Урок по теме «Music and musicians» с показом фрагментов из видеофильма «Some Like It Hot»,
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Урок по теме «Music and musicians» с показом фрагментов из видеофильма «Some Like It Hot»,
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Предварительный просмотр:
Test – paper
Find and write down the words and translate them.
music | легко запоминающийся |
sentimental | музыкант |
eloquent | потрясающий |
amazing | романтичный |
soft | музыка |
torchy | милый |
unforgettable | удивительный |
overwhelming | мягкий |
sweet | зажигательный |
romantic | незабываемый |
musician | сентиментальный |
fascinating | трогательный |
appealing | страстный |
catchy | выразительный |
passionate | очаровательный |
Match the type of the question and the example.
yes/no a) Old people prefer rock, don’t they?
Tag b) What sort of music do you like?
wh… c) Do you like pop or rock or classical music?
who (what) d) Do you like music?
…or…. e) Where do you listen to music?
From ex.2 p.57 choose 3 questions, answer them and write down the translation.
Listening comprehension (AB p.27 ex.12)
Some like it hot
garage - гараж
tommy gun - автомат
mafiа - мафия
clash of interest – столкновение интересов
conceal oneself – прятаться
shoot down – расстреливать
disguise oneself as a woman – переодеваться женщиной
jazz band – джазовый ансамбль
administrator – администратор
band-master – дирижер
trombone – тромбон
double bass – контрабас
clarinet – кларнет
saxophone – саксафон
snare drum – барабан
small guitar – маленькая гитара
violin – скрипка
trumpet – труба
conservatory – консерватория
flask – фляжка
hole – дырка
strong drinks – спиртное
slip out - выскальзывать
hate – ненавидеть
eye-witness – свидетель
Read the following expressions: agree or disagree with them and explain why.
1.Two musicians were the gangsters.
The musicians played in saxophone and double bass.
“The girls” had finished conservatory.
The names of “The girls” were Josephina & Daphna.
The band-master admitted two things: men & strong drinks.
The holes in bass appeared because of mice.
The musicians concealed there selves in jazz band.
The jazz band went to Florida.
Read the following definitions of the words, guess them.
a member of a group of violent criminals.
a school or college at which people are trained in music.
a small group of musicians who play popular music together, often a singer or singers
a person who stands in front of the orchestra, a group of singers and directs the performance.
jazz band. b. gangsters. c. band-master. d. conservatory
Answer the following questions.
1. Who became the eye-witness of clash of interest of the gangsters?
2. What instruments played the musicians?
3. What the musicians do when they became the eye-witness of clash of interest of the gangsters?
4.How we can translate the title of the film?
5 What things hates the band-master?
6. Why the holes appeared in the bass?
7. What sliped out on the floor during the song?
What musical instrument Marlin Monro played in this film?
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