучами солнца долго. 2. Когда мы будем участвовать и телешоу, мы будем обсуждать экологические проблемы. 3. Когда экология станет лучше, животные вернутся в места своего обитания. 4. Ты узнаешь о редких и исчезающих видах животных, когда прочтешь эту книгу.
5. Маленький Питер сможет увидеть различные виды млекопитающих, птиц, рептилий и насекомых, когда пойдет с мамой в зоопарк.
III. Заключительная часть –2 минуты:
- напомнить тему и цель занятия, как они были достигнуты;
- отметить лучших и худших суворовцев на занятии, объявить оценки;
- дать задание на самоподготовку:
Revise the lexical material and get ready for the dictation.
Урок 4.
Цели урока:
Учебная: контроль навыков письма;
Развивающая: совершенствование навыков устной речи по теме, умение осуществлять поиск нужной информации;
Воспитательная: воспитание бережного отношения к природе к природным богатствам.
Ход урока
I. Вводная часть — 3 минуты:
– доклад дежурного готовности взвода к занятию,
- проверка наличия личного состава, внешний вид.
- объявить тему и цель занятия.
II. Основная часть – 40 минут.
- Подготовка к обсуждению темы “The Environmental Problems”.
T: Look at the screen, please. Read the statements, think a little and say if they are true or false.
- The population on the Earth is over 6,000 million now.
- The population of the world is growing slowly.
- Every day we throw away millions of tons of rubbish.
- Plastic, metals and chemicals will not disappear for hundreds of years.
- Many natural resources like coal, gas, oil and others are renewable.
Keys: true – 1, 3, 4, false – 2, 5.
- Обсуждение темы “The Environmental Problems”.
T: We have some experts of the problems we are discussing today. While listening, get ready to ask them some questions.
P.1: In my project today I'd like to review the problem of environmental protection. The reason why I chose this subject for developing is quite evident - our planet is on the verge of global ecological catastrophe. Today I'll be developing several main points.
First I'll give you a general idea of the ecological situation on our planet. Second I'd like to highlight the most dangerous tendencies that can have deadly consequences for us. Lastly I'll try to show what can be done to save our planet from disaster.
What does the word ecology mean? This word came from Greek “oikos” which means home. The idea of home includes our whole planet, its population, nature, animals, birds, fish and all other living beings and even the atmosphere around our planet. But look what we have done with our home? For thousands of years people exploited the nature thoughtlessly thinking that its resources had no end or limit. With the industrial revolution our negative influence on nature increased. What has become with the air we breathe the water we drink and the soil we grow crops on? It is all polluted. Statistics show that every year the atmosphere is polluted by about 1000 tons of industrial dust and other harmful substances. Thousands of kilometers of rainforests are being cut down for the need of industries. Ton of exhaust wastes are thrown into the World Ocean.
The consequences are disastrous. There is a hardly river left from which we can take a fresh water. A lot of species of animals, birds, fish and plants have either disappeared completely or on the verge of extinction. So you see that environmental pollution has increased to enormous proportions.
P.2: And now let me move on to another point of my research. How can we explain the global climate warming? Haven't you noticed that in this country winters have become much warmer with hardly any snow? What are the reasons for this? The first and the main reason is the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is the result of heat absorption by certain gases in the atmosphere (called greenhouse gases because they trap heat) and reradiating downward of a part of that heat. Human activity has been increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (mostly carbon dioxide from combustion of coal, oil, and gas plus few other gases). If you look at this diagram you'll see that the level of carbon dioxide before the start of industrial revolution was 280 ppmv. The current level is 370 ppmv. and the expected level for the year 2065 is 560 ppmv. The next table shows the increase of global surface temperature. However the warming hasn't been globally uniform. Some areas (including southern u.s.) have cooled. The recent warmth has been noted between North America and Eurasia.
So what are the potential effects of rising temperatures? In general scientists believe that rising temperature will lead to increase evaporation and therefore to more precipitation. But while some regions will experience increased rainfall, others will become dryer. Another effect is the rise of the sea levels, which will result in flooding low-lying coastal areas. This may also lead to increasing the salinity of the rivers and to decrease of water supplies. And finally climate changes may cause extinction of many species of birds, animals and plants.
P.3: On the whole the environmental problems we have just touched upon are only a small part of abundance of subject matters for discussion. We are to stop pollution. So, we can grow plants and trees, to purify waste, to start urgent campaigns in order to preserve environment For example, in 1989 in Australia, Sydney. In a year the same kind of action was held all over Australia and it was called “Clean up Australia” the following years 110 countries hold the similar actions within the ecological program of the UNO.
Nowadays there are many different pressure and interests groups in many countries, which try to find solutions to the problems of pollution at the national and international level. So they are groups of people with a common interest in trying to draw the public attention to environment problems, to influence the government decisions.
Greenpeace is a very famous pressure group. It started functioning in 1971. Its headquarters are at Amsterdam, but it operates in 25 countries worldwide. The aim of Greenpeace is to protect wildlife of toxic wastes, nuclear tests.
“Friends of the Earth” (FoE) is one of the British pressure groups with an international reputation. Its general aim is to conserve the planet's resources and reduce pollution. FoE was established in 1971 and now it operated in 44 countries worldwide. It campaigns among other things, for recycling and renewable energy, and the destruction of wildlife and habitat.
I'm sure there is no escape from this ecological crisis without organizing a single body dealing with the environmental problems, developing and carrying out a worldwide program of environmental protection and co-operating with international schemes.
- Тренировка навыков чтения с извлечением основного содержания.
T: Open your work-books at page 20, let`s do Ex.8. Read the text about people`s activities and say which activities are good and which are bad for the environment. Work in pairs, please.
- Контроль орфографических навыков.
T: It`s time to write a dictation.
Environmental pollution is becoming dangerous. A lot of waste from factories and plants can cause the destruction of our seas and rivers. People and animals can be poisoned by dirty water. The other important problems are shortage of natural resources and the growth of population. Nuclear tests are not safe either. We will survive if we protect the nature all together.
III. Заключительная часть –2 минуты:
- напомнить тему и цель занятия, как они были достигнуты;
- отметить лучших и худших суворовцев на занятии, объявить оценки;
- дать задание на самоподготовку:
Ex.34, p, 70 - discuss one of the ecological problems which you think is the most serious.
Урок 5.
Тип урока: обобщающий.
Образовательные технологии: личностно-ориентированная технология, проектная технология.
Задача учащихся: создание коллективного микро-проекта “Дерево добрых дел”.
Учебная: систематизация, обобщение и закрепление пройденного материала по теме, обучение чтению текста с различными учебными стратегиями (skimming, scanning), закрепление грамматических навыков говорения с использованием структур Passive Voice (Simple), повторение словообразования существительных.
Развивающая: развитие личностной активности учащихся, развитие способности к анализу, обобщению и формулированию собственных выводов, умение применять новые информационные технологии.
Психологическая: радость совместного труда, создание ситуации успеха.
Воспитательная: учить учащихся бережно относиться к окружающей среде, воспитывать активную жизненную позицию, формировать потребности и способности к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в паре и группе, поощрение участия в экологических акциях.
Практическая: коллективное создание микро-проекта.
- наглядный материал по теме;
- плакаты, выпущенные учащимися;
- плакаты с высказываниями великих людей;
- грамматическая таблица “Passive Voice”.
Ход урока
I. Вводная часть — 3 минуты:
– доклад дежурного готовности взвода к занятию,
- проверка наличия личного состава, внешний вид.
- объявить тему и цель занятия.
II. Основная часть – 40 минут.
Teacher: Good-afternoon, souvorovites! Be seated. I hope you are OK today and ready to work hard and enthusiastically.
Today we have our conclusion lesson on the topic “Environmental problems”
The subject matter of today’s lesson is “Environmental protection concerns everyone”. And I do hope this problem concerns each student of your class.
Look at the apple. Imagine it’s our Earth. I’m cutting it into 4 pieces. Three quarters of the Earth surface is water and only 1/4 is land. One half of it is habitable. The rest of the land is the deserts, mountains, frozen ice-caps and other places where people cannot live in. And now I’m cutting this half into four parts. It’s impossible to believe but only 1/32 gives us food and home. And it will be a catastrophe if we destroy it. I’d like you to think over this problem much more seriously and find out the ways to save our fragile planet.
T: Let`s begin our lesson with the revision of lexical material.
а) Give English equivalents to the following Russian word-combinations:
- защищать окружающую среду;
- решать экологические проблемы;
- загрязнение воздуха, воды, почвы;
- выбрасывать тонны вредных веществ;
- промышленные и ядерные отходы;
- отравлять моря и реки;
- использовать как свалку;
- испытывать ядерное оружие;
b) Give Russian equivalents to the following English word-combinations:
- To produce a lot of carbon dioxide;
- To cut down big areas of rainforests;
- Destruction of wildlife;
- Extinct animals;
- Endangered animals;
- Shortage of natural resources;
- The greenhouse effect;
- Our fragile planet needs protection.
c) Match the words with their definitions
1. Ecology | a) A gas in the atmosphere. The gas that we breathe out. |
2. Environment | b) The Earth is becoming warmer because there is too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. |
3. Flora | c) The study of how living things interact with each other. |
4. Fauna | d) This is the atmosphere between 10 km and 60 km above the Earth. The ozone stops a lot of the ultraviolet radiation from the sun. |
5. Habitat | е) When the land, sea or air becomes dirty or poisonous. |
6. Pollution | f) Part of sunlight. |
7. Carbon dioxide | g) A place that provides animals and plants with food, water and shelter. |
8. Greenhouse effect | h) It means simply what is around us. |
9. Ozone layer | i) All the plants that grow in a region. |
10. Ultraviolet radiation | j) The animals of a region. |
2. Word formation. Complete the table forming nouns from verbs.
to protect |
to pollute |
to poison |
to dump |
to destroy |
to produce |
to breathe |
to recycle |
to populate |
to collect |
3.Use of English.
T: Read each sentence and make up another sentence with the same meaning using passive structures.
- Pollution in the air causes acid rain.
- People destroyed trees and lakes in many parts of the world.
- Rainforests produce a lot of oxygen.
- Many countries use seas and oceans for dumping industrial and nuclear waste.
- The French Government tests nuclear weapons in the Pacific Ocean.
- Pouring oil into the water will cause the destruction of our seas and rivers.
T: Read the text and say if the stream is in trouble or not. What statements tell you the stream is in trouble? What statements describe how to clean up a stream?
Study a stream.
- It is full of fallen leaves.
- Remove garbage from the water.
- Plant trees along the bank to prevent erosion.
- The water is sudsy.
- There is no life in the stream.
- It smells bad because it contains sewage.
- There is a shiny film on the water’s surface because oil has leaked into it.
- If you discover signs of chemicals being dumped in the stream, report it to grown-ups.
- Too much algae have turned the water green.
- The water is muddy because there’s too much dirt in it.
Unknown words:
- sudsy = soapy
- sewage – сточные воды
- algae – plants that have no roots, stems or leaves and grow in water or in other wet places.
- muddy = dirty
Answer the questions:
- What important environmental problems endanger people’s lives nowadays?
- What makes the seawater dangerous nowadays?
- Where does air pollution in the cities come from?
- What do you know about the greenhouse effect? How can the greenhouse effect influence the climate on the planet in future?
- Why are a lot of species of plants and animals disappearing fast and can become extinct very soon?
- What happens to rainforests? Why are they so important for the life on the Earth?
6.Making a mini-project “The tree of good deeds”.
T: What can you personally do to help the environment nowadays? Tell about one thing you do to help the environment. (Students work in 2 groups. One group generates ideas that we should do and the other group that we shouldn’t do to keep our planet clean. Time is limited up to 3-5 minutes. Then pupils write their ideas on the leaves and pin them to the tree.)
III. Заключительная часть –2 минуты:
- напомнить тему и цель занятия, как они были достигнуты;
Teacher: Today we’ve tried to summarize our knowledge on the topic “Environmental problems” and to find out some ways how to save our planet Earth. I believe you’ll never pollute the environment, the place where you live. I’d like you to remember this saying “Nature pardons no errors to the rest of your life”. Thank you for your creative and active work.
- отметить лучших и худших суворовцев на занятии, объявить оценки;
- дать задание на самоподготовку:
Write a letter to your pen-friend and ask him/her what he/she does to help our planet.
Урок 6.
Цели урока:
Учебная: совершенствование навыков аудирования;
Развивающая: развитие навыков монологической речи по теме;
Воспитательная: формирование уважительного отношения к природе и ответственного отношения к экологическим проблемам.
Ход урока
I. Вводная часть — 3 минуты:
– доклад дежурного готовности взвода к занятию,
- проверка наличия личного состава, внешний вид.
- объявить тему и цель занятия.
II. Основная часть – 40 минут.
- Подготовка к аудированию текста “Why Don`t We Stop Him?”
T: Before listening to the story I want you to learn and remember some difficult words you can meet in the story.
Positive – положительный
An ambulance – машина скорой помощи
Negative – отрицательный
A traffic jam – пробка, затор на дороге
- Развитие навыков аудирования.
T: Ex.36, p.70.
Now listen to the story and say why the young member of the Women`s Club wanted to stop the car producer.
T: Listen to the story again, and then you will do a test.
True or False?
- Every Friday the women invited someone to their Club and talked about important things.
- One day, a gentleman came and talked to the Club about different problems of their city.
- He said that more than half of the people in the city were hungry.
- The gentleman spoke about positive and negative effects of cars and buses.
- People suffer from cars and buses because they are faster than trains and boats.
- Most of us prefer to walk or to ride a bicycle.
- The gentleman said that there were more and more cars produced each year.
- A young woman knew how to solve the problem.
Keys: true – 1, 4, 7; false – 2, 3, 5, 6, 8.
- Развитие навыков аудирования с детальным пониманием прослушанного текста.
T: Why did the members of the Women`s Club invite the gentleman?
What problems did he mention?
T: The gentleman paid much attention to cars and buses. Listen to this part of the text again and complete the sentences.
Cars bring help quickly and this is very (1) for the police and fire brigades and ambulances. Cars and buses do important work – they (2) goods, take people to and from work. But they are dangerous, noisy, (3) and unhealthy. And there are a lot of traffic jams. They do a lot of harm to the city (4) and ruin the beauty of the countryside because many new roads are (5) everywhere. Though the cars are very convenient and (6) and they are much (7) than trains and boats, people suffer from them because nowadays people don`t have much exercise. Everybody knows that it is much healthier to walk or to ride a (8). But fewer people every year do that. Most of us prefer to go by car.
Keys: 1 – important, 2 – transport, 3 – expensive, 4 – atmosphere, 5 – built, 6 – comfortable, 7 – faster, 8 – bicycle.
- Развитие навыков реферирования с использованием плана.
T: Your next task is to put the sentences of Ex.37 in the order they are given in the text to make an outline of the story.
- Main ecological problems in the gentleman’s talk.
- Positive aspects of cars.
- Usual Friday meetings at the Women’s Club.
- Negative aspects of cars.
T: Try to retell the story.
- Развитие навыков устной речи.
T: Discuss the questions of Ex.41, p.71 with your friends.
“Cars in Our Life”
- Do you think cars have improved life or not? Have they made people’s
life at least easier?
- Which do you think is the best way to travel – by car, by train, by plane, on a bicycle, on foot?
- If you have a lot of money, will you buy a car? Do you think it is important to have a car nowadays?
- Is it more important to have a car if you live in the city or in the country? Why?
- Do you agree that cars ruin the countryside, the wildlife?
III. Заключительная часть –2 минуты:
- напомнить тему и цель занятия, как они были достигнуты;
- отметить лучших и худших суворовцев на занятии, объявить оценки;
- дать задание на самоподготовку:
HR Lesson 4.
- наглядный материал по теме;
- плакаты, выпущенные учащимися;
- реферат по теме;
- плакаты с высказываниями великих людей;
- грамматическая таблица “Passive voice”;
- интерактивная доска.
Учебный материал:
- Афанасьева О. В., Михеева И. В. Английский язык. Учебник для VI класса школ с углублённым изучением английского языка. М. Просвещение. 2001.
- Конышева А. В. “Организация классных часов на английском языке”. Каро, Минск. 2004.
- Speak out. Hot Issues. Глосса-Пресс. М. 2004.
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