Интерактивный урок на тему "Тульский зооэкзотариум"
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
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Предварительный просмотр:
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Предварительный просмотр:
Match the words of these lists and translate them:(there may be more than one correct variant)
unique bred
constantly species
were changed
are periodically grow
haven’t yet been described by science
Make up your own sentences with the following words:
a reptile 4) a terrarium 7) a raccoon
an amphibian 5) a lizard 8) a mother-in-law
a dinosaur 6) a turtle 9) a laboratory
Choose the correct variant:
1). The Zoo was opened on the … .
a) 28th of September, 1988 b) 27th of October, 1989 c) 27th of September, 1987
2). It s situated at… .
a) 27,Octyabryskaya Street b) 26,Octyabryskaya Street c) 25,Lesnaya Street
3). In front of the Zoo you can see a sculpture of a… .
a) crocodile b) dinosaur c) monkey
4). First there were only … there.
a) 2 halls b) 3 halls c) 4 halls
5). Visitors were able to see… .
a) 50 species of fish, 20 species of reptiles, 20 species of other animals
b) 55 species of fish, 25 species of reptiles, 20 species of other animals
c) 50 species of fish, 50 species of reptiles, 20 species of other animals
6). Now there are … there.
a) 4 halls with 40 terraria
b) 6 halls with 40 terraria
c) 4 halls with 44 terraria
- Decide if the following statements are true or false: ( T or F )
1). The Zoo is not the only zoo of reptiles and amphibians in Russia. ( )
2). It has the largest collection of amphibians in Russia. ( )
3). There are rare animals from Europe and Asia. ( )
4). The Zoo is a scientific center, as well. ( )
5). In its laboratories scientists breed unique species of animals. ( )
6). Some of them were bred for the second time. ( )
7). There are also species which haven’t yet been described by science. ( )
Предварительный просмотр:
The Tula Zooexotarium .
1). a reptile – пресмыкающееся
2). an amphibian – амфибия, земноводное животное
3). a laboratory – лаборатория
4). to bread (bred) – выводить, разводить; размножать
*were bred – были выведены
5). unique – уникальный
6). a species (pl. species) - вид
7). a dinosaur – динозавр
8). a mother-in-law – теща
9). сconstantly – постоянно
10).a terrarium – террариум
(pl. terraria)
11).a lizard – ящерица
12).a turtle – морская черепаха
13).a raccoon – енот
14).periodically – периодически
Match the words of these lists and translate them:(there may be more than one correct variant)
unique bred
constantly species
were changed
are periodically grow
haven’t yet been described by science
Make up your own sentences with the following words:
a reptile 4) a terrarium 7) a raccoon
an amphibian 5) a lizard 8) a mother-in-law
a dinosaur 6) a turtle 9) a laboratory
say why the text about this zoo is at our lesson today.
prove that the Zoo is unique.
1). When was the Zoo founded?
2). What’s its address?
3). What can you see in front of the Zoo?
4). How many halls were there first?
5). How many species were visitors able to see?
6). How many halls and terraria are there now?
The Tula Zooexotarium is the only Zoo of reptiles and amphibians in Russia. It has the largest collection of reptiles in the world. Also, there are rare animals from all the continents. The Zoo is a scientific center, as well. It s so, because in its laboratories scientists breed unique species of animals. Some of them were bred in Tula for the first time in the world. There are also species which haven’t yet been described by science.
The Zooexotarium was founded 20 years ago, in 1987. It was opened on the 27th of September. The Zoo is situated at number 26, Octyabryskaya street. A wonderful sculpture of a dinosaur meets you in front of the Zoo. People call it “mother-in-law”. First there were only 2 halls there. Visitors were able to see 50 species of fish, 50 species of reptiles and nearly 20 species of other animals.
From the first days of opening and up to now the collection of the Zoo constantly grows. Now there are 4 halls with 40 terraria, where you can see different kinds of snakes, lizards, frogs, crocodiles, parrots, turtles, monkeys, raccoons and others. Animals on exhibition are periodically changed.
Choose the correct variant:
1). The Zoo was opened on the … . c
a) 28th of September, 1988 b) 27th of October, 1989 c) 27th of September, 1987
2). It s situated at… . b
a) 27,Octyabryskaya Street b) 26,Octyabryskaya Street c) 25,Lesnaya Street
3). In front of the Zoo you can see a sculpture of a… . b
a) crocodile b) dinosaur c) monkey
4). First there were only … there. a
a) 2 halls b) 3 halls c) 4 halls
5). Visitors were able to see… . c
a) 50 species of fish, 20 species of reptiles, 20 species of other animals
b) 55 species of fish, 25 species of reptiles, 20 species of other animals
c) 50 species of fish, 50 species of reptiles, 20 species of other animals
6). Now there are … there. a
a) 4 halls with 40 terraria
b) 6 halls with 40 terraria
c) 4 halls with 44 terraria
- Decide if the following statements are true or false: ( T or F )
1). The Zoo is not the only zoo of reptiles and amphibians in Russia. (F)
2). It has the largest collection of amphibians in Russia. (F)
3). There are rare animals from Europe and Asia. (F)
4). The Zoo is a scientific center, as well. (T)
5). In its laboratories scientists breed unique species of animals. (T)
6). Some of them were bred for the second time. (F)
7). There are also species which haven t yet been described by science. (T)
- Complete the sentences:
1). From the first days of opening and up to now the collection of the Zoo constantly
2). There you can see different kinds of snakes, lizards, frogs, crocodiles, parrots, turtles,
monkeys, raccoons and others.
3). Animals on exhibition are periodically changed.
1). the uniqueness of the Zooexotarium.
2). its past.
3). nowadays.
4). as for me…
- Imagine some certain situations when your friend and you:
1). are going past the zoo. Your reaction, please.
2). are going round the exhibits in the zoo.
3). have visited the zoo and now you are talking about it with your parent.
4). are talking about where to go to on the day off.
5). are preparing to make up a report “The reptiles of the world”.
Act out your conversations.
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