Презентация по английскому языку "English language"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Презентация по английскому языку
Выполнили: Иошина София и Иошина Елизавета
ученицы 9 класса
МБОУ"Чамзинская СОШ№2"
Проверила:Кайминова Лариса Николаевна
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Подписи к слайдам:
The name language is English.
English language is official language of England, India, Ireland, USA, Canada, Philippines and in many other countries. Today in the word 1,5 billion people speak English and billion studies.
Today English is the language of the word .
About 350 million people speak English as a first language .
People understand English language in Great Britain, USA, India, Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, Liberia, Philippines.
1 billion people speak English as a second language .
THE ORIGIN OF INGLISH LANGUAGE The history of the English language began with three Germanic tribes who invaded Britain in the fifth century of our era. These tribes - angles, Saxons, and Utah - have come from the territories of present-day Denmark and Northern Germany, breaking the North sea.At that time the inhabitants of Britain spoke a Celtic language, but the invaders pushed the Celts to the West and North sides of the island where now are Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Angles called their country "Englaland", and their language was called Englisc" - there occurred the words "England" and "English". A century later, after the conquest of the British Isles Caesar in 44 BC British Isles visited the Roman Emperor Claudius, after which Britain had become a Roman province. In this period there was close communication Celtic people and the Romans, which is reflected in the language. So, many words in modern English have Latin roots. For example, the word castra (from lat. "the camp"). This root is found in many place names of modern Britain - Lancaster, Manchester, Leicester.
Formation of English was influenced by many countries and in English many of loan words. Words were taken from Latin, Scandinavian, Celtic and French languages.
The knowledge of English can improve your life. Present: knowing it, you will be able to get access to interesting information, to speak and correspond with interesting people from various corners of the world, to get the best job, to surprise all with the education. If you know English, before you new opportunities in communication open. You will be able to contact to people from around the world. To communicate in debatable groups, to correspond by e-mail or icq, skype. Also it will be easier for you to make trips, after all speak English more than in 100 countries. You will be able always to ask about the help and never you will be lost. Who knows, maybe sometime, the knowledge of language will save your life!
T hanks for attention!
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