Заключительный урок по теме "Еда" 3 год обучения.
методическая разработка (английский язык, 6 класс) по теме
Достопримечательности Лондона.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Кальчина Людмила Владимировна, место работы – МБОУ УСОШ №4 , г. Удомля Тверской области. Учитель английского языка.
Заключительный урок по теме «Еда» по учебнику Верещагиной III год обучения. Работа выполнена в 2012 году.
Цель урока: повторение изученного материала по теме «Еда», тренировка грамматических навыков, диалогической речи, совершенствование навыков аудирования, устной речи.
- воспитательная: Формирование принципов здорового образа жизни.
- обучающая: Формирование грамматических навыков: Past Indefinite неправильных глаголов, неисчисляемые существительные. Развитие
техники чтения с полным пониманием. Развитие навыков монологической речи и аудирования.
- развивающая: Развитие логики и мышления
Оборудование: компьютер, магнитофон и аудиозаписи, бланки заданий, карандаши.
Организационный момент и приветствие:
Тeacher: Hello, boys and girls! Glad to see you. Sit down, please. Today we are going to talk about food. You will read the text. act out dialogues and listen to the proverbs. You will revise irregular verbs and the words some and any.
Повторение лексики по теме «Food»:
Тeacher: Are you ready to talk about food? Let’s see. Name the things ( учитель заранее готовит картинки по теме, чтобы ученики быстрее вспомнили нужные слова: мороженное, чай, каша, яйцо, торт, кофе, мясо, колбаса, молоко и т.д.)
Now look at the blackboard. Some words there are uncountable nouns. What are they?
Butter, fruit, meat, cake, water, tea, cheese, hamburger, egg, vegetable, bread, apple, food, sugar, biscuit, milk, sweet,
We use some and any with uncountable and plural nouns. Complete the sentences with these words.
- Have __ orange Juice with you breakfast.
- Don’t drink__ juice between meals.
- Water hasn’t got__ calories.
- If you want a snack, try__ nuts.
And now you will listen to the proverbs and translate them to Russian.
- Every vegetable has its season.
- You cannot hold two water-melons in one hand.
- The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
- As you cooked the porridge, so must you eat it.
- An apple does not fall far from the apple tree.
- Eggs cannot teach a hen.
- Before you choose friend eat a bushel of salt with him.
- He has other fish to fry.
- Tastes differ.
- You cannot make omelet without breaking eggs.
That’ all right
Говорение. Беседа по теме «Meals».
Тeacher: Match these foods to the pictures: саrrots, chocolate, green vegetables, grilled fish, lemons, melon, noodles, nuts, pasta, rice. (картинки развешаны на доске)
Тeacher: Which of these foods contain:
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- Protein
- a lot of calories
Тeacher: Work in pairs. Make up a list of eight foods that are healthy and that are unhealthy.
Healthy: green vegetables, nuts, water, fish, meat, fruit, cheese. Unhealthy: lemonade, chocolate, sugar, hamburgers, cola, potato, hot-dogs, crisps.
Тeacher: Read these ideas about healthy eating. Do you think they are true? Compare ideas with other students. The possible answers: I think this is true (false), I’m not sure about this.
- Coffee and tea are bad for you.
- There are “good” foods and “bad” foods.
- Vegetarian food is always healthy.
- Fruit juice is good for you.
- Carrots help you see in the duck.
- It’s okay not to eat breakfast.
Read the text quickly and match the ideas to the paragraphs.
- True and false. Natural fruit juice is good for you, but it can be bad for your teeth. So yes, have some orange juice with your breakfast or lunch, but don’t drink any juice between meals. Try water instead. Up to eight glasses of water a day is good for you, water hasn’t got any calories.
- False. When you sleep you don’t eat for a long time and in the morning it’s important to start the day with a good breakfast you often feel hungry later in the morning and start eating biscuits or chocolate. These sugary snacks are good idea. (If you want a healthy snack, try some nuts or melon).
- True and false. People drink coffee when they are tired, but it’s isn’t very healthy so don’t have more than two cups a day and don’t drink any coffee before you go to bed. Tea is generally good for you, but drink it with lemon and don’t put any milk or sugar in it. Green tea is especially healthy.
- False. Vegetarian dishes often contain a lot of cheese and oil and these can be fattening. It’s important to eat some vegetables every day. (Doctors say five portions of vegetables and fruit). We need the vitamins and minerals, especially from green vegetables.
- False. Carrots have a lot of vitamin A and vitamin A is good for your eyes, but nobody can really see in the duck.
- False. There are good and bad diets. For example real chocolate contains vitamins and minerals and can help you when you are tied. But it also has a lot of sugar, don’t eat it often. Eat a balanced died with some rice, pasta, bread or noodles and a lots of vegetables and fruit. You also need protein from meat, grilled fish, cheese or nuts. And you need oil: olive oil and fish oil are particularly good.
Тeacher: What do you usually have for breakfast, dinner, supper? What about your family? What do you think English people have for breakfast?
-Read the dialogues on pairs. Учитель предлагает диалоги на карточках. Ученики делятся на пары и читают диалоги вслух.
-Make up your own dialogue. Те ученики, которые прочитали диалог вслух, составляют свой диалог. Примерные образцы диалогов:
1. -Hello Mom.
-Hello, Nick. How are things at school?
-Fine, thanks.
-Good. Wash your hands and let’s have dinner.
-I’m hungry. What do we have for dinner today?
-We have soup, cutlets and fried potatoes.
-And what about sweets and cakes?
-First eat soup. Then you will have sweets and cakes.
2. –What is there for breakfast?
-Sausage, cheese, eggs, bread and butter.
- No eggs for me. Just, a sandwich with sausage, please.
-Can I have cocoa instead of tea.
-All right.
Тeacher:I see you are tied. Let’s rest a little. Stand up, please.
Hands up,
On the hips,
Sit down.
Hands up,
On the sides,
Bend to the left,
Bend to the right.
Move your fingers.
Закрепление грамматического материала.
Тeacher: We are going to revise irregular verbs. Look at the cards and call the verbs all together. (take, get up, give, see, say, have, eat, drink, can, put, go, come).
And now you will do the test. You have the cards on your desks. Read the task and do it.
- Yesterday Ann … up at 9 o’clock.
- She … sandwich and … a cup of tea.
- At 3 o’clock her friends … to see her.
- Her friends … home at 5 o’clock.
- Then Ann … her homework.
- She … her books into the schoolbag.
Тeacher: Pass me your cards. Take you day-books and write down your homework. I want you to make a crossword on topic «Food». Put you pens on the desks. Move your fingers.
Проверка домашнего задания.
Тeacher: And now it’s time to check your homework. You will tell us about your favourite recipe. Do you like to cook? Do you know any recipe. Tell you classmates what you can cook. And you open your exercise-books and write the recipes. Who can translate the recipe.
Развитие умения задавать вопросы.
Тeacher: If you want to know what food your friends can cook ask them questions. And they will answer them.
Перевод предложений с русского на английский.
- Моя мама любит мясной суп, а папа любит кашу.
- Мой друг съел яйца и выпил стакан молока вчера утром.
- Я люблю есть яблоки и пить сок и кофе.
- Что вы делаете, когда хотите есть?
- Мы не можем приготовить рыбный суп без рыбы.
Подведение итогов урока.
Тeacher: I want to thank all the participants for taking part in this lesson. You were very nice and clever. Our lesson is over. Good-bye.
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Заключительный урок по теме "Еда".
Урок понравился. Использованы разнообразные формы и методы обучения. Пословицы, использованные на уроке, обязательно применю при изучении данной темы. Много лексических единиц, диалогов, повторение прошедшего времени и неопределенных местоимений.Урок актуален, так как направлен на воспитание здорового образа жизни.
Хороший урок для завершения
Хороший урок для завершения изучения темы, использованы разнообразные методы и приёмы работы, что поддерживает интерес учащихся в течение всего занятия. При этом решались и серьёзные вопросы повторения грамматики. Воспитательные цели урока также решены. Учитель использует в работе и здоровьесберегающие технологии, что актуально в наше время, когда дети часто ведут малоподвижный образ жизни.