Love Drug (by O’Henry)
методическая разработка (английский язык, 8 класс) по теме
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Love Drug (by O’Henry)
Вниманию учителей предлагается материал о жизни и творчестве известного американского писателя О.Генри, который может быть использован для проведения литературного вечера в старших классах школ с преподаванием ряда предметов на английском языке. В процессе подготовительной работы учитель знакомит школьников с названиями произведений писателя, именами собственными, незнакомой для них лексикой. Особая работа проводится с участниками инсценировок: четкая дикция, хорошее английское произношение, выразительные жесты исполнителей способствуют адекватному восприятию и пониманию текста слушателями и обеспечивают успех проведения литературного вечера. Материал может быть использован ( полностью или частично) во внеклассной работе, проводимой в старших классах средней общеобразовательной школы. Учитель сам выбирает наиболее подходящие формы работы с ним, исходя из уровня языковой подготовки учащихся.
William Sydney Porter, known by his pseudonym, O. Henry, was born in North Carolina. He was the son of a doctor. After school he worked as a clerk, then went to Texas where he tried various professions. After that he became a clerk in a small provincian bank.
When a loss of a thousand dollars was discovered , Porter, though innocent, was imprisoned for three years.
After his release in 1902 he went to New York where he lived and wrote short stories . In his short stories O. Henry described amusing incidents of everyday life in large cities, on the ranches and on the highways of America.
Jim,a poor young man,was a boarder at old Riddle’s Jim and Rosie,old Riddle’s daughter loved each other and wanted to get married but Rosie’s father didn’t want to hear about it.He hoped to find a rich man for her daughter.
Jim had a friend who worked at the chemist’s.His name was Pilkins.Pilkins seemed to be a quiet man unable to do anything wrong.
One afternoon Jim called at the chemist’s.He looked excited, his face was red. He said to Pilkins:
Jim:”Hello!How are you?”
Jim:”Old Riddle has been angry with me lately though I don’t know why.Perhaps he learned that Rosie and I love each other.
He doesn’t want me to live in their house any longer.So Rosie and I decided to elope and get married this night.
I’ll be the happiest man if Rosie doesn’t change her mind . One day she says she’ll do it , the same evening she says she won’t .She lacks courage. I’m at a loss what to do .-Pilkins was attentively listening to every word Jim said.
Pilkins: “You we’re going to elope this night “
Jim: “But I`m afraid Rosie will change her mind again.You can help me Pilkins”
Pilkins : What do you mean ?
Jim : I say ,Pilkins , is there a medicine that will help Rosie keep her courage and love me more? I could give it to her at supper tonight . Then she wouldn’t change her mind and we’d married.Can you give me such medicine ? Pilkins was shocked to hear the news.
He turned white but Jim took no notice of it he had no idea that Pilkins was secretly
in love with Rosie.Without saying a word he went out into another room and took a
powder of morphia.
Pilkins: “Rosie will sleep for hours if she takes the powder” he thought.
Pilkins : «Ofcourse I can. Rosie will sleep for hours if she takes the powder”
Here ‘s the medicine you asked me for . Put it into Rosie`s tea .
Jim:Thanks a lot!You are a real friend.
Pilkins hoped to set up a chemist’s shop of his own and marry Rosie one day.
.When Jim left he hurried to Mr. Riddle’s house and told him:
Pilkins:Hi, Mr.Riddle!
Riddle:Hello! Glad to see you!
Pilkins:So am I.
Pilkins:I am going to tell you something very important.Your daughter is going to elope and get married with Jim,your boarder.
Mr.Riddle:Oh, my God! He thinks I’m an old fool. Wel , I’ll ruin their plans. As soon as he comes near Rosie’s room he’ll find his death there .”
All that night Pilkins waited for the news but no news came.At nine in the morning he ran out and walked towards Mr.Riddle’s house.The first man he saw in the street was Jim with a happy smile on his face.
Pilkins : “ Why? What are you doing here ? “
Jim : You can congratulate me , Roise and I got married last night.
Pilkins : Congratulations! But ... But ... What about the medicine ?
Jim : “Oh the medicine you gave me , well, at supper last night I looked at Rosie and said to myself: “Rosie loves you dearly. You shouldn’t give her the medicine. Then I looked at her father. “If you marry Rosie you’ll be connected with her family. It would be good if her father loved you .” I thought. And I put the medicine in to Mr. Riddle’s cup of tea . Thank you for the medicine.”said Jim and hurried away.
Учитель английского языка ГОУ СОШ №104
В.Н. Аникина
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