Таблица фонетических шкал в английском языке
методическая разработка (английский язык) на тему

Кудимова Екатерина Владимировна

Характеристика, значения, примеры употребления различных фонетических шкал.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Name of a Scale



Functions and Meanings



  1. The Gradually Descending Stepping Scale

The Descending Stepping Scale is formed by series of stressed and unstressed syllables which descend “in steps”. All the unstressed syllables are pronounced on the same pitch level as the preceding stressed ones.

  1. The Descending Stepping Scale is used with all English tones, it’s a basic scale.
  1. In combination with the Low Rise and the Low Fall tone it may sound serious, reserved, strict and official.
  1. In combination with the High or Mid Fall tone this scale usually sounds amiable, likeable, vivid and polite.
  1. Is 'that the 'man who 'sent you the ,tickets? (= serious, strict and official)
  2. What a re'markably 'pretty little `house! 

        (= amiable, polite, vivid)

  1.  The Up-broken Descending Scale

The Up-broken Descending Scale is formed by pronouncing one of the stressed syllables on a higher pitch than the preceding one, after that the down-stepping pitch movement is resumed. This pitch rise within the scale is called a “Special Rise”.

  1. This scale is used in emotional speech to avoid the monotony of the Descending Stepping Scale.
  2. It’s used to express admiration, wonder, surprise, friendliness, sometimes some unpleasant emotions such as irritation, anger.
  1. 'Judy 'Brown is a very 'nice `girl!

       (= admiration, friendliness)

  1. I 'want to 'read another ١book!

        (= irritation, anger)

  1. The

Down-broken Descending Scale

The Down-broken Descending Scale is formed by pronouncing one of the stressed syllables on a lower pitch than the preceding one. It is the so-called “Drop” that is pitches very low. After the Drop the pitch rises up to the beginning of the High Fall.

  1. This scale is used seldom in English speech.
  2. It indicates a number of attitudes ranging from friendly to cool and hostile manners.
  1. He may 'certainly get the ׀hell `out of ׀here! (= anger, hostility, detached attitude)

(перевод: Он, конечно же, может катиться на все четыре стороны!)

  1. The Descending Sliding Scale

The Descending Sliding Scale is formed by descending series of stressed syllables pronounced with downward slides, so that the beginning of each slide is a little higher than the end of the preceding one.

  1. It gives the additional prominence to all the stressed words in the utterance. It helps to set up tension: with each slide tension grows and the word with terminal tone becomes the most prominent in the sentence.
  2. It’s used to sound polite, friendly, enthusiastic, apologetically, hesitating, as well as reproachful, hurt and careless.
  1. You don’t seem to ˇrealize what has `happened. (= polite and at the same time reproachful)

  1. The Descending Scandent Scale

The Descending Scandent Scale is formed by descending series of stressed syllables pronounced with pitch rises, while each unstressed syllable is pronounced a little higher than the preceding one.

  1. This scale is used for emphasis.
  2. It’s often used to show liveliness, surprise, cheerfulness, encouragement, joy, admiration, as well as impatience, irritation, mockery.
  3. It may also sound quizzical, teasing, coquettish and patronizing.
  1. I hate doing `nothing. (= impatience, irritation)
  2. ¯Oh, `Alex! Just imagine you as Father `Christmas! (=quizzical, teasing)
  1. The Level Scale

The Level Scale is formed by series of stressed and unstressed syllables pronounced on the same pitch level. The pitch level may be high, mid or low.

  1. The High Level Scale is used in highly emotional speech to express eagerness, friendliness, happiness, mockery and irritation.
  2. The Mid Level Scale is used in less emotional speech, usually to express indifference and carelessness.
  3. The Low Level Scale is often used to express some unpleasant emotions such as indifference and hostility.
  1. What fine `weather we are ׀having ׀today!

(= eagerness, friendliness, happiness)

  1. She will have to manage by her١self.

(= indifference, hostility and irritation)

  1. The Gradually Ascending Stepping Scale

The Gradually Ascending Stepping Scale is formed by series of stressed and unstressed syllables where each stressed syllable is pitched a little higher than the preceding one.

  1. In this scale the last stressed word (with terminal tone) is especially prominent in the sentence.
  2. This scale is used to express surprise, interest, protest, impatience, irritation.
  3. It’s usually pronounced with the High Fall or the High Narrow Rise.
  1. I ׀can’t ׀find it `anywhere. (= impatience)
  2. ׀How ׀long have you ׀been here? (= surprise, interest)

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