Тест для проверки предметных умений учащихся по теме" Модальные глаголы"
тест по английскому языку по теме

Данный тест проверяет предметные умения учащихся по теме  "Модальные глаголы"


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Предварительный просмотр:

 Rewrite each sentence with must, can’t, might or might not so that it means the same as the sentence before.

(6 points)


0 I’m sure she is more mature than her sister-in-law.
She __
_must be more mature than her sister-in-law___ .

1 It’s possible that my parents are enjoying themselves in Barcelona now.

My parents ________________________________ .

2 It’s quite probable that she didn’t make a good impression on his parents.

She _______________________________________ .

3 Maybe they love their son more than they are able to show.

They ______________________________________ .

4 I’m sure she is telling us the truth about the accident.

She _______________________________________ .

5 I don’t believe you decided to quit your present job.

You _______________________________________ .

6 I’m sure Barbara doesn’t have any idea about our reunion next month.

Barbara ___________________________________ .

1 Maybe some of our politicians don’t want to run for the next term.

Some of our politicians _______________________________________________________ .

2 It’s possible that Robert visited her in hospital while we were abroad.

Robert ____________________________________________________________________ .

3 I’m sure she is not so stupid to spread malicious gossip about her boss.

She _______________________________________________________________________ .

4 The young athlete committed suicide – that’s for sure.

The young athlete ___________________________________________________________ .

5 I’m sure my friends are having a great time now.

My friends _________________________________________________________________ .

6 I don’t believe that the minister knew about the corruption scandal.

The minister _______________________________________________________________ .

 Underline the correct modal verb in these sentences.

0 You’ve got a great tan. You | might have | may not have | must have | had good weather on your holiday!

1 I’m afraid Georgina isn’t at her desk, she | may be | may have | may not | at lunch.

2 They’ve just bought a pram and a child car seat. They | can be | must be | might be | expecting a baby.

3 Keith | can’t have | mustn’t have | mightn’t have | received my message because he hasn’t phoned.

4 The weather forecast said it | can | must | might | snow tonight.

5 I haven’t seen her for 20 years. She | could | can’t | must | be 28 years old now.

6 Hurry up! You | might have | can | may | be too late for your train!

7 You | must | could | can | get a distinction if you worked harder.

8 You | mustn’t | couldn’t | can’t | win the lottery if you don’t buy a ticket.

9 I feel awful! I | must have eaten | must eat | must be eating | some bad shellfish.

10 Look at his CD collection! He | may have loved | can have loved | must have loved | classical music!

 Underline the correct form of the main verb (after the modal).

0 You mustn’t | park | have parked | be parking | here it a No Parking zone.

1 She’s so thin! She must have | be | been | being | on a diet!

2 She told me she couldn’t | rode | ride | ridden | a horse.

3 In ten years time I might | will be | been | be | married with six children!

4 We may | have gone | went | go | to New Zealand next summer.

5 I keep phoning him but there’s no answer. He might | fall | have fallen | be falling | asleep.

6 He was buying a Spanish dictionary when I saw him, he must | have learnt | be learning | learn | Spanish.

7 She didn’t leave until 6 o’clock so she can’t | arrive | arrives | have arrived | yet.

8 Sorry I didn’t phone you. I was watching a boring programme on T.V. and I must | fell | be falling | have fallen | asleep.

9 I’m so pleased to see you. I was so worried! You might | have | have had | has | an accident.

10 You can’t | be | to be | being | hungry. You ate a huge lunch.

 Underline the correct modal verb in these sentences.

0 You’ve got a great tan. You | might have | may not have | must have | had good weather on your holiday!

1 I’m afraid Georgina isn’t at her desk, she | may be | may have | may not | at lunch.

2 They’ve just bought a pram and a child car seat. They | can be | must be | might be | expecting a baby.

3 Keith | can’t have | mustn’t have | mightn’t have | received my message because he hasn’t phoned.

4 The weather forecast said it | can | must | might | snow tonight.

5 I haven’t seen her for 20 years. She | could | can’t | must | be 28 years old now.

6 Hurry up! You | might have | can | may | be too late for your train!

7 You | must | could | can | get a distinction if you worked harder.

8 You | mustn’t | couldn’t | can’t | win the lottery if you don’t buy a ticket.

9 I feel awful! I | must have eaten | must eat | must be eating | some bad shellfish.

10 Look at his CD collection! He | may have loved | can have loved | must have loved | classical music!

 Underline the correct form of the main verb (after the modal).

0 You mustn’t | park | have parked | be parking | here it a No Parking zone.

1 She’s so thin! She must have | be | been | being | on a diet!

2 She told me she couldn’t | rode | ride | ridden | a horse.

3 In ten years time I might | will be | been | be | married with six children!

4 We may | have gone | went | go | to New Zealand next summer.

5 I keep phoning him but there’s no answer. He might | fall | have fallen | be falling | asleep.

6 He was buying a Spanish dictionary when I saw him, he must | have learnt | be learning | learn | Spanish.

7 She didn’t leave until 6 o’clock so she can’t | arrive | arrives | have arrived | yet.

8 Sorry I didn’t phone you. I was watching a boring programme on T.V. and I must | fell | be falling | have fallen | asleep.

9 I’m so pleased to see you. I was so worried! You might | have | have had | has | an accident.

10 You can’t | be | to be | being | hungry. You ate a huge lunch.

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