Разработка урока английского языка "Веришь ли ты в сказку?"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Разработка урока домашнего чтения по английскому языку "Веришь ли ты в сказку?". В основе урока лежит работа с текстом О. Уайлда "Эгоистичный Великан".
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Предварительный просмотр:
МОУ «СОШ С. Ивантеевка Ивантеевского района Саратовской области».
Конспект открытого урока
английского языка
в рамках единого методического дня на тему
« Формирование ключевых компетенций на уроке.»
Тема: « Веришь ли ты в сказку?». Урок домашнего чтения
Тип урока:
Класс: 9 А
Количество обучающихся в группе: 11 человек
Подготовила и провела: Учитель английского языка
2 квалификационной категории
Афанасьева М.В.
2009-2010 уч.г.
Тема: «Do you believe in fairy tale?».
Цель урока : Формирование Коммуникативной компетенции, в совокупности её составляющих:
- Речевой компетенции: (аудирование, говорение, чтение, письмо) понимание речи учителя, носителя языка, собеседника в рамках предложенной темы или ситуации. Понимание новой информации. Понимание основного содержание сказки на основе языковой догадки и средств изобразительной наглядности. Техника чтения текста, с соблюдением ударения в словах, фразах, соблюдение интонации. Полное понимание при чтении, нахождение необходимой информации, ориентирование в знакомом тексте. Владение графикой изучаемого языка, написание короткой истории, сообщения.
- Языковой компетенции: Употребление в речи изученных ранее лексических единиц, первичное закрепление новых, Умение употреблять в речи основные типы простых и сложных предложений, знание структуры английского предложения. Умение отвечать на все типы вопросов.
Оборудование урока: Текст сказки « Эгоистичный Великан» на печатной основе.
Презентация к уроку (прилагается), текст песни А. Рыбака
«Fairy tale » на печатной основе, раздаточный материал для
Сочинений, CD для музыкального сопровождения.
- Практика устной речи. Практика чтения и перевода текста. Закрепление лексического материала. Систематизация знаний о структуре простого предложения.
- Развивать чувство толерантности. Привить интерес к творчеству зарубежных писателей, интерес к предмету английского языка.
- Организационный момент.
- Good morning , sit down, please.
- Let’s start our lesson.
- What date is it today? Could you tell me what day of the week it is?
If somebody tells a lie , we call him a liar or tale- taller. We say him “ Don’t tell me tales!”
But is it so bad to be a tale- taller? I think everybody liked fairy tales in their childhood. And in your age there is the place for fairy tales too.
The theme of our lesson today is “ Do you believe in fairy tale?” (Слайд с названием темы №1).
- Речевая разминка .
- Do you like fairy tales? …………
- What fairy tales do you like?........ ( I like modern fairy tale “ “ for example.)
- How do you think if it’s necessary to believe in fairy tale in nowadays?
( I think yes. Every girl dreams about prince on the white horse, but in nowadays on the expensive car. Isn’t it a fairy tale?).
- What kind of fairy tales can be? Look to the screen. These words will help you. (Слайд со словами- помощниками.№2)
3. Работа с текстом. ( Проверка домашнего задания).
- Your home task was to read Oscar Wild’s fairy tale. (Слайд с изображением О. Уайльда №3 ).
- Look here. It’s his portrait.
- What do you know about O. Wild? (сообщение об авторе)
-What his fairy tale did you have to read at home? ( слайд с названием сказки №4).
- How many parts would you divide this tale into?
I have some parts of animated cartoons. Look the first one, please, and find the sentences in your texts, describing it. ( Показ первой части мультфильма. Ребята находят в своих текстах предложения, описывающие действие происходящее на экране.)
-Let’s translate it.
-The next task. Now we will sound –track the film. Look to episodes from the cartoon and comment them up. (Показ второй части. Комментарии).
And the last part. Look to it. Be very attentive! I’ll ask some questions. ( показ третьей части. Ответы на мои вопросы. Выдержки из текста).
- He saw the little boy. His heart melted. How did he decide to correct himself?
- What did the boy do?
- Why did the Giant feel sad?
- Was he kind to the children ?
- What did happen in winter?
- One winter morning he looked out of his window and……. Continue my sentence.
- Lets read about the Giant and the boy meeting. ( зачитывают)
- What is the ending of this fairy tale?
- When you were reading the story at home did you expect such ending of story.
- How would you like to finish it?
4. Письменная работа.
-Would somebody of you like to be a writer, or fairy taller? ( But you’ll have to-придется ).
- Now we’ll see how you can dream, ( how you can fib- Выдумывать). You will have to write your own fairy tale. ( слайд с карточкой для сочинения сказки № 5)
You have the sheets of paper on your desks. Take them, please. In it’s left side you can see the words in that order how you should (put ) dispose them in your story. Use all these words, or as more of them as you can and write down your own story.
You may change their forms if it is necessary.
Look at the beginnings of the story. How can the fairy tale begin? Read and translate. ( читают и переводят варианты начала сказки).
5. Индивидуальная работа с обучающимися с низкой мотивацией.
Пока ребята сочиняют сказки, провожу работу с более слабыми учащимися.
- Vasya, Sonya, Julia will work with me. На прошлом уроке мы повторяли структуру английского предложения. На экране задание. Поставьте слова в правильном порядке, прочтите предложения, догадайтесь о каком сказочном герое идёт речь. (Слайды с заданиями. № 6-16)
Проверка сочинений.
- Are you ready? Read your fairy tales, please!
-Listen to the stories than you ‘ll have to say which of them like you better.
(Ребята читают получившиеся истории.. Выбираем лучшую)
- Now look to the screen. I have another story with these words. (читаю начало текста с выделенными словами). (слайд с песней №17)
- Do you know these words ? (узнают песню А. Рыбака « Сказка»)
- Let’s sing this song together. (Раздаю тексты песни. Поём.)
- Great!
- Рефлексия. « Свободный микрофон». Гости и ребята высказывают свои мнения по поводу сказок. Нужно ли в них верить.
- And at the end of our lesson let’s answer the question надо ли верить в сказки.
- It’s free microphone. Express you opinion and pass it to other classmate or somebody of gests.
- If it’s difficult for you to speak English, speak Russian .
- Домашнее задание.
- Оценки.
Раздаточный материал для учеников.
Эгоистичный великан / Selfish Giant
Every afternoon, as they were coming from school, the children used to go and play in the Giant's garden.
It was a large lovely garden, with soft green grass. Here and there over the grass stood beautiful flowers like stars, and there were twelve peach-trees that in the spring-time broke out into delicate blossoms of pink and pearl, and in the autumn bore rich fruit. The birds sat on the trees and sang so sweetly that the children used to stop their games in order to listen to them. 'How happy we are here!' they cried to each other.
One day the Giant came back. When he arrived he saw the children playing in the garden.
'What are you doing here?' he cried in a very loud voice, and the children ran away.
'My own garden is my own garden,' said the Giant; 'any one can understand that, and I will allow nobody to play in it but myself.' So he built a high wall all round it, and put up a notice-board.
He was a very selfish Giant.
The poor children had now nowhere to play. They tried to play on the road, but the road was very dusty and full of hard stones, and they did not like it. They used to wander round the high wall when their lessons were over, and talk about the beautiful garden inside.
'How happy we were there,' they said to each other.
Then the Spring came, and all over the country there were little blossoms and little birds. Only in the garden of the Selfish Giant it was still Winter. The birds did not care to sing in it as there were no children, and the trees forgot to blossom. Once a beautiful flower put its head out from the grass, but when it saw the notice-board it was so sorry for the children that it slipped back into the ground again, and went off to sleep. The only people who were pleased were the Snow and the Frost. 'Spring has forgotten this garden,' they cried, 'so we will live here all the year round.' The Snow covered up the grass with her great white cloak, and the Frost painted all the trees silver. Then they invited the North Wind to stay with them, and he came. He was wrapped in furs, and he roared all day about the garden, and blew the chimney-pots down. 'This is a delightful spot,' he said, 'we must ask the Hail on a visit.' So the Hail came.
'I cannot understand why the Spring is so late in coming,' said the Selfish Giant, as he sat at the window and looked out at his cold white garden; 'I hope there will be a change in the weather.'
But the Spring never came, nor the Summer. The Autumn gave golden fruit to every garden, but to the Giant's garden she gave none. 'He is too selfish,' she said. So it was always Winter there, and the North Wind, and the Hail, and the Frost, and the Snow danced about through the trees.
One morning the Giant was lying awake in bed when he heard some lovely music. It sounded so sweet to his ears that he thought it must be the King's musicians passing by. It was really only a little linnet singing outside his window, but it was so long since he had heard a bird sing in his garden that it seemed to him to be the most beautiful music in the world. Then the Hail stopped dancing over his head, and the North Wind ceased roaring, and a delicious perfume came to him through the open window. 'I believe the Spring has come at last,' said the Giant; and he jumped out of bed and looked out.
What did he see?
He saw a most wonderful sight. Through a little hole in the wall the children had crept in, and they were sitting in the branches of the trees. In every tree that he could see there was a little child. And the trees were so glad to have the children back again that they had covered themselves with blossoms, and were waving their arms gently above the children's heads. The birds were flying , and the flowers were looking up through the green grass and laughing. It was a lovely scene, only in one corner it was still Winter. It was the farthest corner of the garden, and in it was standing a little boy. He was so small that he could not reach up to the branches of the tree, and he was wandering all round it, crying bitterly. The poor tree was still quite covered with frost and snow, and the North Wind was blowing and roaring above it. 'Climb up! little boy,' said the Tree, and it bent its branches down as low as it could; but the little boy was too tiny.
And the Giant's heart melted. 'How selfish I have been!' he said; 'now I know why the Spring would not come here. I will put that poor little boy on the top of the tree, and then I will destroy the wall, and my garden shall be the children's playground for ever and ever.' He was really very sorry for what he had done.
So he went downstairs and opened the door into the garden. But when the children saw him they were so frightened that they all ran away, and the garden became Winter again. Only the little boy did not run, for his eyes were so full of tears that he died not see the Giant coming. And the Giant took him gently in his hand, and put him up into the tree. And the tree broke into blossom, and the birds came and sang on it, and the little boy kissed him. And the other children, when they saw that the Giant was not wicked any longer, came running back, and with them came the Spring. 'It is your garden now, little children,' said the Giant, and he took a great axe and destroyed the wall. And when the people were gong to market at twelve o'clock they found the Giant playing with the children in the most beautiful garden they had ever seen.
All day long they played, and in the evening they came to the Giant to bid him good-bye.
'But where is your little companion?' he said: 'the boy I put into the tree.' The Giant loved him the best because he had kissed him.
'We don't know,' answered the children; 'he has gone away.'
The Giant felt very sad.
Every afternoon, when school was over, the children came and played with the Giant. But the little boy whom the Giant loved was never seen again. The Giant was very kind to all the children, yet he longed for his first little friend, and often spoke of him. 'How I would like to see him!' he used to say.
Years went over, and the Giant became very old and weak. He could not play about any more, so he sat in a huge armchair, and watched the children at their games, and admired his garden. 'I have many beautiful flowers,' he said; 'but the children are the most beautiful flowers of all.'
One winter morning he looked out of his window as he was dressing. Suddenly he rubbed his eyes in wonder, and looked and looked. It certainly was a marvelous sight. In the farthest corner of the garden was a tree quite covered with lovely white blossoms. Its branches were all golden, and silver fruit hung down from them, and under the tree stood the little boy he had loved.
Downstairs ran the Giant in great joy, and out into the garden. He came near to the child. And when he came quite close his face grew red with anger, and he said, 'Who hath dared to wound thee?' For on the palms of the child's hands were the prints of two nails, and the prints of two nails were on the little feet.
'Who hath dared to wound thee?' cried the Giant; 'tell me, that I may take my big sword and kill him.'
'No!' answered the child; 'but these are the wounds of Love.'
‘What?' said the Giant, and he knelt before the little child.
And the child smiled on the Giant, and said to him, 'You let me play once in your garden, to-day you shall come with me to my garden, which is Paradise.'
And when the children ran in that afternoon, they found the Giant lying dead under the tree, all covered with white blossoms.
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