«Добро пожаловать в Россию». Урок английского языка в 7 классе
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
«Добро пожаловать в Россию»
Урок английского языка в 7 классе
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Предварительный просмотр:
«Добро пожаловать в Россию»
Урок английского языка в 7 классе
Тип урока:
обобщающий с элементами введения нового материала
Обучить основам монологической речи, используя слова и грамматические структуры.
Развитие способности работы с различными источниками информации (учебники, книги, интернет, энциклопедии и т.д.)
Развивать творческие способности и познавательный интерес у учащихся к русской культуре
Воспитывать у учащихся чувство прекрасного и уважения к культуре своего народа.
Пополнять свои знания в русской литературе музыке и живописи.
Оснащение урока:
Интерактивная доска, мультимедийный проектор, компьютер, учебник, магнитофон.
Ход урока
Good morning dear quests and good morning dear children. A lot of people abroad are interested in our country and would like to visit Russia, see its beauties and to know their traditions and people. Look at this picture and try to guess what are we going to talk and read about in our lesson (слайд №1)
Adjectives. Look at the blackboard
beautiful-красивый small –маленький
quiet - тихий large - огромный
реaceful - мирный vast -бескрайний
noisy - шумный famous - известный
ancient - древний big - большой
historical - исторический bright - яркий
wild - дикий diversified - многообразный
amazing - изумительный, magnificent - великолепный
поразительный impressive - впечетляющий
romantic - романтичный
You see the adjectives which can help you to describe our country to foreign visitors or your pen pals. Pay attention to them. And now make the sentences using this words.
For example: Our city is beautiful.
Open your book at page 128 ex 1b. Please read and translate the texts (4человека по желанию читают и переводят тексты)
(слайд №2) Scenery and wildlife The scenery of Russia is diverse and amazing. There are many large forests, impressive rivers and beautiful lakes. Russia is also famous for its vast steppes and the tundra, «the cold desert» witch is in the extreme north. The wildlife and flora are very rich, and the birch tree and the bear have become the symbols of Russia.
(слайд №3) Population Russia is home to nearly 150 million people from different groups. More than a hundred ethnic groups live in Russia. Eighty-five per cent of population is Russian. There are also about 5,5 millions Tatars, 4,4 million Ukrainians and the ethnic groups of the Volga region, Germans and others. They all speak Russian, but every ethni c group has its own language and culture.
(слайд №4) Climate Russia is a very large country and lies both in Europe and Asia. It stretches across eleven time zones and includes many types of climate. It has a tundra climate in the north, with very cold, snowy winters and short, cold summer. Verchoyansk in Siberia is one of the coldest places in the world (-70 C) .Most of Russia has a temperate climate with cold winters and hot summers. The southern part of Russia in the Far East has a monsoon climate with lost of rain, and on the Black Sea the climate is subtropical.
(слайд №5) Cities Moscow is the capital of the Russian Federation. It is one of the biggest and most beautiful cities in the world. With a population of more than 13 million people, it is the biggest city of Russia. St.Petersburg is the second biggest city. With its magnificent buildings and romantic atmosphere it’s really a living museum. There are eleven more cities with a population of more than one million people. Vladivostok, Kaliningrad, Novorossiysk and Murmansk are the country’s main ports.
The nature in Russia (слайд №6 ,музыка М.Мусоргский «Хованщина» «Рассвет на Москва-реке»).
Listen and enjoy this view. What can you say about this picture. Please, describe it. Звук музыки убавить.(P.P. описывают картину под тихую музыку) If you need, use the adjective the blackboard.
Listen and enjoy yourself. It is dawn. “The first appearance of daylight in the morning.” Everything is coming out to meet the Sun’s light. The meadows, forests, rivers and lakes are feeling happy at this moment showing their fresh and vital beauty.
Flowers, birds, animals and people – all of them are filling themselves with the great power of the sun expressing it in their own language. The flowers are showing their colors: yellow, red, orange, violet, rose, white, pink. The birds are singing their wonderful songs; animals are silently observing the surroundings. The butterflies and bees are dancing in the air. Every creature on earth is thankful to the Sun. Indeed, there is a lot to be thankful for.This is beauty. This is joy forever.
Seasones in Russia (слайд №7) And now I would like to read you poem of the famous Russian poet Nikolay Rubtsov “The view on the hill” (Видение на холме).
It’s a very lyrical and beautiful poem, which describes Russia. I ask you to translate this poem in English It’s a very lyrical and beautiful poem, which describes Russia. I ask you to translate this poem in English
Видение на холме
Взбегу на холм
и упаду
в траву.
Люблю твою,Россия,старину…
Люблю твои избушки и цветы,
И небеа,горящие от зноя,
И шепот ив у омутной воды,
Люблю навек,до вечного покоя…
Россия, Русь! Храни себя, храни!..
Winter (слайд №8) Зимняя картина Саврасова, музыка Свиридова «Метель» You see the picture of a famous Russian painter. What can you see in this picture? Look through the window. It is snowing. It always snows in winter. Winds are blowing. They blow every winter. The sun is not shining. Sometimes it shines all day long. Leafless trees with snow caps decorate landscape. Do you like skating, skiing, making Snowman or other winter sports? Do you know any poems about winter? Recite ,please.
Учитель декламирует стихотворение А.С.Пушкина «Зимнее утро»
Spring(слайд №9)Картина А. Саврасова «Грачи прилетели», Музыка П.И.Чайковского «Времена года. Март. Песнь жаворонка.» You see the picture if Savrasov «Rooks have flown» Can you describe this picture? It is the beloved season for many people. The air is fresh and the trees are green. There are first flowers, trees .Birds are making their nests, animals are clearing, insects are waking up. It is time for fruit trees in blos some. The weather is fine. People work in their gardens.
Учитель декламирует стихотворение А Фета «О первый ландыш! Из под снега...»
SUMMER (cлайд №10)Картина И.Шишкина «Рожь»,музыка П.И.Чайковского Времена года. Июль. Песнь косаря» And now you are enjoying the picture of Shishkin «Rye». What can you say about summer when you look at this picture? It is great fun. We enjoy every minute of this weather. We swim and get sun burn, go to the forest, pick berries. We play sports.
Учитель декламирует стихотворение А Толстого «Колокольчики мои, Цветики степные…»
AUTUMN (слайд №11) Картина И.Левитана «Золотая осень», Музыка П.И.Чайковского «Времена года. Октябрь. Осенняя песнь» You see the picture of I.Levitan «Golden autumn».We can admire Colourfull trees: green, yellow, red. In September it is still warm. The sun is shining. Autumn is the time of a rich crop of fruit, vegetables and berries. We see birds flying away.
Учитель декламирует стихотворение А.С.Пушкина «Унылая пора, Очей очарованье…»
6.Заключительная часть урока.
Thank you for attention. You had a small rest.Did you enjoy our lesson?
Шадлова Е. В.
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