Презентация по теме: «Our countrymen are outstanding sportsmen».
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Презентация "Наши земляки - выдающиеся спортсмены".
В презентации упоминаются выдающиеся спортсмены Тульской области: Олеся Зыкина, Елена Карпачева и Александр Шамрай. А также презентация о нашем земляке из мкр. Сокольники Сергее Семине.
Сергей Александрович Семин, 24.04.1987 года из Тульской области, города Новомосковска. Занимался спортом с раннего детства. С 6 лет его увлекал футбол - вид спорта, которым увлекаются тысячи мальчишек. Для него футбол был не просто спорт, а смысл жизни. Планировал «перенести» свою увлеченность в профессию. За 9 лет много было сыграно матчей, много было выиграно турниров различного уровня. Вначале играл за местный футбольный клуб «Сокол», а после его взяли играть за более профессиональную команду «Дон». Но, к сожалению, пришлось принудительно отказаться от любимого вида спорта, так как в 16 лет у него неожиданно начались проблемы со здоровьем.
Передвигаясь на инвалидном кресле, он все равно занимается спортом.
«Our countrymen are outstanding sportsmen».
Sport has always been popular in our country. There are different sporting societies and clubs in Russia and Tula region. Many of them take part in different international tournaments and are known all over the world. A great number of world records have set by Russian sportsmen: gymnasts, weightlifters, tennis players, swimmers, figure skaters, runners, high jumpers, athletes. Our sportsmen take part in the Olympic Games and always win a lot of gold, silver and bronze medals.
In our area there are remarkable outstanding sportsmen. Such as, Olesya Zykina, Elena Karpacheva and Alexander Shamray.
Olesya Zykina is the Russian athlete, the repeated world champion indoors, the champion of Europe, the prize-winner of the Olympic Games. She acts in running disciplines on 200, 300 and 400 m. Olesya played for Dynamo club (Tula). Her main discipline is run on 400 m. In 2001 as a part of track and field athletics Russian national team, she becomes the world champion in running on 400 meters, next year she wins gold in the European championship. In 2003 she becomes the double world champion, and in 2008 she wins 2 more champion titles. On Olympic Games in Athens as a part of a go-ahead team of Russia in running 4×400 m Olesya won a silver award.
Elena Karpachevais engaged in boxing of 6 years. She is the repeated champion of Russia in a kickboxing and boxing, the double world champion in the boxing, the deserved master of sports. In 2006 in the female Championship of Russia on boxing from Tula Elena Karpatcheva carried out three duels and all won.
Alexander Shamray is the trainer and the head of school of a kickboxing of the city of Novomoskovsk. He is the master of sports of Russia of the international class, the world champion 2009, the vice-world champion 2007, the owner of the World Cup, the champion of Europe, the sixfold champion of Russia.
But I would like to tell not about these successful athletes and about the athlete on a wheelchair Sergey Semin from Novomoskovsk (micro district Sokolniki).
With what life begins …
Sergey Aleksandrovich Semin, 24.04.1987 from Tula region, the city of Novomoskovsk. He went in for sports since the early childhood. From 6 years it was carried away by football - a sport of which thousands boys are fond. For it football was not simply sports, and meaning of the life. He planned to "transfer" the enthusiasm to a profession. In 9 years it was much played matches, it was much won tournaments of various level. In the beginning played for local football club "Sokol", and after it took to play for more professional Don Team. But, unfortunately, it was necessary to refuse a favourite sport as in 16 years at it problems with health unexpectedly began compulsorily.
2002 … First call
Everything began with insignificant pain under the right shovel, then aching pains increased and in 2 weeks feet refused. Doctors of Novomoskovsk put it on feet by means of the tablets "Prednisolonum". He anew learned to go and persistently was engaged in physical exercises, suffered pain, but it was for it on a background – ahead, before eyes there is a dream - the dream again to return in the field.
2003 … Stroke of bad luck
It seems, everything was well, however, feet already were not such as earlier – a football anymore so was felt. And again pains began. It was necessary to lie down in the same hospital. Doctors registered to it massage and back physiotherapy. Then already it and its native learned that it was the medical error … In a week of such "treatment" of a foot weakened even more strongly. And they arrived to Kaluga the regular bus, made pictures, paid them. And when the bus arrived back to the city of Novomoskovsk, it couldn't rise from a seat. Feet refused completely.
His life now
It passed about 9 years after that terrible case. For these years that young guy not to recognize, he understood a lot of things and rethought. Moving on a wheelchair, he felt constraint earlier, quailed from sidelong glances. But in similar situations it is impossible to lose hope and – it is necessary to think of belief in recovery and the most important correctly.
Now it is the self-assured young man. For the 24 years (from them about 9 years in a carriage), it could make a lot of things. But it is even more planned purposes.
Sergey's limitation in movement didn't prevent it to continue to go in for sports. After rehabilitation he began to be engaged in table tennis and races on carriages. Sergey won the local championships of Tula region on table tennis and races on carriages. Character to it let's win and in such situation.
In 2004 successfully graduated from school and then it was in absentia trained in Legal College of the Russian section of the international police association in "Jurisprudence". Then in 2007 became the student of the Moscow state humanitarian and economic institute of faculty of law in whom he still studies.
After receipt in HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION, its outlook obviously extended. He began to go in for sports more actively. Began to participate in competitions on table tennis already in the championships of Moscow where took prizes. He also executed the standard of the candidate for the master of sports for table tennis among persons with limited possibilities of health.
It always behaved in a tone, was engaged in dumbbells and did various exercises in house conditions. It didn't remain unaddressed. The trainer on an arm wrestling having seen Sergey invited to be engaged the arm sporty. After that in 2008 became the participant of the championship of Russia on an arm wrestling where at once executed the standard of the candidate for the master of sports.
Understanding consequences of possible traumas for the person on an invalid carriage for whom hands is EVERYTHING; Sergey began to be engaged in firing from onions. For 2 years of occupations by this sport became the prize-winner of the championships of Moscow and Russia, and also cups of Russia. He is the master of sports on firing from onions among persons with limited possibilities of health.
Main aim
He believes in destiny and good luck, but he doesn't sit within four walls waiting for the best. At it turns out to realize the purposes!
Except one and most important to rise on feet.
Life can knock us down, but only we solve, to be understood to us or not.
«Sports support me, "temper" character and do you stronger by spirit» - Sergey speaks.
It gives up thought that will carry out all the remained life on a wheelchair and doesn't think of it. Believes that will go again and is absolutely sure that it to happen.
Sergey does everything that in his forces again to strike on a ball, to score the «dream goal» and to win an illness.
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Подписи к слайдам:
Who is the best-known sportsman in Tula region? Elena Karpacheva Olesya Zykina
Alexander Shamray Sergey Semin Who is the best-known sportsman in Tula region?
Olesya Zykina Elena Karpacheva Alexander Shamray Sergey Semin Children Grown-ups Children Grown-ups Children Grown-ups Children Grown-ups Without photos and names 3 6 6 9 10 7 10 15 Only photos 0 3 0 5 6 3 5 15 With names 2 5 5 1 0 5 7 7 1 5 We asked 20 pupils and 15 grown-ups (teachers and parents).
Olesya Zykina is the Russian athlete, the repeated world champion indoors, the champion of Europe, the prize-winner of the Olympic games.
Elena Karpacheva is the repeated champion of Russia in a kickboxing and boxing, the double world champion in the boxing, the deserved master of sports.
Alexander Shamray is the master of sports of Russia of the international class, the world champion 2009, the vice-world champion 2007, the owner of the World Cup, the champion of Europe, the six fold champion of Russia.
Sergey won the local championships of Tula region on table tennis and races on carriages.
The best of the sport is to do the deed and to say nothing.
It’s not whether you win or lose that matters, it’s how you play the game.
War is a sport of kings. I n 2008 he became the participant of the championship of Russia on an arm wrestling where at once executed the standard of the candidate for the master of sports.
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. Michael Jordan
All sports for all people. Pierre de Coubertin For 2 years of occupations by this sport he became the prize-winner of the championships of Moscow and Russia, and also cups of Russia.
Who loves sports, that is healthy and vigorous. He is the master of sports on firing from onions among persons with limited possibilities of health.
Both sharpness is necessary, and training is important.
From the youth you will become tempered, for all century you will fit.
Temper the body with advantage for business.
Who is engaged in sports, that forces is taken.
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