Robert Burns' Poetry
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Урок посвящен поэзии знаменитого шотландского поэта Роберта Бернса, а именно его стихотворению "В полях под снегом и дождем".
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Государственное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная школа № 80с углубленным изучением английского языка
Андреева Н.В., учитель английского языка
Robert Burns’ Poetry
Robert Burns’ Poetry
Some Facts of Biography
25 January, 1759 – born in Alloway, Ayrshire (Scotland)Though poor, his father gave the children education, hiring a tutor for his children, and also teaching them himself.In 1786 he published Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect at nearby Kilmarnock, Scotland, and the book was a success.Robert became famous at the age of twenty-seven.Many of his poems expressed his love of the country and its people.Died: July 21, 1796 Dumfries, Scotland.
Robert Burns’ Poetry
in Boston
in New-York
Robert Burns’ Poetry
in London
in Irvine moor, Ayrshire, Scotland
in Glasgow
Robert Burns’ Poetry
Robert Burns was very curious about different things. Besides, he was very attentive to some small creatures, to which most of the people do not pay attention at all. For example he devoted a poem to a… mouse! Now there is even a monument to that mouse near the museum of the poet.
Robert Burns’ Poetry
The poet is really famous, well-known all over the world. Why?Let’s think about it while reading one of his poems. It is called “O wert thou in the cauld blast” (originally) or “O were you in the coldest blast” (in modern English).
Robert Burns’ Poetry
O wert thou in the cauld blast,On yonder lea, on yonder lea,My plaidie to the angry airt,I'd shelter thee, I'd shelter thee; Or did Misfortune's bitter stormsAround thee blaw, around thee blaw,Thy bield should be my bosom,To share it a', to share it a'.Or were I in the wildest waste,Sae black and bare, sae black and bare,The desert were a Paradise,If thou wert there, if thou wert there; Or were I Monarch o' the globe,Wi' thee to reign, wi' thee to reign,The brightest jewel in my CrownWad be my Queen, wad be my Queen
В полях, под снегом и дождем,Мой милый друг, мой бедный друг,Тебя укрыл бы я плащомОт зимних вьюг, от зимних вьюг.А если мука сужденаТебе судьбой, тебе судьбой,Готов я скорбь твою до днаДелить с тобой, делить с тобой.Пускай сойду я в мрачный дол,Где ночь кругом, где тьма кругом, -Во тьме я солнце бы нашелС тобой вдвоем, с тобой вдвоем.И если б дали мне в уделВесь шар земной, весь шар земной,С каким бы счастьем я владелТобой одной, тобой одной.
Robert Burns’ Poetry
O, were you in the coldest blastOn a dewy field, on a dewy field,The plaid of mine in it’s directionWould be your shield, would be your shield.Or did Misfortune's bitter stormsAround you blow, around you blow,Your shelter should be my bosom,To share it all, to share it all.Or were I in the wildest waste (потеря, убыток),So black and bare (пустой), so black and bare,The desert were a Paradise,If you were there, if you were there.Or were I monarch of the globe,With you to reign, with you to reign,The brightest jewel in my crownWould be my queen, would be my queen.
misfortune = no fortune
bitter = unpleasant
bosom = chest
monarch = king
globe = world
What’s the mood of the poem? Why?
O, were you in the coldest blastOn a dewy field, on a dewy field,The plaid of mine in it’s directionWould be your shield, would be your shield.Or did Misfortune's bitter stormsAround you blow, around you blow,Your shelter should be my bosom,To share it all, to share it all.Or were I in the wildest waste,So black and bare, so black and bare,The desert were a Paradise,If you were there, if you were there.Or were I monarch of the globe,With you to reign, with you to reign,The brightest jewel in my crownWould be my queen, would be my queen.
[w], [s]
2. What sounds are prevailing? What do they express?
bad / holiday / good / happy / joyful / angry mood melancholy mood ≈ меланхолияmercurial mood ≈ переменчивое настроение nostalgic mood ≈ ностальгия pensive mood ≈ задумчивость resentful mood ≈ обида, возмущение sullen mood ≈мрачное настроение mood of anxiety ≈ тревожное настроениеmellow mood, tranquil mood ≈ умиротворенное состояниеbilious mood ≈ раздражение
Robert Burns’ Poetry O, were you in the coldest blastOn a dewy field, on a dewy field,The plaid of mine in it’s directionWould be your shield, would be your shield.Or did Misfortune's bitter stormsAround you blow, around you blow,Your shelter should be my bosom,To share it all, to share it all.Or were I in the wildest waste,So black and bare, so black and bare,The desert were a Paradise,If you were there, if you were there.Or were I monarch of the globe,With you to reign, with you to reign,The brightest jewel in my crownWould be my queen, would be my queen.
3. What are the main lines? Words?
4. What is the most important and profound idea?
Robert Burns’ Poetry Robert Burns’ Poetry
Love, devotion, kindness, tenderness, care
Robert Burns’ Poetry
Love, kindness and care not only of a man to a woman, but to everybody and everything
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