Фонетический вечер на английском языке для 2- 5 классов
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Фонетический вечер - внеклассное мероприятие, проведенное в рамках недели английского языка в школе. Включает стихи, рассказы, песенки для детей 2- 5 классов, обучающихся по учебнику И. Н. Верещагиной Т. А. Притыкиной
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Предварительный просмотр:
Фонетический вечер
для 2-5 классов
Цель: практическое применение школьниками знаний, умений и навыков
, полученных и сформированных на уроках английского языка.
формирование фонетических и лексических навыков воспитание ответственности, приучение к полезной деятельности, поддержание интереса к предмету
развитие внимания, памяти, инициативности, музыкального слуха
Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, интерактивная доска, диски с записями , картинки к стихам, костюмы мышки и кошки,
Warming up
Announcer: Good afternoon girls and boys! I’m glad to see you at our phonetic party .Let’s warm up. Make my rhymes complete, please.
Announcer: Я шалил, разбилась ваза
-Кто разбил,- спросил мой …
-Это бабушкина ваза,-
Прослезилась моя…mother.
Медведь-лежебока в лесу сладко спит.
И снится медведю конфета…..a sweet
Мохнатому Мишке наверное редко
В лесу удается отведать конфетку.
Сказала Таня обезьянке
- Я буду звать тебя …. a monkey.
Ты скоро выучишь сама
Все-все английские слова
Рыжий кот полез в пакет.
Что забыл там кот … a cat
Тут кота в пакете за нос
Укусила мышь… a mouse
Я кукле сшить решила платье
Я раньше никогда не шила .
Белые пуговки, красный подол
Будет нарядная кукла … a doll
Announcer: Now I see you are ready for the party. Let’s open the first page of our party. It’s called - Introduction.
Announcer: The girls from the 2nd form B will sing the song «What is your name ?»
P.1 What is your name ?» P. 2 My name is Kitty.
What is your name ?» My name is Kitty
Now tell me please . My name is Kitty
What is your name ?» That is my name.
How old are you ? I’ll soon be eight.
How old are you? I’ll soon be eight.
Now tell me please. I’ll soon be eight.
How old are you? That’s my age.
Where do you live? I live in London.
Where do you live? I live in London.
Now tell me please. I live in London.
Where do you live? That’s where I live.
Announcer: You can sing very well. Can you count I wonder ?
P.4 Yes, we can count. We can recite poems about numbers.
One is a number, Eight is a number,
Two is a number, Nine is a number,
Three is a number, Now we come to ten…
Four ! And we are back at
Number five is before six One again!
And number seven is more!
( Мальчик рассказывает и показывает цифры от 1 до10)
P.5 How Old Are They?
This is Lew. This is Kate.
He is two. She is eight.
This is Guy . This is Caroline
He is five. She is nine.
This is Kevin. This is Pen.
He is seven. She is ten.
Announcer: Our friends will sing «The Number song».
The Number Song.
One, two, one, two, Six, seven, six, seven.
One, two, three, four, five. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
Five, three, five, three. Ten, eight, ten, eight.
Five, four, three, two, one. Ten, eight, nine, seven, six.
Announcer: Thank you, dear friends. You are merry indeed!
And now is our next page which is called «Family »
Announcer: Pupils of the fourth forms will recite some poems about their families.
P.6 My Family. P.7 Goodnight.
I’ve got a mother Goodnight, mother.
I’ve got a father Goodnight, father.
I’ve got a brother Paul. Kiss your little son.
I’ve got a sister. Goodnight, sister.
I’ve got an aunt. Goodnight, brother.
How I love them all! Goodnight, everyone.
P.8 My Mother.
Who said « Goodnight »
When I was a child.
My Mother.
Who dressed my dolls in clothes so gay
And said me often how to play?
My Mother.
Who ran to help me when I fell
And who could funny stories tell
My Mother.
Who sits at my head when I am in bed
My Mother .
Who is so nice, who is so kind,
Another so dear you’ll never find.
My Mother.
Announcer: We love our mothers very much. But sometimes we are so naughty.
Pupils of the third form V will sing the song about such a boy.
I Don’t Want.
Every time I have a headache I have a headache
Mother takes me to the doctor. I have a headache
Every time I have a headache I don’t want to go to bed.
Mother takes me to the doc. I have a headache
I have a headache
I don’t want to go to bed.
Announcer: Thank you for you song. Now we are coming to the page « Pets and other animals »
Pets and Other Animals.
Announcer: Do you keep any pets at home? Do you like animals?
Boys and girls from the form A prepared some poems, songs and plays about animals.
P.9 I Love My Dog.
I’ve got a dog. I take him out every day
His name is Jack. Every day.
His head is white, Such fun we have!
His nose is black. We run and play!
Such clever tricks
My dog can do.
I love my dog!
He loves me too!
Announcer: Sveta Popova and Sasha Ivanov will perform the play « Little Mouse and Little Cat »
Little Mouse and Little Cat.
-Little mouse, little mouse, P.11 -Little mouse, little mouse
Where is your house? Come to my house
- Little cat, little cat, -Little cat, little cat
I have no flat. I cannot do that
I am a poor mouse. You want to eat me.
I have no house.
Announcer: Let’s listen to the song « Little Cabin in the Wood»
Little Cabin In the Wood
Little Cabin in the Wood Help me, help me, sir! he said,
Little man by the window stood. For the farmer bobs my head
Little rabbit hopping by, Come on in, the little man said,
Knocking at the door. Warm up by the fire.
Announcer: Well done. And now let’s pass on to the next page of our party.
It’s called « Seasons »
P12 Autumn is yellow.
Winter is white.
Spring is green.
Summer is bright..
P 13 Winter
It’s autumn now, so bundle up tight!
Warm mittens and caps will be just right.
Ice on the lake, snow on the ground.
Time to ski and skate all around
Winter, spring, summer, fall.
I like autumn best of all.
P 14 Spring
Spring is here.
Summer is near.
Grass is green,
So nice and clean
Winter, spring, summer, fall.
I like spring best of all.
P 15 Summer
The summer sun shines hot and high.
Baby birds now wants to fly.
Green, green leaves and tasty fruit.
All the things are so good.
Winter, spring, summer, fall.
I like summer best of all.
Announcer: Pupils of the fifth form V will sing the song about seasons.
When Trees Are Green
When trees are green and forests are green
And grass is green and long.
It’s good to walk in the forest
And listen to little birds’ song.
When trees are white and forests are white
Because they are covered with snow,
It’s good to be out-of-doors and play
Oh, I love it so!
Announcer: Sasha Volkov likes fall best of all.
Put on your jackets and jeans for fall
: Now it’s cold to play football!
Leaves turn orange, red and brown
And they all are falling down
Winter, spring, summer, fall.
I like fall best of all.
Announcer: Thank you. Now we are coming to our last page « Children’s Dreams»
Let’s listen to the poem «A Child’s Wish» It is written by a girl
of your age.
A Child’s Wish
P17 I want to live and not to die,
I want to laugh and not to cry.
I want to feel the summer sun.
I want to sing when life is fun.
P 18 I want to fly into the blue.
I want to swim as fish can do.
I want to shake all friendly hands.
Of all the young of other lands.
P19 I want to work for what is right.
I want to love and not to fight.
I want to laugh and not to cry.
I want to live and not to die.
Announcer: Let’s sing the song « May There Always Be Sun Shine»
May There Always Be Sun Shine
Bright blue the sky,
Sun up on high.
That was the little boy’s picture.
He drew for you
Wrote for you too.
Just to make clear what he drew.
Refrain: May There Always Be Sunshine,
May there always be blue sky.
May there always be Mummy,
May there always be me!
Down with all war!
We want no more.
People, stand up for your children!
Sing everyone-
Peace must be won,
Dark clouds must not hide the sun.
Announcer: Thank everybody. Good bye, my friends.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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