Мотивационная обеспеченность урока иностранного языка в системе образования
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Мотивационная обеспеченность урока иностранного языка в системе образования
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Мотивационная обеспеченность урока иностранного языка в системе образования
В настоящее время внедрение инновационных технологий при обучении иностранному языку вызвано объективной необходимостью, т.к. наблюдается тенденция к снижению интереса к изучению иностранного языка как предмета малозначимого для будущей жизни учащихся. Значимость иностранного языка как учебного предмета и интерес к его изучению можно в том случае, если содержание учебного материала, его организация и условия, в которых протекает его изучение, будут согласованы со сферами деятельности учащихся, их интересами и склонностями. Следовательно, введение ориентированного обучения иностранному языку является актуальной задачей на данном этапе.
В соответствии с современными требованиями к образованию, подготовка будущих специалистов должна быть направлена на выработку способностей адекватного поведения в общении с носителями культуры страны изучаемого языка, опираясь не только на знание языка, но и стиля повседневной жизни, традиций и обычаев его народа. Культурологический аспект иноязычного образования предполагает знакомство не только с культурой изучаемого языка, но и своей национальной. Учебный процесс должен моделировать диалог культур и цивилизаций в реальном современном мире. Функции организационных форм обучения состоят в том, чтобы смоделировать контекст профессиональной деятельности в ее предметном и социальном плане, для того, чтобы студенты не только усваивали определенное содержание, но и воспитывались как личности всем процессом обучения.
С целью повышения мотивации изучения иностранного языка и в соответствии с требованиями модернизации учебного процесса, в тематический состав учебного плана необходимо вводить такие разделы как «Британская кухня», «Русская кухня», «Кулинарные рецепты», «Кулинарные предпочтения народов мира», «В ресторане», «Приглашения», «Деловая культура», «Устройство на работу» и др.
Вниманию учителей английского языка предлагается сценарий урока «Традиции русской национальной кухни». В разработку включены фрагменты истории русской национальной кулинарии, традиционных празднований, представлены кулинарные рецепты русской кухни.
Тема: Традиции русской национальной кухни.
Вид урока: Комбинированный урок
Форма урока: Изучение нового материала
Цели: Введение и закрепление новой лексики по теме «Традиции русской национальной кухни».
Совершенствование умений и навыков практического владения английским языком по данной теме по всем видам речевой деятельности: аудированию, говорению, чтению и письму.
Расширение общего и лингвистического кругозора у учащихся.
Воспитание уважения к истории своей страны, ее традициям и обычаям.
Оборудование: книга рецептов «Секреты русской кухни», раздаточный материал, видеосюжет «История русской кухни», CD проигрыватель, телевизор, тест для контроля понимания текста по аудированию, дидактический материал.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент.
Учитель приветствует учащихся и гостей на английском языке, организует внимание учащихся и включает их в иноязычную речевую деятельность.
Вступительное слово учителя:
Today we are going to speak about traditional Russian food and cooking. It is no secret that people around the world eat different kinds of food and have different food habits and customs. Russian national cuisine has its own peculiarities too.
II. Речевая зарядка:
“Bread is the staff of life”. (Хлеб – это средство для поддержания жизни)
How do you understand the proverb?
(Here ‘bread’ means ‘food’ in general; ‘a staff’ is something to support us. So the proverb means that bread (food) serves to support our life, people can` t do without it.)
What other proverbs about food or cooking can you remember?
(Don` t quarrel with your bread and butter;
Half a loaf is better than no bread;
You cannot have your cake and eat it;
What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander;
Too many cooks spoil the broth e t s.)
III. Практика аудирования. (Просмотр видеосюжета «История русской кухни»)
Now you are going to watch a short story about Cooking. You` ll hear new words:
Fermented dough – сброженное тесто (dough – тесто)
Leaven – закваска
Kitchen utensils – кухонный инвентарь
Cast-iron kettles – чугунные котелки
Clay-pots - глиняные горшочки
Oven prongs - ухваты
Stove – печь, камин
1. Choose the right heading for the story: a) The History of Russian cooking
b) Healthy Food
c) Various Dishes
There are a lot of fine recipes in Russian national cuisine. Many of them came down to us from long ago, others first became known in the 18th – 19th centuries.
In old Russia, grain – that is rye, barley, oats, millet, and wheat – was the main food product. Since ancient times the Russians have been known as grain farmers, that is why bread remains their major national food. As early as in the 10th and 11th centuries, the Russians made rye bread from fermented dough. The secret of “sour” rye bread was in the special ways of leaving. Some ways of leaving such bread have been preserved till this day.
Pies have been a part of the holiday dinner for a long time. The pies are customarily filled with different kinds of meat, groats, fish, and berries.
The Russian people have always bred cattle and hunted, hence there is a great variety of meat dishes in their national cuisine. But until the 11th century they mostly ate horse meat: beef and especially veal were less popular.
The Russian stove was not only a source of warmth, but also an excellent hearth for cooking. Many Russian national dishes, such as schi (cabbage soup) which is stewed in a stove in clay-pots, or stewed meat, came into being due to the Russian stove. And what delicious kashas were cooked in this wonder-stove!
They baked meat, stewed and roasted ducks, chickens, and geese in the Russian stove. Suckling pigs were baked whole. Over the centuries, the kitchen utensils used with this stove have remained the same: cast-iron kettles, clay-pots, oven prongs, shovels, and frying-pan holders.
As the centuries passed, borrowings from western countries appeared in Russia. During the reign of Peter the Great, ovens became widely used in Russia, as well as sauce-pans, and skimmers. Early in the 19th century, Russian cooks began to make different French sauces in addition to purely national condiments, such as mustard and horse-radish.
All this has enriched Russian cuisine which is tasty, nourishing, and wholesome.
2. The meaning of which words have you guessed? (Schi, kasha)
3. Choose and write the correct word.
a) In old Russia people used __________.
b) To make tasty pies we should have fine __________.
c) The Russian stove was an excellent __________ for cooking.
d) Before the reign of Peter the Great Russian People cooked their meals in the __________.
e) During the reign of Peter the Great __________ became used in Russia.
- household appliances / kitchen utensils
- dough / leaven
- hearth / oven
- clay-pots / sauce-pans
- cast-iron kettles / frying-pans
3. Try to find pairs.
Example: Schi – cabbage soup
Schi Kasha Blini Borsch Pelmeni Okroshka | Cold kvass soup Cabbage and potato soup Cereal Pancakes Cabbage soup Dumplings |
IV. Проверка домашнего задания: Монологическая речь. Учащиеся рассказывают о своих любимых рецептах русской кухни
The process of cooking is impossible without using recipes. Let us share our favorite recipes from Russian cooking.
Student1. My favourite dish is “Moscow Okroshka”. To cook it you need:
2 pints (1 liter) kvass, 4 oz (100 gm) potatoes, 3 oz (80 gm) beetroots,
2 oz (60gm) fresh cucumbers, 1 oz (30 gm) apples, 2/3 oz (20 gm) parsley,
2/3 oz (20 gm) sugar, 1tsp mustard, green onions, 2 hard-boiled eggs, about 1 cup sour cream; salt and pepper to taste.
Chop one hard-boiled egg, boiled vegetables, and apples into cubes. Grate the egg-yolk together with the mustard, sour cream, and green onions. Add salt and pepper to taste. Join the ingredients and dilute them with the kvass.
Student2. My favourite recipe is “Fried Meat with a Garnish”.
Take 15 oz (400gm) beef (pork, mutton), 3 onions, 5 tbsp. butter, 4 tbsp. tomato paste, ground black pepper, salt, and herbs.
Cut the meat into bars, salt, pepper, and brown it. Mince the onions and boil them in a little water. Add the onions and tomato paste to the browned meat and brown until done. Strew with the herbs and serve with fried or boiled potatoes and boiled vegetables.
V. Практика диалогической речи: «Поделись рецептом с другом».
Now make a conversation about cooking. Student1 wants to learn how to cook a dish, Student2 gives the recipe:
- Hello!
- Hi, I haven` t seen you for ages! How` s life?
- I` m fine. Thank you, and you?
- I` m OK. You know, I` ve watched an interesting TV programme today. It was really exciting.
- What about?
- Cooking. They gave some recipes and explained how to make different dishes step by step. The programme is useful for my future profession. You know, I` m going to be a cook.
- Oh! I` m keen on cooking too. I think you can make a lot of wonderful things already. By the way, what is your favourite Russian dish?
- I like Macaroni, Naval Style.
- Can you cook it yourself?
- Of course, It` s rather simple.
- What do you need to make this dish?
- Well, take 9 oz (250gm) macaroni, 1 lb (500gm) boneless meat, 2 onions, 4 oz (100gm) butter; salt and pepper to taste.
- And how do you cook it?
- First, you should boil the macaroni in salted boiling water until done and then transfer into a colander. Put the meat through a meat-grinder, salt, and brown, stirring, until done. Separately brown the minced onions. After that, mix the meat and onions and again put through the meat-grinder; mix it with macaroni on a frying-pan and heat well.
- Oh! It` s not difficult at all. I `ll try to make the dish today. Thank you for the recipe.
- Not at all. I wish you Good Luck in your cooking! Bye for now!
- Good-bye! See you later!
VI. Чтение и обсуждение текста: «Масленичная неделя в Москве».
Now you are going to read an extract from a newspaper article about a popular Russian celebration, “Maslenitsa”.
- Scan the article and find out how the Russian people usually celebrate it. You have 5 minutes. (reading for specific information)
- Answer the questions: When do the Russian people celebrate “Maslenitsa”?
What is the highlight of the celebration?
What are the rules of a pancake cooking competition?
How to cook pancakes?
Pancake Week in the Red Square
Maslenitsa (a pancake week), a Russian holiday dating back to pagan times, will be celebrated from February 27 until March 3 this year. Blini (pancakes) feasts along with traditional amusements like snow-fortresses, snow-fights, merry-go-rounds, folklore songs and dancing will be held all over Moscow, even in Red Square.
After a long period of being an informal holiday, Maslenitsa was recognized as an “all city event” in Moscow several years ago. It is the sixth broadly celebrated season in the Russian capital.
Vasilyevsky Slope, which is situated directly behind Red Square, will become a Maslenichny gorodok (Pancake town) for a week. All the guests who will come to the Maslenichny gorodok will be greeted by merry skomorokhs and will have a chance to take part in the celebration and – which is even more enticing – taste delicious pancakes made directly in Red Square.
The concert will start at 6:30 p.m. and finish at 9 p.m. Guests can travel to the main Holiday area by the “Maslenichny train”, which will run between the Moskva River embankment and the Vasilyevsky Slope. During the holiday week, visitors to Maslenichny gorodok can eat pancakes in Red Square neighbourhood to the accompaniment of the Russian folklore and pop groups. Those who wish to present their cooking talents will have an opportunity to compete in a pancake cooking competition. The judges will estimate the cooking abilities of the competitors, counting the number of pancakes they can make without a break. Besides, pancakes should be round and gold as they are supposed to symbolize the sun. Last year` s record, a gigantic mountain of pancakes standing 14 m 58 cm in height, is expected to be overcome.
Each day of the Maslenitsa celebration will have its own name according to the content of the programme: Monday is called Greeting, Tuesday is dedicated to the Popular Games, Wednesday is a Sweets Day e t s. The final attraction, planned for the last day of the Pancake week, Sunday, is Maslenichny tour: anyone will have a chance to join a carnival procession moving from Triumfalnaya Square to the Vasilyevsky Slope across Tverskaya Street, Manezhnaya Square and Slavyanskaya Square.
“This year we are trying to organize the Maslenitsa events not only in the major squares but also in every park of the city and even in every yard, so that people won` t have to walk long distances to enjoy the holiday”, said Inna Svyatenko, member of the Central Administrative District Public Council.
A special live performance will be put on in Kolomenskoye Park. This historical show is supposed to describe Maslenitsa traditions from pagan times to our days. Folklore carnivals will take place in Izmaylovsky Park, Gorky Park and Sokolniki. On the last day of Maslenitsa all the feasting will end by burning down scarecrows symbolizing winter, thus saying good-bye to the cold season until next year.
Maslenitsa Recipe
To celebrate Maslenitsa at home prepare pancakes according to the old traditional Russian recipe
Flour 3 glasses
Eggs 5
Sugar 40 gr
Milk 3 glasses
Stir the eggs with sugar, slowly adding milk. Add some salt. Then start adding the flour, stirring the mixture and smoothing the dough nubbles. Now everything is ready for frying pancakes. The batter should be poured out into a hot oiled frying pan.
(Taken from “Pancake Week in the Red Square” by Antonina Frolenkova, the Moscow News)
3. Complete these sentences using words from the box:
Cooking talents, cooking abilities, pancakes (2), Russian holiday, scarecrows, snow-fortresses, snow-fights, merry-go-rounds, folklore songs, dancing. |
- Maslenitsa is a _______ that dates back to pagan times.
- Blini (pancake) feasts along with traditional amusements like _______, _______, _______, _______ and _______ will be held all over Moscow.
- All the guests will have a chance to taste delicious _______ made directly in Red square.
- Those who wish to present their _______ will have an opportunity to compete in a pancake cooking competition.
- The judges will estimate the _______ of the competitors, counting the number of _______ they can make without a brake.
- On the last day of Maslenitsa all the feasting will end by burning down _______ symbolizing winter, thus saying good-bye to the cold season until next year.
4. Maslenitsa is one of the finest Russian winter holidays allowing people to show their cooking abilities. What other Russian celebrations connected with cooking some special meals do you know?
(Easter – pasкhas, kulichis, coloured eggs; Christmas – pies, goose with apples)
VII. Домашнее задание: Написать письмо другу о традициях русской кухни.
Write a letter to your pen-friend about traditions of Russian cooking.
VIII. Подведение итогов урока.
Our lesson is coming up to the end. Let us sum up all together what new information we have learnt today.
(Today we have spoken about Russian cooking, its traditions, celebrations connected with it, popular dishes. We have shared our favourite recipes with each other, and have read a newspaper article about Maslenitsa. It` s a kind of holiday when we can` t do without cooking abilities: we must know how to cook a Russian National dish - pancakes.)
Dear students, I have no doubt that all of you will become excellent cooks in future, and I hope that our lessons will be helpful to you in your cooking carriers.
Keys: III.1. a)
2. a) kitchen utensils, b) dough, c) hearth, d) clay-pots, e) frying-pans.
3. Schi – cabbage soup, kasha – cereal, blini – pancakes, borsch – cabbage and potato soup, pelmeni – dumplings, okroshka – cold kvass soup.
VI. 3. 1) Russian holiday; 2) snow-fortresses, snow-fights, merry-go-rounds, folklore songs, dancing; 3) pancakes; 4) cooking talents; 5) cooking abilities, pancakes, 6) scarecrows.
Представленный урок создавался с опорой на межпредметные связи с историей России и кулинарией, вызвал большой интерес у учащихся, проявлением которого была их высокая активность на протяжении всего урока. Цели урока достигнуты. Наибольшую заинтересованность учащиеся проявили при изучении рецептов русской кухни и знакомстве с традиционными русскими празднованиями с использованием элементов кулинарии. Успех урока связан с его профессиональной направленностью, которая соответствует профессиональным намерениям учащихся, являясь основой их познавательных интересов и стимулом для возникновения коммуникативной мотивации. Диалог культур, межкультурная коммуникация предполагают изучение традиций европейской и мировой культур. Однако нельзя воспитать толерантное отношение к иной цивилизации, ее нормам и ценностям, если отсутствует уважение к своей собственной культуре. Таким образом, урок имел и воспитательную направленность: учебный материал способствовал осознанию самобытности своей родной страны, уважению к ее народным традициям .
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2. Голушкова, Н.М. Развитие психических аспектов личности учащихся на уроках ИЯ / Н.М. Голушкова // Иностранные языки в школе. – 2008. - №2. – С. 2-8
3. Лушина, Н.А. Профессиональная ориентация как одно из действенных средств повышения эффективности обучения английскому языку / Н.А. Лушина // Иностранные языки в школе. – 2006. - №8. – С. 31-35.
4. Максимова, В.Н. Межпредметные связи в процессе обучения / В.Н. Максимова. - М.: Изд-во Просвещение, 1988. – 192с.
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6. Поляков, О.Г. Профильно-ориентированное обучение английскому языку и лингвистические факторы, влияющие на проектирование курса / О.Г. Поляков // Иностранные языки в школе. – 2004. - №2. – С.14-20
7. Рекичинская, Е.А. Элективный курс: Межкультурная коммуникация для школьников (Профильная школа) / Е.А. Рекичинская // Иностранные языки в школе. – 2008. - №1. – С.93-96.
8. Сысоев, П.В. Культурное самоопределение обучающихся в условиях языкового поликультурного образования / П.В. Сысоев // Иностранные языки в школе. – 2004. - №4. – С.14-20.
9. Секреты русской кухни: книга рецептов. – М.: ОАО Изд-во Радуга, 2001. – 144 с.
10. Фроленкова, А. Масленичная неделя на Красной площади / А. Фроленкова // Московские новости на английском языке. – 2006. - №6. – С.12.
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