Контрольные и проверочные работы для 3-5 классов по учебнику Биболетова М.З.
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
контрольные работы предназначены для учащихся 3-6 классов которые обучаются по учебнику Биболетова М.З.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Контрольная работа. 3 класс
Перевести словосочетания на русский язык.
Jill’s postcard -
Teacher’s computer -
Sister’s dolls -
Tiny’s pencils –
Перевести словосочетания на английский язык
Письмо Маши -
Конверт Тайни -
Сумка Почтальона -
Кошка сестёр –
Расставить буквы в нужном порядке
t,e,r,e,l,t –
s,r,e,p,o,t –
t,p,a,s,m, -
a,p,r,e,p –
m,a,s,o,t,p,n –
Вставить пропущенные буквы
P_zzle, b_ll, tedd_ bear, comp_ter, g_me, r_ller sk_tes, pr_sent, d_ll, bic_cle
Составить предложения
in, can, I, winter, skate.
May, I, and, September, like.
in, the, live, I, country.
Предварительный просмотр:
Директорская контрольная работа по английскому языку для 4 класса.
Написать II форму глагола
Finish- Look- Go- Is- Say-
Ask- Walk- Have- Come- See-
Answer- Collect- Make- Do- Write-
Listen- Study- Put- Fall-
Поставить предложения в вопросительную форму
1.We watched TV yesterday.
2. Nick drew a nice picture last night.
3. I wrote a letter to my friend.
4. The boy cought a big fish a month ago.
Написать в сравнительной и превосходной степени
Положительная | Сравнительная | Превосходная |
Fat |
Thin |
Happy |
Lazy |
Cold |
Strong |
Good |
Little |
Comfortable |
Talented |
Вставить пропущенные is или are
1.There …. one window in the kitchen.
2. There … no posters in my room.
3. There … many doors in my house.
4. There … a big living room in the flat.
5. There … two bathrooms in the house.
Перевести на английский язык
Яблоня Гостиная Стол
Деревня Кровать Над столом
Сад Пол Между кухней
Предварительный просмотр:
Контрольная работа №1
1. Вставить пропущенные буквы.
Bedr_ _ m, ki_ _ en, ba _ _ room, wind _ _, d _ _r, h_ _ l, l_ _ing room, to _let
2. Вставить пропущенные is или are
Ex: There is one picture on the wall.
1. There … one window in the kitchen.
2. There … no posters in my room.
3. There … many doors in Jim’s house.
4. There … a big living room in the flat.
5. There … two bathrooms in the house.
3 .Перевести на английский язык.
Ex:На столе –on the table
1. Под столом 2. За креслом
3. На полу 4. В левом углу
5. В правом углу 6. В середине комнаты
7. Над столом 8. между кроватями
4. Расставить слова в нужном порядке
Ex: Is, a, picture, there, on, table, the – There is a picture on the table.
1. small, got, have, a, I, flat.
2. is, a, big, there, window, bedroom, in, my.
3.are, no, house, our, in, pictures, there.
4. a, with, shares, he, room, friend, his.
5. Поставить предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму.
Ex: There are two beds in my bedroom.
Are there two bedrooms in my bedroom?
There are not two beds in my bedroom.
1. There is a nice picture on the table.
2. There are a lot of postcards on the table.
3. There is a new computer in the room.
4. There are a lot of things in the pantry.
Предварительный просмотр:
Do or Does?
1.… your friend like summer?
2. What season … you like?
3. Where … you skip in winter?
4 .What … his mother do when it is cold?
5. What … they have for breakfast?
Why … he like to draw?
Do or Does?
1.… your friend like summer?
2. What season … you like?
3. Where … you skip in winter?
4 .What … his mother do when it is cold?
5. What … they have for breakfast?
Why … he like to draw?
Do or Does?
1.… your friend like summer?
2. What season … you like?
3. Where … you skip in winter?
4 .What … his mother do when it is cold?
5. What … they have for breakfast?
Why … he like to draw?
Do or Does?
1.… your friend like summer?
2. What season … you like?
3. Where … you skip in winter?
4 .What … his mother do when it is cold?
5. What … they have for breakfast?
Why … he like to draw?
Do or Does?
1.… your friend like summer?
2. What season … you like?
3. Where … you skip in winter?
4 .What … his mother do when it is cold?
5. What … they have for breakfast?
Why … he like to draw?
Предварительный просмотр:
Директорская контрольная работа по английскому языку для 5 класса.
Перевести на английский язык
Драма Кинотеатр
История Приглашение
Литература Культурный
Прозвище Выходной
Предмет Оставаться
Написать в сравнительной и превосходной степени
Положительная | Сравнительная | Превосходная |
Fat |
Thin |
Happy |
Lazy |
Cold |
Strong |
Good |
Little |
Comfortable |
Talented |
Заполнить пропуски с глаголами speak, tell, say
1.She’ll … us about last weekend.
2. What languages do you …?
3. The doctor … that I must drink a lot of water.
Add the tag endings
You liked this film …?
He is a good teacher …?
His brother didn’t write an invitation letter …?
They can stay at the hotel …?
Перевести на английский язык.
Я собираюсь читать интересную книгу.
Мы собираемся пойти в кинотеатр с друзьями.
Они собираются написать пригласительное письмо.
Мы собираемся устроить пикник.
Ask questions
I got up at 8 o’clock yesterday.
1 Did …
2.Who …
3.What ….
4.When ….
5.Did … or …?
6.I got up …., …?
Предварительный просмотр:
Контрольная работа. 5 класс
Перевести с русского на английский язык
«Что ты делаешь?» . Я смотрю видео.
Посмотри! Они играют в футбол. А ты что собираешься делать?
Что ты пишешь? Я пишу письмо моей подруге.
Что ты читаешь? Я читаю книгу про нашу школу.
Выбрать правильный глагол
Vets help\ are helping sick animals.
What are you doing? –I watch\ am watching a very good detective film.
What are your hobbies? I have \ am having a lot of hobbies.
What foreign languages do you speak? I speak \ am speaking French and Italian.
Listen! She plays \ is playing the piano.
Выбрать правильный предлог
We are a close family and we get with\up\on well with each other.
Where can I change Russian money for\on\ into British pounds?
He made friends to\for\with a very smart boy.
There are three of \from\ with us in our family: mother, father and I.
Why are animals important to\for \ about people?
Last year I read a story of\ by\ from M. Twain
Вставить пропущенные буквы
I_ndependent, cur_o_s, und_rstanding, t_pical, fri_ndly, l_ving, c_ring, t_lkative, n_ughty.
V. Дать характеристику вашей будущей профессии.
Предварительный просмотр:
Урок №4 5-6 кл
1 .I ….. to school every day.
a) go; b)will go; c)went;
2. My mother … Moscow last year.
a)visits; b)will visit; c)visited;
3.She … good English. She is my friend.
a)speaks; b)will speak; c)spoke;
4) I … to the village next summer.
a) go; b)will go; c)went;
5) My father often … food in this supermarket.
a) buys; b)will buy; c)bought;
Урок №4 5-6 кл
1 .I ….. to school every day.
a) go; b)will go; c)went;
2. My mother … Moscow last year.
a)visits; b)will visit; c)visited;
3.She … good English. She is my friend.
a)speaks; b)will speak; c)spoke;
4) I … to the village next summer.
a) go; b)will go; c)went;
5) My father often … food in this supermarket.
a) buys; b)will buy; c)bought;
Урок №4 5-6 кл
1 .I ….. to school every day.
a) go; b)will go; c)went;
2. My mother … Moscow last year.
a)visits; b)will visit; c)visited;
3.She … good English. She is my friend.
a)speaks; b)will speak; c)spoke;
4) I … to the village next summer.
a) go; b)will go; c)went;
5) My father often … food in this supermarket.
a) buys; b)will buy; c)bought;
Урок №4 5-6 кл
1 .I ….. to school every day.
a) go; b)will go; c)went;
2. My mother … Moscow last year.
a)visits; b)will visit; c)visited;
3.She … good English. She is my friend.
a)speaks; b)will speak; c)spoke;
4) I … to the village next summer.
a) go; b)will go; c)went;
5) My father often … food in this supermarket.
a) buys; b)will buy; c)bought;
Урок №4 5-6 кл
1 .I ….. to school every day.
a) go; b)will go; c)went;
2. My mother … Moscow last year.
a)visits; b)will visit; c)visited;
3.She … good English. She is my friend.
a)speaks; b)will speak; c)spoke;
4) I … to the village next summer.
a) go; b)will go; c)went;
5) My father often … food in this supermarket.
a) buys; b)will buy; c)bought;
Урок №4 5-6 кл
1 .I ….. to school every day.
a) go; b)will go; c)went;
2. My mother … Moscow last year.
a)visits; b)will visit; c)visited;
3.She … good English. She is my friend.
a)speaks; b)will speak; c)spoke;
4) I … to the village next summer.
a) go; b)will go; c)went;
5) My father often … food in this supermarket.
a) buys; b)will buy; c)bought;
Урок №4 5-6 кл
1 .I ….. to school every day.
a) go; b)will go; c)went;
2. My mother … Moscow last year.
a)visits; b)will visit; c)visited;
3.She … good English. She is my friend.
a)speaks; b)will speak; c)spoke;
4) I … to the village next summer.
a) go; b)will go; c)went;
5) My father often … food in this supermarket.
a) buys; b)will buy; c)bought;
Урок №4 5-6 кл
1 .I ….. to school every day.
a) go; b)will go; c)went;
2. My mother … Moscow last year.
a)visits; b)will visit; c)visited;
3.She … good English. She is my friend.
a)speaks; b)will speak; c)spoke;
4) I … to the village next summer.
a) go; b)will go; c)went;
5) My father often … food in this supermarket.
a) buys; b)will buy; c)bought;
Предварительный просмотр:
Контрольная работа 5 класс III четверть
Translate into English
Творческая работа
Независимый корреспондент
Умное и интеллигентное лицо
Ответственный юрист
Застенчивый клерк
Добрый и общительный водитель
Гостеприимная домашняя хозяйка
Сильный, но грубый спортсмен
Put the verbs in the correct form
1. Vets help\ are helping sick animals.
2. What are you doing? –I watch\ am watching a very good detective film.
3. What are your hobbies? I have \ am having a lot of hobbies.
4. What foreign languages do you speak? I speak \ am speaking French and Italian.
5. Listen! She plays \ is playing the piano.
6. My little sister is a good pianist. She (go) to the musical school. She (play) the guitar a little too.
7. Listen! What …She (play)? – It’s my favourite song.
8. John! What … you (do)? – I … (write) a letter to my English pen Friend.
9. Why …you (cry)? – I can’t do my Math’s homework. It’s very difficult. Will you help me?
Fill in the table
Happy | unhappy |
Usual |
Possible |
Dependent |
Known |
Pleasant |
Friendly |
Write the verbs in –ing form
Listen, do, meet, eat, play, stay, visit, take, dance, have, give, change, smile, describe, arrange, begin, cut, get, run, put.
Choose the correct preposition
1. We are a close family and we get with\up\on well with each other.
2. There are three of \from\ with us in our family: mother, father and I.
3. Why are animals important to\for \ about people?
4. Where can I change Russian money for\on\ into British pounds?
5. He made friends to\for\with a very smart boy.
6. Last year I read a story of\ by\ from M. Twain
Предварительный просмотр:
Урок №5. 5-6 кл.
1. I usually … my Granny on Saturday.
a) visits; b) visited; c) visit; d) will visit.
2. There … 30 pupils in our class last year.
a) were; b) was; c) are; d) is.
3. I can … English very well.
a) spoke; b) speaks; c) speak; d) will speak.
4. … they go to the Zoo with us next week?
a) shall; b) will; c) do; d) did.
5. I … to my friend’s place yesterday.
a) goed; b) went; c) goes; d) will go.
6. He will not … his holidays in America.
a) spent; b) spended; c) spends; d) spend.
7. My pencil … on the table yesterday. My mother … it in the box.
a) was not, put; b) are not, put; c) were not, put; d) was not, put.
8. Do you like … to school? Yes, I … .
a) to go, did; b) go, do; c) to go, do; d) to go, don’t.
9. We learn how to use computers at … lessons.
a) I.T; b) literature; c) Drama; d) Maths.
10. She wanted to … us about her brother.
a) say; b) tell; c) speak; d) show.
Урок №5. 5-6 кл.
1. I usually … my Granny on Saturday.
a) visits; b) visited; c) visit; d) will visit.
2. There … 30 pupils in our class last year.
a) were; b) was; c) are; d) is.
3. I can … English very well.
a) spoke; b) speaks; c) speak; d) will speak.
4. … they go to the Zoo with us next week?
a) shall; b) will; c) do; d) did.
5. I … to my friend’s place yesterday.
a) goed; b) went; c) goes; d) will go.
6. He will not … his holidays in America.
a) spent; b) spended; c) spends; d) spend.
7. My pencil … on the table yesterday. My mother … it in the box.
a) was not, put; b) are not, put; c) were not, put; d) was not, put.
8. Do you like … to school? Yes, I … .
a) to go, did; b) go, do; c) to go, do; d) to go, don’t.
9. We learn how to use computers at … lessons.
a) I.T; b) literature; c) Drama; d) Maths.
10. She wanted to … us about her brother.
a) say; b) tell; c) speak; d) show.
Урок №5. 5-6 кл.
1. I usually … my Granny on Saturday.
a) visits; b) visited; c) visit; d) will visit.
2. There … 30 pupils in our class last year.
a) were; b) was; c) are; d) is.
3. I can … English very well.
a) spoke; b) speaks; c) speak; d) will speak.
4. … they go to the Zoo with us next week?
a) shall; b) will; c) do; d) did.
5. I … to my friend’s place yesterday.
a) goed; b) went; c) goes; d) will go.
6. He will not … his holidays in America.
a) spent; b) spended; c) spends; d) spend.
7. My pencil … on the table yesterday. My mother … it in the box.
a) was not, put; b) are not, put; c) were not, put; d) was not, put.
8. Do you like … to school? Yes, I … .
a) to go, did; b) go, do; c) to go, do; d) to go, don’t.
9. We learn how to use computers at … lessons.
a) I.T; b) literature; c) Drama; d) Maths.
10. She wanted to … us about her brother.
a) say; b) tell; c) speak; d) show.
Урок №5. 5-6 кл.
1. I usually … my Granny on Saturday.
a) visits; b) visited; c) visit; d) will visit.
2. There … 30 pupils in our class last year.
a) were; b) was; c) are; d) is.
3. I can … English very well.
a) spoke; b) speaks; c) speak; d) will speak.
4. … they go to the Zoo with us next week?
a) shall; b) will; c) do; d) did.
5. I … to my friend’s place yesterday.
a) goed; b) went; c) goes; d) will go.
6. He will not … his holidays in America.
a) spent; b) spended; c) spends; d) spend.
7. My pencil … on the table yesterday. My mother … it in the box.
a) was not, put; b) are not, put; c) were not, put; d) was not, put.
8. Do you like … to school? Yes, I … .
a) to go, did; b) go, do; c) to go, do; d) to go, don’t.
9. We learn how to use computers at … lessons.
a) I.T; b) literature; c) Drama; d) Maths.
10. She wanted to … us about her brother.
a) say; b) tell; c) speak; d) show.
Урок №5. 5-6 кл.
1. I usually … my Granny on Saturday.
a) visits; b) visited; c) visit; d) will visit.
2. There … 30 pupils in our class last year.
a) were; b) was; c) are; d) is.
3. I can … English very well.
a) spoke; b) speaks; c) speak; d) will speak.
4. … they go to the Zoo with us next week?
a) shall; b) will; c) do; d) did.
5. I … to my friend’s place yesterday.
a) goed; b) went; c) goes; d) will go.
6. He will not … his holidays in America.
a) spent; b) spended; c) spends; d) spend.
7. My pencil … on the table yesterday. My mother … it in the box.
a) was not, put; b) are not, put; c) were not, put; d) was not, put.
8. Do you like … to school? Yes, I … .
a) to go, did; b) go, do; c) to go, do; d) to go, don’t.
9. We learn how to use computers at … lessons.
a) I.T; b) literature; c) Drama; d) Maths.
10. She wanted to … us about her brother.
a) say; b) tell; c) speak; d) show.
Урок №5. 5-6 кл.
1. I usually … my Granny on Saturday.
a) visits; b) visited; c) visit; d) will visit.
2. There … 30 pupils in our class last year.
a) were; b) was; c) are; d) is.
3. I can … English very well.
a) spoke; b) speaks; c) speak; d) will speak.
4. … they go to the Zoo with us next week?
a) shall; b) will; c) do; d) did.
5. I … to my friend’s place yesterday.
a) goed; b) went; c) goes; d) will go.
6. He will not … his holidays in America.
a) spent; b) spended; c) spends; d) spend.
7. My pencil … on the table yesterday. My mother … it in the box.
a) was not, put; b) are not, put; c) were not, put; d) was not, put.
8. Do you like … to school? Yes, I … .
a) to go, did; b) go, do; c) to go, do; d) to go, don’t.
9. We learn how to use computers at … lessons.
a) I.T; b) literature; c) Drama; d) Maths.
10. She wanted to … us about her brother.
a) say; b) tell; c) speak; d) show.
Предварительный просмотр:
Урок №6 5-6 кл.
Списать предложения и перевести слова с русского на английский язык.
His favoгrite subject is (математика).
He had a funny (прозвище) when he was studying at school.
What is her (возрост).
It is difficult for him to study (иностранные) languages.
5. My mother wants me to wear (школьную форму).
Урок №6 5-6 кл.
Списать предложения и перевести слова с русского на английский язык.
His favoгrite subject is (математика).
He had a funny (прозвище) when he was studying at school.
What is her (возрост).
It is difficult for him to study (иностранные) languages.
5. My mother wants me to wear (школьную форму).
Урок №6 5-6 кл.
Списать предложения и перевести слова с русского на английский язык.
His favoгrite subject is (математика).
He had a funny (прозвище) when he was studying at school.
What is her (возрост).
It is difficult for him to study (иностранные) languages.
5. My mother wants me to wear (школьную форму).
Урок №6 5-6 кл.
Списать предложения и перевести слова с русского на английский язык.
His favoгrite subject is (математика).
He had a funny (прозвище) when he was studying at school.
What is her (возрост).
It is difficult for him to study (иностранные) languages.
5. My mother wants me to wear (школьную форму).
Урок №6 5-6 кл.
Списать предложения и перевести слова с русского на английский язык.
His favoгrite subject is (математика).
He had a funny (прозвище) when he was studying at school.
What is her (возрост).
It is difficult for him to study (иностранные) languages.
5. My mother wants me to wear (школьную форму).
Урок №6 5-6 кл.
Списать предложения и перевести слова с русского на английский язык.
His favoгrite subject is (математика).
He had a funny (прозвище) when he was studying at school.
What is her (возрост).
It is difficult for him to study (иностранные) languages.
5. My mother wants me to wear (школьную форму).
Урок №6 5-6 кл.
Списать предложения и перевести слова с русского на английский язык.
His favoгrite subject is (математика).
He had a funny (прозвище) when he was studying at school.
What is her (возрост).
It is difficult for him to study (иностранные) languages.
5. My mother wants me to wear (школьную форму).
Урок №6 5-6 кл.
Списать предложения и перевести слова с русского на английский язык.
His favoгrite subject is (математика).
He had a funny (прозвище) when he was studying at school.
What is her (возрост).
It is difficult for him to study (иностранные) languages.
5. My mother wants me to wear (школьную форму).
Урок №6 5-6 кл.
Списать предложения и перевести слова с русского на английский язык.
His favoгrite subject is (математика).
He had a funny (прозвище) when he was studying at school.
What is her (возрост).
It is difficult for him to study (иностранные) languages.
5. My mother wants me to wear (школьную форму).
Урок №6 5-6 кл.
Списать предложения и перевести слова с русского на английский язык.
His favoгrite subject is (математика).
He had a funny (прозвище) when he was studying at school.
What is her (возрост).
It is difficult for him to study (иностранные) languages.
5. My mother wants me to wear (школьную форму).
Урок №6 5-6 кл.
Списать предложения и перевести слова с русского на английский язык.
His favoгrite subject is (математика).
He had a funny (прозвище) when he was studying at school.
What is her (возрост).
It is difficult for him to study (иностранные) languages.
5. My mother wants me to wear (школьную форму).
Урок №6 5-6 кл.
Списать предложения и перевести слова с русского на английский язык.
His favoгrite subject is (математика).
He had a funny (прозвище) when he was studying at school.
What is her (возрост).
It is difficult for him to study (иностранные) languages.
5. My mother wants me to wear (школьную форму).
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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