методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Beginning Level
With younger kids, frequent changes of activity while trying to reinforce the same material is the challenge of the day. Depending on the group, every other activity might need to be physical.
Fortunately, most things can be made into a game. Attention—hand clapping patterns with repetition; special chant.
Put colors, numbers, etc (words/pictures) around room and have them run to touch them. Then have S call out next one to run to, etc.
Circle and call out colors (or other words) game.
Twister—colors or words
Simon Says
Hokey Pokey
Intermediate Level
Vocabulary Story
Brainstorm on board all the words they can remember from a certain topic you've just covered. Tell Ss they are going to write stories. Each S writes a sentence on a piece of paper using one or two of the words on the board. Then they pass their papers to the next S and that person writes another sentence onto the story using more of the words from the board. Continue this for about five sentences, letting students know how much more of the story there is to go so that the last one is able to write a conclusion sentence.
Mad lib
Parts of Speech
Using a simple text of four to six sentences that the Ss are able to comprehend, remove different words and ask Ss to give appropriate parts of speech to fill in the blanks. Read the result aloud.
The (language) (profession) of our school (verb, past tense) to have a (adjective) competition. They selected all the (adj) students and had them write (genre of literature) in (language). Then the students (verb, past tense) out the plays before an audience of students and (profession). Everyone (verb, past tense) that the work was spectacular. (noun, plural) were awarded for the (qualitative adj) plays. The (profession from first sentence) (verb, past tense) that they should make the (adj) competition an (measure of time) event.
Advanced Level
Present Progressive
Divide Ss into two (or four) groups. Group A should look at the statements labeled Group A and Group B should look at the Group B statements. One S at a time will act out a statement. Ss in the other group must guess the action. Group B Ss can ask questions of Group A. Then Group B acts statements and Group A guesses the action.
Group A
- You are opening the lid of a jar. The lid is on very tight.
- You are watching a very funny TV show.
- You are trying to sleep and a mosquito is bothering you.
- You are crossing a busy street. You are holding a young child by the hand, and carryig a bag of groceries in the other hand.
- You are trying to thread a needle, but you're having trouble finding the eye of the needle.
Group B
- You are reading a very sad story.
- You are an expectant father waiting in the delivery room.
- You are sitting at the bar in a noisy disco. At the other side of the bar, there is someone you like. You are trying to get that person's attention.
- You are a dinner guest at a friends' house. Your friend is not a good cook. You don't like the food!
- You are cutting up onions to cook dinner.
Retelling a story
Listening comprehension/speaking skills
Four Ss sit together. Each is given a different short story or anecdote to read and told how long they have to read it. After the pre-set time, A tells B in detail about what she read. B retells the story to C, C to D and finally D repeats it to A again.
This activity is an advanced version of “telephone.” The difficulty is to keep several stories going at once or to keep the Ss from listening to other pairs in the retelling of the story. Once the logistics of the game are mastered by the T, this is an excellent advanced exercise in speaking and listening skills.
Modify to fit any level
Go fish and variations
Practice key phrases
Using any card deck with matching pairs, Ss play with the following dialog:
A: Do you have number 9?
B: Yes, I have number 9.
A: May I have number 9?
B: Yes, you may. Here you are.
A: Thank you.
B: You're welcome.
A: Do you have number 9?
B: No, I do not have number 9.
A: OK. Thanks anyway.
B: You're welcome.
Once Ss have mastered game, other phrases may be added, including “I'm winning.” “I win.” “I won.” and “I'm losing.” “I lost.”
alphabet game
Make a simple phrase: “I'm going to my grandma's and I'm taking....”
Each S adds another item with the next letter of the alphabet and repeats what others have said...
“...I'm taking an apple, a banana, a cat, a dog, an egg....”
Modification: “He's taking an...She's taking a....” to work on he/she.
Vocabulary reinforcement and speaking skills
Brainstorm a vocabulary list from a subject/lesson recently covered. Have Ss work in groups to invent new products and make advertisements (ie TV commercials) using those vocab words to market their products. Enforce time limits for the work and require everyone to partcipate in the presentation.
prizes—even with older Ss, an occasional day with lots of prizes—for example candy, can make a big difference in atmosphere and motivation.
vocabulary building/speaking/listening
vocabulary building based on categories
You put your (right hand) in
You put your (right hand) out
You put your (right hand) in and you shake it all about
You do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around
That’s what it’s all about
If you’re happy and you know it (clap your hands)
If you’re happy and you know it (clap your hands)
If you’re happy and you know it then your smile will surely show
If you’re happy and you know it (clap your hands)
Stomp your feet
Say “hurray”
Nod your head
Shake your head
Jump around
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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