Творческий проект "Мой кумир"
творческая работа учащихся (английский язык, 7 класс) по теме
Презентация ученика 7 класса
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Roy Jones (younger) was born on January, 16th, 1969 in small town Pensacola from the solar State of Florida. Since the childhood his father, in the past the quite good professional boxer, tried to impart I Dig love to boxing, he wanted to grow up the champion who most couldn't become. But only since 10 years the Plenty has started to be engaged in boxing. Having weight no more than 32 kg, Johns won 14 summer young boxers in weight of 39 kg. It was only the beginning. In 1984 he wins Juniorsky Olympic Games in the USA, and in two years wins prestigious national tournament of the USA «Gold gloves». Certainly, in amateur career, as well as any other boxer, had also defeats. It is remarkable that he has lost to our boxer Igor Ruzhnikovu on Good-will games of 1986 on points.
Later 17 years after the first meeting on a ring Roy Jones and Bernard Hopkins all the same have spent a match-revenge. It is so much years they couldn't agree, ran from each other, searched, where there are more than money where easier to take titles – and have suddenly felt taste of the present fight. It definitely was worthy of it to wait
Roy Jones
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Robert Douglas Thomas Pattinson [ (born 13 May 1986)[ is an English actor, model, musician, and producer. Born and raised in London, Pattinson started out his career by playing the role of Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.Later , he landed the leading role of Edward Cullen in the film adaptations of the Twilight novels by Stephenie Meyer, and came to worldwide international fame.Pattinson was ranked as one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood based on 2009 earnings. In 2010, Pattinson was named one of Time magazine's 100 Most Influential People in The World, and also in the same year Forbes ranked him as one of the most powerful celebrities in the world in the Celebrity
Films Roles 2008 : Twilight 2009 : Twilight Saga : New Moon 2010 : Twilight Saga : Eclipse 2010 : Remember Me Edward C u llen Edward Cullen Edward Cullen Tyler
Robert Edward
Robert and Kristen
Robert and Twilight Saga : breakinging dawn Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson , and also Taylor Lotner , Nikki Read, Eshli Green and other "twilight" heroes promise to please us in November, 2011 with the fourth part of the saga «Twilight. The saga. A dawn» which will consist of two separate parts. It is necessary to notice that if the first part of a film we can look since November, 18th 2011, at the second only since November, 16th, 2012. It means that favourite heroes and shocking on them won't soon leave alone hearts and excitements of fans and admirers of the saga. However, for us spectators it only the positive moment, is a pity only that the fourth part will be final …
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Lady GaGa In 2006, Stephanie started to work with music producer Rob, with whom she wrote a song: all of them included in its repertoire and has become popular in the clubs . Its first contract Lady GaGa has signed with Def Jam, but lost it after 9 months. A year later, she noticed the music functionary Vincent Herbert and in January 2008 signed to the label, Interscope Records, at first as the author of songs. Material Lady GaGa was used by artists such as Fergie, Pussycat Dolls, Britney Spears and New Kids on the Block. Subsequently, the question of what value had for her cooperation with the Pussycat Dolls, Lady gaga said: "Well, first of all, I do like the girls in underwear...
Lady GaGa’s childhood Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanottawas born march 28, 1986. Known under the stage name Lady GaGa singer and songwriter from America works in the direction of electronic pop music. Stephanie was born in the family of low-income and is the eldest child of the Italian businessmen Joseph and Cynthia Bisset. In four years, she learned to play the piano, choosing melodies by ear, and as a child singing songs of Cindy and Michael Jackson, recording your voice on the deshevenky tape recorder. She is left-handed. In 11 years, Stephanie went to a private catholic school "the Monastery of the holy Christ", but it was one of the poorest students, so the mother and the father had to take on several jobs in order to pay for education. In this school, studying famous sisters Hilton.
Career is her family Quote: "Of course, I would like to have a husband, who cared about me. But at the moment I would not have exchanged his career on any one man in this world. My work is pregnancy. I am so tired, that sometimes notice all the symptoms of pregnancy - I feel sick, dizzy, I had headaches".
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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