Языки международного общения
методическая разработка по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
Конспект урока английского языка
в11 классе по теме:
«Языки международного общения»
“Enjoy English” М.З.Биболетова
Учитель МБОУ СОШ №2 ст.Выселки
Бурмистрова Г.В.
Цель урока: Формировать и развивать коммуникативную и социокультурную компетенцию.
познавательный аспект - знакомство с понятием смешения языков
( “Globish”, “Runglish’’)
развивающий аспект — развитие творческих способностей учащихся;
воспитательный аспект — развитие умения работать в группе;
учебный аспект — развитие речевых умений (говорить, писать, общаться);
Речевой материал:
продуктивный: лексический материал цикла.
Оборудование: учебник «Enjoy English» для 11 класса Биболетовой М.З.
Ход урока:
- Организационный момент.
Good morning, dear friends!
I'm glad to see you.
How are you?
Today we're going to speak about world languages: local or global.
II. Введение в тему урока.
2. Речевая разминка.
First answer the questions:
- How long have you been learning English for?
- Why did you start learning it?
- What was your first English lesson like?
- What was your first English teacher's name?
- What do you enjoy most in your English lessons?
- What do you find most difficult about learning English?
- Why are you learning English now?
- How do you think you are going to use English in the future?
- Would you like to learn any other foreign languages?
- Are you learning any other foreign language?
- Изучение материала.
- Активизация навыков говорения.
а) введение в тему урока;
Nowadays, there's the language which was invented to make English easier for people from different countries to understand. The language has different names but they are very similar: Runglish, Globish, etc.
b) чтение текста, обмен мнениями –ex, №20, p.13
Now I want you to compare two texts and say which of them you like more. Explain your opinion.
- I went to my niece and nephew's party the other weekend. I played the piano and we were all singing along when a mouse ran out from behind the sofa with a piece of apple in its mouth.
- At the party of my brother's children the other day, I played an instrument with black and white keys and we all sang along. Then an animal that cats like to eat ran out from behind the seat with a piece of fruit in its mouth.
(Обмен мнениями учащихся)
Now say what do you think Globish is?
(Предположения учащихся. Введение слова учителем)
“Globish” - is a formalized subset of English grammar and vocabulary. It is a simplified orthography and pronunciation of standard English.
- Who speaks this language? (possible answer: non-native English speakers)
- Is it useful? (possible answer: perhaps, yes.)
- Does it have any future? (possible answer: who knows.)
с) работа в парах (метод континиума);
for against
It's time to work in pairs. I want you to answer the question: Do you think English should be simplified and made easier to learn?
(Учащиеся обсуждают поставленный вопрос в парах.)
Will you give arguments “for” and “against” of simplified languages?
(Учащиеся делятся своим мнением. Заслушиваются 4-5 человек.)
- Совершенствование навыков чтения.
а) Чтение текста ex.27, p.15(метод континиума)
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for against
Now open your textbooks at page 15 and read exercise 27. There are some teachers' comments on our topic. While reading tick the “for” and “against” ideas.
Antonio Benedict from Italy
In my view English should be taught at different levels, but not simplified. And besides, by changing the language, we are depriving the student of the real words. If the student is taught a simplified version of a language, how will he or she be able to understand authentic texts like poems, slang expressions, or lyrics? That is really no good for students!
Magda Szabo from Hungary
We call our planet “a global village” now which means that everything is gradually becoming one grey mass: our culture, our eating habits and even the way we think. I think this means that we should keep everything that is characteristic to us and our language in first place. We should guard our own mother tongue as a precious possession and use any second language just as a way to communicate with other global citizens.
Hector Kadmos from Greece
No language is easy to learn because they all have their own history and culture! And no language can be simplified just for the sake of easiness. By trying to make it easier, we might deform it and then, together wit5h its complexity, much of its beauty would disappear! I think students should deal with the real language and all its complexity and be exposed to real-life language used by native speakers. This is the only way to teach learners how to manage in a real conversation.
Lea Hoffman from Germany
I know that doing business in English does not always require very good usage or even a complete understanding of the language. Why should we speak the way native speakers do when we can already understand each other? It is more important to be able to communicate and understand each other than it is to be grammatically correct. Sometimes students are taught old-fashioned phrases and vocabulary with subtle meanings and this makes it difficult for all users of English to understand each other! Students should be taught simpler English.
Peter Teller from the UK
I don’t think there is any use in simplifying a language: if we over simplify the language we teach, it will become useless for real communication. On the other hand, if the language is too difficult to learn, not many people will be able to master it. I believe we should teach a foreign language in a manner close to how children start learning their mother tongue, and then gradually work towards the real-life language. We definitely should aim at reaching a “real” language level, otherwise there is no sense in learning it at all.
- Итог урока.
- Пятиминутное эссе
Let's summarize everything we have spoken about. I give you 3 minutes to make a brief report on the topic.
V. Домашнее задание.
Workbook: ex.9, p. 7.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Конспект урока английского языка
в11 классе по теме:
«Языки международного общения»
“Enjoy English” М.З.Биболетова
Учитель МБОУ СОШ №2 ст.Выселки
Цель урока: Формировать и развивать коммуникативную и социокультурную компетенцию.
познавательный аспект - знакомство с понятием смешения языков
( “Globish”, “Runglish’’)
развивающий аспект — развитие творческих способностей учащихся;
воспитательный аспект — развитие умения работать в группе;
учебный аспект — развитие речевых умений (говорить, писать, общаться);
Речевой материал:
продуктивный: лексический материал цикла.
Оборудование: учебник «Enjoy English» для 11 класса Биболетовой М.З.
Ход урока:
Организационный момент.
Good morning, dear friends!
I'm glad to see you.
How are you?
Today we're going to speak about world languages: local or global.
II. Введение в тему урока.
2. Речевая разминка.
First answer the questions:
How long have you been learning English for?
Why did you start learning it?
What was your first English lesson like?
What was your first English teacher's name?
What do you enjoy most in your English lessons?
What do you find most difficult about learning English?
Why are you learning English now?
How do you think you are going to use English in the future?
Would you like to learn any other foreign languages?
Are you learning any other foreign language?
Изучение материала.
Активизация навыков говорения.
а) введение в тему урока;
Nowadays, there's the language which was invented to make English easier for people from different countries to understand. The language has different names but they are very similar: Runglish, Globish, etc.
b) чтение текста, обмен мнениями –ex, №20, p.13
Now I want you to compare two texts and say which of them you like more. Explain your opinion.
I went to my niece and nephew's party the other weekend. I played the piano and we were all singing along when a mouse ran out from behind the sofa with a piece of apple in its mouth.
At the party of my brother's children the other day, I played an instrument with black and white keys and we all sang along. Then an animal that cats like to eat ran out from behind the seat with a piece of fruit in its mouth.
(Обмен мнениями учащихся)
Now say what do you think Globish is?
(Предположения учащихся. Введение слова учителем)
“Globish” - is a formalized subset of English grammar and vocabulary. It is a simplified orthography and pronunciation of standard English.
Who speaks this language? (possible answer: non-native English speakers)
Is it useful? (possible answer: perhaps, yes.)
Does it have any future? (possible answer: who knows.)
с) работа в парах (метод континиума);
for against
It's time to work in pairs. I want you to answer the question: Do you think English should be simplified and made easier to learn?
(Учащиеся обсуждают поставленный вопрос в парах.)
Will you give arguments “for” and “against” of simplified languages?
(Учащиеся делятся своим мнением. Заслушиваются 4-5 человек.)
Совершенствование навыков чтения.
а) Чтение текста ex.27, p.15(метод континиума)
for against
Now open your textbooks at page 15 and read exercise 27. There are some teachers' comments on our topic. While reading tick the “for” and “against” ideas.
Antonio Benedict from Italy
In my view English should be taught at different levels, but not simplified. And besides, by changing the language, we are depriving the student of the real words. If the student is taught a simplified version of a language, how will he or she be able to understand authentic texts like poems, slang expressions, or lyrics? That is really no good for students!
Magda Szabo from Hungary
We call our planet “a global village” now which means that everything is gradually becoming one grey mass: our culture, our eating habits and even the way we think. I think this means that we should keep everything that is characteristic to us and our language in first place. We should guard our own mother tongue as a precious possession and use any second language just as a way to communicate with other global citizens.
Hector Kadmos from Greece
No language is easy to learn because they all have their own history and culture! And no language can be simplified just for the sake of easiness. By trying to make it easier, we might deform it and then, together wit5h its complexity, much of its beauty would disappear! I think students should deal with the real language and all its complexity and be exposed to real-life language used by native speakers. This is the only way to teach learners how to manage in a real conversation.
Lea Hoffman from Germany
I know that doing business in English does not always require very good usage or even a complete understanding of the language. Why should we speak the way native speakers do when we can already understand each other? It is more important to be able to communicate and understand each other than it is to be grammatically correct. Sometimes students are taught old-fashioned phrases and vocabulary with subtle meanings and this makes it difficult for all users of English to understand each other! Students should be taught simpler English.
Peter Teller from the UK
I don’t think there is any use in simplifying a language: if we over simplify the language we teach, it will become useless for real communication. On the other hand, if the language is too difficult to learn, not many people will be able to master it. I believe we should teach a foreign language in a manner close to how children start learning their mother tongue, and then gradually work towards the real-life language. We definitely should aim at reaching a “real” language level, otherwise there is no sense in learning it at all.
Итог урока.
Пятиминутное эссе
Let's summarize everything we have spoken about. I give you 3 minutes to make a brief report on the topic.
V. Домашнее задание.
Workbook: ex.9, p. 7.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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