сценарии мини сказок
материал по английскому языку по теме
внеклассная работа
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Предварительный просмотр:
Characters: Author, Mother Cat, 1st Kitten, 2nd Kitten, 3rd Kitten.
Author: The three little kittens
Lost their mittens,
And they began to cry.
1st Kitten: Oh, Mother dear,
2nd Kitten: We very much fear.
3rd Kitten(crying): That we have lost our mittens!
Cat: Lost your mittens,
You naughty kittens!
Then you will have no pie.
(The Kittens run away)
Author: The three little kittens
Found their mittens,
And they began to cry.
(The Kittens run in)
Three little Kittens(together):Oh, Mother Dear,
1st Kitten: (showing the mittens): See here,
2nd Kitten (showing the mittens): See here,
3rd Kitten (showing the mittens): See , we have found our mittens.
Cat: Oh, you’re good kittens!
Put on your mittens,
And you will have some pie.
(Gives them pies)
But I smell a mouse close by.
(All together):We smell a mouse close by. Good- buy.
(The Cat and Kittens leave the stage)
Сценарий сценки «Turnip»
Narrator: Once upon a time, there lived an old man and an old woman. They lived in the village of Redkino. Everybody knew them because the Grandfather was the most famous gardener all over the region. He grew the best fruit in the village. His plums were very juicy in his orchard. His grapes were very ripe. His strawberries were the most beautiful and sweet as sugar. His cherries were always sweet too. The Grandfather was the only man in the village who had lemons in his orchard. The Grandfather was very proud of his orchard. (В это время, когда рассказчик читает свой текст, фрукты на сцене демонстрируют свои фруктовые достоинства.)
But one day he decided to start growing vegetables. And he goes to the kitchen-garden and plants a turnip.
(После того, как дед посадил репку, он ложится на лавку – спит. Фрукты вокруг репки и она появляется на сцене. Фрукты зовут деда.)
Grandfather: Oh, what a big turnip we have in our kitchen-garden. I want to pull it out.
N.: Pulls the turnip.
Grandfather: One, two, three! It is too big for me.
N.: Calls the Grandmother.
Grandfather: Granny, come here! Help me, please!
N.: The Grandmother is very bright spark. She likes to sing and dance. She never looks sad.
Grandmother: What’s the matter?
Grandfather: Help me, please!
Grandmother: All right, Grandfather.
N.: Grandmother by Grandfather, Grandfather by the turnip.Pull the turnip.
Grf. And Grm.: One, two, three!.. One, two, three!
N.: No result.
Grf. Grm.: Oh, it’s too big for us!
N.: Grandmother calls the Granddaughter.
They have a granddaughter, Kate by name. She is a very kind girl, she always helps her grandparents.
Granddaughter: (with skipping-rope): Over my head and under my toes,
That’s the way my skipping-rope goes,
I can skip slowly, I can skip fast,
Look, my rope is whirling past.
I can count and you? Let’s count with me! I skip one. (зрители считают вместе с ней). I skip two…I skip three…I skip four…I skip five…I skip six…I skip seven…I skip eight…I skip nine…I skip ten. All right.
Grandmother: Granddaughter,Granddaughter, come here, help us, please!
Granddaughter: All right, Granny. I’m coming.
N.: Granddaughter by Grandmother, Grandmother by Grandfather,Grandfather by the Turnip. Pull the turnip.
Grf. Grm. Grd.: One, two, three!.. One, two, three!
N.: No result.
Grf. Grm. Grd.: Oh, it’s too big for us!
N.: Granddaughter calls the dog.
Grd.: Dog, Dog, come here, help us, please!
N.: They also have a dog. He is a very clever dog. He guards the house and his master.
DOG: I am a dog, my name is Jack.
My nose is nice, my coat is black.
What’s the matter?
Granddaughter: Jack, Jack, help us, please!
Dog: All right, Granddaughter.
N.: Dog by Granddaughter, Granddaughter by Grandmother, Grandmother by Grandfather, Grandfather by the Turnip.Pull the turnip.
Together: One, two, three!... One, two, three!
N.: No result.
Together: Oh, it’s too big for us!
N.: And they have a cat, Murka by name. She is a very good mother for her kittens. She takes care of them and plays with them.
Cat: Kittens,come here! (считает котят. Одного не хватает. Собака находит и приводит его. Танец котят. Затем все котята встают в ряд. Кошка играет с ними.)
Cat: Hands up,
Hands down,
Hands on hips,
Sit down.
Nick and Andy,
Sugar and candy,
I say stand up!
Thanks, sit down!
Nick and Andy,
Sugar and candy,
I say run around!
Dog: Cat, Cat, help us, please!
Cat: Sorry,kittens, I’m busy. Run away.All right, Dog. I’m coming.
N.: The cat by the dog, the dog by the granddaughter, the granddaughter by the grandmother, the grandmother by the grandfather, the grandfather by the turnip. Pull the turnip.
Together: One, two, three!.. One, two, three!
N: No result.
Together: Oh, it’s too big for us!
Hickory, dickory, dock!
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck one,
The mouse ran down,
Hickory, dickory, dock!
Cat: Mouse, Mouse, come here! Help us, please!
Mouse: I am a mouse,
You are a cat;
One, two, three,
You catch me!
Cat: No, I don’t. Help us, please!
Mouse: What’s the matter?
Cat: This turnip is very big for us, we can’t pull it out!
Mouse: OK.
Together: One, two, three!.. One, two, three!
Turnip: Here I am!
All together: Oh! What a big turnip we have!
All together sing:
Gaily dancing round the ring,
Round the ring, round the ring,
While we all together sing,
And clap our hands in time.
(Куплет повторяется 2 раза)
Сценарий сценки Three Little Pigs.
Niff- Niff, Snuff-Snuff, Naff-Naff, Big Bad Wolf, Children.
( Звучит музыка. Под музыку выбегает Ниф-Ниф.)
Niff-Niff: Good morning, boys and girls! I am Niff- Niff.
Children: Hello, Niff-Niff! Glad to see you.
(Выбегает Снаф-Снаф.)
Snuff-Snuff: Hello, children! I am Snuff-Snuff.
Children: Good morning, Snuff-Snuff! Glad to see you.
(Выбегает Нэфф-Нэфф)
Naff-Naff: Good morning, Boys and girls! I am Naff-Naff.
Children: Good morning, Naff-Naff! Glad to see you.
(Поросята берутся за руки, водят хоровод по кругу и поют)
Who’s afraid of Big Bad Wolf,
Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf?
Who’s afraid of Big Bad Wolf,
Niff-Niff: (Берет игрушечный домик, выглядывает в окошко.)
I have a house of grass.
Snuff-Snuff: ( Берет другой домик, выглядывает в окошко.)
I have a house of sticks.
Naff-Naff: ( Берет третий домик, выглядывает в окошко.)
I have a house of bricks.
(Звучит музыка. Появляется волк.)
Wolf: My name is Wolf.
Children: Go away, Big Bad Wolf!
Wolf: Hush, Children! I see three little pigs.
Children: Go away, Big Bad Wolf!
(Волк стучит в окошко первого домика.)
Wolf: Niff-Niff, let me in.
Niff-Niff: Oh, no! Go away, Big Bad Wolf!
(Волк дует на домик. Домик падает.
Ниф-Нифф прячется в домике Снаф-Снафа.)
Wolf: Snuff-Snuff, let me in.
Snuff-Snuff: Oh, no! Go away, Big Bad Wolf!
( Волк дует на домик. Домик падает. Поросята прячутся в домике Нэфф- Нэфа.)
Wolf: Naff-Naff, let me in.
Naff-Naff: Go away! Go away, Big Bad Wolf!
( Волк дует три раза. Домик не падает.
Поросята выбегают с палками и прогоняют Волка. Потом берутся за руки, танцуют и поют.)
We aren’t afraid of Big Bad Wolf,
Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf.
Wee aren’t afraid of Big Bad Wolf,
Сценарий пьесы Little Red Riding Hood and Grey Wolf.
Part I.
На заднем плане сцены группа детей. Это группа поддержки, она будет вторить главным героям, создавая массовость на сцене, положительную энергетику и фон для сказки. У каждого их них инструменты, придуманные детьми или настоящие музыкальные инструменты для отбивания ритма.
Появляется девочка с корзиной. Это – Кранная Шапочка.
Little Red Riding Hood: I’m little Riding Hood! I’m Red Riding Hood!
Group: This is little Riding Hood.This is Red Riding Hood!
Let’s look! Let’s look!
She is good! She is good!
Появляется мама красной шапочки.
Mummy: Little Riding Hood, Your Granny is sick! Go there! Be quick
Мама подаёт корзинку дочери.
Group: Granny is sick! Be quick! Be quick!
Little Red Riding Hood: I’m ready! And I’m quick!
Mummy: Don’t stop on your way!
Don’t talk on your way!
Don’t play on your way!
Go there and come again!
Group: Go there and come again!
Mummy: Bye-bye, Little Hood! Don’t talk to a wolf!
Красная Шапочка прощается с мамой и направляется к бабушке, собирая цветы и напевая весёлую песенку (песенка из кинофильма «Про Красную шапочку»).
Part II.
Little Red Riding Hood: Flowers here, Flowers there, Flowers growing everywhere!
Group: Don’t pick flowers. Granny is sick! Be quick! Be quick!
На сцене появляется волк.
Little Red Riding Hood: Hi! How are you, Mr. Wolf?
Grey Wolf: Hi! How are you, Riding Hood?
Little Red Riding Hood: I’m fine, Mr. Wolf! I’m going to visit my Granny. Are you fine, Mr. Wolf?
Grey Wolf: I’m well, Riding Hood!
Little Red Riding Hood: Where do you live, Mr. Wolf?
Grey Wolf: I live here, in the wood!
Little Red Riding Hood: Where do you sleep, Mr. Wolf?
Grey Wolf: I sleep here, in the wood!
Group: He lives in the wood! He sleeps in the wood!
Little Red Riding Hood: Are you a good or a bad wolf?
Grey Wolf: I’m very good, Riding Hood!
Group: He is not good! He is not good!
Little Red Riding Hood: My granny is sick, I must be quick.
Group: Your Granny is sick! Be quick! Be quick!
Grey Wolf: Oh, my dear! Stay here! Stay here!
Where is your Granny’s home?
Little Red Riding Hood: Where? She lives over there.
Показывает рукой вдаль.
Group: Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up!
Little Red Riding Hood: I like my Granny. Do you like your granny?
Grey Wolf: Oh, yes I like Grannies.
Little Red Riding Hood: What are you going to do?
Grey Wolf: I want to visit your Granny, too!
Little Red Riding Hood: Let’s go! Let’s go!
Group: Oh, no! Oh, no!
Дети в группе грозят пальчиками.
Grey Wolf: I don’t have time to talk! Let’s walk! Let’s walk!
Little Red Riding Hood: Let’s walk and talk!
Красная Шапочка берёт волка за лапу, отдаёт ему корзинку, они идут вместе. Волк резко поворачивает в другую сторону и исчезает.
Group: Let’s help Granny! Be quick! Be quick!
Все уходят со сцены.
Part III.
На сцене бабушка, сидящая на стуле. Волк подбегает к бабушке и показывает жестами, что хочет съесть её. Появляется Красная Шапочка.
Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, no! He wants to eat my Granny! Wolf, go away. Go away!
Group: Wolf, go away! Wolf, go away!
Группа детей подходит к волку всё ближе и ближе, отбивая ритм на музыкальных инструментах, создавая шум, чтобы испугать волка. Волк испугавшись, убегает.
Little Red Riding Hood and Granny: Wolf has run away, And he never comes back!
Group, Little Red Riding Hood and Granny: Wolf never comes back!
Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
Гимназия №92
Муниципального образования г.Краснодара
«The House in the Wood» («ТЕРЕМОК» )
К праздничному концерту в 1 классе,
посвященному Международному Женскому Дню 8 Марта
учитель английского языка
Рогозная Наталья Валерьевна
Краснодар 2012
Инсценировка сказки “ THE HOUSE IN THE WOOD”
Мероприятие рассчитано на учащихся 1 класса.
Постановка проводится к Международному Женскому Дню 8 Марта.
- повторение пройденного материала;
- развитие творческих и артистических способностей учащихся.
- Обучающая: выявление знаний, умений, навыков у учащихся начальной школы;
- Развивающая: развитие умения работать в команде; развитие памяти; мотивация к изучению английского языка и литературы.
- Воспитательная: воспитание чуткого отношения к слову в процессе обращения к иной языковой культуре; воспитание эстетических качеств ребенка при обращении к фольклору.
Ход мероприятия:
Ученики выходят на сцену и приветствуют гостей:
Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you,
Good morning, good morning,
We are glad to see you!
Дорогие наши мамы и бабушки, вы знаете, что ваши детки недавно познакомились с английскими буквами, словами, и так с ними подружились, что могут поздравить вас на английском языке!
Ребята, слово МАМА- звучит одинаково нежно и ласково на всех языках мира. А как оно звучит на английском языке?
Дети хором: Mother, Mummy, Mom.
Правильно! Девочки расскажут вам о том, как они любят своих мам (Читают стихотворение):
Ученица 1: I love mу dear Mummy,
I love her very much.
And do you live your Mummy?
Of course, and very much!
Ученица 2: Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Honey is sweet,
And so are you!
Молодцы! А что же вы подарите на праздник?
(Читают стишок)
Ученица 3: I’ve got a doll.
I’ve got a ball.
I’ve got toys,
I like them all!
Ну, я думаю, что игрушки не подойдут вашим мамам. Давайте лучше им подарим СКАЗКУ!!!.
(Звучит мелодия «В гостях у сказки», дети выходят на сцену, переодетые в героев сказки.)
- Mouse
- Frog
- Hare
- Wolf
- Fox
- Bear
- Ведущая 1
- Ведущая 2
На сцене стоит декорация «Теремка» из фанеры, елочка, веточки деревьев и макет солнца, звучит мелодия «В гостях у сказки». За фасадом домика спряталась лягушка (The Frog).
Ведущая 1: Here is the house in the wood.
A Mouse is running through the wood.
It stops at the door,
It knocks at the door.
Mouse: Knock, knock, knock. Who lives here?
Frog: I do!
Mouse:Who are you?
Frog:I’m a frog. Sorry, and who are you?
Mouse:I’m a mouse. Hello, Frog!
Frog:Hello, Mouse!
Mouse:May I come in?
Frog: Do, please. Come in.
Mouse: Thank you! (входят в дом)
Ведущая 1: Here is the house in the wood.
A Hare is running through the wood.
It stops at the door,
It knocks at the door.
Hare: Knock, knock, knock. Who lives here?
Frog, Mouse:We do.
Hare:Who are you?
Frog:I’m a frog.
Mouse: I'ma mouse. Sorry, and who are you?
Hare:I’m a hare. Hello, Frog! Hello, Mouse! May I come in?
Frog, Mouse:Do, please. Come in.
Hare:Thank you! (входят в дом)
Ведущая 1: Here is the house in the wood.
A Fox is running through the wood.
It stops at the door,
It knocks at the door.
Fox: Knock, knock, knock. Who lives here?
Frog, Mouse, Hare: We do.
Fox: Who are you?
Frog: I’m a frog.
Mouse: I'm a mouse.
Hare: I’m a hare. Sorry, and who are you?
Fox: I’m a fox. Hello, Frog! Hello, Mouse! Hello, Hare! May I live with you?
All: Do , please. Come in.
Fox:Thank you! (входят в дом)
Ведущая 1: Here is the house in the wood.
A Wolf is running through the wood.
It stops at the door,
It knocks at the door.
Wolf: Knock, knock, knock. Who lives here?
Frog, Mouse, Hare,Fox: We do.
Wolf: Who are you?
Frog::I’m a frog
Mouse: I'm a mouse.
Hare: I’m a hare.
Fox:I’m a fox.
Wolf:I’m a wolf. Hello, Frog! Hello, Mouse! Hello, Hare! Hello, Fox! May I live with you?
All: Do, please. Come in.
Wolf:Thank you. (входят в дом)
Ведущая 1: Here is the house in the wood.
A Bear is running through the wood.
It stops at the door,
It knocks at the door.
Bear: Knock, knock, knock. Who lives here? Who are you?
Frog:I’m a frog.
Mouse:I’m a mouse.
Hare:I’m a hare.
Fox: I’m a fox.
Wolf: I’m a wolf. And who are you?
Bear: I’m a bear. May I live with you?
All: No, you are too big! Run away! Run away! (медведь убегает)
Ведущая 2: Here is a house in the wood. A frog, a mouse, a hare, a fox, a wolf live here! They are happy!!!
Играет мелодия «The more we are together», все встают в круг и водят хоровод под песню. Дети поют:
The more we are together, together, together,
The more we are together, the happier we are!
For your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends.
The more we are together, the happier we are!
Актеры и ведущие в поклоне удаляются со сцены.
Предварительный просмотр:
Big Grey Wolf
Scene I
Naff-Naff: Hello, girls and boys! My name is Naff-Naff. I am a nice little pig. I can sing.
Nuff-Nuff: Good morning! I am Nuff-Nuff. I am a kind little pig. I can dance.
Niff-Niff: Nice to meet you! I am Niff-Niff! I am a clever little pig. I can read.
Three Pigs (together): We are three happy little pigs. (Берутся за руки, танцуют и поют.) Big Grey Wolf won't scare us, scare us, scare us.
Naff-Naff: Oh, brothers, it will be winter soon. I am afraid, we must stop dancing. We should go and make a house. Let's go!
Niff-Niff: Oh! No!
Nuff-Nuff: We needn't go. We can sing and dance some more. (Нэф-Нэф уходит, два поросёнка танцуют и поют.)
Big Grey Wolf won't scare us, scare us, scare us.
Nuff-Nuff: Oh, it is evening. It is cold. I need a house. I should make a house.
Niff-Niff: OK! I can go and make a house too. (Уходит.)
Scene II
Niff-Niff (Выходит и поёт):
I have got a new grass house,
new grass house,
new grass house.
Nuff-Nuff (танцует и поёт):
I have got a new straw house,
new straw house,
new straw house.
Niff-Niff: Hello, Nuff-Nuff! I've got a new grass house. And you?
Nuff-Nuff: I've got a new straw house. And is your house near here?
Niff-Niff: Yes, it is. You should go past the hill, turn right and there is my house on your left. And how can I get to your house?
Nuff-Nuff: You must go stright ahead, turn left and there is my house next to the pond.
Naff-Naff: Hello! Nice to meet you.
Niff-Niff: Have you got your new brick house ready?
Naff-Naff: I am afraid, I haven't yet.
Nuff-Nuff: And where is your house?
Naff-Naff: You should go across the road; my house is over there. Goodbye!
Niff-Niff: Goodbye!
Nuff-Nuff: Goodbye!
Niff-Niff, Nuff-Nuff (together):
Big Grey Wolf won't scare us, scare us, scare us. (Танцуют и поют.)
Scene III
Big Grey Wolf: I'd like to have a nice little pig for breakfast. I'm hungry.
Niff-Niff: Here is Big Grey Wolf!
Nuff-Nuff: Oh, Big Grey Wolf! We must run to our houses!
(Домик – это два листа ватмана, скреплённые сверху прищепками. Поросята убегают, волк бежит за ними. Сначала он подбегает к домику Ниф-Нифа.)
Big Grey Wolf: I must eat you up. (Волк дует, и домик падает. Ниф-Ниф бежит к домику Наф-Нафа.) I must eat you up, silly-little pigs! (Подбегает ко второму домику, дует на него, домик падает.)
Nuff-Nuff: We must run to our brother! His house is good. Where is it?
Niff-Niff: We must run across the road, his house is over there.
(Поросята бегут, волк за ними.)
Scene IV
(Домик Нэф-Нэфа. В нём стол, три стула, на столе посуда.)
Niff-Niff: Big Grey Wolf is behind us!
Nuff-Nuff: May we come in?
Naff-Naff: Yes, you may! Come in!
(Поросята вбегают в домик. Подбегает волк. Слышен стук в дверь. Два поросёнка прячутся под столом от страха.)
Big Grey Wolf: It's me, the Wolf. I'd like to have little pigs for breakfast! You must open the door!
Naff-Naff: Oh, no, I needn't. Go away. You are a Big Bad Wolf.
(Волк дует, но домик не падает. Он убегает. Поросята вылезают из-под стола.)
Naff-Naff: Let's have tea. I've got toasts, some jam and butter.
Niff-Niff: Could you pass me some jam, please?
Naff-Naff: Certainly.
Nuff-Nuff: May I have another cup of tea?
Naff-Naff: Here you are.
Nuff-Nuff: Thank you.
(После завтрака поросята берутся за руки, танцуют и поют.)
Three Pigs (together):
Big Grey Wolf won't scare us, scare us, scare us.
Big Grey Wolf won't scare us.
Awful Big Grey Wolf!
Журнал «Иностранные языки в школе» №5 1997.
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Сценарий мини-спектакля "Ястребок"
Мини-спектакль направлен на патриотическое воспитание молодежи, помогает вспомнить события Великой Отечественной войны....
Сценарий мини-спектакля по Правилам дорожного движения с сопроводительной презентацией
За основу взято стихотворение С.Я.Маршака "Медведя лет пяти-шести...." Небольшое выступление по ПДД для учащихся начальной школы и 5-6 классов....

Сценарий мини-концерта в геронтологическом отделении с. Головино к Дню Матери
Сценарий также хорошо подходит для небольшого утренника в малокомплектной школе, посвященного Дню Матери...

Проектная деятельность на внеурочных занятиях по английскому языку в начальной школе в условиях реализации ФГОС. Сценарий мини-спектакля “Хранитель сказок” (“Lord Keeper of Fairy Tales”).
В данной работе представлен мой первый практический опыт организации проектной деятельности младших школьников в условиях внеурочной занятости обще-интеллектуального направления на примере реализации ...