достопримечательности Лондона
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Короткие тексты на английском языке о самых известных достопримечательностях Лондона. с вопросами и картинками.
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THE TOWER OF LONDON The Tower of London has been “Fortress, Palace, Home for the Crown Jewels and national treasures, Arsenal, Mint, Prison, Observatory, Zoo and tourist attraction.” There is more of London's history in the Tower than anywhere else.
The oldest part of the Tower of London is the White Tower. It was built as a fortress and family residence by William the Conqueror in 1078.
King Henry III ordered the Tower be whitewashed.
Today the White Tower houses the unique collection of arms.
1) Who founded the Tower of London?
2) What were the functions of it?
3) Who white washed the White Tower?
4) What is the Tower of London today?
TOWER BRIDGETower Bridge was opened in 1894, built in the Gothic style. The bascules are opened by electricity and will open to let the ships pass through. The Bridge is a symbol of London which attracts the tourists.
1) When was the Tower Bridge opened?
2) Why is it called the symbol of London?
BUCKINGHAM PALACEBuckingham Palace has been a home for the British Kings and Queens for three hundreds years. It’s the symbol of the monarch. This Palace is neither very old nor very beautiful. It is the most famous address in the world.
1) Who lives in the Buckingham Palace?
2) Why is the Buckingham Palace the most famous address in the world?
WESTMINSTER ABBEYWestminster Abbey was founded in 1065. It is the traditional place of coronation for the English monarchs. Every British monarch has been crowned in the Abbey. Many are buried there. There are memorials to the famous British in the Abbey. You can see the Poets’ Corner there.
1) What is Westminster Abbey?
2) What people are buried in the Abbey?
The BRITISH MUSEUMThe British Museum was founded in 1753 in London. It has big collections of books, manuscripts, prints, drawings, paintings, medals, coins. The biggest Library in Great Britain with many millions of books is in the Museum.
1) When was the Museum founded?
2) What collections has it got?
THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENTThe Houses of Parliament has been the seat of government since the 11th century. When the parliament works you can see the light above the clock at night, the British Flag over the Victoria Tower at day time.
1) Since what time was the Houses of Parliament the seat of government?
2) What can you see at night?
3) Where can you see the British Flag?
BIG BENBig Ben is the name of the tower and the clock. Big Ben is famous for the 13-ton bell. The bell weighs 13, 5 tons and the hammer – 8 tons. It is the voice of London. It tells the time since 1859. The Clock Tower is 318 feet (95 m 400sm). You must go up 374 steps to get to top.
1) What is Big Ben?
2) What does it tell?
3) How many tons does the bell weigh?
4) What is the height of the Clock Tower?
ST.PAUL’S CATHEDRALThe Cathedral was built in 604. After the Great Fire of London in 1666 it was destroyed. Architect Sir Christopher Wren rebuilt the Cathedral. It took him 35 years. Now St. Paul’s Cathedral is the main church in Great Britain.
1) Who built St.Paul’s Cathedral?
2) How much time did it take C.Wren to build it?
TRAFALGAR SQUARETrafalgar square is the square in the central London. In the centre of the square you can see Nelson’s Column. Lord Nelson was the admiral who commanded the British fleet at Trafalgar battle in 1805. You can see the fountains and four bronze lions around the column. The Square is the popular place for many tourists.
1) Where is the Trafalgar square?
2) What can you see in the square?
3) Why is the square popular with the tourists?
HYDE PARKHyde Park is one of the biggest parks in central London. Hyde Park is 1,4 sq. km. Many people come to the park every day to have a rest on the green grass or to feed birds in the Serpentine Lake. Every Sunday you can listen to any person in the Speaker’s Corner.
1) Where is Hyde Park?
2) What is the territory of the Park?
3) What can people do in the Park?
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