Ролевая игра как средство обучения иноязычному общению
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
В разработке представлена методика работы и пример ролевой игры на уроке английского языка в 10 классах по теме:"Самоуправление в школе".
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Предварительный просмотр:
Role play “Self-governed school council”
Theme: “How to enhance the motivation of the students in studying”
The main aim:
Elaborate recommendations how to increase the motivation and to improve school system (curriculum)
Point out the factors
Negotiate the importance of the factors
Exchange the opinions and views
Set priorities and range the factors
Options for discussion
The importance of dress code(formal outlook)
Parents’ attitude to studying
Interaction of parents and teaching staff
Optional curriculum
Russian State Exam
Ambitious vs easy life
How to make lessons interesting
Balance between class work and homework
The influence of the peers
Health saving technologies
List of the participants
Chief council
The representative of the educational department
One of the pupil’s grandmother
Class mistress
PE teacher
Student 1
Student 2
Student 3
Student 4
The main aim of any secondary educational institution is to give profound knowledge but there are a lot of students who do not place much attention on studying. The representative of the council conducted a questionnaire in order to find out the factors, which could enhance the motivation. So the self-governed council of the school gathered to negotiate the factor that could increase pupils’ motivation to gain knowledge. Due to the importance of the decisions to be taken, some parents, teachers and other interested professionals.
You are a head of Education Department, a well-groomed man of about 50.
You want to be promoted to the rankle of President Assistance in the field of Education. You are ambitions, punctual, reserved but resolute.
You have a son who studies in the same school where the council meeting is to take place.
You realize that Russia is seriously legging behind in provision of Education and one of the steps to cross the gap is introduction of new system of exams.
You know that a lot of people are displeased with this exam but from your point of view this dissatisfaction is groundless. You are sure that USE is a fair way of judging student’s abilities.
You have come to the meeting to listen to the public opinion. However, you strongly believe that the position of your Department is the most appropriate balanced.
You are a school mistress of over 40.
You are keen on your work as a teacher of Math and a tutor as well.
You are divorced, have a daughter of about 14.
You are concerned about one of the most doing problems at school that is raised at
today’s meeting – introduction of dress code. One the one hand, you firmly believe that a school uniform makes children more disciplined, gives them a sense of responsibility and a sense of a «unit». On the other hand, as a class mistress you know that some children hate wearing a school uniform as they consider that it doesn’t let the students be more individual.
As a mother, who brings up her child without anyone’s support you realize that a school uniform of a proper quality and fashion is rather expensive and families with low incomes can’t afford it.
You are to take into account different positions and work out a solution on this matter.
You are 35 years old, married and have a 12 years old son and an 8years old daughter. You are chosen by School Council to be an independent judge in difficult situations, conflicts and arguments between children and adults. You work as a teacher of history at this school. You are respected by all the students because have total mutual understanding. You are known for: honesty and impartiality , flexibility, sensitivity, compassion.
Your professional qualities are knowledge of laws and psychology.
You are to regulate the relationships between grown-ups and children during their discussion. You are a fair mediator between teachers and students.
You are to keep your eye on all the members of the school council in order they not to offend each other (it means that you should follow the thread of their thoughts very attentively). You are to be tolerant in listening to their opinions.
You are a professional children’s psychologist.
Your qualification paper was devoted to motivation at school.
You believe that children should be given opportunity to develop their potential.
You understand that the process of education (the curriculum and extra curriculum should enrich each other) should be balanced and graduated.
You have got a child who was pressed at school, had problems at school, but he was very talented in music and managed to become a very successful musician.
You are to follow the discussion.
You are to bring about to the audience the necessity of enhancing of motivation (it’s one of the key points in reforming of school system).
Role Card 5 A PARENT
You are a mother of a teenager girl of 14.
You have 4 children in your family. You are a housewife, family-oriented, self-confident, ambitious, and a bit reserved. You are planning your daughter to enter one of the first top universities and doing your best to take part in school activities to help her in achieving good results in studies and proper relationships with her teachers and peers.
You have been asked to come to a school council meeting to discuss the spheres to be reformed. You are dissatisfied with the marks your daughter has at school. You want her to be one of the smartest students at school as you believe she is a really talented, promising and outstanding girl.
You are going to speak about the system of evaluation of students’ knowledge.
You are a grandmother of a schoolboy of 8. You are 68. You are on pension and live in your daughter’s family, where there is an only child, helping her about the household.
You don’t go into the details of the school curriculum but you are worried by the fact that your grandson is overworking day by day having too little free time for relaxation and sleeping. You are interested what amount of homework the pupils get, what kind of assessment of their knowledge they have. That’s why you have asked for the permission to take part in the school council meeting.
You are always comparing the two systems, old and new, with a feeling of dissatisfaction about the present day standards. You remember well the former school system in the time of Soviet Union.
Role Card 7 PUPIL 1
You are a ten-former, you could have good results but you aren’t interested in studying school subjects at all. Japanese and painting are the only spheres you are involved. Your parents are wealthy enough to sponsor your further education.
You are rather creative and don’t fancy doing homework and studying regularly.
Though you aren’t in favour of studying you’ve got some ideas how to reform school curriculum
You are to express you ideas, justify the suggestions, make examples, trying to prove your ideas while participating in the discussion.
Role Card 8 PUPIL 2
You are a nine-former; you’ve come from rather wealthy family. What’s more you are a single child in the family
You’ve got enough private teachers to get ready for entering any of top -5 universities. You are interested in having less pressure at school to concentrate on private lessons.
You are to express your points of view on possible changes in the curriculum. State your opinion clearly, justify the ideas and illustrate them with vivid examples.
Role Card 9 PE TEACHER
You are 33-34. You have a genuine passion for your subject, enjoy working with children and have a good sense of humour. You are firm and fair, confident and adaptable.
You have a bachelor degree in physical education and athletic training.
You think PE education needs to be improved and enhanced. You strongly believe that schools don’t have enough equipment or supplies to keep all their students active during physical education class. You think it’s necessary to add more PE classes because increasing physical activity can help students prevent illnesses, improve emotionally, behaviorally and academically as well.
You are to express your ideas, justify the suggestions, make examples, trying to prove your ideas while participating in the discussion.
You are 21-22 years old. This year you are going to get a degree in journalism. You have an interest in people and current events.
You have such qualities like tenacity, willingness to push yourself forward and writing talent.
You have finished this school.
You have to interview all the participants on the discussing issues in order to write an article about the school council for a local newspaper.
Role Card 11 PUPIL 3
You are an eight-former. You are from the family with a pretty high income, nevertheless, you’ve got a lot of opportunities to enter any educational institution either abroad or in Russia.
You are 100% sure that studying is extremely important for any person to succeed in future.
Though you support the academic curriculum of Russian education you can suggest some certain positions to be improved, to be precise you consider that more practice should be added to the process itself.
You are to express your points of view on possible changes in the curriculum. State your opinion clearly, justify the ideas and illustrate them with vivid examples.
Role Card 12 PUPIL 4
You are a tenth-former. You are used to working hard all the time from the very beginning.
As you work hard and you’re rather bright you don’t have any private teachers and your parents have always taught you that Russian education is the best in the world. So, nothing should be changed.
You are completely positive that the results of education fully depend on the desire of a person to study, his\her ability to work. A person should be goal-oriented and persuasive to succeed.
You are to state your idea, give examples of the achievements of the Soviet science (in space, and some technologies)
You are 14 -15 years old. You are the eldest of 4 children in the family.
You are : goal –oriented and ambitious, positive, smart and rather promising person.
You are planning to enter one of the top –five universities. You understand that school system needs certain reforms.
you are to hold the meeting, to announce the agenda, to voice the goal of the meeting (to set priorities in the spheres to be improved).
Your duty is to stimulate and regulate all the speakers, to regulate the process and observe the timing.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
"Расскажи мне - и я забуду, покажи мне - и я запомню, дай мне действовать самому - и я пойму, как». ( Древнекитайская мудрость)
План выступления 1. Формы дискуссии. 2. Цели дискуссии. 3. Различие понятий ролевой игры и имитационной игры. 4. Ролевая игра: А) схема подготовки дискуссий всех видов; Б) процедура проведения игры.
ФОРМЫ ДИСКУССИИ В практике обучения иностранному языку выделяют 4 формы дискуссии: 1. Ролевая игра 2. Круглый стол 3. Групповая дискуссия 4. Панельная дискуссия
Цели дискуссии 1. Формирование и развитие речевых умений и навыков учащихся; 2. Развитие навыков общения в единстве трёх сторон: -коммуникативной - интерактивной - перцептивной
Общая схема подготовки дискуссий всех видов Подготовительный этап: Создание мотива. Определение внешних(учебных) и внутренних(содержательных) целей. Отбор и разработка материалов(тексты для чтения, фрагменты видеофильмов и др.). Объявление группе. Внешние цели Внутренние цели Это ради чего мы проводим игру с точки зрения учебного процесса Предполагают наличие проблемы, т. е. материалы игры
Различие понятий : ролевые игры( role-playing) и имитационные игры (simulation) Ролевая игра Главный признак- роли, которые раздаются участникам и которые им предстоит сыграть в ходе решения некоторых проблем Имитационная игра Главный признак – вымышленная ситуация. Ученик выражает своё собственное отношение к возникшей проблеме и предлагает свой способ её решения
Внешние цели: 1)Реализовать в ситуации общения языковые умения и навыки по заданной теме. 2) Формирование навыков общения у учащихся: - умение донести не просто информацию, но и позицию; - умение аргументировать свою точку зрению; - умение убеждать и переубеждать; - умение реагировать на реплики и парировать их; - умение вовремя вступать в разговор и завершать выступление. 3) Умение использовать речевые клеше, соблюдение норм вербального и невербального поведения.
Процедура проведения игры(дискуссии) 1. Организация учебного пространства. 2. Преамбула. Содержание и функции: А) введение в игру; Б) изложение внутренней(содержательной) цели; В) переход от роли зрителя к роли участника. 3. Игра(ролевая карточка). 4. Финал игры. 5 .Последействия( follow up) .
Содержание ролевой карточки 1. Обозначение роли учащегося в игре (выделяется в тексте карточки как заголовок). 2. Содержательная характеристика речевого поведения персонажа (даётся информация об участнике, что он собой представляет и в каком качестве участвует). 3. Штрихи к социальному и психологическому портрету (особо значимые обстоятельства жизни персонажа, относящиеся к его социальной роли, т.е. связанные с профессией, карьерой, социальным статусом , а также черты характера, стиль общения, манера поведения , что определяет мотивацию его речевого и неречевого поведения).
Содержание ролевой карточки 4. Штрихи к интриге а) указание на какие-то особые отношения между участниками; б) указания на личные интересы участника; в) цель, которую участник хочет достичь и которая определяет мотивацию его поведения. 5. Коммуникативные намерения (помочь направить речь участника в определённое русло во время диалога и внутригруппового взаимодействия).
Распределение ролей. Необходимо учитывать: 1)Психологические особенности участников игры (высокая мотивация, желание самовыразиться , актёрские способности, а также межличностные отношения в коллективе). 2)Языковые особенности участников игры.
Принципы распределения ролей Принцип сходства Принцип контраста Когда личные качества предлагаемого персонажа совпадает с индивидуально-психологическими качествами ученика Когда личные качества предлагаемого персонажа диаметрально противоположны индивидуально-психологическими качествами ученика
Финал игры Финал, также как и преамбула звучит из уст преподавателя. Условия, указывающие на наступление финала в игре: - все ученики высказались; - исчерпано содержательное наполнение роли; - достигнута содержательная цель игры.
Последействие Осуществление обратной связи по двум направлениям: Обратная связь от учеников к преподавателю Обратная связь от преподавателя к группе
Критерии оценки - обоснованность и аргументированность выступления; - умение взаимодействовать с другими участниками(формы общения, вводные слова). - степень владения лексическим материалом в раскрытии роли; - грамматическая и стилистическая адекватность ;
Пример ролевой карточки: Role Card 2 A SCHOOL MISTRESS You are a school mistress of over 40. You are keen on your work as a teacher of Math and a tutor as well. You are divorced, have a daughter of about 14. You are concerned about one of the most doing problems at school that is raised at today’s meeting – introduction of dress code. One the one hand, you firmly believe that a school uniform makes children more disciplined, gives them a sense of responsibility and a sense of a «unit». On the other hand, as a class mistress you know that some children hate wearing a school uniform as they consider that it doesn’t let the students be more individual. As a mother, who brings up her child without anyone’s support you realize that a school uniform of a proper quality and fashion is rather expensive and families with low incomes can’t afford it. You are to take into account different positions and work out a solution on this matter.
Ролевая карточка №2 Классный руководитель Вы – классный руководитель. Вам далеко за 40. Вы любите свою работу как учитель математики и как наставник. Вы в разводе, имеете дочь 14 лет. Вы обеспокоены одной из самых злободневных проблем в школе, которая поднимается на сегодняшнем заседании Совета по Самоуправлению – введением дресс-кода . С одной стороны, вы твердо верите, что школьная форма делает учащихся более дисциплинированными, дает им чувство ответственности и чувство единения . С другой стороны, как классный руководитель, вы знаете, что дети ненавидят школьную форму, считается, что она лишает их индивидуальности. Как мать, которая одна воспитывает дочь, вы понимаете, что школьная форма должного качества и фасона – довольно дорогое удовольствие, и семьи с низким доходом не могут позволить себе купить её. Вы должны принять во внимание различные точки зрения и выработать решение по этому поводу.
Предварительный просмотр:
You are a head of Education Department, a well-groomed man of about 50.
You are ambitions, punctual, reserved but resolute.
You want to be promoted to the ranle of President Assistance in the field of Education. You have a son who studies in the same school where the council meeting is to take place.
You realize that Russia is seriously legging behind in provision of
Education and one of the steps to cross the gap is introduction of USE.
You know that a lot of people are displeased with this exam but from your point of view this dissatisfaction is groundless.
You are sure that USE is a fair way of judging student’s abilities.
You have come to the meeting to listen to the public opinion. However, you strongly believe that the position of your Department is the most appropriate balanced.
You are a school mistress of over 40.
You are keen on your work as a teacher of math and a tutor as well.
You are divorced, have a daughter of about 14.
You are concerned about one of the most doing problems at school that is raised at to-day’s meeting – introduction of dress code.
One the one hand, you firmly believe that a school uniform makes children more disciplined, gives them a sense of responsibility and a sense of a «unit».
On the other hand, as a class mistress you know that some children hate wearing a school uniform as they consider that it doesn’t let the students be more individual.
As a mother, who brings up her child without anyone’s support you realize that a school uniform of a proper quality and fashion is rather expensive and families with low incomes can’t afford it.
You are to take into account different positions and work out a solution on this matter.
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