Разработка урока английского языка в 10 классе по теме "Деньги"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Соколова Татьяна Германовна

Урок ориентирован на учащихся, владеющих языком на уровне Intermediate/ upper-intermediate, подразумевает использование ЭОР и он-лайн рессурсов, рассчитан на 90 минут и предполагает использование игровых технологий (ролевая игра) и технологии дискуссий.


Предварительный просмотр:

Открытый урок в 10 классе по теме «Деньги» в рамках месячника открытых уроков Дата: 10.10.2009  Место проведения: ГОУ СОШ № 1302

Учитель: Соколова Т.Г.

Цели урока:

Воспитательные : Формирование активной позиции учащихся в экономической жизни общества

Развивающие : Развитие способности рассматривать проблему с различных точек зрения

Формирование умения грамотно вести дискуссию

Образовательные: Расширение образовательной среды за счёт использования альтернативных источников информации (Интернет ресурсов)

Практические: Формирование языковой и социокультурной компетенции

Использование современных образовательных технологий:

  1. игровые технологии (ролевая игра)
  2. технологии дискуссий

Средства обучения и оборудование, мультимедийные комплекты:

  1. УМК Laser B2,
  2. ноутбук,  экран, проектор
  3. Интернет-ресурсы:  http://elllo.org/ ;
  4. Раздаточный материал: карточки – стимулы для ролевой игры «TV Panel-discussion: Should we Teach Finance to kids»


  1. Пригласить к обсуждению роли денег в жизни человека и важности экономического просвещения подростков.
  2. Развивать внимание, слуховую и зрительную память, воображение, способность к перевоплощению
  3. Формировать способность аргументировать свои высказывания, делать выводы и умозаключения
  1. Закрепить в речи знакомую лексику и расширить словарный запас по теме «Финансы»
  1. Совершенствовать навыки аудирования ( с частичным и полным пониманием прослушанного) и говорения (диалогическая, монологическая речь, участие в дискуссии)

Ход урока:

Этапы урока

Формы работы


  1. Организационный момент: Постановка целей и задач урока, психологический настрой, введение в языковую среду

индивидуальные (free writing) и групповые (обсуждение в минигруппах)

Лексика предыдущего урока по теме «Финансы»

  1. What do you know about finance?
  2. Where do you get information from?
  3. How can you apply your knowledge?
  4. What subjects at school teach children economics?
  5. Are you satisfied with the knowledge you get from school subjects? What should be improved?
  6. What else would you like to know?

  1. Развитие коммуникативных умений (аудирование) и учебных навыков (использование ИКТ)

Фронтальные, индивидуальные

www.elllo.org interview#961 

прослушивание интервью на тему «Надо ли обучать детей  финансам» и выполнение задания по аудированию онлайн

  1. Развитие навыков аудирования с полным пониманием прослушанного


www.elllo.org interview#961

note-taking запись ключевых слов и восстановление содержания высказывания

  1. Семантизация и актуализация новой лексики

Фронтальные, индивидуальные

Раздаточный материал

Выполнение заданий на соотнесение и заполнение пропусков

  1. Развитие навыков диалогической речи Подготовка к дискуссии по теме


Раздаточный материал

Выполнение заданий на соотнесение реплик мини диалога и их развитие при помощи дополнительных вопросов

  1. *Развитие коммуникативных умений (дискуссия)

Групповые, индивидуальные

Карточки – стимулы для ролевой игры «TV Panel-discussion: Should we Teach Finance to kids»

Выбор роли для дискуссии, обдумывание поведенческой стратегии и вопросов согласно выбранной роли и участие в дискуссии по теме «Надо ли обучать детей  финансам»

  1. Подведение итогов дискуссии и урока


  1. Объяснение домашнего задания


  1. Laser B2 стр 53 упр B,C
  2. Аудирование и выполнение задания к дополнительному материалу по теме «Финансовый кризис»

www.elllo.org interview#962

Предварительный просмотр:

Kids and Money                  


Class discussion

  1. Free writing

Put down your ideas on the following topics and discuss them in small groups

  1. What do you know about finance?
  2. Where do you get information from?
  3. How can you apply your knowledge?
  4. What subjects at school teach children economics?
  5. Are you satisfied with the knowledge you get from school subjects? What should be improved?
  6. What else would you like to know?

  1. Listening  (www.elllo.org interview#961)


Hanna:So, next week I

have to do a debate in my

finance class.

Diego: Oh, really, what

is your debate about?

Hanna: Our debate topic

is about whether we

should teach finance to

kids, so things like

investment and the stock

market. Things like tax.

Diego: OK, and what do

you think about the topic?

Hanna: I think it is really

important that kids learn

about things like this,

particularly our society

these days, where literally

everything revolves

around money. I mean,

even when you're

fourteen or fifteen, you go

out and get a job and you

have to start doing things

like paying tax, and I

mean, you're gonna have

savings, and you can

invest that if you wanted

to and turn that into more

money, so even when

you're really young I think

it is important to know this

kind of information.

Diego: But don't you

think that there's a lot of

consequences when

you're burdening kids

from ... what was it -

middle school, high

school with financial

responsibilities? I mean

kids are kids after all.

Shouldn't they be playing

around ... going to the

park instead of worrying

about the stock market

crashing in Europe or in

The States?

Hanna: Well, they don't

have to worry about the

stock market crashing,

but I think it is good if they

know a little bit of

information about it.

Diego: But if they have all

the information every time

there's a drop in GE

stocks, they're going to

flip out and you know,

they won't be able to

sleep and you're giving

kids too much to worry

about in an age they

shouldn't be worrying

about these things. It is

after all they're parents'

responsibility to worry

about these things, and

eventually it's going to be

their turn but I think it's

just giving them

something before they

have to worry about it.

Hanna: So you think

junior high school is too

early to start to start

teaching kids about this

kind of stuff?

Diego: I think so. Yeah.

Especially when you're

making it because they

have to take responsibility

of their own money

considering the fact that

they don't even have an


Hanna: What if they do

have an income?

Diego: Well, their income

would be like five dollars

an hour, so I don't think

they'll be investing

anything of that.

Hanna: Well, you never


Listen to the interview and do the quiz 

1) Hana is going to ____ in her class about finance.

 a) do research

 b) write a paper

 c) have a debate

2) Hana thinks children should _____ .

 a) know about finance

 b) get a job when they are 14

 c) trust their parents with money

3) Diego thinks finances can ______ kids.

 a) empower

 b) burden

 c) support

4) Diego thinks finance is _____ responsibility.

 a) everyone's

 b) the parents'

 c) the children's

5) They both agree that children _______ .

 a) have some income

 b) should invest some money

 c) should have jobs

c) the end of bad loans

Listen again and take notes while listening, then write complete sentences to summarize the story in your own words. The first one is done.

Part 1:

finance class debate

teach kids--> stock market,

investment, taxes

important information

Hanna is going to have a debate in her finance class about whether kids should learn about

investment, the stock market, and taxes. She

think that is very important information for

fourteen and fifteen year olds to learn.

Part 2:

too many responsibilities

should be at the park

not worrying about stocks in





Part 3: ____________________________________________________________






Part 4: ____________________________________________________________






Part 5: ____________________________________________________________







Listen to some related interviews on the topic (#962Financial crisis; #984 Salary Caps; #983 Minimum Wages)

1) Hana thinks it's the ______ fault.

 a) institution's

 b) individual's

 c) everyone's

2) Diego thinks banks ______ the loans were bad.

 a) already knew

 b) did not know

 c) had wished

3) What does Hana think people should do?

 a) read the fine print

 b) get a second opinion

 c) both of these

4) People knew the loans would fail because of ______ .

 a) the social contract

 b) rocket scientists

 c) income statements

5) Diego thinks the crisis is _____ .

 a) a unique occurrence

 b) history repeating itself



  1. Pre-discussion
  1. Start a conversation. Match the questions with the responses

1. Can I borrow a dollar?

___ Iʼve been paying for about 5 years

and I will still be paying for a long time

2. Do you have change for a 20?

___ Iʼm totally addicted to online


3. How long will it take you to pay off

your student loans?

___ There are 4 of us, so if you give me

$12 thatʼll also cover the tip.

4. Letʼs see the bill for all the food is $40, how much do I owe?

___ I get paid by the hour.

5. Do you invest any of your money in


___ Yeah, I gave him $20 bucks. Why?

You donʼt think heʼll pay me back?

6. Do you get paid an hourly wage or are

you on a yearly salary?

___ Let me check...5, 10, 15, 16, 17,

18...sorry, I only have 18 dollars.

7. Did you lend him money?

___ Yeah, his restaurant just isnʼt in a

good location so it was hard to get


8. You work 60 hours a week and you

are broke?

8. You work 60 hours a week and you

are broke? How can that be?

___ Every year we have a chance to get

a raise if sales are up, so I have a good

chance at the end of the year.

9. Did you hear that his company went


___ Luckily I took almost all of my

money out before the market crashed.

10. When do you think youʼll get a raise

at your job?

___ Sure, here you go. You can pay me

back tomorrow

  1. Keep the conversation going asking follow-up questions

A: Did you parents give you an allowance when you were a


B: Yeah, they gave me about $10 a week if my grades

in school were good. How about you?


(Write a question here) _____________________________

A: Have you ever saved money for a long time to buy something you really wanted?

B: When I was little, I was saving to buy a real rocket ship, but that only lasted for about

2 weeks. I ended up buying some candy instead. How about you?

A: _____________________________________________________________

(Write a question here) ______

  1. Writing

Write at least 5 questions which you would ask if you had a chance to talk to an economist, a successful businessman or a banker.

  1. Choosing a role

Which role from the list below appeals to you:

A TV presenter

A school teacher

A schoolboy/girl

A parent

An economist

A banker

A businessman

Roleplay cards

A school teacher

You are invited to participate in a panel discussion on TV the theme of which is whether kids should be taught about finance.

You teach economics to young children at a secondary school where an experiment on economics studies is held.

What is the aim of the experiment?

Who participates?

Are economics studies optional or compulsory?

What exactly do you teach children?

How long has it been going?

What are the preliminary results?

What do you/children/parents/your colleagues think of the experiment?

A schoolboy/girl

 You are invited to participate in a panel discussion on TV the theme of which is whether kids should be taught about finance.

You are taught economics at school.

What do you know about finance?

Where do you get information from?

How can you apply your knowledge?

What subjects at school teach children economics?

Are you satisfied with the knowledge you get from school subjects? What should be improved?

What else would you like to know?

A parent

 You are invited to participate in a panel discussion on TV the theme of which is whether kids should be taught about finance.

Do you teach your children how to manage money?

How much allowance do your children get from you?

Do they have “to earn” the money you give?

Do you think that children should work part-time or during their holiday to earn their pocket money?

What is the right age for children to be taught about finance?

Is this knowledge important for children? Why?

An economist

 You are invited to participate in a panel discussion on TV the theme of which is whether kids should be taught about finance.

What do you think about the experiment on economics studies held at a secondary school?

How would society benefit if children know more about finance?

Whose point of view do you support?

A banker

 You are invited to participate in a panel discussion on TV the theme of which is whether kids should be taught about finance.

You don't think that there's a lot of consequences when you're burdening kids from middle school, high school with financial responsibilities. Kids are kids after all. Shouldn't they be playing around ... going to the park instead of worrying about the stock market crashing in Europe or in The States? But if they have all the information every time there's a drop in GE stocks, they're going to flip out and they won't be able to sleep. You're giving kids too much to worry about in an age they shouldn't be worrying about these things. It is after all their parents' responsibility, they don’t even have an income, so, they are not going to invest their money.

A businessman

 You are invited to participate in a panel discussion on TV the theme of which is whether kids should be taught about finance.

You think it is really important that kids learn about things like investment, tax and the stock market, particularly in our society these days, where literally everything revolves around money. Even when you're fourteen or fifteen, you go out and get a job and you have to start doing things like paying tax, and you're going to have savings, and you can invest that if you wanted to and turn that into more money, so even when you're really young it is important to know this kind of information.

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