тесты к экзамену по английскому языку
тест по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме
Тренировочные тесты и презентации для экзаменов
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Предварительный просмотр:
Раздел 3 (задания по грамматике и лексике)
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами B4–B12 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовал содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию B4–B12. |
B4 | I remember my first day of school in detail. It was a nice bright September morning when my mum _______ me to a large school ground. There werе lots of kids and parents there. | BRING |
B5 | At first I felt uneasy as I _______ any of them. | NOT KNOW |
B6 | I wanted to go inside but the doors ________ . | CLOSE |
B7 | “Look around,” my mum said. “There are so many _______ here. Don’t be afraid. I’m sure you will make friends with them very soon. | CHILD |
B8 | Almost every child had a bouquet of flowers and I felt very proud because my bouquet was the ______. | GOOD |
B9 | Some men and ______ in the centre of the playground were telling us about their school years. | WOMAN |
B10 | “Look at that woman, mum,” I whispered pointing at a dark-haired woman with a microphone. “She ______ to the Head of the school now. | SPEAK |
B11 | I’m sure that I _____ her. Her face looks very familiar. But I can’t remember where and when I saw her.” | ALREADY/ SEE |
B12 | Later I found out that she was a TV presenter for an _______ programme for young children and a graduate of our school. | EDUCATION |
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами B13–B18 так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию B13–B18. |
B13 | I’ve met lots of nice people in my life but Tommy has always been my best friend. I met him at school when he was a funny red-haired boy. His father was a famous opera ______. | SING |
B14 | Sometimes Tommy’s mother took us to his father’s _______ . | PERFORM |
B15 | Tommy’s parents had a big beautiful house and he had a lot of ______ toys. | EXPENSE |
B16 | But all those things were not important. What brought us together in our ______ was the hobby we shared. | CHILD |
B17 | We both enjoyed reading science fiction and adventure books about pirates and __________. We had lots of adventures ourselves. | TRAVEL |
B18 | Tommy was brave and was always ready to stand for me. I knew that I could rely on him in any _______ situation. | DANGER |
B4 | brought |
B5 | did not know <или> didn’t know |
B6 | were closed |
B7 | children |
B8 | best |
B9 | women |
B10 | is speaking |
B11 | have already seen <или> ‘ve already seen |
B12 | educational |
B13 | singer |
B14 | performance |
B15 | expensive |
B16 | childhood |
B17 | travellers |
B18 | dangerous |
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Предварительный просмотр:
Linking devices.
To state personal opinion: | In my opinion,/ In my view,/ To my mind,/ I believe that,/ I feel strongly that,/ It seems to me that,/ I think that. |
To list advantages and disadvantages: | One/another/a further/the main/the first/the greatest advantages/disadvantages of |
To list points: | Firstly/in the first place/first of all/to start with/secondly/thirdly/finally |
To add more points on the topic: | What is more, furthermore, also, apart from this/that, in addition to, moreover, besides, too, not to mention the fact that |
To refer to other sources: | According to, with reference to |
To express cause: | Because of, owing to, due to, for this reason |
To express effect: | Therefore, thus, as a result, consequently, so, as a consequence |
To give examples | for example, for instance |
To show contrast: | Yet, however, but, although, even though, in spite of the fact that |
To introduce the other side of the argument | Opponents of this view say, how ever there are people/those who oppose… claim that |
Предварительный просмотр:
Прочитайте отрывок из рассказа и выполните задания, обводя букву a, b, c или d, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.
“Teen-zine” is an American magazine of 30 pages; the hottest ten problems are here for discussion. The readers’ questions are usually answered by teens that are remembered from TV shows or films.
Danica acted as Winnie Cooper from TV show THE WONDER YEARS. She was very successful but finally took a decision to try something completely different. She got in touch with the magazine and got a good chance to share her “words of wisdom” with young adults.
Read some extracts from those problem pages, may be they will be helpful.
Question: Hi, Danica. I’m Mary from St. Luis. I have this problem with making friends. It started about a year ago when Maggie and I seemed to be real friends. At first she was really nice to me and we shared secrets. It was one day some months later when she called me. She told me things like she hated me and she never wanted to see me again. She also spread bad rumors about me and told everyone my secrets. I’ve never done anything wrong; I was always nice to her. And recently, she did it again to another girl. However since then, I’ve always had trouble finding friends and trusting everyone. What should I do?
Danica: Well, there are no guarantees in life, and sharing secrets to someone should be done very carefully. There are about 2 people in my life who I will share true secrets with and I have known them for over 10 years. I don’t think that most people are as cruel as this one girl. Since she turned around from another girl, you really can’t take it personally. You just got unlucky. I think it’s great to have a close friend. Just keep it in your mind how long you have really known that person. Try not to give them qualities that they have not shown yet. Again I don’t mean that you should be cynical when making new friends. But in the first few months especially, when you feel like sharing your secrets, be very careful.
You can also try writing in your diary about your new friends when you are not sure who they are to you. You don’t have to analyze everything they do, but you can just check in with yourself. You can always tear up the page, if you are afraid of what someone else would think. Please, remember, different friends have different things to offer. Some of them will never be those with whom you share secrets. That’s okay too. Just don’t tell them things you don’t want other people to know. Those friends can be a lot of fun with! Here is a cool idea ( I don’t remember who said it ): “People will disappoint you. Love them anyway.”
1. What is not true about Danica?
a. She has a few close friends who she can share secrets with. She had known them for
b. She likes to discuss teens’ problems with young readers of “Teen-zine”
c. She acted on TV show successfully and decided to become a professional actress
d. She thinks it’s great to have a close friend
2. “Teen-zine” is _____.
a. an English magazine for elderly people
b. a magazine for discussion hot political news
c. an American magazine whose authors were seen on TV screen
d. a journal used to be named THE WONDER YEARS
3. Winnie Cooper is _____.
a. a girl who often has problems with her friends and often sends her questions to “Teen-
b. a character from a TV show for teenagers
c. Danica’s close friend
d. a girl who acted as Danica at THE WONDER YEARS
4. What happened to Mary about a year ago?
a. Mary had a friend who never shared secrets with her
b. a girl called Mary one day and told her that Maggie hated her and didn’t want to see her
c. Mary didn’t do anything wrong to Maggie but she lost her best friend
d. Mary spread rumors about Maggie and Maggie never shared secrets with anybody else
5. Danica advises Mary to _____.
a. become close friends with nobody if she doesn’t want to get into trouble again
b. start writing down everything that she thinks about both her new and old friends
c. share secrets with people you haven’t known for a long period of time
d. have some friends only for fun not for secrets
Прочитайте текст с пропусками. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.
Einstein was not __1__ child. He began ___2___ piano lessons at the age of six. He didn’t seem to be __3__ talented. He liked __4__. He didn’t enjoy talking very __5__ ; in fact, he waited till he was three before __6__ to talk. __7__ of not having a very exciting childhood, Einstein __8__ appeared to have a vivid memory __9__ it. He remembered being impressed how a compass works and by the mysterious forse which made the compass needle __10__ in a given direction.
1. a. ordinary b. remarkable c. outstanding d. obedient
2. a. taking b. having taken c. to have taken d. take
3. a. peculiarly b. particularly c. particular d. usually
4. a. day-dream b. day-dreaming c. be day-dreaming d. to have been day-dreaming
5. a. well b. good c. much d. little
6. a. had started b. started c. was starting d. starting
7. a. due b. despite c. in spite d. notwithstanding
8. a. later b. sooner c. soon d. late
9. a. from b. of c. at d. by
10. a. pointing b. point c. to point d. to be pointing
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Тренировочные задания для подготовки к экзамену по английскому языку.
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