Презентация по английскому языку English Meals для 5-6 классов
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Презентация по английскому языку English Meals для 5-6 классов может быть использована в качестве открытого урока или внеклассного мероприятия.
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Урок-презентация по английскому языку
МБОУ СОШ п.Солидарность учитель английского языка Зуботарёва Е.Н.
substantial cacao slice bean jam oats egg bar
S u b s t a n t i a l L p a o c a c a o j I e r a s c o n e g h C p I c t o n e e t v E p u t h a m v t y M e n t b e a n s k A r k j a m f e h d P I h o a t s e g g j
The usual English breakfast is rather substantial. English people eat toasts, marmalade, scrambled eggs, bacon and cornflakes in the morning. They eat cornflakes with milk. They usually eat fish and chips, meat with potatoes, hamburgers for lunch. Englishmen have their dinner in the evening. The most important time for Englishmen is tea-time (at 5 o’clock). They like to drink cream tea with scones and jam.
What is the usual English breakfast? Do they eat cornflakes with mustard or garlic? What do they eat for lunch? When do Englishmen have their dinner? When do they have their tea-time? What do they have for supper?
What have for lunch? do they have for dinner? When have breakfast?
Correct sentencesaccording to the text!
The usual English breakfast is turkey. They drink juice for breakfast. Some Englishmen have their dinner in the morning. They eat cornflakes with pepper and salt.
Arrange sentences into a logical order according to the text
1. It is useful to have a walk after supper. 2. Englishmen have their dinner late in the evening. 3. Lunch is the biggest meal of the day. 4. They drink tea or coffee for breakfast. 5.The usual English breakfast is porridge.
Where does chocolate come from?
Chocolate grows on trees – but not looking like the candy bars you like to eat. Chocolate really comes from cacao beans. The beans are the seeds of the cacao fruit. They grow on cacao trees in lands where the weather is very hot. The beans are dried and shipped to chocolate factories. There they are roasted and ground up into cocoa butter. In a big mixer, the cocoa butter is blended with sugar and milk to make milk chocolate. Then the chocolate is put in stores where we can buy it. The next time you bite into a chocolate candy bar, think of the cacao trees where the story of chocolate begins.
Where does it come from? Where do cacao trees grow? How is chocolate made at the factory?
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