методическая копилка Military English -учебники по курсу военный перевод
книга по английскому языку по теме
в данной подборке представлены пособия для дополнительного использования по курсу "Военный перевод" -Military English
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Предварительный просмотр:
Кафедра зарубежной военной информации
по военному и военно-политическому переводу
английского языка для курсантов 3 и 4 курсов
отделения зарубежной военной информации
полковник Хренков Ю.Д.
подполковник Белогуров С.Б.
Москва - 1999
Настоящий учебно-методический материал предназначен для самостоятельной подготовки курсантов 3 и 4 курсов отделения зарубежной военной информации, изучающих английский язык, к стажировке в составе многонациональных миротворческих сил СФОР в Боснии и Герцеговине.
Структура материала предполагает получение обучаемыми практических навыков основных видов аналитической и переводческой работы, осуществляемой курсантами-стажерами в составе информационно-аналитической группы российской ОВДБр в БиГ:
- реферативный преревод сводки сообщений средств массовой информации (NIGHT OWL), осуществляемый ежедневно при подготовке информационного бюллетеня;
- двухсторонний устный перевод, осуществляемый в ходе совместных занятий с другими воинскими контингентами СФОР и при организации взаимодействия с представителями международных организаций;
- подстрочный письменный перевод с английского языка на русский боевых документов (FRAGO, IMPIN, INTREP), ежедневно поступающих в штаб российской ОВДБр.
При составлении материала использованы оригинальные боевые документы штаба многонациональной дивизии “Север”, что позволит обучаемым накопить определенный запас специфических терминов, используемых в ходе миротворческой операции в БиГ. Тем не менее, перед началом работы с материалом им необходимо изучить общую военную и военно-политическую лексику, содержащуюся в рекомендуемых учебниках и учебных пособиях:
Нелюбин Л.Л., Дормидонтов А.А., Васильченко А.А. Учебник военного перевода. Английский язык. Общий курс.- Под ред. Л.Л.Нелюбина.-М.,1981.
Нелюбин Л.Л., Дормидонтов А.А., Васильченко А.А. и др. Учебник военного перевода. Английский язык. Специальный курс.- Под ред. Л.Л.Нелюбина.-М.,1984.
Нелюбин Л.Л. Перевод боевых документов армии США.- М.,1989.
Часть 1.
Тема 1.
Упражнение 1. Прочтите и переведите текст. Выпишите незнакомые слова и аббревиатуры и найдите в словаре их русские эквиваленты.
The official name of the Dayton Peace Accords is the General Framework Agreement for Peace (GFAP). The Parties who signed the GFAP in Paris on 14 December 1995 were the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the Republic of Croatia, and the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina (the U.S. is not a Party to the GFAP). Bosnia-Herzegovina remains a single state, but comprised of two Entities. The Entities are the Muslim and Croat Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina (FBiH), and the Bosnian Serb Republika Srpska (RS).
The Parties forces ceased all hostilities and withdrew behind a 2-km zone of separation (ZOS).
Bosnia-Herzegovina has a central government in Sarajevo. The Parties agreed to a constitution for Bosnia-Herzegovina that creates a three-member presidency, a two-house legislature, and a constitutional court. All of Bosnia-Herzegovina's people have the right to move freely throughout the country without harassment or discrimination. Displaced persons and refugees (DPREs) have the right to return home or obtain compensation from civil authorities.
The Parties committed to cooperate fully with the prosecution of persons indicted for war crimes (PlFWCs) and violations of international and humanitarian law. The Parties reported to Implimentation Force (IFOR), and must continue to provide updated reports to Stabilisation Force (SFOR), on the following:
- positions and descriptions of all known unexploded ordnance, explosive devices, demolitions;
- minefields, booby traps, wire entanglements and other physical hazards to safe movement;
- locations of lanes through the Agreed Zone of Separation (ZOS) that are free of all such hazards;
- positions and descriptions of fortifications, barriers and other man-made obstacles, ammunition dumps, command headquarters and communication networks;
- positions and descriptions of all surface-to-air missiles and launchers, including mobile systems, supporting radars, and associated command and control systems;
- any other information of a military nature requested by SFOR.
Упражнение 2. Переведите на английский и русский языки соответственно: Дейтонские соглашения; General Framework Agreement for Peace; двухпалатный законодательный орган; entities; Президентский совет; displaced persons and refugees; гражданские власти; persons indicted for war crimes; Силы стабилизации; Agreed Zone of Separation; свобода перемещения; unexploded ordnance.
Упражнение 3. Расшифруйте по-английски и переведите на русский язык аббревиатуры: GFAP; FBiH; RS; DPREs; PIFWCs; IFOR; SFOR; ZOS.
Упражнение 4. Переведите с русского на аглийский язык отрывок из выступления командира ОВДБР перед американскими военнослужащими.
“Я хотел бы посвятить свое выступление одной из важнейших задач, стоящих в этом году перед СФОР, - содействие международным организациям в осуществлении процесса возвращения беженцев в БиГ.
Как вы знаете, в соответствии с Приложением 7 Дейтонских Соглашений, ФБиГ и РС согласились с тем, что все беженцы и перемещенные лица имеют право на свободное возращение к местам своего прежнего проживания. Они имеют так же право на возращение своей прежней собственности или на получение компенсации за ее утрату. Стороны обязуются не подвергать беженцев и перемещенных лиц каким-либо видам дискриминации.
СФОР, выполняя почетную миротворческую миссию в БиГ, активно подключается к обеспечению поддержки процессу переселения. На наш взгляд, прежде всего, необходимо определиться в приоритетах, решить, что для нас важнее – установление прочного мира на Балканах или необоснованное форсирование процесса возвращения беженцев, что, в конечном счете, может заложить новую этническую бомбу в и так достаточно взрывоопасном регионе.
Еще оставшаяся после войны взаимная неприязнь на этно-религиозной почве; экономический кризис и чрезвычайно высокий уровень безработицы, отсутствие приемлемых условий для существования; сотни тысяч беженцев, живущих по 5-10 семей в одном доме – эти и другие проблемы сплелись в один клубок. Процесс переселения беженцев не может протекать успешно без одновременного решения всего комплекса социальных проблем.
Мы это прекрасно понимаем. Поэтому, в соответствии с рекомендациями командования МНД(С), а также осознавая свою ответственность за будущее людей, которые нам доверяют, приступили к проведению регулярных рабочих встреч, а также установлению новых, более тесных контактов с представителями местных администраций, правоохранительных органов, различных политических партий, лидерами беженцев.
Особо хотелось бы подчеркнуть, что продуктивное сотрудничество с местными властями, осуществление гуманитарных проектов, предоставление материально-финансовой помощи, строительство и восстановление домов для возвращающихся беженцев и перемещенных лиц, предоставление нового жилья семьям, ныне проживающим в покинутых беженцами домах должно осуществляться одновременно в равных пропорциях как на территории ФБиГ, так и на территории РС.”
Тема 2.
Упражнение 1. Прочтите и переведите текст. Выпишите незнакомые слова и аббревиатуры и найдите в словаре их русские эквиваленты.
In December 1995, acting under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, the Security Council authorized member states to establish a multinational Implementation Force (IFOR) to deter a resumption of hostilities in Bosnia-Herzegovina by implementing the military aspects of the General Framework Agreement for Peace. In December 1996, the Security Council created a Stabilization Force (SFOR) as legal successor to IFOR. SFOR is led by NATO, but includes 17 non-NATO countries. There are about 31,000 troops in SFOR. Essential Tasks of SFOR are:
- ensure force protection and deter a resumption of hostilities or new threats to peace;
- control the airspace over Bosnia-Herzegovina and control military traffic over key ground routes;
- monitor the movement and training of Entity Armed Forces (EAF);
- ensure safe conditions for the implementation of the non-military aspects of the Dayton Peace Accords;
- assist the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and other international organizations in their humanitarian missions;
- prevent serious crimes or interference with civilian freedom of movement;
- monitor and support the clearance of minefields by the Bosnians.
Упражнение 2. Переведите на английский и русский языки соответственно: UN Security Council; Силы Стабилизации; Entity Armed Forces; выполнение мирных аспектов ДС; UN High Commissioner for Refugees; наблюдение за воздушным пространством БиГ и перемещением войск; non-NATO countries; Совет Безопасности ООН; force protection; наблюдение за разминированием местности; monitor the EAF movement and training; DPTY for Russian forces.
Упражнение 3. Расшифруйте по-английски и переведите на русский язык следующие аббревиатуры: GFAP; FBiH; RS; DPREs; PIFWCs; IFOR; SFOR; ZOS; UNHCR; SACEUR; COMSFOR; UK ARMY; CG MND(N); AVN BDE; NORDPOL BDE.
Тема 3.
Упражнение 1. Прочтите и переведите текст. Выпишите незнакомые слова и аббревиатуры и найдите в словаре их русские эквиваленты.
SFOR commanders have the authority to confiscate any military or civilian weapons carried without a valid permit or other proper authorization.
The senior ground commander always has the authority to confiscate a weapon, even if the bearer has a permit, if: (1) The individual poses a potential or actual threat to SFOR or its mission. (2) The validity of the permit is questionable. (3) The weapon is used or carried in a threatening or negligent manner.
SFOR commanders may confiscate weapons from civilians, police, or Entity Armed Forces, to protect forces or to compel compliance with the GFAP. After confiscating weapons, MSCs must submit a Request for Destruction/Return to MND(N) JMC within forty-eight hours.
All weapons, military vehicles, and military equipment found in an unauthorized location will be confiscated and, subject to MND(N) approval, destroyed. If SFOR erroneously confiscates authorized weapons or munitions, the MSC Commander may return the weapons or munitions to their rightful owner.
Under General Order No. I, soldiers may not take war trophies. If an SFOR unit wishes to keep, as historic artifacts, weapons or munitions that they confiscated or received as a gift, they may request permission from COMSFOR. Any US unit wishing to keep weapons or munitions as historic artifacts must also get approval from the Army Center of Military History (CMH).
MSC commanders may return weapons confiscated in error. COMMANDER, MND(N) decides whether to destroy or return properly confiscated weapons. COMSFOR decides whether to destroy or return "Train and Equip" weapons. Destruction must be deliberate, well coordinated and documented.
Упражнение 2. Переведите на английский и русский языки соответственно: владение оружием; unauthorized location; запрос на уничтожение (возвращение) оружия; the authority to confiscate any military or civilian weapons; подлинность разрешения сомнительна; "Train and Equip" programm; представлять потенциальную или реальную угрозу; General Order No.I; согласовано и задокументировано; to keep weapons or munitions as historic artifacts.
Упражнение 3. Расшифруйте по-английски и переведите на русский язык следующие аббревиатуры: GFAP; FBiH; RS; DPREs; PIFWCs; IFOR; SFOR; ZOS; UNHCR; SACEUR; COMSFOR; MSC; CG MND(N); AVN BDE; NORDPOL BDE; JMC; T&E; CMH.
Упражнение 4. Переведите на английский язык следующие фразы и выражения.
- Главным препятствием на путях решения проблемы беженцев стало стремление некоторых лидеров в руководстве всех этнических общин использовать процесс возращения беженцев как дополнительный козырь в политической борьбе, без учета сложившихся реалий и интересов собственных народов.
- Так, власти Федерации уделяют большое внимание заселению стратегически важных районов территории РС возвращающимися беженцами-босняками.
- Ярким примером этого является ситуация, складывающаяся в общинах БРЧКО и ЗВОРНИК. Вся политика боснийского руководства направлена на то, чтобы использовать желание людей вернуться в свои дома, как своеобразное "демографическое" оружие, направленное против укрепления государственности РС. Все, что было потеряно во время войны, планируется достичь путем демографических манипуляций.
- Многие сербы считают, что решение вопроса по БРЧКО будет отложено на неопределенное время, с целью выиграть время для переселения боснийских семей. В БРЧКО уже восстановлены дома для 5 000 босняков. Кто-нибудь из присутствующих здесь может сказать, что с помощью международных организаций для сербских беженцев где-то что-то восстановлено или построено в таком масштабе? Оказывая содействие процессу возвращения беженцев, мы обязаны быть беспристрастны и справедливы. Иначе – финансирование и материальная помощь по принципу "игры в одни ворота" только спровоцируют недовольство большинства живущего за чертой бедности сербского населения, что в свою очередь отразится на боснякских беженцах, уже вернувшихся на территорию РС. Таким образом, оказываемая им широкомасштабная помощь, как ни парадоксально, станет причиной их бед.
Тема 4.
Упражнение 1. Прочтите и переведите текст. Выпишите незнакомые слова и аббревиатуры и найдите в словаре их русские эквиваленты.
The Parties may adjust the IEBL by mutual consent and mark the boundaries under SFOR observation. The IEBL Sub-Commission, a working group of SFOR's Joint Military Commission controls Changes to the Inter Entity Boundary Line (IEBL) and Zone of Separation (ZOS). It was formed to meet the requirements of Annex 2 of the GFAP. The Parties accept that the IEBL and ZOS lines on the WGS-84, 1:50,000, are definitive and accurate to within 50 meters.
MND(N) Commander may approve IEBL change requests of up to 50 meters (to bypass cemeteries, homes, buildings, etc.). MSCs will ensure both parties are present when the IEBL is marked. Only the concerned party is required to be present when marking the ZOS outer limit. Semi-permanent survey markers mark the IEBL. Fluorescent orange-tipped pickets mark the ZOS (2 km on each side of the IEBL).
SFOR uses checkpoints (CP) to ensure force protection, to keep weapons out of the ZOS, and to compel compliance with treaty provisions.
Purposes of SFOR checkpoints: (1)Securing approaches and entrances to SFOR locations. (2) Securing the population and sensitive areas from infiltrated weapons or armed groups. (3) Enforcing treaty provisions, including keeping unauthorized weapons and soldiers out of the ZOS, and preventing interference with civilian freedom of movement.
Упражнение 2. Переведите на английский и русский языки соответственно: обозначение границ под наблюдением СФОР; changes to the Inter Entity Boundary Line; рабочая группа Объединенной военной комиссии; to approve IEBL change requests of up to 50 meters; требования Дополнения №2 к Общерамочному мирному соглашению; semi-permanent survey markers;обеспечение безопасности населения в случае просачивания вооруженных групп; fluorescent orange-tipped pickets mark the ZOS.
Упражнение 3. Расшифруйте по-английски и переведите на русский язык следующие аббревиатуры: GFAP; FBiH; RS; DPREs; PIFWCs; IFOR; SFOR; ZOS; UNHCR; SACEUR; COMSFOR; MSC; CG MND(N); AVN BDE; NORDPOL BDE; JMC; T&E; CMH; CP.
Упражнение 4. Устно выполните абзацно-фразовый перевод текста с русского на английский.
Сербы после 4-х лет войны стремятся сохранить свои завоевания – этническую чистоту и целостность РС. Ради этого они идут на "закрепление" перемещенных лиц-сербов в местах нового проживания на территории РС.
Сербы считают, что Международные организации все время настаивают на возвращении босняков и предлагают конкретные проекты их переселения, а о возвращении сербов в ТУЗЛУ и другие города ФБиГ никто не говорит и проектов никаких нет. Практически все деньги и проекты направлены только на переселение босняков на сербские земли. Поэтому следует подготовку к возвращению беженцев проводить не только на территории РС, но и в ФБиГ.
Мировое Сообщество оказывает сильное давление на лидеров сербских общин, требуя ускорить процессы освобождения домов для желающих вернуться беженцев-босняков и переселения сербов в места прежнего проживания на территорию ФБиГ. Но только настаивать - недостаточно. Следует сначала профинансировать процесс выполнения этих требований.
В ФБиГ босняки и хорваты до сих пор не могут найти взаимопонимание. Кто может на деле, а не на словах гарантировать, что босняки дадут возвратившимся беженцам-сербам жить спокойно? Поэтому сербы не будут возвращаться, они боятся. Сами же сербы более терпимы к боснийским семьям, проживающим по соседству. Так, около 300 семей босняков, не принимавших участия в боевых действиях, постоянно проживают в БРЧКО. Может быть, вам известны подобные факты проявления терпимости со стороны босняков?
Поэтому, для обеспечение безопасности возвращающихся беженцев предлагаю установить в каждом населенном пункте их будущего компактного проживания на территориях РС и ФБиГ временные посты наблюдения СФОР. Для сомневающихся в необходимости такого шага хочу напомнить о том, какой переполох поднялся среди жителей Спасоевичи, когда они узнали о готовящейся передислокации пдр в другой базовый район.
Тема 5.
Упражнение 1. Прочтите и переведите текст. Выпишите незнакомые слова и аббревиатуры и найдите в словаре их русские эквиваленты.
COMSFOR` Instructions to the Parties (ITP) requires EAF to hold all military in approved sites, and SFOR must monitor them. This sites include Weapons Storage Sites (WSS), Specialist Police Sites, and Government-Declared Ordnance Sites. WSS include Combat Sites (Air Defense Sites, Heavy Weapons Sites, Barracks) and Infrastructure Sites (Logistic Sites, Camps, Headquarters, Communication Sites).
MND(N) will announce 85-90% of all site inspections to EAF at least one day in advance; the I remaining 10-15% will be unannounced inspections. Unannounced inspections may also be used.
Normally MSCs will conduct a pre-inspection visit, seven days prior to the inspection, to confirm the inspection schedule and resolve inventory issues. EAF must maintain a signed current copy of the inventory to present to MND(N) inspection teams.
EAF have a continuing responsibility to notify the local MND(N) unit of any inventory changes. An EAF representative will accompany the SFOR inspection team throughout the entire inspection. Ensure that the EAF representative legibly signs the site inspection checklist. MSCs will submit site inspection reports to the MND(N) within forty-eight hours of inspection. If EAF fail to comply with the GFAP or SFOR directives, MND(N) may take enforcement action. signed current copy of the inventory
Упражнение 2. Переведите на английский и русский языки соответственно: инспекции складов вооружения; Government-Declared Ordnance Sites; докладывать о любых инвентарных изменениях; to take enforcement action; направить донесение о проведенной инспекции в течение 48 часов; inspection checklist; нарушить директивы СФОР; signed current copy of the inventory; прединспекционное посещение за 7 дней до инспекции.
Упражнение 3. Расшифруйте по-английски и переведите на русский язык следующие аббревиатуры: GFAP; FBiH; RS; DPREs; PIFWCs; IFOR; SFOR; ZOS; UNHCR; SACEUR; COMSFOR; MSC; CG MND(N); AVN BDE; NORDPOL BDE; JMC; T&E; CMH; ITP; WSS.
Упражнение 4. Устно переведите следующие фразы и выражения с русского на английский.
- В настоящее время международные организации выдвинули идею "постепенных возвращений", чтобы избежать ситуаций, которые могут привести к насилию. Основным принципом этого плана является, прежде всего, организация посещений беженцами своих домов и могил родственников. Лишь после таких визитов, может ставиться вопрос о переселении на переговорах с местным населением и руководством.
- В последнее время в нашей зоне ответственности мы наблюдаем практику использования запланированных визитов в целях провоцирования недовольства местного населения. Позвольте привести несколько примеров.
- Ежедневно под предлогом восстановления своих разрушенных домов КЛИСУ посещает от 8 до 13 босняков. Работы ведутся очень медленно. Расчистка домов не имеет смысла, т.к. дома сильно разрушены и восстановлению не подлежат. И даже если будет принято решение о восстановлении домов в КЛИСЕ, то большинство из них придется снести. Местное население уже сделало вывод – эти посещения носят чисто демонстративный характер.
- По информации местных правоохранительных органов, имели место случаи, когда под видом беженцев-босняков приходят люди, якобы для осмотра своих покинутых домов. Однако, на самом деле, ранее они никогда в данном населенном пункте не проживали. Сербы отмечают, что осмотр босняками своих домов главной целью посещений не является.
Тема 6.
Упражнение 1. Прочтите и переведите текст. Выпишите незнакомые слова и аббревиатуры и найдите в словаре их русские эквиваленты.
Encouraging the EAF to lift mines is a high priority for SFOR. MND(N) approves or disapproves EAF movement and training requests based on their progress in counter mine operations.
Counter mine operations (CM ops) are operations planned and executed by EAF, endorsed in advance by the MSC, monitored by SFOR troops, and followed by a formal report to MND(N).CM Ops components include (1) Identification and confirmation; (2) Reporting; (3) Marking; (4) Lifting of mines/unexploded devices; (5) Clearing of mines/unexploded devices; and, (6) Destruction of mines/unexploded devices.
MND responsibilities include (1) Interpretation and application of policy; (2) Local variations to CM priorities; (3) Liaison; (4) Monitoring of CM ops; (5) Assessment; and, (6) Reporting.
General priorities for CM ops: Priority I. Mine lifting. Priority 2. Identification, recording and reporting of all mined areas. Priority 3. Marking of mined areas.
For EAF to receive demining credits, the work must be monitored by SFOR.
When CM Ops are undertaken within the ZOS, specific authority must be obtained by EAF from the local SFOR HQ. A minimum of 7 days notice must be given to ensure that all Parties are informed of the locations, dates and timings of the CM Ops.
The local SFOR HQ will ensure that all Parties are informed of the CM Ops to be undertaken within the ZOS. All CM Ops undertaken within the ZOS must be physically monitored by local SFOR HQ personnel at all times.
Упражнение 2. Переведите на английский и русский языки соответственно: to lift mines is a high priority for SFOR; операции по разминированию; to endorse in advance by the MSC; обозначение границ минных полей; local variations to CM priorities; наблюдение за действиями БКС по разминированию местности; specific authority must be obtained by EAF from the local SFOR HQ.
Упражнение 3. Расшифруйте по-английски и переведите на русский язык следующие аббревиатуры: GFAP; FBiH; RS; DPREs; PIFWCs; IFOR; SFOR; ZOS; UNHCR; SACEUR; COMSFOR; MSC; CG MND(N); AVN BDE; NORDPOL BDE; JMC; T&E; CMH; ITP; WSS; CM Op; SFOR HQ; LNO.
Упражнение 4. Выполните перевод текста с русского на английский письменно.
По подобному сценарию проходят посещения босняками кладбища в КОЗЛУКЕ. На территорию самого кладбища практически ни один человек не заходит. На обеспечение безопасности подобных мероприятий впустую затрачиваются значительные силы и средства СФОР.
Я не исключаю возможности, что подобные действия отмечаются также и со стороны сербского населения. Поэтому не стоит обвинять меня в предвзятости.
В этом году руководство РС планирует закрыть коллективные центры, переселив беженцев в новые дома. Деньги на строительство жилья предусмотрены бюджетом республики.
Председатель общины г. БИЕЛИНА обратился к г-ну ВЕСТЕНДОРПУ с просьбой о помощи в финансировании строительства жилья для сербских беженцев, проживающих ныне в домах босняков (в районе ВЕЛИКА ОБАРСКА).
Местные власти считают, что этот проект более реален, чем взаимное возвращение беженцев, на котором настаивает международное сообщество. По их мнению, надо стимулировать не взаимное переселение, а продажу или обмен имуществом. Однако, в ответе г-на ВЕСТЕНДОРПА было сказано, что это будет противоречить принципу возвращения беженцев на двусторонней основе.
Сербам было предложено вернуться обратно в свои дома в САРАЕВО и других регионах ФБиГ. Как результат - реализация проекта в районе ВЕЛИКА ОБРСКА осуществляется очень медленно. Нет средств.
Однако, появилась информация о том, что в районе н.п. ЧЕЛИЧ в июне планируется открыть новый коллективный центр для беженцев из КОСОВА на 1000 человек. Наши офицеры по взаимодействию достоверность этой информации косвенно подтверждают.
В последнее время мэр ЧЕЛИЧА Мухамед ШАДИЧ еженедельно проводит встречи с представителями косовских беженцев, приезжающих из САРАЕВО.
Тема 7.
Упражнение 1. Прочтите и переведите текст. Выпишите незнакомые слова и аббревиатуры и найдите в словаре их русские эквиваленты.
If the situation permits, SFOR will detain PlFWCs encountered during the execution of normally assigned duties, such as monitoring checkpoints. SFOR will not conduct manhunts.
MSCs will disseminate PIFWC posters down to squad level. Detain PlFWCs identified during the regular course of duty, if the situation permits. The MSC commander decides whether to attempt detention.
MND(N) Commander will inform COMSFOR, who decides whether to detain or release, but do not question the PIFWC.
Troops may search the detainee. Searches must not be intended to humiliate or embarrass, and should be conducted by a member of the same sex if possible.
SFOR will not investigate or excavate any suspected evidence, but will provide a secure environment for investigators from the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY).
If tampering is discovered at any identified mass gravesites, MSCs must be prepared to establish observation posts (OPs) or checkpoints (CPs) to monitor access to the site. SFOR has no duty to provide direct security for ICTY investigators. However, MND(N) may direct that a liaison team, , be assigned to an ICTY investigation.
Упражнение 2. Переведите на английский и русский языки соответственно: задержание лиц, обвиняемых в военных преступлениях; to conduct manhunts; обеспечивать безопасность работы представителей Международного Трибунала to identifie mass gravesites; в готовности выставить посты наблюдения или блокпосты; a low profile security team; группа взаимодействия.
Упражнение 3. Расшифруйте по-английски и переведите на русский язык следующие аббревиатуры: GFAP; FBiH; RS; DPREs; PIFWCs; IFOR; SFOR; ZOS; UNHCR; SACEUR; COMSFOR; MSC; CG MND(N); AVN BDE; NORDPOL BDE; JMC; T&E; CMH; ITP; WSS; CM Op; SFOR HQ; LNO; PlFWCs; ICTY; OPs.
Упражнение 4. Переведите текст устно с русского на английский .
Как видите, проблем на пути возвращения беженцев еще достаточно много. Но хочется отметить, что тесное взаимодействие с нашими коллегами из МНД(С) позволило сдвинуть решение этих проблем с мертвой точки и перейти от разговоров на эту тему к конкретным делам. Особо хотелось бы отметить работу майора Дэниэла ДЕЙЛА - начальника команды тактического планирования гражданских операций русской бригады (САТРТ).
Позвольте перечислить основные моменты, на которые, на наш взгляд, следует обратить внимание в ходе поддержки процесса переселения беженцев:
Каждому беженцу необходимо разъяснить, что он имеет право:
- Вернуться на прежнее место жительства.
- Продать или обменять оставленную на территории прежнего проживания собственность (если не хочет возвращаться).
- Никто не может каким-либо образом влиять на его личное решение. Данный пункт Дейтонских Соглашений следует постоянно помнить и нам, на тот случай, если кто-либо захочет насильно заставить беженцев (и сербов, и босняков, и хорватов) вернуться в места прежнего проживания.
- Каждый имеет право на возвращение оставленной им во время войны собственности.
- Если беженец решил не возвращаться, то он обязан освободить занятую после войны чужую собственность, а местные власти должны помочь ему найти другое место жительства.
- Сербам, выселяемым из домов возвращающихся босняков, должны выделяться участки и деньги на строительство домов. Важно проследить, чтобы участки не выделялись на бывших боснякских землях. Порядок выделения участков должен быть определен в местных законах. То же самое необходимо обеспечить и на территории ФБиГ.
- Беженцев, желающих осмотреть и восстанавливать свои дома, следует направлять мелкими группами по разным маршрутам.
Тема 8.
Упражнение 1. Прочтите и переведите текст. Выпишите незнакомые слова и аббревиатуры и найдите в словаре их русские эквиваленты.
EAF must request approval from MND(N) JMC at least 21 days in advance of major movements of troops and weapons. All approved major movement requests must be forwarded to HQ SFOR to be sent to OSCE in order for them to track the movement of key equipment. Major movements include the temporary or permanent movement of: (1) heavy weapons, (2) air defense weapons, (3)combat vehicles, (4) formed groups of more than 100 personnel (this includes the movement of more than 100 recruits to their new units on completion of training) any call-up or mobilization of reserve forces personnel.
EAF must at least seven (7) days in advance for all movements of military personnel or military vehicles that require crossing the IEBL.
Ammunition movements (all ammo will be separated from weapons and weapon systems, in separate vehicles and SAMs are to be transported separate from launchers).
Movement of up to 1000 small arms and movement of 7 or more non-combat vehicles which do not constitute a permanent relocation of units.
The Dayton Peace Process includes. This process will through force balancing and force reduction. The importation of arms and ammunition into Bosnia-Herzegovina directly affects SFOR because of the conditions and terms of the GFAP, the Florence Agreement, and the program of site inspections. T&E equipment is subject to SFOR monitoring under the GFAP.
Упражнение 2. Переведите на английский и русский языки соответственно: передвижение войск и военной техники; to request approval from MND(N) HQ; мобилизация резервистов; re-training and re-equipping the Bosnian forces; наблюдение за выполнением программы “Тренировка и оснащение”; to deter further aggression between the EAF; поставки вооружений и боеприпасов в БиГ; all ammo will be separated from weapons and weapon systems.
Упражнение 3. Расшифруйте по-английски и переведите на русский язык следующие аббревиатуры: GFAP; FBiH; RS; DPREs; PIFWCs; IFOR; SFOR; ZOS; UNHCR; SACEUR; COMSFOR; MSC; CG MND(N); AVN BDE; NORDPOL BDE; JMC; T&E; CMH; ITP; WSS; CM Op; SFOR HQ; LNO; PlFWCs; ICTY; OPs.
Упражнение 4. Переведите с русского на английский следующие фразы и выражения.
- На наш взгляд, должна сложиться следующая система взаимодействия Международных Организаций, СФОР и местных органов власти. Местные органы власти, работая в тесном контакте с представителями Международных Организаций и СФОР, своевременно подают всю необходимую информацию по процессу переселения беженцев. Международные Организации обеспечивают финансирование и переселение. СФОР оказывает всемерную помощь этому процессу.
- Все мы ясно понимаем, что процесс возвращения беженцев необратим, т.к. находится под контролем Международного Сообщества. Русская бригада делает все возможное для скорейшего претворения в жизнь этой благородной миротворческой миссии.
- 3. Еще оставшаяся после войны взаимная неприязнь на этно- религиозной почве; экономический кризис и чрезвычайно высокий уровень безработицы, отсутствие приемлемых условий для существования; сотни тысяч беженцев, живущих по 5-10 семей в одном доме – эти и другие проблемы сплелись в один клубок. Процесс переселения беженцев не может протекать успешно без одновременного решения всего комплекса социальных проблем.
- Особо хотелось бы подчеркнуть, что продуктивное сотрудничество с местными властями, осуществление гуманитарных проектов, предоставление материально-финансовой помощи, строительство и восстановление домов для возвращающихся беженцев и перемещенных лиц, предоставление нового жилья семьям, ныне проживающим в покинутых беженцами домах должно осуществляться одновременно в равных пропорциях как на территории ФБиГ, так и на территории РС.
Тема 9.
Упражнение 1. Прочтите и переведите текст. Выпишите незнакомые слова и аббревиатуры и найдите в словаре их русские эквиваленты.
The International Organizations (I0s) operating in MND(N)'s AOR are SFOR's civil partners. Many 10s have operated in the AOR since long before IFOR, so their experience and knowledge of civil conditions and aspirations is invaluable to our civil-military operations. SFOR is responsible for providing a secure and stable environment in which civilian agencies operating under the GFAP can accomplish their mission.
The International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) investigates war crimes in the Former Yugoslavia.ICTY has a headquarters in Sarajevo, and an LNO cell in HQ SFOR. A 9 May 1996 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between SHAPE and the ICTY controls ICTY/SFOR, and all requests for routine assistance come through HQ SFOR.
The Office of the High Representative (OHR) was appointed by the United Nations Security Council, at the request of the Parties to the GFAP, to oversee the civilian implementation of the GFAP. The OHR coordinates the activities of all organizations and agencies involved in the civilian aspects of the GFAP. The OHR provides general guidance to the Parties about implementation of the peace settlement.
The International Police Task Force (IPTF) is a United Nations-established and sponsored police monitoring organization. It comprises active and retired police officers recruited by their national governments. Under the ROE, IPTF personnel are friendly forces. Annex 11 of the GFAP establishes IPTF responsibility for monitoring, observing, and inspecting law enforcement activities and facilities, including associated judicial organizations, structures, and proceedings.
The United Nations Civil Affairs (UNCA) organization is a UN agency composed of professional diplomats. Among other activities, the UNCA monitors election activity.
The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is committed to supporting the implementation of human rights, fundamental freedoms, democracy, and the rule of law. Its Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights is active in monitoring elections, assisting in drafting of constitutions and laws, and promoting the development of civil societies.
The United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) mission in BiH is to provide protection and emergency assistance to displaced persons and refugees (DPREs). During the BiH elections, UNHCR monitors freedom of movement for DPREs.
Recently the mission of the UNHCR has been expanded to include the organization and execution of Regional Joint Civilian Commission Working Groups (RJCCWG).
The European Community Monitoring Mission (ECMM) does not have a specific mandate, but operates under a series of Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) with its receiving states. ECMM personnel monitor and report political, military, human rights, humanitarian and economic situations in the Entities and are also able to mediate between them when appropriate.
Упражнение 2. Переведите на английский и русский языки соответственно: международные организации, действующие в ЗО МНД(С); SFOR is responsible for providing a secure and stable environment; Офис Высокого представителя ООН координирует работу всех организаций; to support the implementation of human rights, fundamental freedoms and democracy; Меморандум о взаимопонимании между ВГК НАТО и Международным трибуналом в Гааге.
Упражнение 3. Расшифруйте по-английски и переведите на русский язык следующие аббревиатуры: GFAP; FBiH; RS; DPREs; PIFWCs; IFOR; SFOR; ZOS; UNHCR; SACEUR; COMSFOR; MSC; CG MND(N); AVN BDE; NORDPOL BDE; JMC; T&E; CMH; ITP; WSS; CM Op; SFOR HQ; LNO; PlFWCs; ICTY; Ops; I0s; MOU; OHR; IPTF; UNCA; OSCE; RJCCWG; ECMM.
Раздел 2.
Упражнение 1. Переведите письменно с английского на русский
язык следуюшие варианты штампов боевых документов:
Headquarters, MND(N)
Task Force Eagle Tuzia, Bosnia-Herzegovina
DTG Signed:091800AFEB99
Headquarters MND (N) Task Force Eagle Tuzia, Bosnia-Herzegovina DTG Signed: 242335A Feb 99
a. Deputy High Representative-North for BRCKO 15 point paper, subject; Procedure for Return to BRCKO.
b. SFOR CONPLAN GRIFFIN (draft) did 12 Sep 98. c. BRCKO Intelligence Estimate dtd Dee 99. d. I CD OPORD 98-04 (PEGASUS FORGE). e. MND(N) CONPLAN TORCH dtd Dee 98. f. MND(N) CONPLAN MEUSA dtd Dee 98.
Упражнение 2. Переведите письменно с английского на русский язык 1-й пункт боевого приказа:
1. (S/SFOR) SITUATION. This FRAGO initiates actions necessary to enhance force protection in MND(N) in preparation for possible threats against SFOR. Updates to FRAGO 4987b are in bold.
a. (S/SFOR) Threat Forces.
(1) (S/SFOR) General Threat Situation. Based on last Fall's NATO warnings, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) is on notice to abide by the requirements of the OCT 98 cease-fire. Despite this fact, the FRY continues to hold its advantage and position along LOCs to support operations in Kosovo against the Kosovo Liberation Army (UCK). To prevent additional escalation of fighting, NATO is prepared to take action to halt FRY counter insurgency operations in Kosovo. As a result of direct NATO intervention in Kosovo, the Republic of Srpska (RS) or the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) may act against the Stabilization Forces (SFOR) in Bosnia-Herzegovina, with particular efforts at targeting US and NATO personnel. RS rhetoric concerning NATO intervention in Kosovo is currently limited to senior RS leadership. Critical of the threat of military intervention, RS leadership, in the past, has insinuated that events in Kosovo may have implications within the RS. Any level of NATO intervention into Kosovo, Albania, or the FRY could stimulate a hostile reaction from the either Bosnian-Serb population or Serbians in the FRY. NATO activities could lead to repercussions against NATO member nations in MND (N) area of responsibility.
I. (S/SFOR) FRY. Milosevic's center of gravity is his ability to incite Serbian nationalism to a fever pitch based on events in Kosovo. As a result, Milosevic will focus an allout propaganda effort against the SFOR and NATO in the world media. The FRY will attempt to stop the attack or prevent future attacks by portraying the FRY as the apparent victim ofUCK violence and influencing Bosnian Serbs to organize riots and protests in the RS. The FRY maymobilize 1st Army assets around Belgrade to show force, protect its borders, and reassure its citizens.
2. (S/SFOR) RS. Bosnian-Serb political hard-liners and other influential leaders may try to organize rallies, demonstrations, and protests throughout the AOR in attempts to show support for the FRY. Demonstrators and the media may spread anti-SFOR rhetoric against the US and SFOR, directly linking SFOR with NATO's actions. Demonstrations and riots could disrupt SFOR freedom of movement, and possibly threaten base camps and PDSS, SOCCE teams, and NGOs/IOs from NATO member countries in RS cities.
(b) (S/SFOR) Most Dangerous. The most dangerous enemy course of action against MND (N) is RS or FRY retaliatory air strike or indirect fire against MND (N) base camps. US base camps and assets are the most probable targets. The FRY could attempt air strikes originating from military bases around Belgrade, or other locations in Serbia. Additionally, an individual or group may target Americans, SFOR soldiers and civilians, or other "soft targets" with a hostile act or acts designed to injure or kill and break the resolve of the Multinational coalition. Anticipate the initial threat from air attacks to diminish after 36 hours of action in Kosovo.
b. (C) Friendly. SFOR forces in BH must be capable of providing minimal self-defense against possible air threats. NATO Air Forces will maintain strategic air defense throughout operations in BiH; however, these air forces may not maintain absolute protection from all air threats.
Упражнение 3. Переведите письменно с английского на русский язык следующие варианты 2-го пункта боевого приказа:
1) 2. (C) MISSION. On order, MND(N) forces take action to increase force protection measures in order to prepare for possible hostile reactions to SFOR operations in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
2) 2. (S) On order, MND(N) protects persons designated special status (PDSS), ensures force protection, retains freedom of movement (FOM) and enforces the GFAP to provide a stable and secure environment in the BRCKO area to facilitate peaceful implementation of the BAT decision by International Community (IC) agences and the local civil police authorities.
3) 2. (U) MISSION. MND(N) strongly supports and proactively partisipates in the planning, coordination, and execution of an Entity-led weapons and ordnance collection program in sector to remove weapons and danjerous munitions leftover from the war in order to build trust and confidence in the peace process and to provide a safe and secure environment for SFOR and the citisens of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Упражнение 4. Переведите письменно с английского на русский язык 3-й пункт боевого приказа:
(U) Intent. We will strongly support and proactively assist the Entities in their plannin" and coordination for OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST 99.
We will accomplish this by developing an intense and proactive information operations (10) campaign plan. initiated 1 March 1999 to inform citizens across our AOR of OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST 99. We will also participate in local-level planning sessions with the EAF, CPF. police and civil authorities (as appropriate) to develop workable plans for the execution of the operation. This will require our Brigade and lower assets to conduct
considerable liaison, reconnaissance, and planning with local officials and the EAF in their sector.
Additionally. MND(N) soldiers will collect weapons and small arms ammunition if offered by citizens. SFOR soldiers will report ordnance per current procedures. EOD will assist in the destruction or recovery of these type items. We will also respond to requests for support from the EAF, CPF, police or other civil authorities in the recovery, transport and destruction of weapons, mines, explosives and ordnance to ensure the safe and timely destruction of these dangerous items.
Success in this operation is dependent on three events:
1. First, all citizens are aware of the program and the different methods in which to turn over items;
2. Second, assisting the entities at the local level in developing viable plans for the execution of harvest;
3. Third, the safe collection, accountability, and removal from permanent circulation of all items reported and turned over to the entities and SFOR.
- (U) Concept of the Operation. The operation will be led and implemented by the Entities. MND(N) will take a proactive role to assist during all phases of the operation to ensure it's success. OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST 99 will be executed in four phases. These phases are not distinct and will overlap:
- (1) (U) Phase 1 MND(N)-level Preparation. This phase begins immediately to secure the commitment of Entity key leaders in MND(N) AOR and to develop an overall concept for the operation, to assist the local civilian, government and police officials, EAF leaders and MND(N) brigades in their planning. MND(N) will also prepare an 10 campaign during this phase.
(2) (U) Phase 2 Local Planning and Preparation. This phase is to be conducted by the Entities with the support of the MND(N) brigades in the towns / Opstinas / cantons within their area of operations. It will involve considerable liaison, reconnaissance, and planning with local
civil authorities and the EAF. Where possible and appropriate, brigades will seek support from influential local people and establish local working groups to develop their plans.
(3) (U) Phase 3 Implementation, 'the implementation phase will begin with an MND(N) 10 campaign and national-level media campaign, commencing 2 weeks before the start of the collection period. The collection may be conducted by focusing entity and SFOR efforts and assets across the entities' areas of responsibility into an area designated as the priority of collection area for the period. If this technique is used, the priority of collection area should shift from town/opstina/canton level throughout the AOR, starting with the most supportive areas to build momentum and provide material for the 10 campaign to cover all areas throughout MND(N) AOR. Brigades will work with local authorities to plan and coordinate execution timelines related to the towns/Opstinas/cantons within their AORs and will provide maximum support to these areas when they are the focus of the collection effort.
The EAF and local police will collect, register and remove from circulation surrendered weapons with MND(N) brigades monitoring and providing assistance as requested. Local police may initially accept a turned-in weapon but may not keep it. Weapons turned in to the police must either be handed over to SFOR or the EAF for final disposition. Brigade should ensure the plans in their AOR include a method to remove and transport these weapons from the police stations to designated collection or destruction sites at least weekly. (This should be done by the FAF with SFOR monitoring and providing support if requested.) COMSFOR has agreed to the registration and long-term storage of weapons collected in EAF WSSs as a means to remove weapons from circulation.
Mines explosives and ordnance will be reported to appropriate entity organizations who will log them in. the CPF will have the primary responsibility for the collection and disposal of mines, explosives and ordnance with brigades monitoring and MND(N) EOD providing assistance as specifically requested. The intent is for the mines, explosives and ordnance to be reported and logged, not turned in to collection points. Mines, explosives and ordnance will either be destroyed in place by the CPF, if the situation permits, or collected later as time and assets permit. If they are not destroyed in place, they must be moved as soon as possible to designated storage sites where they will be stored until they can be safely destroyed.
The MND(N) 10 campaign during this period will be locally focused, shifting from the tovvns/Opslinas/cantons designated as the priority of collection, in coordination with the collection program developed by the entities and brigades. It is important that the campaign make the distinction between procedures for the collection of weapons versus the reporting of mines, explosives and ordnance.
Additionally. MND(N) soldiers throughout the MND(N) AOR. when presented a weapon and /or small arms ammunition by a citizen, during OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST 99. will collect and transport these type items to a SFOR installation for destruction. If SFOR soldiers are presented with ordnance, the citizen should be directed to carefully place the item on the ground. Soldiers will then mark and notify SFOR EOD per current procedures (ANNEX F -Engineer). SFOR soldiers should never accept or handle mines, explosives or ordnance by themselves.
(4) (U) Phase 4 Follow Up Action. Regardless of the success of the operation, the MND(N) overall and local level information operations campaigns will remain upbeal and positive to reinforce the confidence in the peace process and to condition the population for possible similar initiatives in the future. All weapons collected during OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST 99. bv either the entity or SFOR, will be properly accounted for and added to EAF WSS inventories or destroyed NET 1 June 1999. All mines, explosives and ordnance reported
will be monitored to ensure the safe and timely destruction. All these items temporarily stored in EAF WSSs will be destroyed NLT 1 June 1999. At the end of the Amnesty period, the continued voluntary surrender of weapons, and the reporting of mines, explosives and ordnance will still be strongly encouraged.
b. (U) '1 asks to Maneuver Units: US BDE, NORDPOE BDE, Russian Separate Airborne Brigade, and Turkish BDE.
(1) (LI) Secure the commitment of local government and police officials and EAF commanders and leaders in your AOR for OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST 99.
(2) (U) Conduct detailed planning and coordination with local government officials. CPFs, police officials and EAF in your AOR to develop workable local timetables and programs for management, conduct and control of a successful Harvest program.
(3) (U) Together with the IPTF, conduct visible, but non-oppressive, monitoring of EAF/ Eocal Police /CPF collection, registration, and disposal procedures during OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST 99. This is imperative in areas where clear indications for possible criminal involvement have been identified (for example Teslic).
(4) (U) Be prepared to collect and transport weapons and/or small arms to a SFOR installation and destroy,
(5) (U) Inform soldiers if they are presented with ordnance to direct the citizen to carefully place the item on the ground. Soldiers should then mark and notify appropriate EOD representatives per current procedures,
(6) (U) Submit weekly collection / destruction reports of items surrendered to entities' civil agencies. EAF and SFOR to MND(N) G3 Operations NET 2000hrs each Friday. The as of DTG will be 170Uhrs Thursdays and the report formats are at Appendixes 1 and 2, ANNEX C. The first reports are due to G3 OPS NET 192000A Mar 99 as of 181700A Mar 99.
(7) (U) Report to G2 and 10 any incidents or events that can be exploited in the 10 Campaign.
(8) (U) Film or gather photo footage of key events associated with OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST 99 to enhance the operational-level PSYOP program.
(9) (U) Participate in Operation Harvest Working Group facilitated by MND(N).
(10) (U) Be preparedto provide EOD assistance, if requested, coordinated and approved through D1VENG to the EAF/local police/CPF to recover, transport, and dispose of items during OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST 99.
(11) (U) Coordinate with local entity civilian and military leadership to identify suitable sites throughout the MND(M) AOR to conduct destruction of the mines, explosives and ordnance collected during OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST 99. Identify as a minimum one new site in your AOR and report selected sites to D1VENG NET 15 Mar 99.
(12) (U) During normally scheduled WSS inspections, ensure items collected during OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST 99 are maintained separate from the normal inventory" and items being added to the inventory are properly accounted for and reflected on the new inventory sheet.
(13) (U) Report the location of sites to G3 Ops in your AOR that are designated as collection points for weapons and temporary storage sites for ordinance.
(14) (U) Conduct brief back of the Brigade-level plan to support OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST to the ADC 081300 -1500A Mar 99. A rehearsal for the brief back will be conducted to the Division G3 04 Mar 99. Each Brigade will be allocated no more than 15 minutes to brief back their portion of the plan.
c. (U) Task to Combat Service Support Units.
(1) (U) DISCOM / DAO: In coordination with Division EOD, insure there are sufficient amounts of destruction materials on hand and necessary transport request are met to support OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST 99 requirements.
(2) (U) DIVENG. Annex F (Engineer)
(a) (U) Participate in Operation Harvest Working Group (TBD) facilitated by
(b) (U) Provide EOD personnel to participate in Operation Harvest Working Group
facilitated by MND(N).
(c) (U) Be prepared to collect minefield records turned in as a part of OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST 99 and ensure that they arc entered into the MND(N) Mine Action Center. Report all new minefields within 24 hours of receipt of the information by e-mail with all necessary details to CJ3-CONOPS.
(d) (U) Coordinate and review site selections submitted by maneuver brigades throughout the MND(N) AOR to conduct destruction of the mines, explosives and ordnance collected during OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST 99.
(e) (U) Be prepared to gather information on civilian mine clearing operations in the Opstinas / cantons, to support planning at the brigade and local levels.
(1) (U) Be prepared to coordinate and direct EOD assistance, if requested, to the EAF / Local Police / CPF to recover, transport, and dispose of mines, explosives and ordnance reported during OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST 99 if these items pose a threat to SFOR's
(g) (U) Conduct brief back of the Engineer / EOD plan to support OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST the ADC on 081300 - 1500A Mar 99. A rehearsal for the brief back will be conducted to the Division G3 on 04 Mar 99. You will be allocated no more than 15 minutes to conduct your brief back.
(h) (U) Submit weekly destruction reports of items destroyed by EOD to MND(N) G3 Operations NLT 2000hrs each Friday. The as ofDTG will be 1700hrs Thursdays and the report tbrmats are ANNEX C, Appendixes 1 and 2. The first reports are due to G3 Ops NLT 192000A Mar 99 as of 181700A Mar 99.
(i) (U) Coordinate participation by key CPF leaders in the Operation Harvest Working Group hosted by MND(N). Obtain parking, interpreters, and escorts for the CPF leaders tor Working Group meetings.
(0) (U) Determine the availability of commercial EOD teams who may be in position to augment the entity EOD effort in areas where demand for EOD exceeds capability. Be prepared to request assistance from these teams and facilitate their effort as required.
(k) (U) In coordination with DISCOM / DAO, insure there are sufficient amounts of destruction materials on hand and necessary transport request are met to support OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST 99 requirements.
(3) (U) PSYOP. Annex R (PSYOPS)
(a) (U) Participate in Operation Harvest Working Group (TBD) facilitated by MND(N).
(b) (U) Develop information products to describe turn-in, reporting and destruction procedures, locations, dates and times.
(c) (LI) Synchronize Division-level PSYOP with Bde (tactical-level) PSYOP.
(d) (U) Provide CJ1CTF with MND(N) PSYOP plans and synchronization matrices.
(e) (U) Be prepared to provide Tactical PSYOP Teams (TPT) to support crowd control during collection and destruction of weapons.
(f) (U) Submit daily PSYOP SITREPs.
(g) (U) Distribute information products from higher (SFOR CJ1CTF) in sector.
(4) (D) 312th MI.
(a) (U) Use Force Protection Teams to assess success of OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST 99.
(b) (U) Be prepared to collect and transport weapons and/or small arms ammunition if presented by a citizen. Inform soldiers of proper procedures to follow in the event they are presented with ordnance. Soldiers are to direct citizens to carefully place the item on the ground. SFOR EOD will be notified per current procedures.
(c) (U) Report information from local citizens on items to be turned in during OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST 99 to G3 OPS.
d. (U) Tasks to Staff
(1) (U) Ci 1: Provide meeting area support to the Harvest Working Group as required.
(2) (U) G2:
(a) (U) Monitor local paper and media to determine effectiveness of OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST 99.
(b) (U) Conduct analysis on Harvest collections to determine demographics, significant trends and aid in planning for future Harvest programs.
(3) (U) G3: Collect weekly collection reports and forward to CJ3 CONOPS. Report any significant events within 24 hours of receipt of the information by email with all necessary details to CJ3-CONOPS.
(4) (U) G-5/CIMIC
(a) (U) Participate in Operation Harvest Working Group (TBD) facilitated by MND(N).
(b) (U) Coordinate participation by key entity civil government leaders in the Operation Harvest Working Group hosted by MND(N). Obtain parking, interpreters, and escorts for the civil government leaders for Working Group meetings.
(c) (U) Re prepared to assist in the determination and legal acquisition of suitable destruction sites throughout the MND(N) AOR for use during OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST 99.
(d) (U) Provide information on OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST 99 to International Organizations so they can assist in delivering the Division 10 themes.
(e) (U) Gather and provide feedback from local citizens, civil government leaders. and civil police leaders concerning the effectiveness of OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST 99.
(5) (U) G6.
(a) (U) Be prepared to coordinate installation ofPTT phone lines to support OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST 99 within the MND(N) AOR.
(b) (U) Provide presentation and public address system support to the Harvest Working Group as required.
(6) (U) PMO.
(a) (U) Participate in Operation Harvest Working Group (TBD) facilitated by
(b) (U) Coordinate participation by IPTF and local police leaders in the Operation Harvest Working Group hosted by MND(N). Obtain parking, interpreters, and escorts for the IPTF / police leaders for Working Group meetings.
(7) (U) Information Operations. Annex P (10)
(a) (U) Develop and implement a Division 10 campaign that supports OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST 99, beginning 01 Mar 99.
(b) (U) Develop/provide inputs to entity local media focused on promoting the turning over of unwanted weapons and reporting of and ammunition, private holdings of mines and ordnance during OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST 99. Tailor messages as required for different areas throughout the MND(N) AOR.
(c) (U) Participate in Operation Harvest Working Group (TBD) facilitated by MND(N).
(d) (U) Be prepared to counter anti-amnesty statements as situations arise.
(e) (U) Conduct brief back of the 10 plan to support OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST the ADC on 081300 - 1500A Mar 99. A rehearsal for the brief back will be conducted to the Division G3 on 04 Mar 99. You will be allocated no more than 15 minutes to conduct your brief back.
(8) (U) JMC.
(a) (U) Eead MND(N)-levcl Operation Harvest Working Group.
(b) (U) Coordinate participation by key EAF leaders in the Operation Harvest Working Group hosted by MND(N).
(c) (U) Expedite EAF training and movement requests associated with OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST 99.
(d) (U) (JMC/ G2 Compliance Cell) Track harvest collections and report data to G2 to support demographic analysis.
(e) (U) Track WSS holdings and update compliance database to reflect additions to inventories.
(9) (U) SOCCE.
(a) (U) Coordinate with International Agencies, influential local figures, and media outlets to deliver information operations themes in support of OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST 99,
(b) (U) Assess success of OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST 99 through continued contact with local individuals and provide feedback in daily (JCO) SITREPs.
(10) (li) РАС/СР1С. Annex V(PAO)
(a) (U) Working with Division 10, develop/provide media products / inputs to entity local media focused on promoting the turning in of weapons to designate collections sites and calling in ammunition / ordnance to a responsible government agency who will come and collect the ammunition / ordnance. Tailor messages as required for different areas throughout the MND(N) AOR.
(b) (U) Monitor local paper and media to determine effectiveness of OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST 99.
(c) (LJ) Prepare and distribute command talking points to commanders weekly. e, (U) Coordinating Instructions.
(1) (I.I) FRAGO is effective upon receipt.
(2) (U) Commander's Critical Information Requirements (CC1R).
(a) (R) Priority intelligence requirements (PIR).
1. (R) Will any groups or organizations attempt to acquire ordnance or arms turned in under this amnesty program? Which ones, where, and when?
2. (U) Will any elements attempt to sell or illegally dispose of ordnance or weapons stored in their facilities?
(b) (R) Essential elements of friendly information (EEFI).
1. (R) Have we over-committed CPF or MND(N) EOD assets? How long will it take to destroy all mines, explosives and ordnance reported and collected in?
2. (R) Do we have enough demolition material to accomplish our mission? How long will it take to get an adequate re-supply?
(c) (U) Friendly force information requirements (FF1R). Omitted.
(3) (LJ) Risk reduction control measures.
(a) (U) Ensure all personnel on patrols are aware of handling and reporting procedures for Harvest items turned in or reported to them to prevent accidental death or injury of SFOR or civilians.
(c) (U) Ensure all personnel on guard duty are aware of handling and reporting procedures for Harvest items turned in or reported to them to prevent accidental death or injury of SFOR or civilians.
(d) (U) Safety of SFOR and local population. The local population should be encouraged to bring weapons to the designated collection points only. They should be
encouraged to call a responsible government agency that will come and collect ammunition / ordnance. Ammunition / mines / ordnance are dangerous, only government experts should handle these items.
(4) (LI) Rules of Engagement. No Change.
(5) (U) Force protection. Force protection remains the MND(N) priority effort.
(6) (U) US BDE. NORDPOL BDE, Russian Separate Airborne Brigade. Turkish BDE.
(a) (U) Where IPTF. EAF. local police, opstina, canton and unit boundaries conflict. direct coordination with adjacent units within MND(N) is authorized to resolve local level OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST 99 issues.
(b) (U) For the duration of OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST (15 March -15 May 1999) brigades are authorized to approve all Harvest related movements of weapons and ordnance originating in their AOR. Direct liaison with adjacent brigades to coordinate and approve Harvest movements is authorized. Cross MSC movements must be coordinated and subject to the approval of the receiving MSC.
(c) (U) Coordination with other MNDs must go through MND(N) HQ.
(7) (U) All participants submit written AAR comments NET 161500A May 99 to G3 and participate in a formal AAR 17 May 99 at time and location to be determined.
(8) (U) Information Operations Themes and Messages. Intent is to promote BiH government and military as the lead in the amnesty program. SFOR will maintain a low profile and remain in a supporting role.
(a) (U) Information Operations General Theme. SFOR approved themes (lines of persuasion) are:
1. Peace is here to stay hand in your weapons with confidence and contribute to peace.
2. Mines, weapons, and ordnance are dangerous to you and your family.
3. During the amnesty you can hand in items with complete anonymity and with immunity from prosecution.
4. All items handed in will be permanently removed from circulation.
(b) (U) General Message Points: Use the messages contained in Appendix 1 to Annex S to OPEAN PEGASUS HARVEST developed by Division Information Operations.
(9) (U) Key dates.
(10) (U) Sensitive Dales.
(11) (U) Other Agencies
(a) (Li) IPTF. The IPTF is responsible for monitoring all the activities (collection and registration procedures) undertaken by the local police. They will advise the police on how to prepare and conduct themselves during OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST 99. The 1PT1 should be involved in all aspects of planning at the Division and opstina / canton level.
(b) (U) International Organizations (IOs). Other IOs should be informed of the program, and may be able to assist with the Division 10 Campaign, or in other areas.
(c) (U) Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). HELP UDT is aNGO, which is contracted bv the European Union to train and monitor the CPFs. They will continue to provide assistance to the CPF during OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST.
(12) (U) Bill Organizations and Agencies.
(a) (U) Opstina / canton and Municipal Local Government. Local government support should be sought where appropriate. Non-certified municipal councils should not be formally approached, though influential individuals may be helpful.
(b) (U) Local Police. The local police have a key role in the Amnesty. They should take an important part in the planning process and should be seen to take a leading role in
implementation. Local police stations are appropriate collection points for weapons and small-arms ammunition. Whenever possible, all other items should be reported and collected by mobile teams, rather than brought in to collection points by civilians. Police Officers should, if appropriate and trustworthy, be involved in the mobile teams.
(c) (U) EAF. The EAF, by virtue of their manpower, technical personnel and logistics, have the key role in the conduct of the Amnesty. They should be involved early in the planning process. During implementation, they can help in the 10 campaign, man collection teams, collection points, the transport and temporary storage of surrendered items and provision of medical support. EAF resources must be integrated into the overall plan. Following the letter from COMSFOR to the Presidents and Prime ministers (Jan 99), full support by the EAFs to the Amnesty is a compliance issue.
(d) (Li) CPF. The CPF is designated for the collection and disposal of mines, explosives and ordnance. They should be involved early in the planning process.
(13) (U) Registration. To facilitate accounting, receipts should be issued for all surrendered weapons. These are designed and issued by HQ SFOR. To minimize the possibility of "leakage" the receipts are pre-numbered. Receipts do not include any details of the donor, to ensure anonymity. Disposal details are to be recorded on the receipts.
(14) (U) Disposal of Weapons. EAF will collect weapons from designated collection points and centralize them at designated WSSs. EAF will require SFOR authority for associated vehicle movements. The position taken is that all surrendered items will be permanently removed from circulation. Long-term storage is allowed in WSS, not in local police stations. EAFs may decide to either destroy weapons or to keep the in their WSS after properly adding them to WSS inventories.
(15) (11) Disposal of mines, explosives or ordnance. Mines, explosives and ordnance are to be reported and logged by the service designated by the entities. The CPF has the primary responsibility for the collection and disposal of these items, however, they may request MND support in the accomplishment of these tasks. This support effort will be co-ordinated by the Division Engineers.
Упражнение 5. Переведите письменно с английского на русский язык 4-й пункт боевого приказа:
a. Concept of Support. During this operation logistics continue to remain a national responsibility. The concept of support for this operation remains unit distribution. DISCOM and contractors continue to push all classes of supply to the base camps. Base camps continue to report status of on-hand stocks to the DISCOM and G4. G4 ensures that I BCT and 4^ BDE increase base camp supplies from 5 DOS to 7 DOS. 0/0 the DISCOM and contractors will increase the force protection of their convoys and utilize alternate MSRs to continue sustainment operations to the base camps. The G-4 and BRSC will be prepared to execute CONPLAN LEO. Base camp mayors will be prepared to increase LSA requirements in support offerees flowing into theater. G4 ICW G3 will be prepared to conduct Reception, Staging, and Onward movement offerees using air (TUZLA) and rail (BRCKO and LUKAVAC) PODs in the MND(N) AO. G4 and DISCOM prepare to support CONPLANs MEDUSA, LEO, and COURAGEOUS ELEPHANT.
b. Logistics is focused initially on the increase ofstockage to the base camps of Class IV for force protection. Class I, Water, and Class III, and V. Planning continues to ascertain the vulnerability oflogistic convoys throughout the MND(N) AO. Base camp mayors prepare to receive the MSU, SOR I I A, and SOR I IB forces. Base camp mayors are authorized to support the MSU with Class I, Class III and LSA support on a reimbursable basis. The G4 ICW the G3 request Stinger missiles in order to increase MND(N)s ability to defend against an air threat. The DTO prepares to move the Stinger missiles to the base camps based on the G3 distribution plan. The G4 ICW the G3 assesses the need to request the Class V lift load from MIESAU. The LTF prepares to disperse logistical assets. Tanks and M2s. The priority of supply is to Class IV. Class I, Class III, Water, sewage removal, and Class IX. The priority of maintenance is to aviation assets. Mis, M2s and Up-Armored HMMWVs. The priority of forward movement is to resupply convoys and then to maneuver units. The priority of rearward movement is to medical evacuation. At the end of this phase base camps have increased their stockage from 5 DOS to 7 DOS, DISCOM and contractors ICW G4 are prepared to consolidate and coordinate for the force protection increase of convoys, and logistic assets are positioned to support increased operations.
c. Logistics are then focused on the Reception, Staging and Onward movement offerees flowing into MND(N)s AO and the resupply of base camps. DISCOM and contractors implement procedures to increase the force protection of convoys throughout the MND(N) AO. 0/0 logistic operations support the execution of CONPLANs MEDUSA, LEO, and COURAGEOUS ELEPHANT. There is no change to priority of supply and maintenance. The priority of forward movement is to maneuver units and then logistical resupply. The priority of rearward movement is to medical evacuation and then returning supply convoys.
d. A return to normalcy throughout the MND(N) AO will occur eventually. The focus of logistics is to bring base camps back to normal stockage levels and enabling MSU, SOR 11 A, and SOR I I B forces to redeploy out of the MND(N) AO. Priority for support is to Class I, Class III. and Water. The priority of maintenance is to Up-Armored HMMWVs, aviation assets, Mis. and M2s. The priority of forward movement is to logistic convoys. The priority of rearward movement is to medical.
Упражнение 5. Переведите письменно с английского на русский язык 5-й пункт боевого приказа:
Reporting. Brigades and DIVENG will submit weekly reports to G3 Ops NET Friday 2000hrs. The as of date of the report will be 1700 hours Thursday the day before the report is due. The first report will be due to G3 Ops NET 192000 MAR 99 with an as of DTG of 1 81700 MAR 99. The report period for the first report will be 15-18 March 1999. The final report will be due 162000MAY 99 and will be as of 151700MAY 99.
a. (U) Collection Report. Units will submit a weekly collection report on weapons turned in by category (assault rifle, LMG, HvyMG, pistol, revolver, shotgun etc.), the estimated quantities of ammunition, explosives and ordnance turned in and reported by type (small arms ammunition. 20 mm to 76 mm, 76 mm, mortar, expolsives, handgrenades) and mines turned in by type (Apers. Atk). This will require brigades to work closely with the EAF and CPF to determine accurate quantities. The report format for the collection report is at Appendix 2 (Collection Report) to ANNEX C (Operations)
b. (U) Destruction Report. Units will submit a weekly destruction report on weapons, ammunition, explosives, ordnance and mines destroyed by category and type. This will include items destroyed by the brigades, EAF and the CPF. This will be a cumulative list and will include the number of each type item destroyed since 15 March 99. This will require the brigades to work closely with the EAF and CPF to determine accurate quantities of items destroyed. The report format for the destruction report is at Appendix 3 (Destruction Report) to ANNEX C (Operations).
c. (U) Other Reports. New minefields and any other significant event will be reported within 12 hours to MND(N) G3 Ops. The report will be submitted using the standard MND(N) SPOT REPORT format.
Упражнение 6. Переведите письменно с английского на русский язык заключительную часть боевого приказа:
Annex B WSS Holdings - VRS AD , VRS SAM & VRS Anti-Tank WPNS
Appendix I N+4/H-44 Briefing sequence and Briefing requirements
Appendix 2 Operational Timeline
Appendix 3 N+4/H-44 Briefing Slide Formats (TBP)
Annex I Service Support
Appendix I Capacity of Base Camps
Appendix 2 Convoy Support Matrix
Annex P Information Operations
Appendix I Message Matrix
Appendix 2 Notification Roster
Упражнение 7. Переведите письменно с английского на русский язык приложение к боевому приказу:
1. SITUATION. No Change.
2. MISSION. No Change.
3. EXECUTION. If not already in progress brigades should begin contacting local EAF, CPF and other civil leaders in their AOR to begin detailed planning. Appendix I (Planning Checklist) to ANNEX C (Operations) has an example of participants for local level planning and some of the considerations for detailed planning. A backbrief is scheduled for the ADC on 8 MAR 99. See Appendix 4 (Backbrief) for details.
Упражнение 8. Переведите письменно с английского на русский язык дополнение к боевому приказу:
Local Working Group. The local working group consisting of:
- Internal to Opstina\Canton 8. EAF representative
- Mayor 9. External to Opstina\Canton
- Religious Leaders 10. SFOR Coordinator
- Police Chief 11. SFOR ENG\EOD
- Head Teachers 12. SFOR PAO
- Town Committees 13. SFOR CJITF
- EAF Coordiunator 14. IPTF
Town RECCE checklist. Consideration to be given to:
Numbers and location of Collection Points and the manning of them, receptacle for mines or ordnance if it is handed in to a Collection Point.
Location of Centralizing Point: On the edge of town with consideration given to access. manning, security and communications.
Location and route to demolition site. Maximum safe charge.
Size and number of vehicles. Manning of mobile Collection Teams. Routes for mobile Collection Teams to cover all of the area.
Location and timing of publicity notices and their content. Possible use of speaker vans, routes and message content.Timing, message and author of media publicity and the choice of medium.
Entity Army school lectures and the detailed message to be conveyed.
The timetable and personnel required to set up the Opstina Amnesty. Location of IPTF assets.
Упражнение 9. Переведите с английского языка на русский следующий текст разведывательного донесения.
162359 MAR 99
MSE 55 1 -032 I
- (S/REL SFOR) A total of II peaceful demonstrations took place throughout the RS. They ran between 1300 to 1700hi-s. MND N is currently monitoring for indications of additional rallies occurring over the next lour days in the AOR.
( I ) (S/REL SFOR) A joint RSAB and Norwegian Telemai-k CO TCP stopped the Serbian Minister of Transportation, Dragan Todorovic, Mitar Maksimovic, and Arsenijevic Bogoljub east ofBrcko. The vehicles were search and no contraband was found. It was believed that the men were headed into Brcko to incite violence among the demonstrators. They were directed from Brcko and they headed towards B ijelina.
( I ) (S/REL SFOR) Demonstrations occurred throughout NORDPOL AOR. They began around 1400 and ended by 1700. Major demonstrations occurred in Doboj (500-1000 persons), Teslic (300 persons). Bosanski Samac (450 persons). The demonstrations were peaceful.
- (S/REL SFOR) Approximately 70 B-Muslims families wish to resettle in Poijice (BQ 710 357). ll. is believed that they will receive permission from the Mayor of the Doboj Municipality NLT 01 April lo begin resettlement.
( I ) (S/REL SFOR) All the demonstrations on 16 Mar in the IBCT AOR were peaceful. They began at approximately 1400 and ended by 1600. Major gatherings were Bratunac (150-200 persons), Srebrenica (400 persons), and Brcko (2500 persons).
E. 4th BDE: NSTR
19 Mar (T) House Cleaning in Panjik (BQ 885 365)
4. ONGOING EVENTS: A. Kjisa housecleaning (not on Sundays) B. Dizdai'usa housecleaning C. LJNHCR Bus Line li-orn Srebi-enica to Sarajevo (Tuesdays and Thursdays)
A. (ALL) What is the current attitude ofB-Serbs regarding the upcoming peace talks in Kosovo? (LTIOV 182400Mai-99)
- (ALL) In what areas is there a possibility lor a violent reaction to SFOR or IC if the peace talks fail? (LTIOV 182400Mar99)
Раздел 3.
Упражнение 1. Переведите с английского языка на русский штамп и основные направления содержания сводки сообщений СМИ.
Volume 3 Issue 136
Saturday, May 16,1998
REFUGEES CJB Can't Guarantee Refugee Safety Return of 200 Bosniaks Starts Saturday
INCIDENTS SFOR Captain Speaks Out on Searches Kalinic Questions SFOR Searches IPTF Denies SRNA Zenica-Doboj Canton MUP Minister Resigns
KOSOVO Milosevic and Rugova Meet in Belgrade Weapons Fire Erupts at Serb Police Check Point Serb Houses Damaged by Albanian Terrorists
POLITICS RSNA Finally Ends on Friday Morning RSNA Summary RSNA to Continue on May 20th Krajisnik Speaks Out Roberts Expresses Satisfaction at Inspections RSNA Reactions Dodik Attends RS Economic Forum in Berlin SDA Main Board Meeting Krajisnik Reguests Resignations Plavsic is Not Indicted Milosevic's Trick The IC Supports SDA Politics OBN is BH Black Chronicle Croats Unwelcome in Canton MUP
Упражнение 2. Сделайте реферативный перевод с английского языка на русский текстов сообщений СМИ о проблемах возвращения беженцев в зоне ответственности МНД(С).
RADIO BANJA LUKA, NEWS AT 1600 HOURS Republic of Srpska radio station. Received from Brcko OSINT, 15 May 98 CJB Can't Guarantee Refugee Safety
The Doboj Center of Public Security (CJB) announced Friday that it could not [guarantee safety to Muslim returnees who have announced reiterated settling of ithe Svjetlica Village near Doboj on Saturday. This is due to the fact that the announced process has not gone through the refugee return procedure. The announcement reads that such an estimation was presented at an official meeting ibetween the CJB Chief and SFOR Commander in BH, American General Eric Shinseki.
OSLOBODJENJE Liberation, Bosnian national daily from Sarajevo, 15 May 98 RETURN OF 200 BOSNIAKS STARTS SATURDAY
General Erik Shinseki, the Supreme Commander for International Police in BH, visited the Nord- Pol Brigade Base Camp in Doboj. There he met with that SFOR unit's commander (General Carry Rimpey), the mayors of Doboj South and Doboj East, and the mayor of Doboj in the RS. They discussed the return of 200 Bosniaks to the Svjetlica Village, which is on the east side of Doboj. That return is supposed to begin on Saturday. Major Sjak Haaheim, Nord-Pol Brigade Spokesman, warned the public that SFOR will use all available means given by the Dayton Agreement to make return possible. Haaheim also said that local RS MUP policemen are in charge of ensuring public peace and order. They should provide (together with the Doboj authorities) an undisturbed return of Bosniaks to this village, which is located in the ZOS. Local politicians in this part of Bosnia evaluated Shinseki's visit to Doboj as IC decisiveness to persist on refugee return action in 1998, a year procigimed as the "year of refugee return".
Упражнение 3. Сделайте реферативный перевод с английского языка на русский текстов сообщений СМИ о происшествиях в зоне ответственности СФОР.
RADIO BANJA LUKA, NEWS AT 1600 HOURS Republic of Srpska radio station. Received from Brcko OSINT, 15 May 98 SFOR Captain Speaks Out on Searches
SFOR and IPTF forces continued Friday their inspection in Pale. Italian Brigade Spokesperson Captain Christian Deciggi told Serb Radio that SFOR executed on Friday a repeated inspection of the Famos Factory where once there were premises for former RS President Dr. Radovan Karadzic. Deciggi stressed that nothing unusual was found during the two-day action. He went on to say that the action would go on on Saturday and expressed satisfaction with the fact that the action was going on peacefully and without any incidents whatsoever. According to the spokesperson, the action will end Saturday and SFOR and the IPTF will resume their regular controls. Thursday and Friday (in the action of the control of police forces), SFOR used around 40 tanks and APCs.
RADIO BANJA LUKA, NEWS AT 1200 HOURS Republic of Srpska radio station. Received from Brcko OSINT, 15 May 98 Kaiinic Questions SFOR Searches
RS National Parliament Chairman Dragan Kaiinic required BH HR Carlos Westendorp to urgently learn and announce the real truth about Thursday's inspections that SFOR members conducted in top state institutions in Pale. In a letter sent to Westendorp, Kaiinic reminded him that SFOR concentrated its vehicles near the Parliament building and some of its soldiers entered the his official premises as well as those of Kaiinic. They then demanded to execute search and control of those premises. You and your associates, nor any other international representative during my mandate, have allowed themselves such a kind of inappropriate gesture, Kaiinic warned. He added "Since both the OSCE and the Office of the High Representative have recognized the legality and legitimacy of the new RS Parliament, I exclusively demand you to protect this high Home in the future from such incidents and similar humiliations by international military and police forces." Chairman Kaiinic qualified Thursday's event as an "unallowable provocation that counted for a different kind of pressures towards the RS national representatives in the moment of discussion about very difficult and delicate political issues". According to Kalinics words, the mentioned event has a special weight because it took place during his absence from Pale.
OSLOBODJENJE Liberation, Bosnian national daily from Sarajevo, 15 May 98 IPTF DENIES SRNA
IPTF Spokesman Alun Roberts denied the SRNA report about events that took place on May 9th this year in the Sanica Village near Sanski Most during visit of displaced people to their homes. Roberts said that it is not true that 70 Bosniaks attacked the bus carrying 40 Serbs and that it was completely destroyed. It is true that one group of Bosniaks in the same village waited for a bus filled with Serbs and stoned them. However, the incident ended with no serious injuries. Roberts added that the BH Federation police provided a new bus and prevented an obstruction of this visit. Zenica-Doboj Canton MUP Minister Resigns
The miners from Zenica will likely be at their work places Friday and, by being present, avoid a strike. That is a re'sult of a meeting between BH Presidency chairman Alija lzetbegovic and BH Trade Union President Sulejman Hrle. Due to events that took place on Wednesday in Zenica, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Zenica-Doboj Canton, Semsudin Mehmedovic, resigned. On Thursday around 1500, Hrle addressed the miners who were on strike and informed them about the results of his talk with lzetbegovic. The Trade Union of BH Coal Mines also issued an announcement regarding these events. The statement says that maximum effort is being put forth to find adequate solutions for the miners' numerous problems.
Упражнение 4. Сделайте реферативный перевод с английского языка на русский текстов сообщений СМИ о событиях в Косово.
BH TV, NEWS AT 1630 HOURS Bosnian television station from Sarajevo, 15 May 98 Milosevic and Rugova Meet in Belgrade
Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic -and Kosovo Albanian leader Ibrahim Rugova finished their first one-hour meeting Friday in Belgrade. Rugova and his delegation left the Presidents Palace without any statements and went to the US mission chief's residence. Rugova should talk to the press Friday afternoon. This first meeting was suppose to give a framework for future negotiation about Kosovo. Comments: The press had not indicated any comments by Rugova at the time of Night Owl production.
SERB RADIO DOBOJ, NEWS AT 1100 HOURS Republic of Srpska radio station. Received from Doboj OSINT, 15 May 98 Weapons Fire Erupts at Serb Police Check Point
Thursday night around 2200 on the Pec-Kosovska Mitrovica road near Rakos, a large group of Albanian terrorists opened fire with automatic weapon and bazookas on a police checkpoint. Police returned fire on the Albanian terrorists. "TANJUG" later found out that there werent any police injuries. Serb Houses Damaged by Albanian Terrorists
Thursday around 1800 in the Kruz Village near Klina, a large group of Albanian terrorists shot automatic guns towards the Nedovic, Cvjetkovic, Boricic and Vojinovic family houses. These houses are the only Serb houses in that village. The SUP in Klina stated that besides material damage, there was no other kind of damage in the area.
Упражнение 5. Сделайте реферативный перевод с английского языка на русский текстов сообщений СМИ о политических событиях в БиГ.
RADIO BANJA LUKA, NEWS AT 1000 HOURS Republic of Srpska radio station. Received from Brcko OSINT, 15 May 98 RSNA Finally Ends Friday Morning
After three days of session, the RS National Parliament halted the fifth regular session early Friday morning by taking into their knowledge (as Chairman Kalinic stated) the reports on the Serb representatives' work in the BH common institutions. After a long discussion about the report by Serb member in the BH Presidency Morncilo Krajisnik, which was vigorous and polemic at moments, it was assessed that such a method of work has been very useful. The need was also expressed that in the future, the representatives in the RS National Parliament should be informed in detail about the activities of the RS representatives in the BH common organs. Chairman Kalinic, with consent by the Chiefs of the Representatives Clubs, s.cheduled the continuation of the fifth session for Wednesday, May 20, at 1000 in Banja Luka.
BH TV, NEWS AT 0900 HOURS Bosnian television station from Sarajevo, 15 May 98 RSNA Summary
The RS Peoples Assembly session in Banja Luka was stopped at 0200 Friday morning. Continuation is scheduled for Wednesday, May 20th. Discussion on RS
representative reports concerning BH joint state bodies was completed early Friday morning before the session ended. Reports were presented by Morncilo Krajisnik (BH presidency member), Boro Bosic (Ministry Council co-chairman), and Momir Tosic and Slobodan Bijelic (representatives in both Houses of State Parliament). The SDS and SRS had a positive opinion about the reports. Krajisnik's report caused most of the disapproval and severe words.
SERB RADIO DOBOJ, NEWS AT 1100 HOURS Republic of Srpska radio station. Received from Doboj OSINT, 15 May 98 RSNA to continue on May 20th
The RS NA listened to the reports of the RS representatives within the common institutions of BH. It judged this as useful, expressing its expectation that their continuous consultations with the assembly, government and other RS institutions will contribute to better cooperation and understanding. This conclusion, which was accepted by all members of the Serb Parliament, finished the discussion on the third agenda item. This discussion was especially marked by numerous speeches of the leading parties envoys, which had a lot of remarks on the report of the RS representative within the common institutions (especially the Serb member of the BH Presidency, Krajisnik). RS Parliament President Kalinic agreed with the envoy club chiefs on the appointment of the fifth RS NA session on Wednesday, May 20th at 1000 in Banja Luka. The envoys should discuss the implementation and control of the elections in the RS and BH, which were scheduled for September 12th and 13th. The Assemblys discussion about more legal acts included in the framework of the law suggestion was sent to the Serb Parliament envoys to decide whether theyll accept them or not.
SERB RADIO DOBOJ, NEWS AT 1400 HOURS Republic of Srpska radio station. Received from Doboj OSINT, 15 May 98 Krajisnik Speaks Out
After a day long discussion about the RS NA envoys' work within common BH institutions, BH Presidency member from the RS Krajisnik called on unity for the survival and future of the RS in his address to the envoys. Explaining critical aspects of the previous governmental work, Krajisnik said he doesnt believe they could have done more during these 100 days. However, hes afraid of the weak politics of the leading structures and the emptying of the eastern part of the RS by excluding institutions. He warned about the danger of accepting conditioned aid as well as governmental support from those who dont have the same attitude about national Serb interest protection. He stated that removing all institutions from the eastern and western part of the country directs the Serb people to such institutions in the federal part of Sarajevo, especially pointing out the uncertainty of experimenting through new politics at the present time. As one of the possible solutions towards overcoming political division and achieving the general equal protection of interests and development in all parts of the country, Krajisnik suggested that equal division of the functions of the RS capital in Srpsko Sarajevo and Banja Luka be achieved. He also denied the charges of the leading parties' envoys about the crimes of the highest officials of the previous leadership and pledged for the trial to all eventual perpetrators of such acts. However, he called upon the government to start those processes on the basis of concrete evidence. Roberts Expresses Satisfaction at Inspections
At Thursdays press conference of the international organizations in Banja Luka, the IPTF spokesman for the Banja Luka and Bihac areas, Alun Roberts, expressed his satisfaction with Thursdays operation of routine control that was done at 10 different locations at Pale. According to Roberts, the routine inspections were done in connection with the security and job that the police and UN are doing. He also expressed his satisfaction with police cooperation. "More than 3600 license plates and traffic documents have been issued so far in Banja Luka," stated Roberts, expressing his 'gratitude to the people who work on issuing license plates, citing their patience and hard work. He also added that next week, the license plates can be expected to be issued in communities where the issuing hasnt started yet. For this weekend, Roberts also announced a large number of visits from the BHF called The visits of judgment. Visits from the RS to BHF are expected as well. According to Roberts, 4 police officers of Serb nationality were named in the 10th canton. The establishment of multi-ethnic police in this canton is important due to Serb security in the Drvar area. This along with the establishment of conciliation in the sense of Muslim return to the Livno area. The IPTF spokesman read the statement issued by the deputy of the Hague Tribunals main district attorney (Gream Bluit). Bluit stressed that RS President Plavsic has never been charged by The Hague Tribunal or that any kind of warrant for her arrest has ever been issued. This statement was published because of different reports on the occasion of the RS Presidents detainment at an Austrian airport on her way to London.
RADIO BANJA LUKA, NEWS AT 1600 HOURS Republic of Srpska radio station. Received from Brcko OSINT, 15 May 98 RSNA Reactions
The RS National Parliament assessed the reports of BH Presidency member Morncilo Krajisnik, Ministry Council Cochairman Boro Bosic and representatives in the BH Parliamentary Assembly (Momir Tosic and Slobodan Bijelic) as Serb representatives in the work of the BH common institutions at their fifth session. They assessed these reports as purposeful and expressed expectation that more frequent consultations by them to the Parliament, Government and other RS institutions would contribute to further cooperation and understanding. Such a conclusion was preceded by a several hour discussion. Several reactions came from this discussion:
- SNSD representative Krstan Simic: Mr. Krajisnik mentioned the government again in his report from the SDS aspect. He said the government was not good and that there were no experts in it. There had been experts in the previous governments. We remember Mr. Ostojic, a lector, then Branko Ostojic and Mr. Kozic. I do not know how he is an expert.
- RS Minister of Defense Manojlo Milovanovic appeared before the representatives and asked Krajisnik the following: What is the purpose of the mounting or reconstructing (this is a bit crumpled) of the Tourist facility (the former hotel in Pale) ? With whose money is this being done and who is the owner of that facility? We have knowledge that the facility is being prepared for the headquarters for defense against legal authorities. The entire auxiliary personnel of the previous RS Government are in the mentioned facility working on the preparation of it.
-RS Interior Minister Milovan Stankovic denied some of Krajisniks allegations: The information is not true that 50 DMs are being paid for crossing the border. There were a few cases of attempts to charge people for crossing the border. However, those were small mistakes that were stopped after intervention. Ostoja Knezevic (SNS) stated that there were two concepts of the RS and he was not for the one that was leading the RS into isolation. Svetozar Mihajlovic (SNS) accused Krajisnik of the disunion among the Serb people and proposed Krajisnik to do what he had proposed to the RS Government and that is to resign. - Dragan Djuric: I want to tell you to get rid of that relationship that we are obliged to present any reports to you. We are not obliged to do that.
- Nenad Bastinac (SNSD): A while ago I was angry when they made the decision that you three members of the BH Presidency should be sitting in the Museum. Now I see that this decision was right and it would be good if you stayed there.
- Petar Djokic (SPRS) warned Krajisnik that peace was a basic need of all RS citizens. He called him up to make a turn in his policy and expressed anxiety that it is not possible.
- Radojica Miadjenovic (SNS) accused the SDS of having a mouth full of Serbhood and nice words and pockets full of money. In his response, Aleksa' Buha (SDS) said such people have gone from the SDS to the SNS. In his final address to the representatives, Morncilo Krajisnik denied the ruling party representatives' accusations on the criminal activities of the highest functionaries of the previous structures of power. He also interceded for criminal responsibility of all those who committed such deeds. He called upon the RS Government to undertake such processes on the basis of complete and concrete evidence. Krajisnik also called for the unity of the Serb people. The Parliament has been in session for three days and representatives have discussed only three items of the agenda. They spent the entire first day establishing the agenda. The continuation of the fifth session has been scheduled for May 20th in Banja Luka.
RADIO BANJA LUKA, NEWS AT 1200 HOURS Republic of Srpska radio station. Received from Doboj OSINT, 15 May 98 Dodik Attends RS Economic Forum in Berlin
Friday in Berlin, an international conference called The Economic Forum of the RS was held. Prime Minister Dodik led the RS delegation. The RS Governments Vice-president and Minister of Economy (Banjac) and the Minister for the Refugees and Displaced People (Dragicevic) were also present at this conference. The HR Deputy (Hans Schumacher) also participated in the conferences work. Also in attendance were the manager of the International Center for Political Migrations from Vienna (Mr. Vicgrant) and other VIPs from German political and economic life. The meeting was closed to the public and a press conference was held after it was over. Comments: The results of the conference were not reported in the Thursday evening news broadcasts. Events of the meeting will most likely be made public over the weekend.
BH TV, NEWS AT 1630 HOURS Bosnian television station from Sarajevo, 15 May 98 SDA Main Board Meeting
The third session of the SDA main board was held Friday in Sarajevo. The topic was discussion about the current situation in the RS with special attention to the rights and status of RS refugees. "' Editorialists said that, according to the census from 1991, there were around 470,000 Bosniaks in current RS territory. However, at this moment there are only 12 thousand of them, excluding Brcko. A great number of them are living as refugees in their own city. Its been estimated that there are 1,000 of such kind in Banja Luka. The fact that Bosniaks are getting their apartments back in court is happening. However, these decisions are never being implemented. Bosniaks dont work in public and private firms. They are living on humanitarian aid. Safet Bico stated that more then 100 days has passed since the new RS Government was elected and nothing but verbal support to the Dayton Agreement has been implemented. The SDA's main goal is BH preservation and RS democratization.
OSLOBODJENJE Liberation, Bosnian national daily from Sarajevo, 15 May 98 KRAJISNIK REQUESTS RESIGNATIONS
At Thursdays continuation of the RS National Parliament's 5th session, Dragan Kalinic, Parliament President, informed representatives that he received information that on Wednesday, SFOR forces broke into the office of BH Presidency member Morncilo Krajisnik. Kalinic threatened that if it is established that the integrity of high RS political functionaries was violated by this SFOR act, he will stop the session and schedule it when adequate conditions are met. After that, the event wasnt commented on any more and the parliament continued its work. The discussion about Prime Minister Milorad Dodik's report on governmental work in the first hundred days ended with a vote on the subject. The report was accepted with 45 votes for and 34 against, giving the government support for further work. After that, the third item of the agenda (the report on RS representatives' work in BH joint bodies of BH) was discussed. BH Presidency member, Morncilo Krajisnik, was the first who presented the report on the BH joint bodies' work. Our role in the BH joint (not united) bodies is to protect the interests of the Serb people who elected us, pointed out Krajisnik and called it a legitimate political fight. The adoption of a BH flag design and the establishment of joint currency and joint license plates annulled our fight against a unitary BH, said Krajisnik. He also stressed that RS President Biljana Plavsic and the new government bears the biggest responsibility for that. The rest of Krajisnik report was criticism and accusations about the work of President Plavsic, Prime Minister Dodik and IC relation towards the RS. Our rivals, who are accepted as friends by some people here, prepared an action to destroy the SDS, other patriotic parties, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Serb Radio-television and the Army. As long as I am in this position, I wont allow that , said Krajisnik. Discussing IC representatives' work, Krajisnik said that the RS is becoming a colony of servants and that it enters the state of being a protectorate. All solutions that are imposed to us will be rejected when that power leaves, stated Krajisnik. He then invited the RS Government and Prime Minister Dodik to resign or to start work in the interest of the RS. After Krajisniks speech, BH Ministry Council co-chairman Boro Bosic reported on that body's work.
PLAVSIC IS NOT INDICTED. Hague Tribunal Deputy Prosecutor Graham Blewitt denied the reports of Austrian, Bosnian and Croatian press that said RS President Biljana Plavsic was arrested on May 6th at Vienna airport in accordance with a warrant arrest allegedly issued by the Tribunal on August 10th 1995. I want to give as clear a statement as possible that Biljana Plavsic has never been indicted by this Tribunal and the Tribunal has never issued any warrant arrest for her, reads Blewitts statement. UN spokesman in Sarajevo, Alexander lvanko, also announced this statement. The Deputy Hague Prosecutor denied the information that the alleged warrant arrest was withdrawn in January 1998 because Biljana Plavsic had shown readiness for cooperation with the IC and proposed Milorad Dodik for the RS Prime Minister.
MILOSEVICS TRICK. The BH Republican Party registered itself Friday for the September general elections. Later on, it will make a decision on which parties it will cooperate with. BH Republican Party President Stjepan Kljuic said at a press conference that his party will continue to support BH Social- democrat President Selim Beslagic and that it will cooperate with all civilian-orientated parties in BH to make an alliance. FRY President Slobodan Milosevic's request (which has been sent to BH Presidency Chairman Alija lzetbegovic) that BH give up its indictment at the Hague Tribunal against the FRY is not a serious offer because he doesnt directly address the BH state. In such circumstances, BH shouldnt even try to establish diplomatic relations with FRY. This is one more of Milosevics tricks. If such relations were established, that would be the most immoral act of the BH leadership. The latest social disorders and strikes show that state institutions dont function.'' The Zenica miners' strike shows the BH Federation Government incapability to find the right solution for workers, Kljuic said. He added that is tragic that the BH Trade Union is working directly against the workers by calling them on strike.
DNEVNI AVAZ Daily Voice, Bosnian national daily from Sarajevo, 15 May 98 THE IC SUPPORTS SDA POLITICS
SDA Vice President Dr. Halid Genjac reminded everyone at Thursdays press conference that complete success was achieved at the 4th Donors Conference in Brussels and evaluated that as an expression of IC support to SDA politics. He expressed surprise because the opposition media was silent about this success. They hardly paid any attention to this event. Why? Because it was a victory for the party in power and a defeat for the opposition. It is a clear denial of all opposition evaluations that BH has no future because dozens of international officials clearly said that big success has been achieved, Genjac pointed out.
OBN IS A BH BLACK CHRONICLE. At Thursday's press conference, SDA Vice President Halid Genjac called upon OBN not to broadcast only gloomy news in its program schedule. As an example, he stated that within one day, topics such as bad living condition of retired people, the hard situation in Gorazde, young people leaving to the US and suicides in BH were broadcast. He said that OBN is becoming some kind of black chronicle. Maybe the facts broadcast by OBN are not lies but neither are they the complete truth, because the truth can be only the entire truth. There are a lot of good and nice things in BH. However, OBN systematically keeps silent about those good things. The word "aggression" is prohibited on OBN television. In that way, those who are not guilty are made out to be guilty, Genjac said. Genjac claims that a biased opposition political tendency is behind such OBN procedures.
SLOBODNA DALMACIJA Free Dalmatia, Croatian national daily from Split, 14 May 98 CROATS UNWELCOME IN CANTON MUP
President of the HDZ Municipal Board of Vares and Vares Deputy Mayor (Pavao Vidovic) and BH Federation House of People representative (Miroslav Pejcinovic) sent a letter to special UN General Secretary Envoy Elizabeth Rehn, Deputy HR Hans Schumacher, IPTF Commissioner Richard Monk and his deputy Mark Kroeker. In the letter, Vidovic and Pejcinovic protest the lack of Croat representation in the Zenica-Doboj Canton MUP. Ninety days ago, the distribution of working places was agreed upon. This concerned the multi-ethnic police establishment . on municipal levels. The peoples' names that will perform functions in that ministry were determined as well. The letter reads that no Croat got a job in the Ministry and 50 Croats remained without jobs by the annulment of parallel institutions. That all happened thanks to the will of Semsudin Mehmedovic, Zenica-Doboj Canton Minister of Internal Affairs. Due to the will of this minister, 89 Bosniak policemen work illegally in the Vares Police Station. Minister Mehmedovic proclaimed police that have performed their job well in its zone of responsibility so far as "para-formation". Prolongation of the establishment of the joint police force can cause a change of the situation for the worse. This especially due to the return of refugees and displaced people.
ABCS - Army Battle Command System
ABiH - (Armija Bosne i Hercegovne); the Bosniac Army Forces
ACCS - Army Command and Control System
ADRA - NGO from the Czech Republic; sponsors DP returns to Bosnia (Tesanj) from the Czech Republic
AEA - Army Executive Agent
AES - Army Enterprise Strategy
ACE - Air Combat Element
ACERT - Army Computer Emergency Response Team
AC - Active Component
ACU - Area common user
ACUS - Army Common User System
ADC - Assistant Division Commander
ADE - Assistant Division Engineer
ADP - Automatic Data Processing
ADSO - Assistant Division Signal Officer
AFATDS - Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System
AFGWC - Air Force Global Weather Central
AGCCS - Army Global Command and Control System
AGM - Attack Guidance Matrix
AHFEWS - Army High Frequency Electronic Warfare System
AMIB - Allied Military Intelligence Battalion
AMOPES - Army Mobilization and Operations Planning and Execution System
ANGLICO - Air/Naval Gunfire Liaison Company
AO - Area Of Operation
AOR - Area Of Responsibility
AP (mine) - anti-personnel mine
ARAT-TA - Army Reprogramming Analysis Team-Threat Analysis
ARCENT - Army component to Central Command
ARFOR - Army Force headquarters
ARRC - Allied Rapid Reaction Corps
ARSK - The Army of the Republic of Serbian Krajina
ARSOF - Army Special Operations Forces
ASAS - All-Source Analysis System
ASCC - Army Service Component Command
AT (mine) - anti-tank mine
ATACMS - Army Tactical Missile System
ATB - Anti-terrorist Bde
ATCCS - Army Tactical Command and Control System
ATSS - Army Target Sensing System
AVNOJ - The Anti-Facist Council for the National Liberation of Yugoslavia
B2C2 - Brigade and Below Command and Control System
BAID - Bosnian Agency for Investigation and Documentation
BCE - Battlefield Coordination Element
BCTP - Battle Command Training Program
BDA - Battle Damage Assessment
BDE - Brigade
BG - battle group (MND[SW] terminology)
BH or BiH - Bosnia and Hercegovina
Bilat - Bilateral meeting
BN - Battalion
BOS - Battlefield Operating System
BPSE - Brigade PYSOP Support Element
BSA - Bosnian Serb Army
BUB - Battle Update Brief
C2 - Command And Control
C2-attack - Command And Control-Attack
C2-protect - Command And Control-Protect
C2W - Command And Control Warfare
C2W-I - Command And Control Warfare-Intelligence
C3I - Command, Control, Communications, And Intelligence
C4 - Command, Control, Communications, And Computers
C4FMO - Command, Control, Communications, And Computers For Mobile Operations
C4I - Command, Control, Communications, Computers, And Intelligence
CA - Civil Affairs
CADST - Civil Affairs Direct Support Team
CAP - Crisis Action Planning
CCIR - Commander's Critical Information Requirements
CDAP - Computer Defense Assistance Program
CEOI - Communications-Electronics Operation Instructions
CERT - Computer Emergency Response Team
CG - Commanding General; Contact Group
CI - Counterintelligence
CIA - Central Intelligence Agency
CIMIC - Civil Military Cooperation
CINC - Commander-In-Chief
CIOS - Commander's Information Operations Staff
CIOSO - Commander's Information Operations Staff Officer
CIRP - Community Infrastructure Repair Projects
CJCS - Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
CJCSI - Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction
CJCS MOP - Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Memorandum of Policy
CJITF - Combined Joint Information Task Force
CLP - Common License Plate
CMO - Civil-Military Operations
CMOC - Civil-Military Operations Center
CNR - Combat Net Radio
COA - Course Of Action
COE - Common Operating Environment
COMPUSEC - Computer Security
COMSEC - Communications Security
COMSFOR - Commander, Stabilization Force
COMMZ - Communications Zone
CONPLAN - Contingency Plan
CONUS - Continental United States
COP - Chief of Police
CofS - Chief of Staff
COUNTERRECON - Counter-Reconnaissance
CP - Command Post
CPIC - Coalition Press Information Center
CRPC - Commission for Real Property Claims
CSS - Combat Service Support
CTC - Combat Training Center
D3A - Decide, Detect, Deliver, Assess
DAG - DPRE Action Group
DALIS - Disaster Assistance Logistics Information System
DAMMS-R - Department of the Army Movements Management System- Redesign
DDN - Defense Data Network
DDS - Data Distribution System
DEA - Drug Enforcement Agency
DEERS - Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System
DEW - Directed-Energy Weapon
DII - Defense Information Infrastructure
DISA - Defense Information Systems Agency
DISE - Deployable Intelligence Support Element
DISN - Defense Information Systems Network
DIV - Division
DJMS - Defense Joint Military Pay System
DOD - Department of Defense
DOS - Department of State
DP - Displaced Person(S); Also Seen As DPs
DPA - Dayton Peace Agreement/Accord
DPB - Democratic Party Block
DPRE - Displaced Persons and Refugees
DS - (Demokratska Stranka); The Democratic Party
DSN - Defense Switch Network
DSS - (Demokratska Stranka Srbije); Serbian Democratic Party
DTAC - Division Tactical Command Post
DTLOMS - Doctrine, Training, Leader Development, Organizations, Materiel, And Soldiers
DTOC - Division Tactical Operations Center
E-Mail - Electronic mail
EA - Electronic Attack
EAC - Echelons Above Corps
EAF - Entity Armed Forces
EASC - Election Appeals Sub-commission
EC - European Council
ECM - Electronic Countermeasures
ECMM - European Community Military Monitors
ECCM - Electronic Counter Countermeasures
EEFI - Essential Elements Of Friendly Information
EM - Electromagnetic
EMI - Electromagnetic Interference
EMP - Electromagnetic Pulse
EMS - Electromagnetic Spectrum
EOB - Electronic Order Of Battle
EOC - Emergency Operations Center
EP - Electronic Protection
EPLRS - Enhanced Position Location Reporting System
ERG - Emergency Response Group
ES - Electronic Warfare Support
EU - European Union
EW - Electronic Warfare
EWIR - Electronic Warfare Integrated Reprogramming
FA - Field Artillery
FAADC3I - Forward Air Defense Command, Control, Communications, And Intelligence
FACM - Friendly Access Coordination Matrix
FBCB2 - Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below System
FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency
FFIR - Friendly Forces Information Requirements
FM - Frequency Modulation; Field Manual
FMM - Federation Military Modernization
FOFOR - Follow-On Force
FOM - Freedom Of Movement
FPT - Force Protection Team
FORSCOM - United States Forces Command
FRAGO - Fragmentary Order
FRY - Former Republic of Yugoslavia
FSE - Fire Support Element
FSO - Fire Support Officer
FST - Field Support Team
FVL - Final Voters List
G2 - Division Intelligence
G3 - Division Operations
G5 - Division Civil Affairs
G6 - Division Communications
GCCS - Global Command and Control System
GDS - (Grajanska Demokratska Stranka); Citizens Democratic Party (Bosnian Parliamentary Party/ Spahic)
GFAP - General Framework Agreement for Peace
GIE - Global Information Environment
GII - Global Information Infrastructure
GO - Government Organization
GOF - Government Ordnance Facility
GPS - Global Positioning System
GR/CS - Guardrail/Common Sensor
HCA - Host Civil Affairs
HDZ - (Hrvatska Demokratska Zajednica); Croatian Democratic Party
HDZ BiH - Croatian Democratic Party of BiH
HKDU - Croatian Christian Democratic Union
HF - High Frequency
HN - Host Nation
HNS - Host Nation Support
HNV - Croatian National Council
HPT - High Payoff Target
HQDA - Headquarters, Department of Army
HR HB - Croatian Republic of Herceg Bosna
HSS - Croatian Peasant Party of BH (moderate/Komsic)
HUMINT - Human Intelligence
HVO - Bosnia Croat Army: (Hrvatsko Vijece Obrane); Croatian Defense Council represents the Bosnian Croat element in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina army.
HVT - High-Value Target
HVTL - High Value Target List
I&W - Indications And Warnings
IADS - Integrated Air Defense System
IAW - In Accordance With
IBDA - Information Battlefield Damage Assessment
IC - international community
ICFY - International Committee on the Former Yugoslavia
ICP - Inter-theater Communications Security Package
ICG - International Crisis Group
ICRC - International Committee of Red Cross
ICTY - International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia (aka The Hague)
IEB - Interim Executive Board
IEBL - inter-entity boundary line; this is NOT a BORDER according to Dayton.
IEW - Intelligence And Electronic Warfare
IFOR - Implementation Force
IHC - International Housing Commission
IMC - International Medical Corps
IMETS - Integrated Meteorological System
IMPIN – Implementation Instruction
IMF - International Monetary Fund
INFOSEC - Information Security
INFOSYS - Information Systems
INMARSAT - International Maritime Satellite
INTELSAT - Intelligence Satellite
INTREP – Intelligence Report
IO - Information Operations; International Organizations
IOBS - Information Operations Battle Staff
IOC - Information Operations Center
IOM - International Office of Migration
IOVAT - Information Operations Vulnerability Assessment Team
IOWG - Information Operations Working Group
IPB - Intelligence-Preparation-Of-The-Battlefield
IPTF - International Police Task Force (also known as UNIPTF)
IRC - International Red Cross
ISB - Installation Sustaining Bases
ISS - Information Systems Security
ISYSCON - Integrated Systems Control
ITU - International Telecommunications Union
IW - Information Warfare
J2 - Joint Staff Intelligence
J3 - Joint Staff Operations
J5 - Joint Staff Plans And Policy
J6 - Joint Staff Communications-Electronics
JAARS - Joint After-Action Reporting System
JAG - Judge Advocate General
JCO - Joint Commission Observers
JCS - Joint Chiefs of Staff
JC2WC - Joint Command and Control Warfare Center
JCEWS - Joint Commander's Electronic Warfare Staff
JDISS - Joint Deployable Intelligence Support System
JEWC - Joint Electronic Warfare Center
JFC - Joint Force Commander
JICC - Joint Information Campaign Committee
JMC - Joint Military Commission
JNA - Yugoslavian National (Peoples) Army
JOA - Joint Operational Area
JOPES - Joint Operations Planning and Execution System
JPC - Joint Paramilitary Council
JRFL - Joint Restricted Frequency List
JSOI - Joint Signal Operating Instructions
J-STARS - Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System
JTACS - Joint Theater Air Control System
JTB - Joint Targeting Board
JTF - Joint Task Force
JTTP - Joint Tactics, Techniques, And Procedures
JULLS - Joint Universal Lessons Learned System
JVB - Joint Visitors Bureau
JWICS - Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communication System
KLA - Kosovo Liberation Army (also known as UCK)
KM - Konvertable Mark
LAM - Louisiana Maneuvers
LAN - local area network
LCC - Land Component Commander
LIWA - Land Information Warfare Activity
LNO - Liaison Officer
LP - local police
MAC - Mine Action Center
MACOM - Major Army Command
MASINT - Measures And Signatures Intelligence
MBO - (Muslimanska Bosnjacke Organizacije): Muslim Bosniak Organization (moderate Muslim party/ Zulfikarpasic)
MCS - Maneuver Control System
MCSE - multinational combat support elements
MDMP - Military Decision Making Process
METL - Mission-Essential Task List
METT-T - Mission, Enemy, Terrain, Troops, And Time Available
MIE - Military Information Environment
MI - Military Intelligence
MIID/IDB - Military Integrated Intelligence Data Base System/ Integrated Data Base
MIS - Municipal Infrastructure and Services
MLS - Multilevel Security
MND - Multi-National Division
MNS - Mission Needs Statement
MOBLAS - Mobilization-Level Application Software
MP - Military Police
MPAD - Mobile Public Affairs Detachment
MPRI - Military Professional Resource Incorporated
MOP - Memorandum Of Policy
MSC - Major Subordinate Command
MSE - Mobile Subscriber Equipment
MSU - Multinational Specialized Unit
MTP - Mission Training Plan
MUP - RS Interior Ministry Police: Croatian Army Special Police
NAC - North Atlantic Council
NAI - named area of interest
NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NCA - National Command Authority
NCO - Non-Commissioned Officer
NEO - Noncombatant Evacuation Operations
NFI - no further information or not further identified
NHI - New Croat Initiative (Bosnian Croat Political Party)
NII - National Information Infrastructure
NGO - Non-Governmental Organization
NMS - National Military Strategy
NPA - Norwegian People’s Aid
NRC - Norwegian Refugee Council
NSTR - Nothing Significant To Report
NTSDS - National Target/Threat Signature Data System
OA - Operational Architecture
OB - Order Of Battle
OC - officer in charge (used by NORDPOL Bde)
ODCSOPS - Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations
ODO - Overseas Development Organization
OHR - Office of the High Representative
OIC - Organization of the Islamic Conference or Organization of the Islamic Forces/ officer in charge
OJE - Operation Joint Endeavor (December 1996 - January 1997)
OJG - Operation Joint Guard (January 1997 - June 1998)
OJF - Operation Joint Forge (June 1998 - ??)
OOTW - Operations Other Than War
OP - Observation Post
OPFOR - Opposing Force
OPCON - Operational Control
OPSEC - Operations Security
OPLAN - Operations Plan
OPORD - Operations Order
OPSEC - Operations Security
OPT - observation post (used by NORDPOL Bde)
OPTEMPO - Operation Tempo
OSCE - Office for Security and Cooperation in Europe
OSINT - Open Source Intelligence
PA - Public Affairs
PAD - Public Affairs Detachment
PAO - Public Affairs Officer
PAP – Yugoslavia made version of an AK-47
PC - Personal Computer
PDSS- Persons designated for special status.
PEC - Provisional Election Commission (aka PIK in Bosnian)
PEO - Program Executive Office
PFP - Partnership for Peace
PIFWC - Persons Indicted for War Crimes (also PIFC)
PIR - Priority Intelligence Requirements
PM - Project Manager; Provost Marshal
PMA - family of Yugoslav anti-personnel mines
PMO - Provost Marshal Officer
PMR - family stake mounted fragmentation anti-personnel mines
POS/NAV - Position/Navigation
POLAD - Political Advisor
PRC - Populace And Resource Control
PROM - family of Yugoslav anti-personnel mines, “Bouncing Betties”
PSM - bounding fragmentation anti-personnel mine
PSN - Public Switch Network
PSS Party of Society Progress of Republika Srpska (Zupljanin)
PSYOP - Psychological Operations
PVL - Provisional Voter’s List
PVO - Private Voluntary Organization
QRF - Quick Reaction Force
RAP - Remedial Action Project
RC - Reserve Components
RCAS - Reserve Component Automation System
RCP - Relevant Common Picture
RDT&E - Research, Development, Test, And Evaluation
RECBASS - Reception Battalion Automated Support System
RECON - Reconnaissance
REL - Releasable
RII - Relevant Information And Intelligence
RISC - Reduced Instruction Set Computing
RISTA - Reconnaissance, Intelligence, Surveillance, And Target Acquisition
RNRS - Radical People’s Party (RS)
ROE - Rules Of Engagement
RRTF - Reconstruction and Returns Task Force
RS - (Republika Srpska); Serb Republic or Republican Party
RSK - Republic of Serb-Krajina
RSNA - Republika Srpska National Assembly
Sabor - Croatian Parliament
SACEUR – Supreme Allied Commander, Europe
SAM - Sanctions Assistance Mission
SAMS-I/TDA - Standard Army Maintenance System-Installation/ Table of Distribution and Allowances
SARSS-O - Standard Army Retail Supply System-Objective
SBiH - Bosnian Muslim Party
SDA - (Stranka Demokratske Akcije); Party for Democratic Action (Bosniac)
SDP - (Socijaldemokratska Partija); Social Democratic Party
SDS - (Srpska Demokratska Stranka); Serb Democratic Party
SF - Special Forces
SFOR - Stabilization Force
SHAPE - Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers of Europe
SIDPERS - Standard Installation/Division Personnel System
SIGINT - Signals Intelligence
SIGSEC- Signal Security
SINCGARS - Single-Channel Ground And Airborne Radio System
SITREP – situation report
SJA - Staff Judge Advocate
SMP - Union for Peace and Progress
SNS - Serb People's Party (Moderate)
SOC – Special Operations Command
SOP – Standard Operating Procedure
SPAS - Serb Nationalist Party
SPB - Special Police Brigade
SPO - Serb Renewal Movement
SPP - Party for Economic Prosperity or
SPS - Socialist Party of Serbia
SPBS-R - Standard Property Book System-Redesign
SOCCE - Special Operations Command and Control Element
SOF - Special Operations Forces
SOP - Standard Operating Procedure
SRPS - Socialist Party for Republika Srpska
SRS - (Srpska Radikalna Stranka); Serb Radical Party
SSJ - Serbian Party for Unity (ultra-nationalist/Arkan)
SSS - (Srpska Seljacka Stranka); Serb Peasant Party
STAMIS - Standard Army Management Information Systems
STO - Special Technical Operations
STOD - Special Technical Operations Division
TAA - Total Army Analysis
TACM - Target Access Coordination Matrix
TAMMIS - The Army Munitions Management Information System
TAFIM - Technical Architectural Framework For Information Management
TCP - Temporary Check Point
TDF - Territorial Defense Force (Yugoslav) (no longer exists, absorbed into the regular armies
TEARS - Telecommunications Equipment Automated Retrieval System
TECHINT - Technical Intelligence
TF - Task Force
TFE - Task Force Eagle
TM - family of anti-personnel mines
TMA - Yugoslav anti-tank mine
TMRP - Yugoslav anti-tank mine
TOA - Transfer of Authority
TPN - Tactical Packet Network
TPT - Tactical PSYOP Team
TRADOC - United States Army Training and Doctrine Command
TRANSEC - Transmission Security
TRI-TAC - Tri-service Tactical
TROJAN-SPIRIT - TROJAN-Special Purpose Integrated Remote Intelligence Terminal
TSP - Training Support Package
TSS - Target-Sensing System
TTP - Tactics, Techniques, And Procedures
UAV - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
UHF - Ultrahigh Frequency
ULLS - Unit-Level Logistics System
UN - United Nations
UNCA - United Nations Civil Affairs
UNCIVPOL - United Nations Civil Police Force
UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNIPTF - United Nations International Police Force (also known as IPTF)
UNMAC- United Nations Mine Action Center
UNMIBH - United Nations Mission in Bosnia Hercegovina
UNPROFOR - United Nations Protection Force (Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina; ceased to exist with the deployment of IFOR)
UNPREDEP - United Nations Preventative Deployment Force (established by UNSCR 795/92; provides a UN presence on the border of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Macedonia in the interest of maintaining confidence and stability in the region.)
UNSCR - United Nations Security Council Resolution
US - United States
USAF - United States Air Force
USAID - United States Agency for International Development
USAINSCOM - United States Army Information Systems Command
USIA - United States Information Agency
USN - United States Navy
USSOCOM - United States Special Operations Command
VHF - Very High Frequency
VJ - (Vojska Jugoslavije); Army of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
VOA - Voice of America
VOPP - Vance Owen Peace Plan
VRS - Vojska Republika Srpska; Serb Republic Army
VTC - Video Teleconference
WAN - Wide Area Network
WB - World Bank
WEU – Western European Union
WFZ – Weapons Free Zones
WHO – World Health Organisation
WOS - Women of Srebenica (also known as ASW)
WSF - Weapons Storage Facility
WSS - Weapons Storage Site
ZOS - Zone of Separation
(Перевод текста выступления командира ОВДБР перед американскими военнослужащими).
Presented by
Chief of Information and Analysis Group
The purpose of this briefing is to inform you of some problems that are connected with the return process for displaced persons and refugees.
The primary problem facing BiH today is the problem of refugee returns. As you know, in accordance with Annex 7 of the Dayton Agreements, the Federation and the RS have agreed that refugees and displaced persons have the right of free movement to the places they lived before the war. They also have the right to reclaim their property or receive compensation if their property was destroyed. Both the Federation and RS have also made commitments not to discriminate against refugees and displaced persons.
In real life we are encountering many problems with the full realization of these agreements. Solving the problem of refugee returns is dependent upon a number of economic, material, and psychological factors. However, the main obstacle is the intention of some political leaders, of all ethnic communities, to use the return process to further their political goals without due regard to the interests of the people they represent. Thus, for example, the Federation is placing refugee returnees into strategic areas of the RS. Another example of this is the situation in the communities of Zvornik and Brcko. The policy of the Federation government appears calculated to use the intention of refugees to return to their homes as a “demographic weapon” against the government of the RS. In this way, what was lost during the war may be regained through a plan of demographic manipulation. Most Serbs think that the Brcko Arbitration decision will be postponed for some time to allow for further resettlement of Bosniac families. Homes for 5,000 Bosniacs have already been constructed in Brcko.
On the other hand, the Serbs, after four years of war, are working to secure their intention – the ethnic purity and integrity of the RS. For this reason, they support displaced Serbs in their new locations within the RS. Serbs contend that while International Organizations always insist on the return of Bosniacs and offer concrete proposals for their return, no one is saying anything about Serb returns to Tuzla and other cities within the Federation. It seems that all the money and projects are intended for Bosniac returnees to RS lands. Instead, the preparatory work for returnees should occur not only in the RS, but in the Federation as well.
In the Federation, up to now, Bosniacs and Croats have not achieved mutual understanding. Given this, who can guarantee that returning Serbs will live in peace. This is why Serbs do not want to return; they are afraid. On the other hand, Serbs have proven to be more tolerant toward Bosniac families that live in their neighborhoods. For example, about 300 Bosniac families that did not take part in war-time fighting currently live securely in Brcko.
International Organizations are suggesting the idea of “gradual returns” to prevent the development of potentially violent situations. The main principle of this plan is the coordination of home and gravesite visits by refugees. It is thought that only after such visits can the problems of returnees be addressed by local governments and communities. However, in practice these visits instigate dislike and distrust among the local population. Allow me to mention several examples:
Each day, under the rationale of reconstructing their homes, Klisa is visited by 8-13 Bosniacs. The work is going very slowly. Indeed, the cleaning of these homes appears to be pointless as many of them were destroyed and it is not possible to refurbish them. The local populace believes that these visits are merely demonstrations and have the characteristics of a demonstration.
The same applies to the Bosniac cemetery in Kozluk. During visits, hardly anyone comes into the cemetery area. SFOR commits substantial resources to protect these ceremonies yet, according to police reports, some of the people who come for house visits have never lived in the area. Serbs contend that house monitoring is not the primary purpose of these visits. It is possible that Serbs engage in such activities also, so I hope you can see that this judgment is not based upon any preconceptions.
Today, the problem of refugees includes a large of persons living with their relatives or with other families, sometimes two or three families to a house. This year the RS government is planning to close collective centers and provide new homes for refugees. There is some amount of money available for this purpose. The Mayor of Bijeljina asked Mr. Westendorp for cooperation in building homes for Serb refugees who currently live in Bosniac homes (Velika Obarska project). Local authorities believe that this project is more practical than the two-way return process that the International Community is insisting upon. They contend that people should not concentrate on two-way returns but instead sell or exchange homes. However, Mr. Westendorp’s reply to Bijeljina officials indicates that this proposal is against the principle of two-way returns of refugees. This position says to Serbs that they should return to their homes in Sarajevo and other areas of BiH. As a result, the Velika Obarska project is progressing too slowly with too little money.
As you can see, there are many obstacles to refugee returns, but we are working in close cooperation with our American partners to move from talking to doing on solving this problem.
Allow me to list the main provisions to which we should pay attention in supporting the returns process: We should inform every refugee that he (she) has the right:
- to return to his (her) location
- if he (she) does not wish to return, it is possible to sell or exchange the property
- under the Dayton Agreement, no one can order a refugee to return to his (her) location
- every one has the right to reclaim the property which he left during the war
- if a refugee decides not to return, he should vacate the property belonging to other people and the local government assist him in finding a new place to live.
- Serbs who vacate the homes of returning Bosniacs should receive land and money for building homes of their own. The order of precedence for property allocation should be determined by local law. We should provide these activities in the Federation area also. Refugees making house visits and reconstruction activities should come in small groups by different routes
The process of return can’t be turned back because it is under the control of the International Community. In my presentation, I explained the opinion of the commanding officers of the Russian Separate Airborne Brigade on the main problems concerning returns.
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