Аутентичная речь учителя на уроках английского языка
статья по английскому языку по теме
Данная статья рассматривает правильные и ошибочные варианты в речи учителя английского языка на уроке.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Authentic English in English teachers’ speech
- Classroom management (lesson planning)
- Typical errors in English Teachers’ speech.
In groups try to fill in the second column of the table.
- Position on Page
Look at the board, please and try to identify different parts of the text.
- Correcting written work
How do you normally correct written work?
Let me suggest some of the symbols and you take a guess what they might mean.
- Approval / Disapproval
Stds are always looking for approval from their teachers. How do you show approval or disapproval of their work? Let me suggest some phrases you could use to show your approval.
Russian sentence | Recommended to use | Mistaken variant |
Здравствуйте, ребята! | Good morning, boys and girls Or: Good afternoon. everybody! Or: Hello. Form 6! (very informal) | How do you do? is only used when one is introduced to a stranger. |
Садитесь. | Sit down, everybody. Or: Take your places. | Be seated. Or: Take a seat. |
"Sit down" is the universal and most usual form. It can be used when the pupil is standing at his desk or after he has finished writing on the blackboard, etc. "Take your places" is more often used if the pupils have moved away from their desks for a perfectly acceptable reason. | "Be seated" is old-fashioned or very formal. "Take a seat" means "sit down wherever you wish". It could be said to a guest at a dinner party but not in the classroom. |
Приготовьтесь к уроку | Or: Get ready for the lesson. Prepare for the lesson. “Prepare” is rather formal, and suggests preparation that is done beforehand rather than at that moment. “Get ready” or “Settle down” are more natural. | Get ready to the lesson. |
Не шумите! | Don't be so noisy! Or: Don't make so much noise! Or: Quiet, please! Or: Stop talking, please. Or: Be quiet now, please. | Don't be noisy. |
Пересядь на свое место. | (Go and) sit in your own place, please. | Move to your proper place. |
Поменяйся местами с | Will you change places with Max? | Change your places with Max. Or: Exchange your places with |
Наведи порядок на своей парте. | Will you tidy your desk, please? | Put your desk in order. |
Вставайте, когда я буду называть ваc. | Please stand up as I call(out) your names. | Rise as I call out your names. |
Давайте повторим этот звук. | Let's work again on this sound again. | Let's revise this sound. “Revise” means to re-learn previous work, usually in preparation for a test or exam. “Your homework is to revise these verbs for a test next week.” |
Мы должны поработать над этим звуком. | We must practise this sound. | You must train this sound. |
Сегодняшний урок мы посвятим | We'll spend today's lesson doing smth or preparing for a test | We'll devote the lesson to a preparation for a test. "To devote" is too elevated a style in a classroom situation. |
Начнем с повторения пройденного материала. | Let's go over the material we discussed at/in the last lesson. Let's revise the material we've done so far/this | Let's revise the past material. |
Иди отвечать. | Will you come (out) to the front? | Come to the classboard. "Come to the blackboard, please" is used when the teacher wants the pupil to write something on the blackboard. They don’t use the word classboard. |
Не подсказывайте! | Don't tell him the answer! Or: No whispering the answer! Or: Don't help him! | Don't prompt! You could say “Don’t prompt him/her”. “Prompt” has a technical meaning in the theatre – you prompt an actor who’s forgotten his words, but it can be used in this context, too. “Don’t help him” is simpler and more usual. |
Нет, это неправильно. | No, that isn't quite right. Or: You've got it wrong Or: Not quite! Try again! | You are mistaken. is used when you are wrong about smth that you thought you knew or saw. It can’t have been my car. You must be mistaken. |
Ты это сказал наугад. | You've said it without thinking. | You've said it at random. |
Я ставлю тебе «отлично». | I'll give you (a) five. | I'll put you a five. |
Перейдем к … | Let's move on/go on to | Let's pass on/pass over to |
Достаньте книги. | Will you get out/take out your books? Or: Get/take your books out, please. | Put out your books. "To put out a book" would mean «выставить книгу» the way English people put out milk bottles and cats before going to bed. |
Читайте на странице 19. | Read page 19. | Read on page 19. |
Читайте текст до стр.20 | Read the text up to page 20. | Read the text till page 20. |
Посмотрите в свои книги. | Look at your books. | Look into your books. |
Переверните страницу. | Turn over (the page). Turn the page. “Turn the page” or “Turn over” are equally acceptable. | Turn page. |
Open your books at page thirty eight. | Open your books on page thirty eight. |
Слушайте внимательно. | Listen carefully. Or: Pay attention to what I’m going to say next. | Listen attentively. In descriptions "attentively" is used rather than carefully". E. g.: He listened attentively to everything the teacher was saying. But in the imperative "carefully" is used, I would always say “listen carefully” to young children – “attentively” is too formal a word which they might not understand. I might use “attentively” with older children (12 year olds and above) when I particularly want them to pay attention to something. |
Ты видишь, где у тебя ошибка? | Do you/Can you see your mistake? | Do you realize your mistake? "Do you realize your mistake?" can be used with regard to mistaken judgement, bad behaviour, not with regard to grammatical mistakes, wrong pronunciation, wrong word order, wrong tense, etc. |
Поднимите руки. | Put your hands up. | Put up your hands Raise your hands. (OK, but rather American.) |
Пиши аккуратно. | Can you try and write tidily/neatly, please? Or: Please try to write more neatly. | Write accurately. |
Вы уже сделали это упражнение? | Have you done/finished the exercise yet? | Have you already done the exercise? |
Давайте проанализируем ваши ошибки. | Let's go over your mistakes. Or: Let's look at your mistakes. Or: Let’s see where you went wrong. | Let's analyze your mistakes. |
Поменяйтесь ролями. или тетрадками | Swap over | Exchange your roles. |
Работайте по парам | Practise in pairs Work in pairs |
Назовите историю | Think up a title for the story. Or: Think of a title… | Name the story. "To name a story" is to say which is being referred to. The teacher can say, "Name a story in which a wolf eats a grandmother" and the answer will be "Little Red Riding Hood". Thus "to name a story" is to say what the name of the story already is and it cannot therefore be used to mean "think up a title for the story". |
Читай выразительно. | Read it with a bit of feeling. Or: Can you put some expression into it as you read? | Read it with expression. |
Громче. Я не слышу. | Louder, please. I can't hear you. | I don't hear. I can’t hear. (“I can’t hear” might mean that you are deaf!) |
Приведи свои доводы. | What makes you think so? | Prove it |
Разбейтесь на пары. | Split into pairs. Divide into pairs. | Break into pairs. |
Выпишите незнакомые слова. | Write out the new words. | Write out the unknown /unfamiliar words. "Unknown" would tend to imply that the word is not known to anyone, including perhaps the teacher. "Unfamiliar" has an additional meaning, namely "strange, unusual". |
Найдите новые слова в словаре в конце книги. | Look up the new words in the vocabulary at the back of the book. | Look up the new words in the vocabulary at the end of the book. "At the end of the book" would mean that the pupils have to look for the new words in the last chapter, if not on the last page of their book. |
Постарайтесь сделать это задание самостоятельно. | Try and do it yourself/on your own. | Try to do it alone. Or: Try to work independently. |
Соберите свои вещи. | Get your things together. | Pack your things. |
Разойдитесь по классу и мы выполним упражнение | Mingle in and find out … Walk around the classroom… Talk to other people and find out… | Mingling activity |
Быстро просмотрите текст, чтобы составить общее представление о … | Skim through the following text in order to get the general idea of |
Передайте основное содержание своими словами | Tell the story in your own words. | Просмотровое чтение |
Просмотрите текст, чтобы ответить на вопросы | Scan the passage to answer the questions | Поисковое |
Переведите это на русский. | Could you put that into Russian? How do you say that in Russian? |
Минуточку! | Hold on a second. Wait a minute |
До свидания! | See you tomorrow/next week/on Monday! | If you use the expression "Goodbye!" make sure you modify it so it doesn't sound too final. E. g.: Goodbye till I see you again! Goodbye till our next lesson! Goodbye – see you tomorrow! Goodbye – have a good weekend! Goodbye – don’t forget your homework! |
That was a very good piece of work.
Why don't you produce work like this every time?
Very well done.
Lovely work.
Excellent work.
It's very good indeed.
Very good.
Excellent so far.
Very good so far.
It sounds lovely. Good work.
I am so pleased with your work.
Good stuff. (rather outdated)
Keep it up.
Shows some improvement.
Well tried.
Almost correct.
Nearly right.
Much better.
Better work.
You see what you can do when you really try.
I can see you are trying really hard.
I can see you put a great deal of effort into this piece of work.
This work shows a great improvement.
That's right. Well done! Neat work.
That was a good attempt.
Just one tiny mistake.
Not your best work.
Could do better. (Not a phrase an English teacher would use nowadays.)
I don’t know if you do this, but I try to give specific feedback to students, so they know exactly what they did well and how they could improve next time. Here are some comments that might be useful:
I like the way you...
- used interesting words
- varied the sentence structure
- described the place you visited
- worked with your partner
- remembered where to put capital letters
You’ve done well to improve your…
- spelling
- grammar
- sentence structure
- handwriting
- punctuation
Next time, you should try to…
- use some of the new vocabulary we learnt today
- use the phrases we have practised in class
- write more neatly
- check your work carefully before you hand it in
- write more – one page would be about the right length
My comments at the end of a student’s piece of writing might read like this:
Well done, James, I enjoyed reading this. I like the way you described the castle – you used interesting vocabulary and remembered what we learnt last week about using commas correctly.
Next time, try to include some longer sentences, using connectives such as: and, but, because, although, so, while.
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