экзамен по английскому языку в 7 классе в форме ГИА
тест по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Леухина Надежда Ивановна

состоит из 5 частей, есть ответы и карточка собеседника. Работа составлена на основе·

  •     УМК М.З.Биболетовой  «EnjoyEnglish-7»
  • ·    Демонстрационной версии ГИА по английскому языку 2010, 2012
  • ·    Ю.С.Веселова «Сборник тренировочных и проверочных заданий.Английский язык.7 класс (в формате ЕГЭ)»
  • ·  Virginia Evans Jenny Dooley “Practice Exam Papers”


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Предварительный просмотр:

Экзаменационная работа по английскому языку

в 7 классе


(в форме ГИА)

На основе материала:

  1. УМК М.З.Биболетовой  «Enjoy English-7»
  2. Демонстрационной версии ГИА по английскому языку 2010, 2012
  3. Ю.С.Веселова «Сборник тренировочных и проверочных заданий.Английский язык.7 класс (в формате ЕГЭ)»
  4. Virginia Evans Jenny Dooley “Practice Exam Papers”

Инструкция по выполнению работы

Экзаменационная работа по английскому языку состоит из двух частей (письменной и устной)

Сначала выполняется письменная часть. На её выполнение отводится 1,5 часа (90 мин). В этой части работы предлагается выполнить задания, которые даны в следующей последовательности.

В разделе 1 (задания по аудированию) предполагается прослушивание нескольких текстов и выполнение заданий на понимание услышанного. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение данного раздела - 20 минут.

Раздел 2 (задания по чтению) включает задания, которые позволят оценить понимание прочитанных текстов. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение заданий - 20 минут.

Раздел 3 (задания по грамматике и лексике). Рекомендуемое время на выполнение раздела - 20 минут.

В разделе 4 (задание по письму) предусмотрено 1 задание, предлагающее написать личное письмо. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение - 30 минут

Рекомендуется выполнять задания в том порядке, в котором они


Устная часть экзамена состоит из двух заданий: монологическое высказывание по заданной теме и диалог-расспрос (беседа в ситуациях повседневного общения). Время устного ответа 6 минут на одного учащегося.

Желаем успеха!

Раздел 2

Прочитайте текст. Установите соответствие вопросов A—G текстам 1-7. Занесите ответы в таблицу. Один текст лишний.

B 2      Which planet

A        was discovered in the last century?

В                is the hottest?

C         got its name after a Roman god ?

D        is known for its density?

E        comes the second after Jupiter in size?

F        was discovered by a musician?

G        is believed to have water on the surface?

  1. Venus, one of the planets in the solar system, is the second in distance from the Sun. Except for the Sun and the Moon, Venus is the brightest object in the sky. The planet is called the morning star when it appears in the east at sunrise, and the evening star when it is in the west at sunset. Venus is never visible more than three hours before sunrise and three hours after sunset. The surface temperature is the hottest of any planet - about 477C.
  2. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. It is the fourth brightest object in Earth’s sky, after the Sun, the Moon, and Venus. The Romans named the planet for their chief god, Jupiter, because of its prominence in the sky. Jupiter is a ball of gas and has no solid surface.
  3. Pluto is farther from the Sun than the other planets in the solar system. The small, rocky, and cold planet takes 247,7 years to revolve around the Sun. It was discovered in 1930. Pluto is the most distant planet in the solar system and it is very difficult to be detected.

century Shakespeare and his friends had enough money to build their own

theatre - the famous Globe Theatre.

But Shakespeare had quite many difficulties in his life. Less talented writers, whose plays were worse than his, often quarreled with Shakespeare and attacked him, the actors in his own theatre sometimes turned against him.

Now people in many countries love and honor Shakespeare for his plays, comedies and tragedies that are still modern and well-known all over the world.

A5 People know little about Shakespeare’s early life.

1)True                 2)False                 3)Not stated

A6 The writer spent all his life in Stratford-upon-Avon.

1) True        2) False        3) Not stated

A7 William Shakespeare left his wife and children at home and went to London alone.

1) True        2) False        3) Not stated

             A8 Shakespeare is famous all over the world for his wonderful plays, comedies and tragedies.

1) True        2) False        3) Not stated

Раздел 4

При выполнении задания С1 особое внимание обратите на то, что ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным на чистовике. Никакие записи черновика не будут учитываться экспертом. Обратите внимание на необходимость соблюдения указанного объёма письма. Письма недостаточного объема, а также часть текста письма, превышающая требуемый объем - не оцениваются.

На чистом листе вы указываете сначала номер задания С1, а потом пишите свой ответ.


You have 30 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Ben.

...I’ve found that almost everyone in my class does sports. I’ve never done any sport at all and now I feel that it’s time to start. What sports are most popular with your friends? What sports do people in your country do in winter? What do you do in PE classes at school?...

Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.

Write 80 - 100 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Раздел 5

Вы получите карточку, на которой представлены два задания для устного ответа:

С2 - тематическое монологическое высказывание,

СЗ - диалог- расспрос.

 Окончание выполнение каждого задания определяет экзаменатор.

Раздел 1

Вы услышите 5 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1-5 и утверждениями, данными в списке A-F. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.


A Music   B Restaurant    C Sightseeng  D Theatre

E Shopping F Architecture  G Museums and Galleries







Вы услышите разговор двух люде. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А1-А4 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 - True), какие не соответствуют (2 - False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 - Not stated). Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

A 1 The boys see each other every day.

1) True        2) False        3) Not stated

A 2 Alex has come back from Siberia.

1) True        2) False        3) Not stated

A3 He stayed in the hotel.

1) True        2) False        3) Not stated

A4 Alex used a plane, a  boat and a bus in his trip.

1) True        2) False        3) Not stated

  1. Uranus is a major planet in the solar system. Uranus has 11 known rings and 27 moons. Uranus was the first planet that people discovered by using a telescope. Sir William Herschel, a German-born British musician and astronomer, discovered the planet in 1781.

  1. Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. Mercury is surprisingly dense because it has a very large iron core. Mercury’s surface is similar to the Moon’s because many asteroids constantly fall on it

  1. Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system. Saturn has its own ring system which was first seen by the Italian scientist Galileo in 1610. He did not understand that the rings were separate from the body of the planet. Later the rings were described correctly.







Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А5-А8 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 - True), какие не соответствуют (2 - False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 - Not stated).

William Shakespeare, the greatest English writer of drama, was bom in 1564 in Stratford-on- Avon. We do not know everything about Shakespeare’s early life. But we know that he studied at the Grammar School in Stratford, and that he became interested in the theatre when he was still a boy.

In 1586 Shakespeare went to London, where he worked in the theatre for some years before he began to write his own plays.

Shakespeare soon became well-known in London literary circles. Every play that he wrote was good news to the people of the capital. Queen Elizabeth I liked Shakespeare’s plays, and the actors were often invited to play before the Queen and later before the King James - a great honor in those days. By the end of the 16th 

Раздел 3

Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами ВЗ-В12 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.


If I were you, I……..attend all lessons at school.



He always ….part in English competitions.



We enjoy…friends with foreign students.



The book “The Lord of the Rings”….by R.R.Tolkien in 1965



The Volga is the……river in Russia.



Whose computer is it? It’s…



I expect her….her luck in the International Championship.



I …a letter to you tomorrow by all means.



The boy got up …than his sister.



Where is Steve? He  ….in his room now.


Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В13-В22 так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.


They study French and ….at school.



The National Gallery is visited by lots of…



He is a …..business.



Her dance made a great ….on my friends.



The girl could … sleep at night.



Lines, detention and report are kinds of …



D.Mendeleev was a famous Russian ….



She was awarded a prize for the best…of the poem.



It is ….to swim here, the river is full of crocodiles.



The … has already begun.


Предварительный просмотр:

Student’s card № 1

Give a talk on your school.

Remember to say:

  1. What subjects you study and what your favourite subject is
  2. If you must wear a uniform
  3. Relations between students and teachers
  4. If you have any problems at school

You will have to talk for 2-2,5 minutes. the teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then she/he will ask you questions.

Student’s card № 2

Give a talk on schools abroad.

Remember to say:

  1. What types of school there are in English-speaking countries
  2. What punishment is used at schools
  3. Relations between students and teachers
  4. If you would like to study abroad & why

You will have to talk for 2-2,5 minutes. the teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then she/he will ask you questions.

Student’s card № 3

Give a talk on your friends.

Remember to say:

  1. If you have a lot of friends
  2. About your best friend
  3. What unites you
  4. If people can live without friends & why

You will have to talk for 2-2,5 minutes. the teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then she/he will ask you questions.

. Student’s card № 4

Give a talk on reading.

Remember to say:

  1. If you like reading or not
  2. What your favourite book is
  3. Who the author of the book is
  4. About the main characters
  5. What the plot of the book is
  6. Whom you recommend it & why

You will have to talk for 2-2,5 minutes. the teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then she/he will ask you questions.

Student’s card № 5

Give a talk on teenager’s problems.

Remember to say:

  1. What problems you have
  2. The most serious problem in your life
  3. If anybody helps you to solve your problems
  4. If smoking is an actual problem & what can be done with it

You will have to talk for 2-2,5 minutes. the teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then she/he will ask you questions.

Student’s card № 6

Give a talk on sports.

Remember to say:

  1. What your favourite kind of sport is & why you prefer it
  2. How to do this sport
  3. Where & when you can do it
  4. Whom you can recommend it
  5. What you benefit from it.

You will have to talk for 2-2,5 minutes. the teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then she/he will ask you questions.

Student’s card № 7

Give a talk on keeping fit

Remember to say:

  1. Why people want to keep fit
  2. What people do to keep fit
  3. What you do to be in shape
  4. What things don’t make you fit
  5. If vitamins make you healthy

You will have to talk for 2-2,5 minutes. the teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then she/he will ask you questions.

Student’s card № 8

Give a talk about yourself.

Remember to say:

  1. Introduce yourself
  2. What your main characteristics are
  3. What you would like to change in yourself
  4. What you will do in 10 years time

You will have to talk for 2-2,5 minutes. the teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then she/he will ask you questions.

Student’s card № 9

Give a talk on Famous people .

Remember to say:

  1. What famous people in Russia & abroad you know
  2. What they are famous for
  3. A few facts from the biography of a person you are interested in
  4. What his/her contribution to the world history is

You will have to talk for 2-2,5 minutes. the teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then she/he will ask you questions.

Student’s card № 10

Give a talk on communication .

Remember to say:

  1. What means of communication you know
  2. If you often write letters, why
  3. If you use a mobile phone & for what
  4. If you like communicating with the help of a computer

You will have to talk for 2-2,5 minutes. the teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then she/he will ask you questions.

Student’s card № 11

Give a talk on English in the world .

Remember to say:

  1. If English is an international language, why
  2. What English –speaking countries you know
  3. What country you’d like to visit, why
  4. If English is used in Russia

You will have to talk for 2-2,5 minutes. the teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then she/he will ask you questions.

Карточка экзаменатора-собеседника  INTERLOCUTOR CARD

Questions for  Warm up

  1. What’s your favourite holiday? Why do you like it?
  2. What’s your favourite subject in school? Why do you like it?
  3. What kind of music do you listen to? Do you often listen to music?
  4. What sports of hobbies do you like doing?
  5. How do you ideally like lo spend the weekends? Do you spend much time with your parents at      weekends?


Card 1 (2.5 - 3 min)

Let the student talk for 1.5-2 minutes.

Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving a talk.

  1. What subjects you study and what your favourite subject is
  2. If you must wear a uniform
  3. Relations between students and teachers
  4. If you have any problems at school

All these ideas must be covered.

Finally, you must ask each student the following question:

Would you you like to change your school? Why/why not?


The student is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to:

  1. speak at length elaborating on the topic
  2. produce coherent utterances
  3. give reasons
  4. use accurate grammar structures and a good range of vocabulary appropriate to the context and function

Card 2 (2.5 - 3 min)

Let the student talk for 1.5-2 minutes.

Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving a talk.

  1. What types of school there are in English-speaking countries
  2. What punishment is used at schools
  3. Relations between students and teachers
  4. If you would like to study abroad & why

All these ideas must be covered.

Finally, you must ask each student the following question:

Where is it better to study: in Russia or abroad? Why?


The student is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to:

  1. speak at length elaborating on the topic
  2. produce coherent utterances
  3. give reasons
  4. use accurate grammar structures and a good range of vocabulary appropriate to the context and function

Card 3 (2.5 - 3 min)

Let the student talk for 1.5-2 minutes.

Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving a talk.

  1. If you have a lot of friends
  2. About your best friend
  3. What unites you
  4. If people can live without friends & why

All these ideas must be covered.

Finally, you must ask each student the following question:

Are you a good friend? Why do you think so?


The student is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to:

  1. speak at length elaborating on the topic
  2. produce coherent utterances
  3. give reasons
  4. use accurate grammar structures and a good range of vocabulary appropriate to the context and function

Card 4 (2.5 - 3 min)

Let the student talk for 1.5-2 minutes.

Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving a talk.

  1. If you like reading or not
  2. What your favourite book is
  3. Who the author of the book is
  4. About the main characters
  5. What the plot of the book is

All these ideas must be covered.

Finally, you must ask each student the following question:

Whom you recommend it & why?


The student is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to:

  1. speak at length elaborating on the topic
  2. produce coherent utterances
  3. give reasons
  4. use accurate grammar structures and a good range of vocabulary appropriate to the context and function

Card 5 (2.5 - 3 min)

Let the student talk for 1.5-2 minutes.

Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving a talk.

  1. What problems you have
  2. The most serious problem in your life
  3. If anybody helps you to solve your problems
  4. If smoking is an actual problem & what can be done with it

All these ideas must be covered.

Finally, you must ask each student the following question:

Do you help your friend in difficult situations & how?


The student is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to:

  1. speak at length elaborating on the topic
  2. produce coherent utterances
  3. give reasons
  4. use accurate grammar structures and a good range of vocabulary appropriate to the context and function

Card 6 (2.5 - 3 min)

Let the student talk for 1.5-2 minutes.

Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving a talk.

  1. What your favourite kind of sport is & why you prefer it
  2. How to do this sport
  3. Where & when you can do it
  4. What you benefit from it.

All these ideas must be covered.

Finally, you must ask each student the following question:

Whom you can recommend it


The student is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to:

  1. speak at length elaborating on the topic
  2. produce coherent utterances
  3. give reasons
  4. use accurate grammar structures and a good range of vocabulary appropriate to the context and function

Card 7 (2.5 - 3 min)

Let the student talk for 1.5-2 minutes.

Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving a talk.

  1. Why people want to keep fit
  2. What people do to keep fit
  3. What you do to be in shape
  4. What things don’t make you fit
  5. If vitamins make you healthy

All these ideas must be covered.

Finally, you must ask each student the following question:

What ways of keeping fit is popular among teenagers?


The student is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to:

  1. speak at length elaborating on the topic
  2. produce coherent utterances
  3. give reasons
  4. use accurate grammar structures and a good range of vocabulary appropriate to the context and function

Card 8 (2.5 - 3 min)

Let the student talk for 1.5-2 minutes.

Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving a talk.

  1. Introduce yourself
  2. What your main characteristics are
  3. What you would like to change in yourself
  4. What you will do in 10 years’ time

All these ideas must be covered.

What are your hobbies?What do you hate doing?

Finally, you must ask each student the following question:


The student is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to:

  1. speak at length elaborating on the topic
  2. produce coherent utterances
  3. give reasons
  4. use accurate grammar structures and a good range of vocabulary appropriate to the context and function

Card 9 (2.5 - 3 min)

Let the student talk for 1.5-2 minutes.

Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving a talk.

  1. What famous people in Russia & abroad you know
  2. What they are famous for
  3. A few facts from the biography of a person you are interested in
  4. What his/her contribution to the world history is

All these ideas must be covered.

Would you like to be famous?Why?

Finally, you must ask each student the following question:


The student is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to:

  1. speak at length elaborating on the topic
  2. produce coherent utterances
  3. give reasons
  4. use accurate grammar structures and a good range of vocabulary appropriate to the context and function

Card 10 (2.5 - 3 min)

Let the student talk for 1.5-2 minutes.

Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving a talk.

  1. What means of communication you know
  2. If you often write letters, why
  3. If you use a mobile phone & for what
  4. If you like communicating with the help of a computer

All these ideas must be covered.

What is the best way to communicate with your parents?Why?

Finally, you must ask each student the following question:


The student is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to:

  1. speak at length elaborating on the topic
  2. produce coherent utterances
  3. give reasons
  4. use accurate grammar structures and a good range of vocabulary appropriate to the context and function

Card 11 (2.5 - 3 min)

Let the student talk for 1.5-2 minutes.

Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving a talk.

  1. If English is an international language, why
  2. What English –speaking countries you know
  3. What country you’d like to visit, why
  4. If English is used in Russia

All these ideas must be covered.

What the the best ways to to learn English?Do you practice them?

Finally, you must ask each student the following question:


The student is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to:

  1. speak at length elaborating on the topic
  2. produce coherent utterances
  3. give reasons
  4. use accurate grammar structures and a good range of vocabulary appropriate to the context and function

Предварительный просмотр:


C3 Student Card

Task 2 (2-3 min)

You are staying at a hotel with your relative. The relative has a cold and needs to see a doctor. Talk to the hotel receptionist and find out where you can find a doctor and make an appointment if possible.

Ask the receptionist about

  1. if there’s a doctor close to the hotel
  2. the doctor’s working hours
  3. how much you should pay for the visit

You start the conversation. The examiner will play the part of the hotel receptionist.

Remember to:

  1. be active and polite
  2. ask the questions and find out all the information you need
  3. decide when you and your relative are going to visit a doctor.



Your school is going to introduce some optional new subjects, and you are interested in taking one of them.

Your parents can pay £10 per week.

You are free on Mondays and Tuesdays from 5 to 7 pm.

Before making a decision ask your teacher about

  1. what new subjects are available and how they will be taught
  1. what days and times they are offered
  2. the cost of lessons

You start the conversation.

The examiner will play the part of the teacher.

Remember to:

  1. be active and polite
  2. ask the questions and find all the information you need
  3.  decide on the subject you want to take
  4. Give reasons for your choice



You plan to enter one of the yearly competitions organised by your school. Your parents can pay a £ 10 entry fee. You have time to prepare or train for the competition all day on Saturdays.

Before making a decision ask the competitions organiser about:

  1. what the competitions are and what they involve
  2. whether the school provides any training sessions
  3. whether there is an entry fee or any other requirements 

You start the conversation. The examiner will play the part of the competitions organizer.

Remember to:

  1. be active and polite
  2. ask the questions and find out all the information you need
  3.  decide on the competition you will enter and give reasons for your choice



You live in a small city flat and you and your family want to take a week's summer break in the countryside. You want some reasonably priced accommodation. You are not interested in sports or other energetic activities, you just want to relax.

Before making a decision ask the travel agent about:

  1. types of accommodation available and the facilities they offer
  2. where they are located and how you can reach them
  3. the cost

You begin the conversation. The examiner will play the part of the travel agent.

Remember to:

  1. be active and polite
  2. ask the questions and find out all the information you need

 • decide on the holiday accommodation you will stay at and give reasons for your choice 



Your English speaking pen friend is paying you a visit in your home town tomorrow night for one night only. You must decide what you will do while he is visiting. You live in the town centre and you and your friend don't want to spend more than £20 each.

Before making a decision ask the officer at the tourist information centre about

  1. the choice of activities available
  2. the time and place
  3. the cost

You begin the conversation.

The examiner will play the part of the tourist information officer.

Remember to:

  1. be active and polite
  2. ask the questions and find out all the information you need
  3. decide on the activity you will do and give reasons for your choice



It is the end of the school year and your class wants to hold a party to celebrate. Your teacher has made enquiries about venues. You can spend £10 per person. Students are short of CDs and may need to buy or borrow some.

Before making a decision ask your teacher about:

  1. the venue and cost of hire
  2. catering
  3. decorations and music

You start the conversation.

The examiner will play the part of your teacher.

Remember to:

  1. be active and polite
  2. ask the questions and find out all the information you need
  3. decide on the activity you will do and give reasons for your choice


INTERLOCUTOR CARD Task 2 (2-3 minutes)

Health саге services

Reception hours



Local hospital, а doctor


8 am - 2.00 pm (all the time for today is booked, but tomorrow is still open)

10 minute walk from the hotel

For the hotel guests the first visit is free, then the doctor informs about the pricelist for further treatment if necessary

*The receptionist can make appointments for the hotel guests.

To finish the conversation say, “Well, the doctor will be waiting for relative (for Mr/Ms...) at .... I hope he/she gets better soon. Bye, I was happy to be of some help.”

You are a hotel receptionist*. Start the conversation: “Hello! Can I help you?” You’ve got the following information about the health care services available for the guests of the hotel:


You are a teacher at a school which is introducing optional new subjects.

After the student's greeting, start the conversation with:

Hello. What information would you like to know?

You have got the following information about the proposed new subjects


How taught


Cost of lessons

• Spanish

  1. grammar
  2. conversation and listening
  3. composition and exams

• Wednesdays and Thursdays 6 - 8 pm

  1. £ 10 per week
  2. all course books and audio equipment provided free

• photography

• theory and practice followed by exams

• Mondays 5:30 - 6:30 pm

  1. £ 5 per week
  2. students provide their own cameras
  3.  and other photographic equipment

To finish the conversation ask Well, which subject have you decided on?

 Skills to be tested

The student is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to:

  1. elicit the needed information by asking questions
  2. maintain and conclude the conversation
  3. be active and polite
  4. make decisions and give reasons for their choice


You are a school competitions organiser. After the student's greeting, start the conversation with: Hello. What information would you like to know?

You have got the following information about the yearly school competitions:


What is involved

Training sessions

Entry fees / other requirements

• essay competition

• writing an essay on topics such as science, culture, education, the arts and ecology

• writing workshop on Saturdays 10 am - 12 noon

  1. £10 entry fee
  2. essay word length 1.000 words

• music competition

  1. playing a set piece of a classical composer of your choice (piano, violin or guitar)
  2. students' own compositions also acceptable

• music workshop on Saturdays 10 am - 4 pm

  1. no entry fee
  2. students have to supply their own instruments

To finish the conversation ask: So which competition have you decided to enter? Skills to be tested


You are a travel agent. After the student’s greeting, start the conversation with:

Hello. How can I help you?

You have got the following information on holiday accommodation:



Location / Transport


3-star hotel

  1. comfortable rooms with private bathroom
  2. outdoor restaurant and swimming pool
  1. near a popular ski resort
  2. on a main bus route

£ 25 per person per night

modern campsite

  1. free use of open-air barbecue
  2. fully equipped sports and leisure centre
  1. near a lake
  2. can only be reached by car

£ 6 per person per night

(includes the charge for one tent)

To finish the conversation ask:

So which holiday accommodation do you think you'd like to stay at?


You are an officer at a tourist information centre. After the student’s greeting, start the conversation with: Hello. What information would you like to know?

You have got the following information about activities going on the night the student is asking about:





• ballet - Swan Lake performed by the Mariinsky Ballet Company

• 9 pm

• National Theatre - half hours’ drive from town centre

• £ 25 a ticket

• concert - Russian classical musk

• 6 pm

• History Museum in town centre

• £12 a ticket (includes entrance to Museum, which is open till 10 pm that evening)

To finish the conversation ask: So which activity are you interested in?


You are a teacher and your class wants to hold an end of year party.

After the student’s greeting, start the conversation with Hello. What information would you like to know?

You have got the following information about venues

Venue/Cost of hire




the Star Hotel £15 per person

included in the price - hot and cold buffet

  1. hotel can provide basic equipment
  2. student DJ
  1. school can provide some decorations
  2. students can make their own

the village hall £8 per person

£4 per person - cold buffet only (optional)

  1. local musician has offered to DJ for free
  2. has his own equipment/CDs

- village hall has lots of decorations for every occasion

To finish the conversation ask: Well, which venue shall we have the party at?

Предварительный просмотр:

































A5 -1

A6- 2



Grammar and Vocabulary

B 3-would do                             B 13-Russian

B4-takes                                     B14-tourists

B5-making                                B15-successful

B6- was written                        B16-impression

B7-longest                                B17-hardly      

B8-hers                                     B18- punishment          

B9-to try                                   B19-scientist

B10-will\shall write                 B20-tranlation

B 11- earlier                             B21-dangerous

B12-is sleeping                        B22-discussion

Критерии оценивания выполнения задания С1 (Максимум 8 баллов)

Решение коммуникативной задачи (содержание)

Организация текста




Задание выполнено полностью: все аспекты, указанные в задании, раскрыты; правильно выбрано стилевое оформление речи с учётом цели высказывания и адресата

Т екст логично выстроен, использованы специальные языковые средства для передачи логической связи; текст правильно структурирован; оформление текста соответствует нормам письменного этикета, принятого в стране изучаемого языка


Задание выполнено частично: некоторые аспекты, указанные в задании, не раскрыты; имеются нарушения стилевого оформления речи

Текст не всегда логично выстроен, имеются ошибки в использовании средств логической связи, их выбор ограничен; допущены ошибки в структурировании текста; имеются нарушения в оформлении письма


Задание не выполнено: не

раскрыты аспекты, указанные в задании

В тексте отсутствует логика; письмо не оформлено


Лексико-грамматическое оформление письменного высказывания

Орфография и пунктуация




Использована разнообразная лексика и различные грамматические структуры (простые и сложные) в соответствии с поставленной коммуникативной задачей. Лексико-грамматические ошибки практически отсутствуют.


Использована лексика и грамматические структуры (простые и сложные), соответствующие поставленной коммуникативной задаче. Встречаются отдельные ошибки в употреблении слов, грамматических структур, которые не затрудняют понимание текста. Простые предложения грамматически правильны.


Использована ограниченное количество лексических единиц и простые грамматические структуры, в целом соответствующие поставленной коммуни кативной задаче. Допущено значительное количество языковых ошибок. Некоторые ошибки могут затруднять понимание текста.

Допущены отдельные орфографические и пунктуационные ошибки, которые не препятствуют пониманию текста


Использованное крайне ограниченное количество лексических единиц и многочисленные грамматические ошибки не позволяют выполнить поставленную коммуникативную задачу

Допущены многочисленные орфографические ошибки и не соблюдены правила пунктуации, что затрудняет понимание текста


*1. Задание С1 (личное письмо) оценивается по критериям К1-К4 (максимальное количество баллов - 8).

Критерий «Орфография и пунктуация» (К4) оценивается по шкале 0-1 балл.

  1. При получении учащимся 0 баллов по критерию «Содержание» задание С1 оценивается в 0 баллов.
  2. Если объём письма менее 70 слов, то задание оценивается в 0 баллов. Если объём более 110 слов, то проверке подлежат только 100 слов с соответствующей оценкой по решению коммуникативной задачи.

Критерии оценивания выполнения заданий С2-СЗ (Максимум 12 б)

Решение коммуникативной задачи (содержание)

Взаимодействие с собеседником


К5 (С2) | К5 (СЗ)

Кб (С2) | Кб (СЗ)

Задание полностью выполнено: цель общения достигнута, тема раскрыта в заданном объёме (все пере численные в задании аспекты были раскрыты в выска зывании). Социокультурные знания использованы в соответствии с ситуацией общения


Задание выполнено частично: цель общения достигнута, но тема раскрыта не в полном объёме. Социокультурные знания в основном использованы в соответствии с ситуацией общения

Учащийся демонстрирует хорошие навыки и умения речевого взаимодействия с партнером:

умеет начать, поддержать и закончить беседу; соблюдает очерёдность при обмене репликами


Задание не выполнено: цель общения не достигнута

Учащийся демонстрирует плохо сформированные навыки и умения речевого взаимодействия с партнером:

имеет большие проблемы в понимании собеседника; не умеет поддержать беседу; затрудняется запрашивать информацию; не соблюдает очерёдность реплик


Лексико-грамматическое оформление речи

Произносительная сторона речи


К7(С2) | К7 (СЗ)

К8 (С2) | К8(СЗ)

Используемый лексико грамматический материал соответствует поставленной коммуникативной задаче. Учащийся демонстрирует большой словарный запас и владение разнообразными грамматическими структурами. Допущены отдельные ошибки, которые не затрудняют понимание


Используемый лексико грамматический материал в целом соответствует постав ленной коммуникативной задаче. Но учащийся делает многочисленные языковые ошибки или допускает языковые ошибки, затруд няющие понимание

Речь понятна: не допускаются фонематические ошибки; практи чески все звуки в потоке речи произносятся правильно; соблю дается правильный интона ционный рисунок


Используемый лексико грамматический материал не позволяет выполнить

поставленную коммуни кативную задачу

Речь плохо воспринимается на

слух из-за большого количества фонематических ошибок и неправильного произнесения многих звуков


Задание С2 (тематическое монологическое высказывание) оценивается по критериям К5-К8 (максимальное количество баллов — 6).

Задание СЗ (диалог-расспрос) оценивается по критериям К5-К8 (максимальное количество баллов — 6).

Maximum balls:

Listening -20(10*2)


Grammar and Vocbulary-20(20*1)


Speaking: monologue-6 Dialogue-6=12    

Total:80 balls

“5”-67-80 balls

“4”-53-66 balls

“3”-34-52 balls

Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Ю.С.Веселова «Сборник тренировочных и проверочных заданий.Английский язык.7 класс (в формате ЕГЭ)»

В 1

Now we are ready to start.

Welcome to London, one of the most exciting cities in the world. There are a lot of things to see and to

do in London. Here are some ideas.

  1. London has many beautiful old buildings and monuments. See Big Ben and the houses of Parliament, which stand on the River Thames near Westminster Abbey. Go down the river to the Tower of London, and visit St. Paul’s Cathedral too.
  2. People come from all over the world to visit the British Museum. For art lovers, the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square has a beautiful collection of paintings, and so has the Tate Gallery in Westminster.
  3. Go to Oxford Street, where there are several large department stores. If you like small shops, there is an attractive shopping centre in Covent Garden. And London has over 100 street markets.
  4. London is well known for its many theatres: try and get tickets for the National Theatre, a modem building containing three theatres on the south bank of the Thames.
  5. If you like classical music, go to a concert at the Royal Albert Hall or the Royal Festival Hall. You can hear excellent jazz at Ronnie Scott’s club in Soho.
  6. London has many excellent restaurants, serving food from almost every country in the world. Go to Soho or Charlotte Street, try food at Italian, French, Chinese, Indian, Greek... sometimes it’s hard to find an English restaurant.

You have 20 seconds to check your answers. You will hear the text again.


М.З.Биболетова “Enjoy English-7” Unit 2 Section 9 ex.82 p.54

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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