План-конспект урока по теме Спорт с применением ИКТ
статья по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Данный урок предназначен для проведения среди учащихся 7-х классов, обучающихся по УМК-7 (под редакцией Афанасьевой О,В,)
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Предварительный просмотр:
План-конспект урока по теме “Sports”
Lesson plan:
- Greeting
- The starting point:
Teacher: Today we are going to enlarge our knowledge about popular sports. There is a computer on each desk and this means that you will surf the Net and find some additional information about sports at our lesson. You will also exchange this information with your classmates.
So, we may say that our lesson aims are the following:
- To develop IT skills
- To upgrade reading skills (see slide 1)
- To practice speaking
3. Warming-up:
Teacher: Well, let us start. First of all, let’s look at the screen and guess the names of the sports. (see slide2) (Children guess and name the sports.)
Teacher: Well done! And now I’d like you to solve the crossword with your partner. After you have finished it, you will discover another popular sport. Start, please. (Pupils work in pairs. The teacher monitors their work.)
4. Introducing the topic:
Teacher: I see that you are ready. Yes, you did it correctly. So, the name of the sport is SNOWBOARDING. (see slide 3)
You know there are many different sports and games in the world. But nowadays many young people try new sports. Some of them are extreme. I want you to look at the screen again and say whether you know these extreme sports or not. (see slide 4) (The pupils try to guess.)
Teacher: OK, let up pronounce those words correctly. Repeat after me. (See slide 5) (Pupils repeat the words in chorus)
Teacher: Well done. Now I’d like you to choose one of these cards and read out the name of the sport. (Each pair of pupils chooses a card).
5. Pair-work:
Teacher: Your task is to work with your partner and find information about your sport in the Net. You should use this site: http//www.wikipedia.com. Be ready to tell your classmates about it. (The teacher puts down the web-site and pupils start working in pairs on the computer.)
6. Presentation of the sport:
Teacher: Well, I see that you have finished. Now we will listen to your mini-presentations of the chosen sports.
(Each pair tells the class about their sport. The rest listen and ask questions.)
7. Reflexion stage:
Teacher: Thank you for your work, my friends. Tell me please what new interesting facts have you learnt about extreme sports today?
(Pupils give their answers.)
Teacher: Would you like to take up some of these sports? Why? (The pupils explain their choice.)
Teacher: Now have a look at your home assignment. (see slide 7) Is the task clear to you? Right.
Well, finally, you marks for today’s class are the following…
8. Parting.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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