Научно-практическая конференция по теме "Россия, которой я горжусь" 11-е классы
творческая работа учащихся по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме
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Предварительный просмотр:
«Россия, которой я горжусь»
11А, 11К классы
Учитель: Фомина Галина Георгиевна
Личностно-ориентированное обучение и воспитание средствами иностранного языка предполагает активную творческую деятельность учащихся и сотрудничество. С другой стороны, перед учителем стоит задача: найти возможность использовать реальный иностранный язык в классе или во внеурочное время, включая учеников в реальную языковую коммуникацию, в обмен информацией, смоделировать в классе настоящий процесс вхождения в иноязычную культуру.
Как показывает педагогический опыт, использование современных информационных технологий позволяет изучить жизнь средствами иностранного языка в реальном информационном пространстве. Одной из технологий, обеспечивающей личностно-ориентированное обучение, является метод проектов. Он даст возможность включить учащихся в реальное общение на иностранном языке.
Доктор педагогических наук, известный исследователь в области современных технологий обучения учащихся Е.С. Полат определяет метод проектов как «определенным образом организованную поисковую, исследовательскую деятельность учащихся, индивидуальную или групповую, которая предусматривает не просто достижение того или иного результата, оформленного в виде конкретного практического выхода, но организацию процесса достижения этого результата».
В качестве одной из форм проектной деятельности хотелось бы предложить научно-практическую конференцию на английском языке, которую апробировали в МОУ Кадетская школа на уроках в 11х класах.
Подготовка к конференции длилась около трех месяцев во внеурочное время. Наша работа объединила учащихся 11А и 11К классов.
Итак, первый этап - это предложение темы конференции: "Россия, которой я горжусь" .На данном этапе мы попытались заинтересовать учеников и предложили выбрать каждому свой предмет изучения в рамках предложенной темы. Главным условием было необычность информации и ее позитивная направленность.
Второй этап - это составление подробного плана работы по подготовке к конференции. Мы написали подробный план данного мероприятия, который включал в себя вступительное слово учителя, приветствие участников конференции, далее предполагалось наличие компьютерной
Презентации. Используя поисковый метод в обучении иностранному языку, мы создали условия для самостоятельной работы учащихся, когда полностью активизируется их творческая деятельность. Само выполнение данной работы заставило школьников думать, анализировать, активизировать внимание и память. При поиске необходимой информации, при работе с необходимым языковым материалом, обсуждении собранной информации учащимеся использовали разные виды иноязычной речевой деятельности: чтение найденного материала, письмо, говорение. Также совершенствовался навык работы на компьютере при оформлении собранного материала и монтирование компьютерной презентации.
Третий этап это окончательное оформление реферата и демонстрирование собранного материала классу. Следует отметить, что необходимую информацию учащиеся искали самостоятельно, а обсуждение итоговой презентации проводилось под контролем учителя. На этапе разработки проекта, когда шло обсуждение предстоящей конференции, включались в работу такие речевые умения, как говорение, аудированние, а когда учащиеся обрабатывали подобранный материал - чтение и письмо.
Во время защиты реферата учащиеся выбирали следующие формы: доклад, компьютерную презентацию с комментированием представляемого материала. В любом случае одним из основных умений, которые демонстрировали школьники, была устная речь.
Последним этапом явилось обобщение работы, обсуждение успехов и недочетов конференции, тех трудностей, с которыми пришлось столкнуться при подготовке к данному мероприятию, - это страх перед объемом работы, боязнь грамматических и лексических ошибок, которые преодолевали все вместе на уроках, упрощая грамматические конструкции и постоянно тренируя употребление новой лексики и, естественно, страх перед постоянной нехваткой времени.
Разработка подобных тем помогает учащимся формировать целостную мировоззренческую позицию на основе овладения системой знаний о человеке, развивать историческую память, включиться в диалог культур через достижения народов в области науки, формировать интерес к достижениям человечества и внимательно относиться ко всему окружающему, а также способствует самообразованию и самовоспитанию школьников.
Для иллюстрации приводим примеры докладов наших учеников:
Выступление Головачева Максима «Россия. Вступительное слово» 11К (приложение №1)
Выступление Захарова Кирилла «Семь чудес России»11К (приложение №2)
Выступление Самининой Марии «Кино в России» 11К (приложение №3)
Выступление Амелина Дмитрия «Флаг России» 11К (приложение №4)
Выступление Исаевой Валерии «Герои России» 11 А (приложение №5)
Выступление Хадисовой Рукият «Русский балет» 11А (приложение №6)
Выступление Нескубы Влада «Русские художники» 11А (приложение №7)
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There are two great plains in Russia: the Great Russian Plain and the West Siberian Lowland. There are several mountain chains on the territory of the country: the Urals, the Caucasus, the Altai and others. The largest mountain chain, the Urals, separates Europe from Asia.
There are over two million rivers in Russia. Europe's biggest river, the Volga, flows into the Caspian Sea. The main Siberian rivers — the Ob, the Yenisei and the Lena — flow from the south to the north. The Amur in the Far East flows into Pacific Ocean. Russia is rich in beautiful lakes. The world's deepest lake (1600 meters) is Lake Baikal. It is much smaller than the Baltic Sea, but there is much more water in it than in the Baltic Sea. The water in the lake is so clear that if you look down you can count the stones on the bottom.
Considered the heart of Russia, Moscow is described as a place where ancient Russia meets the Soviet Union and capitalism — illustrated by the golden onion domes of the Kremlin's Orthodox churches, which look out past Lenin's mausoleum and over the massive GUM shopping complex.
St. Petersburg, on the other hand, is considered to be a more European capital. The creation of Peter the Great, it is best know for its 18th- and 19th-century palaces; the Peter and Paul fortress, a former prison, the Hermitage Museum, and the White Nights.
The Golden Ring is a group of towns and cities — including Suzdal, Vladimir, Yaroslavl, Kostroma and others. They offer a host of restored and abandoned churches, monasteries and fortresses, rich museums and preserved wooden villages.
Set on the Black Sea coast against the backdrop of the snow-capped Caucasus mountains, the beach resort town Sochi was for a long time the place to spend a vacation, with its subtropical climate, warm seas, arboretum and gardens. Most tourists visit Sochi to relax on the beaches, swim in the sea and partake of its favourable climate; but its mineral spas and sanatoriums make it an ideal health resort.
Areas of the Caucasus mountains, which rise dramatically above the Black Sea coast and run down to the Caspian Sea, are also noted for their plant diversity, subalpine pastures grazed by wild animals and lack of human disturbance. Here, one can go skiing, scale Europe's highest peak — the 5,642-meter Mount Elbrus — and relax at the spas of Mineralniye Vody.
Travellers can visit Kamchatka to see its hot springs and view its wildlife and spectacular sunsets. Kamchatka, a more than 1,000-kilometer-long peninsula dividing the Sea of Okhotsk from the Pacific Ocean, is said to be one of the least explored regions on Earth. The most amazing attraction is the Valley of the Geysers in Kronotsky National Park, which was only discovered in the 1940s. Its 180 or more volcanoes, thermal activity, hot springs, heated rivers and geysers should be enough to attract any tourist. Inhabited by less than one person per square kilometre, the peninsula boasts at least 14,000 rivers, 10,000 lakes, thousands of brown bears and sable, and hundreds of bird and plant species indigenous to the area
One of the most famous ways to explore Siberia's vast expanse — and probably the dream of many a foreigner — is the mythical Trans-Siberian Railroad. The Trans-Siberian Railroad is now the longest continuous rail line on earth. Lake Baikal, Ulan Ude in Buryatia and Vladivostok, Far East, are all along the journey.
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Seven wonders of the world were described in the book "History" by Greek Herodotus. It ranked as wonders of the world: Р yramid of Cheops (Egypt, III century BC); “Trailing gardens” Semiramida (Babylon, VI century BC); Zeus statue in Olympia (Greece, the V century BC); Artemis's temple in the Hilt (Greece, the IV century BC); Galikarnassky mausoleum ( Kariya , IV century BC); Beacon on the island Faros (Alexandria, Egypt, the III century BC); Colossus Rhodes (island Rhodes, III century BC). Seven wonders of the world
Time and history aren't at a stop. The nature and people created new unique monuments – new miracles. In the summer of 2007 in Europe were summed up competition “Seven new wonders of the world”. Them became: Great Wall (China); Colosseum (Rome, Italy); Machu Picchu (Peru); Peter (Jordan); Taj Mahal (Agra, India); Statue of С hrist Redemper (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil); Chichen-Itsa (Yucatan, Mexico) New seven wonders of the world :
Unfortunately, among winners there was no sight from Russia though in our country there are a lot of places which could show with pride the whole world. For this reason the ‘ Izvestiya ’ newspaper, Russia TV channel and ‘ Mayak ’ radio station decided to hold the competition “Seven miracles of Russia”. The problem of revival of feeling of patriotism and love to the Fatherland, drawing attention to restoration and preservation of unique historical, cultural and natural objects in the territory of our Homeland became the purpose of this project. Each republic, each area, each subject of federation put forward "miracles" on competition. Because of a large number of sights competition passed in 3 rounds. The first round (from October, 2007 to February, 2008) selected 49 "miracles" from 7 federal districts of Russia. The second round (from February to May, 2008) there passed only 14 "miracles". The third round (from May to June 10, 2008) – the ending. Elections of seven “miracles of Russia” occurred through the SMS and the Internet vote. About 26 million people took part in it. Competition in Russia
Seven miracles of Russia On June 12, 2008 in Independence Day of Russia on Red Square winners of competition were declared. Them became …
Baikal is in the center of Asia, on border of the Irkutsk region and the Republic of Buryatiya. The lake was stretched from the North on the southwest on 636 km in the form of a huge half moon. The width of Baikal fluctuates from 25 to 80 km. The origin of Baikal still causes scientific disputes. Scientists traditionally define age of the lake in 25−35 million years. This fact also does Baikal by unique natural object as the majority of lakes, especially glacial origin, there live on the average 10−15 thousand years, and then are filled with an oozy precipitation and become boggy. The origin of the name of the lake precisely isn't established. The most widespread versions of an origin topony "Baikal": Bai Sack ( Turkoman .) — rich lake; Baygaal -Dalai ( монг .) — rich fire; Baye-Huy (whale.) — North Sea. Lake Baikal (Irkutsk region, Buryatiya)
Peterhof ( нидерл . Peterhof , «Peter's yard») — palace and park ensemble on the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland in 29 km from St. Petersburg. The ensemble center — the Big palace constructed on a seaside terrace and turned to the sea. The first palace is built in style of « Petrovsky baroque» in 1714 — 1725, then completed in style of «mature baroque». Strikes a large quantity of fountains. Palace ensemble in Peterhof (St. Petersburg)
Valley of geysers — this one of the largest geyzery fields of the world and the only thing in Eurasia. The valley of Geysers is located on Kamchatka in the Kronotsky national biospheric park. At merge of the rivers Geyzernaya and Noisy in the territory about 2 km ² are about 20 large geysers and a set of the sources which are periodically throwing out fountains of almost boiling water (more 95°С) or hot steam. Valley of geysers on Kamchatka
Aeration columns ( mansiysky blockheads) — a unique geological monument in the Troitsk and Pechora region of the Komi Republic on the mountain Man- Pupu - nyor (that in the Muncie language "The small mountain of idols" means), to Entre Rios of the rivers Ichotlyaga and Pechora Remained 7 , height from 30 to 42 m. Numerous legends, before Columns of Aeration are connected with it were objects of a cult of Muncie. About 200 million years ago on a place of stone columns there were high mountains. Passed the millennia. The rain, snow, a wind, a frost and a heat gradually destroyed mountains, and first of all soft rocks. Firm slates from which remains are combined, collapsed less and remained up to now, and soft breeds were destroyed by aeration and demolished by water and a wind in relief falls. Aeration columns in Komi
Cover cathedral that on a Ditch, also called St. Vasil's Cathedral — the orthodox temple located on Red Square of China-town in Moscow. The Pokrovsk cathedral was constructed in 1555 — 60 by order of Ivan Menaeing in memory of a capture of Kazan and a victory over the Kazan khanate. Domes only 10. Nine domes over the temple (on number of thrones). plus one dome over a belltower . (In old times St. Vasil's Cathedral had 25 domes designating Misters and the 24th aged men, sitting at its throne). The cathedral consists of eight temples which thrones are consecrated in honor of the holidays which had in days of solving fights for Kazan. In 1588 from the northeast to a cathedral the side-altar consecrated in honor of Vasily Blissful (1469 — 1552) which relics were on a place of construction of a cathedral was attached. The name of this side-altar gave to a cathedral the second, everyday name. St. Vasil's Cathedral in Moscow
Mamayev barrow is located on a place hardened fights during the Battle of Stalingrad duration of 200 days. Control for «in height 102,0» as Mamayev barrow on military maps was designated, repeatedly passed from the Soviet armies to German and on the contrary as took a predominating position over the central part of Stalingrad and Volga. The memorial ensemble «Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad» includes a number of compositions. The main monument «The Motherland calls!» (Work of sculptor E.V. Vuchetich and engineer N. V. Nikitin represents a multimeter figure of the woman who has stepped forward with the lifted sword. The statue is allegorical image of the Homeland calling the sons on fight with the enemy. Monument construction былоначато in May, 1959 also is complete on October 15, 1967. The sculpture at the moment of creation was the highest in the world a sculpture) Mamayev Kurgan and Motherland (Volgograd)
Elbrus ( Karachaevo-balkarsky Mingi тау ) — the mountain in the Caucasus, on border of the Republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and the Karachay-Cherkessia. Elbrus is located to the north of the Main Caucasian Ridge and is the highest top of Russia. Considering that borders of the part of the world of Europe are ambiguous, quite often Elbrus call also the highest European mountain top. Elbrus — is a two-peak cone of a volcano. The western top has height of 5642 m, East — 5621 m. Mountain Elbrus (Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia)
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The spreading of cinematography in Russia started with the demonstration of the Lumiere brothers- film in May 1896 in St. Petersburg and Moscow and later in Nizhniy Novgorod. The first sound films simultaneously appeared in three countries, the USSR , the USA and Germany at the end of the 1920&rsquo-s. In October 1929 the first sound cinema house s tarted its work. Since that time the Russian film industry was going its own way. It produced such great films as Protazanov’s The Queen of Spades (1916) and Father Sergius (1918). A little later Russia’s great achievement in cinema was connected with its directors such as Eisenstein (The battleship -Potemkin-), Pudovkin (Mother), Kuleshov (By the law), Dovzhenko (Earth), and others.
Notable films from 1940s include Aleksandr Nevsky and Ivan the Terrible. Immediately after the end of the Second World War, the Soviet color films such as The Stone Flower (1947), Ballad of Siberia ( Сказание о земле Сибирской , 1947), and The Kuban Cossacks ( Кубанские казаки , 1949) were released. In the late 1950s and early 1960s Soviet film-makers were given a less constricted environment, and while censorship remained, films emerged which began to be recognised outside the Soviet bloc such as Ballad of a Soldier which won the 1961 Award for Best Film and The Cranes Are Flying. Height ( Высота , 1957) is considered to be one of the best films of the 1950s (it also became the foundation of the Bard movement).
The 1970s saw the emergence of a range of films which won international attention, including Andrei Tarkovsky’s Solaris- Seventeen Instants of Spring, which created the immortal character of Standarte Stirlitz - White Sun of the Desert (1970).
In the mid-1980s, Soviet films emerged which began to address formerly censored topics, such as drug addiction, The Needle, and sexuality and alienation in Soviet society, Little Vera. Now film industry in Russia is rapidly developed. More than 20 films are produced every year. Great directors such as Nikita Mikhalkov , Andron Konchalovskiy , Timur Bikmambetov and many others contribute to this process .
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11 June 1858 Aleksandr II confirm the « Imperial Flag of Russia » The flag consisted of three colors : Black , yellow (gold) and white .
During the tumultuous strike at the hands of the revolutionaries killed Alexander II. His son and successor, Alexander III, not understanding the situation, made a sudden and thoughtless act - April 28, 1883 gave white-blue-red flag status of the state, but not canceled and imperial.
At that time in Russia there were two official flag. One of them was the Imperial flag, which was very important to the Russian people . During the time until the flag was the official, Russia has never suffered a defeat. The second official flag was considered a "ensign" adopted by Peter I. Under this flag, sailed merchant ships. The flag is similar to H olland .
The fall of the Imperial flag April 29, 1896, Emperor Nicholas II ordered and considered by the National State flag of white, blue and red, which until then was considered a trade .
For the time until the Imperial flag was official, Russia has never defeated, does not darken themselves with honor the past through the centuries and remained in our hearts.
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Алдар Цыденжапов
Сергей Солнечников
Водопьянов Михаил
Алексей Рубахин
Дмитрий Локтин
Игорь Черкунов
У ou can become a hero!
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The world admires our ballet
We are proud of our women
I am proud that the mind cannot understand Russia
Is there any other literature of the country which is comparable to the Russian
I am proud of my great country
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Подписи к слайдам:
Ivan Aivazovsky Ivan Aivazovsky was a Russian world-renowned painter of Armenian descent living and working in Crimea, most famous for his seascapes. At 31, Aivazovsky married Julia Graves, an English governess in St. Petersburg. They had four daughters. The marriage was dissolved, and at the age of 65, Aivazovsky , married Anna Boornazian , a young Armenian widow from Theodosia.
« The Sunny day »
« The black see »
Kazimir Malevich Kazimir Malevich was a Russian painter and art theoretician, born of ethnic Polish parents. Malevich died of cancer in Leningrad on May 15, 1935. On his deathbed he was exhibited with the black square above him, and mourners at his funeral rally were permitted to wave a banner bearing a black square. A white cube decorated with a black square was placed on his tomb.
« The black square »
« The axeman »
Marc Chagall Marc Chagall was a Russian-French artist. Chagall was considered to be "the last survivor of the first generation of European modernists." When Chagall asked the schoolmate how he learned to draw, his friend replied, "Go and find a book in the library, idiot, choose any picture you like, and just copy it." He soon began copying images from books and found the experience so rewarding he then decided he wanted to become an artist.
« The walk »
« The blue house »
Nicholas Roerich Nicholas Roerich was a Russian mystic, painter, philosopher, scientist, writer, traveler, and public figure. From childhood Nicholas Roerich was attracted to painting, archaeology, history and the abundant cultural heritage of the East. Acquaintance with the Oriental philosophic thought got reflection in Roerich’s creative work.
« The solveig house »
« The viking`s daughter »
Isaac Levitan Isaac Levitan was a classical Lithuanian-Russian landscape painter. He had difficult life. In 1875, his mother died, and his father fell seriously ill and became unable to support four children; he died in 1877. The family slipped into abject poverty.
« the golden autumn »
« The twiling . The moon »
The Russian artists are unusual and interesting people
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